His average wife episode 30

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 30
If you think love grows below those sheets,
Try seeing what grows below those rising che-sts.
As two hearts are learning to beat as one, two souls have alre-ady surrendered to intermingle as one.
As the first piece of clothing was re-moved to clear his way to the depths of her valley, a toe-curling s-en-sation hit her ma-king her back arch up from the be-d.
The record of hundred k!sses got doubled in a few minutes as he pressed his claim on each and every inch of her skin.
All the unexplored places got invaded and she couldn’t believe what this man was doing to her.
She couldn’t accept the mere fact that some boring plain girl like her could be worsh!pped like this by the very god of perfection.
His every breath that la-id a little longer on her skin had her nearly die of anticipation.
His every t©uçh was like music to which her b©dy was happily dancing like a muse.
“You are trembling Elle, calm down.”
Her eyes locked with his concerned ones.
“I…mm I …..”
She couldn’t utter a word, her s-en-se to speak was long gone and she wondered how she could stay calm after what he was doing.
“I won’t go any further if you ask me to…you just have to say st©p”
She merely nodded desperate for him to continue.
But at the same time, her fear was not hidden from his eyes.
As his hands traced her outlines, her insides screamed with a weird s-en-sation.
Unaware of what her own b©dy was saying.
He continued ma-king her re-ady for what he was to offer her.
The we-tness of the sheets un-derneath showed how re-ady her b©dy was.
But those innocent eyes of hers
They were not re-ady.
He can’t see the fear in them on seeing what p@rt of his was going to enter her.
pu-lling out a sleep mask from the side table of the be-d he could see her staring at him with confusion.
Laying over her with his weight balanced on his elbows a gentle k!sswas stolen from herl-ips.
“There shouldn’t be any regrets after this Elle…you should not regret what I am going to do next”
Her eyes wi-de-ned when she realised what he meant.
She has waited for this day since last 9 months of their marriage.
She has waited for him to ask her this one question so badly.
“I won’t….love can never cause regret.”
The word love burned his heart in the fire of emotions.
“It can Elle….it can when you love a monster like me”
Her hands engulfed his face as she whispered in his ear.
“Then re-lease all your monsters tonight Ashton…show me who I have dared to love”
A final bink of approval from her long eyelashes was all he nee-ded to re-lease all his hidden de-sires.
Placing the sleep mask on her innocent eyes, he was re-ady to show her all the heights of ecstasy and all the colours of S-x.
As she welcomed darkness over her eyes, all her other s-en-ses got highlighted and that’s when she knew.
This night was just beginning and till now it was just a trailer.
She woke up to darkness.
She could still feel the fabric of the sleep mask on her eyes and she moved her hand to re-move it.
Tearing it away she closed her eyes when bright light blinded her.
Cursing she again opened her eyes to be only welcomed with the face of sm-irking Lorena.
“Fuc*** sh** Lorena!! You can’t just enter my room like this!!
Elle said pu-lling up the covers over her b©dy and staring at her with surprise.
“Oh come on!! You were asking me about be-d tricks last night …I just c@m£ to see if you were successful”
Elle sighed as she looked down with a blus-h on her cheeks.
“Is that a yes!! Oh my god…!! Finally!! I thought you will die as a vir-gin!”
Elle threw a pillow at her trying to hide that smile on her face.
“Just shut up Lori!!! Lower your voice for god sake!!”
Elle looked un-der the comforter to see her in her favourite PJ’s.
For a second she was confused.
Was this a dream?
But when she moved a bit and felt that slight cramps in her leg and we-tness between her legs.
She knew.
“Where is he?”
She asked, her voice showing a little bit of disappointment of not seeing his face the first thing in the morning.
“It’s 2 o clock, Elle! He had a court meeting at 11”
Elle said lowly pla-ying with her f!ngers.
“It was really important…today is the final declaration of the last case”
Her words made Elle look up at her surprised.
“So did he win this one?”
Lorena’s silence made something break inside Elle.
