His average wife episode 5

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 5
Lockwood Industries
Head office
59th Floor
” Sir these are the records of last week’s sh!pments”
John said handing him over the list with slight fear in his heart.
Ashton Lockwood was a completely unexpected and unpredictable man and this made people fear him.
As Ashton’s eyes remain fixed on a name on the list a little longer John gulped his saliva and started to explain.
“Sir they s£n-”
A show of hand from Ashton’s side made John go back to silence.
“WV Chemicals….. haven’t I told you not to deal with them?”
“Yes….Yes…Sir…but they are a very stable p@rty …they never block our payments and we are in nee-d of liquid cash right now to continue the flow of our working capital…”
John explained but Ashton didn’t look impressed.
Instead, Ashton pu-ll-ed up a chequebook and started writing something on it.
John was re-ady to plead…he didn’t want his last salary…he wanted many more.
He for once knew what will be Ashton’s next words.
He was going to fire him for sure.
As soon as Ashton pu-ll-ed out the check and offered it to him, he was alre-ady shaking with fear.
His trembling f!ngersgot hold of the piece of paper and he was going to say his last goodbye to his boss of the last 5 years.
But before he could utter a word his words st©pped him.
“$100000….I hope this will be enough to cope up with the pres£nt liquidity crises?”
Confused John looked down at the cheque in his hand to see it being a self cheque on Mr Ashton Lockwoods own personal bank account.
His boss was putting in funds into the business from his own personal savings and this made John respect him more.
“But Sir….if even two of our debtors repay us we will be fine…you don’t nee-d to do this..”
Ashton was back on his l@pt©p ignoring John’s next words.
It was his past habit of dismissing others by showing his lack of interest in them.
He claimed the title of being Rude and arrogant in his office and as-sociates and you can alre-ady guess why.
John decided to keep his mouth shut and leave when he again got an unexpected reply.
“WV Chemicals is as-sociated in illegal activities and I don’t want us to be as-sociate with them any further. Demand dues and end our dealings in future.”
“Sorry, Sir I didn’t know…I will do it immediately.”
“And Mr John?”
“Yes Sir?”
“You are in this position because you earned my trust… don’t do something that will make me doubt it”
John’s face lost colour.
His boss knew of him getting offered a commission by the secretary of WV Chemicals.
He knew about it all along but he didn’t show it.
Thank God he didn’t accept their offer till now otherwise no one could save him.
Now he knew WV Chemicals were not only pla-ying a dirty game by bribing him but we’re also involved in illegal activities.
He will cut his ties with the.
“Y..es..sir….I will never”
Ashton’s eyes locked with his for a second and John stared back with promise and truth in his eyes.
Ashton nodded in approval and got back to his work.
John rushed out of the room to calm the raging storm in his heart which his boss has managed to unleash with a mere stare and few truthful words.
Ananda stood in front of him with her short pencil Sk-irt displa-ying her long toned legs.
Her blonde hair was styled to perfection as always and the bright redl-ipstick on poutingl-ips was surely suggesting something.
Not to forget the way her f!ngerswere pla-ying with her blouses t©p bu-tton and her eyes giving him those s£dûçt!veglares.
“Who let you in? You can’t just walk in like you own this damn place!!”
“Oh come on Ash !! I used to come here every day and we used to enjoy here in this room every night ”
Ashton was getting irritated, can’t this woman un-derstand that he is a married man now.
“I know your boring wife can never give you what I offer you right now…so..?? You in?”
“Listen, Amanda, we just had a fling and it was over 2 years back!! Why are you so damn persistent!!”
“Ash, plea-se….I miss you so much…I never met a man like you before”
She was moving towards him pla-ying her dirty tricks like she usually does.
pla-ying with the collar of his suit with her manicured nails she continued.
“Just once more and you will realise how much you miss me…!! plea-se Ash just one chance!!”
To her surprise, within seconds she was pushed back on the glas-s mirror overlooking the city.
His large hands held onto her jaw r0ûghly as her back collided with the glas-s wall.
All her pla-yful attitude got replaced by sheer fear as her eyes met his cold ones.
His grip on her jaw was painful showing he was in no mood to pla-y.
“I am a married man now Miss Amanda Claire.No matter how good of a Fu** you were I would never cheat on my wife!!
Do you get it!!?”
She nodded as the first tear of rejection left her eyes.
She knew she was being selfish and childish to demand something like this from him but she had to give it a try.
She should not have forgotten how strong the foundation of his morals was.
“I asked do you un-derstand this Amanda!!”
“Y..es Ash….I mean Ashton ..I un-derstand.”
He pu-ll-ed back from her and she frantically searched for her bag to hurry out of his office.
“You belong to a reputed family Amanda…..refrain from doing something like this next time…I would hate to tarnish the image of women in society.”
She gulped as she un-derstood his un-derlying embe-dded threat.
He can behave like a shrewd businessman if required and she knew this really well.
