His invisible creator Episode 15 & 16

🌖The Invisible Creator♣
(Is he a human??)
Episode 15⭐⭐
Written By: Tofunmi Nikky📝
🎻Amelia’s pov🎻
” We searched the cafeteria and the whole school, Tell me,,where did you two go together? “Gerald asked
” It’s a secret,,I’ll tell you when the time comes “I said and he stared at me strangely
” You should go home,,I’ll go and see him “he said and left me standing.
I know he’s angry at me but there’s nothing I can do,,, I can’t tell him. And am also sure Reed won’t tell him anything about where we went to.
I walked out of the school and was about to dial Greg’s number when his car pu-ll-ed to a halt beside me,,,,
I opened the car door and sat at the backseat, he started driving;
” Hi Greg “I said
” Afternoon Amelia “he replied
” Why are you late? “I asked
” I nee-d to fix some things on the car “He replied
” Oh! is uncle at home? “I asked again
” Yes “He replied
” Good. Let’s just to straight home “I said
” Alright “He said
🎧 Reed’s pov🎧
” Reed! “Mom called after me
I opened the door to my room and walked in,,, I entered the bathroom
” We really nee-d to talk Reed “She said, I know she’s going to follow me.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Huh? don’t tell me and still wearing the n£¢klace.
It always alert me whenever something bad wanted to happen,,, but I don’t think I nee-d it anymore.
” Reed!!! “I wanted to re-move it when I heard mom calling me again
I walked out of the bathroom and she faced me,,,
” Son “She muttered as I sat down on the be-d
” Why don’t you want us to celebr@te your birthday? “She asked
” It’s nothing mom “I said,, I can’t tell anyone about this especially mom,,she’ll be very worried
” Then let’s go on with the preparations “She shrugged
” Alright mom “I said with a sly smile
” That’s my son,,,,hurry up and come downstairs “She said and k!$$£d my forehead before leaving.
There’s no way am letting him go on with his plans,,, I have to do something.
🍦Vivian’s pov🍦
I stood outside staring blackly at the space,,, I’ve been moody since Reed spoke with me. Maybe something bad happened from where he was coming from,,,
A car drove into the compound and halted, isn’t this Gerald’s car??
” Vivian! “Gerald called approaching me
” You’re here ” I said walking up to meet him
” I c@m£ to see Reed,,is he home? “He asked and I nodded
” Yes,,,he is “I said and walked inside with him
” Wow! you didn’t even tell me the p@rty has started “He looked around and faced me
” You’re so funny,,is still few days ahead “I said after laughing
” Let me go and see my friend,,, I’ll be back “He said and walked away.
I saw Mrs Weston carrying a basket, I quic-kly hurried to meet her
” Is there anything I can do to help ma’am? “I asked as I st©pped at her front
” There’s a lot to do,, Follow me “She said,,I wanted to take the basket from her but she insisted so I let her carry it.
” Thanks “She smiled at me as we headed to the kitchen,,, I smiled back at her.
👖Gerald’s pov👖
I knocked on his door twice and then waited for his reply,,
” Come in “He said from inside. I opened the door and entered.
” It’s you? “He said more like he was surprised to see me
” Just tell me where did you go without telling me “I half yelled
” You don’t have to know “He scoffed climbing down from be-d
” I see. So you both planned this “I said
” Maybe “He said chuckling
” Am sure your birthday is going to be a grand one,,, you’re so lucky “I said and I noticed the look on his face changed.
” Let’s pl@ysome games before I finally leave “I said but she shook his head
” You won’t agree because you know I’ll beat you at it “I said proudly
” Let’s pla-y. Am going to show you am the best “He said and make me sit down on the be-d
” Uhm I can see you’re prepared “I said looking as he picked up the remote,, he smiled.
I did that just to make him pla-y,, he really knows how to pla-y. He’s the best and I know he gonna win this game.
” Are you re-ady? “He asked sm-irking and I nodded.
💄Vivian’s pov💄
” So let’s just make dinner “She said and brou-ght out some kitchen utensils.
” Okay ma’am,, but I can do the cooking alone “I said looking at her
” I know you can so just let me help you “She said and I nodded.
” We’re going to Cook cob salad ,Reed’s favourite “She said. so that’s his favourite food. Now I know.
” I’ll bring the vegetables “I said and went out. One of the maids directed me to the other kitchen,,, I got all the things we nee-d and went back to the kitchen.
” Am here with it “I said walking in fully
” You’re going with my son tomorrow to shop for some things “She said
Wait! what???