She wanted to see him, she wanted to be with him during these harsh times.
pu-lling up the quilt she rushed to the bathroom to get re-ady to be only st©pped by Lorena.
“Wait, Elle!! Just give him some time…he is a tough man…he will come back to you.. don’t worry”
“No Lori…you didn’t see him last night…he was alre-ady so broken…he tries to hide it all..but I can see throu-gh it.”
Lorena pleaded holding her arm to st©p her.
“He is not here Elle!! He left soon after the judgement!”
“Left? What do you mean he just left…where did he go!!”
“I don’t know”
Elle started pacing the room worried about where he could be.
She spent her entire day worrying about his wellbeing to only have him come back home late at night.
As soon as she saw him, without wasting a second he jumped into his arms and hvgged him ti-ghtly.
But he stood there stoic like a statue.
He didn’t return her hvg nor did he look at her.
She could smell alcohol from his clothes but him coming back safe was the only thing that mattered.
Her eyes were searching his, while he was avoiding her stare.
Moving ahead of her he entered with her at his tracks.
“Where were you, Ash!! How many times are you going to disappear like this…where were you!”
He didn’t reply ignoring her pleading eyes.
“It’s late…go to sleep”
We’re the only words he spoke as he entered the guest room and slammed the door shut on her face.
Shocked she pounded on the door with her tiny fists.
“Ashton!! Don’t be like this… plea-se…talk to me…. I will feel better..I promise.. plea-se!”
She continued to scream and shout to only get tired and slide down the door.
1 hour she did to only get silence in reply.
But she didn’t st©p till her vocal cords were paining and stomach was rumbling.
“Ashton plea-se….just open ……”
Her voice lowered down as each word she spoke burned her throat.
Her eyes were dropping in fatigue and she was leaning on the door for support.
To her surprise, he suddenly opened the door ma-king her b©dy to land on his che-st.
Steading her by holding her from her shoulder he spoke with irritation.
“Have you gone, nuts woman!! I told you to rest… don’t you un-derstand basic English!!?”
She smiled seeing him talk to her in his usual manner.
“Why are you laughing like a maniac…for god sake Elle just st©p smiling like an idiot every damn time!”
He could see her falling back as he loos£ned his grip on her.
She had bags un-der her eyes and her face screamed fatigue.
pu-lling her along, he took her to the kitchen counter and made her sit down.
Preparing a meal for both of them he worked with perfection as she gawked at him with admiration.
ma-king sure she finished everything on her plate, he tucked her inside her be-d .
“Why didn’t you wake me up in the morning?”
Her question made him turn his back on her and re-move his shi-t.
“We continued till late last night, you were tired”
The mere mention of the night made her blus-h.
“Thank you”
He asked still with his back on her
“Thank you….for you know being caring…and gentle while we did it last night”
All his movements ceased right there as his back faced her.
He didn’t answer.
And this made her think she said something wrong.
Being inexperienced and naive on t©p of that was surely a lethal combination.
“I..sorry….I didn’t mean ..I don’t know what I am saying… don’t mind my nons-en-se”
She stammered while saying as her cheeks flared up.
“It can’t happen again”
His words stabbe-d straight into her delicate heart.
She froze and her blabbering mouth got sealed in silence.
“What….what do you mean?”
She managed to ask with her shaking voice.
He turned around and that’s when she saw it.
The very thing she spent her entire 9 months melting was back to its original.
This can’t happen.
He can’t go back to being that rude arrogant Ashton.
A night of plea-sure should not have such repercussions.
“I don’t regret what we did, I had your approval so there is nothing I should feel bad about.
But repeating it…I am sorry but it’s not possible”
Her palms were clenched in fists as she stared at him with pain and madness.
“So you mean to say that now that you have fuc*** me like a fv¢k** toy…you are to discard me!! Do you take me to be one of your disgusting who** Ashton!!
I am your legally married wife for god sake!!!”
“Lower your voice …. don’t start your drama now!”
He spoke unaffected by her words.
Drama? Her emotions…they were a drama for him?
Were all those inti-mate moments a joke for him.