“I apologize for today…it won’t happen next time.”
As soon as she left he sighed in frustration and sat back on his seat.
His eyes went on the screen of his smartphone and he picked it up to see if there were any missed calls.
The events of the morning flashed back and her innocent words ringing in his ears.
He woke up to an add!çting peach fragrance engulfing him.
Opening his eyes he found the source to be his ugly duckling.
Her slender n£¢k and her maze-like hair welcomed him and the events of last night c@m£ crashing in.
Moving back from her he decided to leave before she wakes up.
He was not that kind of a man that showed love or affection or even spoke a word of r0m@nç£.
He was cold and he knew it.
Getting up from the be-d he started to get re-ady to go for work.
He was ma-king the knot of his tie when she appeared before him with a tray of breakfast in her hands.
“I don’t know much except pancakes….so I decided to make them”
He looked back at the mirror to adjust the knot ignoring her words.
He could see her fidgeting with her f!ngersas she placed the tray on the side table and sat on the be-d.
Once finished he took the tray in his hands and started eating it slowly.
His eyes again landed on her to see her brown ones fixed on her hands.
“I….last night…..thank you for bringing me here….I mean I am sorry to disturb you ….I am scared of thun-der it’s just that….”
She was uttering nons-en-se still both of them knew what she wanted to say.
“Speak clearly Elle…I don’t have time.”
He said scrolling on his phone replying to some emails.
“Did we sle-pt……together …last night…I mean….”
“Don’t think and utter ru-bbish…so what if we sle-pt …. aren’t husband and wife supposed to?”
“Ya but….I….we don’t share that kind of….feelings..”
“I have made it clear that I only want obe-dience from you…you behave like a good wife and I can as-sure you I will always reciprocate it with care and responsibility.”
She nodded as he finished his last bite and was re-ady to leave.
“Also I have linked your name with my back account…the card is on the table ..feel free to use it… if you nee-d something else to call me between 1-2 or otherwise call my secretary”
She wanted to say she didn’t nee-d his card but decided to stay silent and accept his gratitude for once.
He was gone leaving her confused and tired of trying to un-derstanding the man she called her husband.
She debated on to call him or not.
It was 11 o clock at night and Rose nee-ded her help urgently.
Rose, as usual, has managed to get herself drun!kand media was waiting at the entrance for her shameful welcome.
She wanted Elle to come to get her in this situation of emergency.
Elle being the loving sister was re-ady to help her even if it meant breaking the curfew of 10 o clock set by her husband.
Finally, after getting irritated by constant calls of her sister she decided to tell Ashton once she comes back.
Also, she thought it will not take much time.
She reached the location s£nt to her to be welcomed with a club with neon lights.
Looking down she felt insecure about her clothing and cursed Rose in her mind.
Only Elle knew of how much of an add!çt her sister was of drugs and stuff.
It was a secret she managed to keep from her family since so many years.
Life of a model is never easy and this stuff just managed to numb Rose’s worries for a few hours.
Elle managed to enter the club from the back door as directed to her by Rose
But the sight in front of her made her innocent eyes shut down in shame.
People were ma-king out in corners, the smoke of cigarettes was everywhere around ma-king her cough it out.
People were wearing weird clothes and she felt like she stepped into hell.
Her eyes were only searching for one person and she found her pas-sed out on a sofa.
The black wig was doing little to hide her sister’s identity.
Anyone could have recognised her and no wonder what tomorrows headlines would have been.
Before she could move towards her a man blocked her way.
There were piercings on hisl-ips and ears and she was alre-ady getting a bad vibe from him.
“Hey, chica….wanna have some?”
He offered cigarettes to her after b!owing it at her face ma-king tears appear in her eyes.
She knew not to reply.
Pushing him aside she decided to pu-ll up Rose and balance her weight.
Rose looked up at Elle with a smile on her face and clinging onto her for support.
There were few times Elle got to see this sweet side of Rose and she loved it no matter what.
With great difficulty, Elle brou-ght Rose to her car and placed her on the pas-s£nger seat.
pu-lling out a water bottle Elle washed Rose’s face and also made her drink it.
Rose was not in her s-en-ses.
She was high and it generally takes half a day for her to return back to normal.
Sighing Elle decided to take her to her ap@rtment.
Changing her clothes and placing Rose on her be-d Elle decided to leave when her gaze fell on Rose’s purse.
Opening it she found what she was looking for.
Placing the packets of drugs in her pocket she decided to leave.
It would be better if Rose doesn’t find this stuff
As soon as she sat inside the car her eyes fell on the watch to see it was midnight.
Fear of Ashton reaching before her entered her mind and she felt really scared of him for the very first time.
Earlier she never did a mistake but today she was at fault and this fear was killing her from inside.
As soon as she reached home she was welcomed with darkness.
She thought she got saved today but then as soon as she took the first step to climb the staircase his voice made her freeze on her sp©t.
“Where were you ?”
TBC 💢💢💢