Episode 16💄
🐰Vivian’s pov🐰
I gulped in fright.
Me? going out with Reed. He told me to not come any close to him and now…
” Okay ma’am “I said and went to drop the tray before her. i turned on the g@s and put the lobster meat on fire.
My phone started ringing and I went to pick it up on the table,,,
” I’ll just take this call ma’am “I said
” Okay “She answered and walked out of the kitchen. It started ringing again and I quic-kly picked;
Mom said
📲Good evening mom,, How are you doing?
I asked
📲 Am fine,, How are you over there?
She asked and I smiled knowing how much she has missed me
📲Are you sure,, If you’re not okay there you can come home
She said
📲Am okay here mom,, They are all nice. I really wished you’re here to see it
I said and I heard her laugh from the other end.
📲If you say so
📲I’ll call you later mom, I have to get back to work
I said
📲 Okay Darling, Take good care of yourself
📲You too mom,,, Bye.
The call ended. I also missed you too mom but this all I can do so we can at least live a good and comfortable life,,, I put the phone in my pocket and went back to the kitchen.
Next Day
💧Greg’s pov💧
I ran towards their house with great speed,, I bur-st in and met uncle (Priest) crying. I walked up to him,,,,
” Uncle “I called,,he raised his head and looked at me with his teary face
” It’s like I don’t hear you properly on the phone,, you said you couldn’t find Amelia and I know that’s isn’t what you wanted to say,,, “I said trying ha-rd not to believe.
” I can’t find her,,, I know he’s the one behind this “He said crying more,,,
” Tell me how it happened?? “I said
” I woke up this morning but couldn’t find her on her be-d,,, plea-se don’t let anything to happen to Amelia “He said falling down on his feet
” plea-se calm down,,, am sure we’ll find her “I said kneeling before him
” Just do me a small favour,,, There’s this guy named Reed in her new school. Make sure you find him and plea-se tell him to see me “He suddenly said and I nodded.
” Alright Sir but plea-se don’t hurt yourself,, Let’s just hope nothing bad happens to her “I said before walking out.
♥Reed’s pov♥
A knock c@m£ on the door.
” Come in “I said and stood up from be-d,, The person opened the door;
” Good morning Sir “I heard her voice and turned sharply. I looked at her from head to toe,, She’s so beautiful and that’s one of the reasons I don’t want her to be so close to me. I’m afraid of falling in love,,,
” What do you want? “I said in a very calm way. I think I know what she’s here for,,, Mom wanted me and her to go out together but No… I can’t.
” Ma’am said we should…”I didn’t let her complete the s£ntence when I interrupted,,,
” I can’t go with you. Maybe you should go alone or better still the maids can do it “I said
” Am not gonna get on your nerves,, I won’t disturb you,, I promise “she said ma-king me chuckle
” I can’t follow you because I have something important to do,,,”I said
” Okay Sir,, I’ll go by myself “She said and bowed before leaving.
🍋Greg’s pov🍋
” Come in “The security opened the gate and let me in
” plea-se am looking for someone,, he’s name is Reed. “I said to him
” I don’t think he c@m£ to school today,,, come with me “He said. He lead the way and I followed him.
We both st©pped walking and he peeped from the window,,
” They are having a clas-s now. Maybe you should come back “He said facing me
” No,,I’ll wait “I said
* Alright then, once the clas-s is over you asked on them; They are his clas-smates “He said and I nodded.
” Thanks “I said as he walked away.
👑Reed’s pov👑
I fli-pped the book over to the next page,My n£¢klace shined brightly and this time it brou-ght a red light,,,, Something is wrong somewhere,,, Vivian!?
I opened the door and walked out,,
” Where is she? ”
” I wanna be there in the next one minute ”
” Where the heck is she? “I mumbled as I ran my hand throu-gh my hair. I’ve searched the whole shop but couldn’t find her,,,
Wait! There’s no place haven’t check. The restroom!
I started running not minding the stares from people,,, Not like I care. I st©pped running and faced my right.
I continued running, Here it is. I wanted to open the door but decided to not to.
I t©uçhed the n£¢klace and saw everything clearly;
She’s inside washing her face,, Damn! nothing is wrong with her.
I turned to go,,,I don’t want her to know am here. I st©pped,, Why am I having this feeling that he’s here?? The invis…
” Ahhh!! H..help… “I heard her loud scream and immediately kicked the door opened,,,
” Vivian! ”