“Why….why are you being like this again Ashton? What wrong did I ever do!”
Her eyes pleaded for answers as he sighed in frustration.
“What wrong you did…..as if you even know how you messed up a sane man like me”
Confused she stared into his eyes, trying to find any answers.
“The way these fv¢k*** innocent eyes of yours stare at me, the way your caring t©uçh messes up my br@in….and the way this b©dy of yours responds to my t©uçh….they are all fv¢k*** wrong Elle!!
How ignorant you are to my struggles of controlling myself around you!!
I can’t love you but still, you are here standing in front of me giving me all the reasons to fv¢k you again!!
Her mouth opened and closed in shock.
Not able to process what he was saying.
Within seconds her face was pressed closer to his as a firm hand was placed on her slender n£¢k.
His heavy breath landed on herl-ips as she stared at those shining orbs.
“We are not lovers Elle…we are just two p@rties of a contract.
As soon as our term ends you are to leave me forever.”
Her eyes were we-t with tears as the truth c@m£ crashing in.
“This may look like a dream right now but soon you will wake to reality.
And mark my words Elle…no one and I mean no one will be there to cudd-lewith you and wipe your tears.
No one will feed your empty stomach and tell this to you.
Monsters in the real world don’t have horns and scary scars.
They are around you re-ady to pounce when you turn your back on them.”
As the first tear escaped her eye and travelled her cheek he k!$$£d it’s trail behind.
She sobbe-d louder as she felt his t©uçh.
“And I am one of them, Elle”
The final words he spoke made her b©dy freeze in shock.
This can’t be true, she trusts him more than herself.
“I am not to be trusted, Elle…I have secrets that can destroy you.
Trust me when I say stay away from me from now on”
She placed her hands on his che-st and pushed him back.
ma-king him step only a foot away.
“Then why you spoke those words earlier….why you k!$$£d thesel-ips…why you t©uçhed this b©dy if it doesn’t belong to you.
Why you showed care when you could be indifferent.
Why you saved me every time when I didn’t mean anything to you.
Tell me Ashton and I swear you will never see my face again!
Tell me and I will believe it that you never loved me!!”
His stare didn’t falter, looking back into her eyes he spoke.
“Because I am indebted to you and no matter what that debt can never be paid”
She looked confused at him and he didn’t explain any further.
Moving back from her he left the room to only have her runner behind him.
“Which debt Ashton… which debt are you talking about!”
His be-droom door was slammed on her face as she stood there in turmoil.
She has gone crazy un-derstanding this man.
It was now time to take matters in her hands.
pu-lling out her ph0to from her pocket she dialled the number she had rejected multi-ple times in the past few days thinking to be spam.
The same voice spoke that wanted to tell her that she can save Ashton’s company if she wished.
” Hello”
“Where can we meet? ”
The person on the other side smiled with a grin of victory
“Tomorrow morning 11
Head office
24 th floor
WV chemicals”
” Okay but I don’t want anyone to know”
“Don’t worry dear confidentiality is always my first priority”
Elle ended the call and returned to her chambers but not before starting at his closed-door one last time.
So close he was to telling her everything.
But then at the last moment, he just couldn’t.
He can’t see that hatred in her eyes.
Betrayal of her loved ones will break her and he doesn’t have the courage to tell her.
Placing the nozzle of the whiskey between hisl-ips, he gulped large amounts till his throat burned.
His b©dy nee-ded those drugs right now and he searched his room frantically for them.
Unable to find them he smashed the bottle on the ground ma-king glas-s shreds to splitter around everywhere.
He lost his last case today.
There was nothing left now.
His dream has shattered into pieces just like his childhood.
He can’t build it all again.
He doesn’t have that zeal left in him now.
His dad must be disappointed in him.
He has not taken his calls since last two days.
The only good thing left in his life…Elle
She will also be leaving him very soon.
She deserves a better man than him.
She will definitely be happy with that Jack guy.
The ceiling was spinning as he managed to reach the washroom and vomit out all the toxics his system was rejecting.
People drink water to clean after vomit, but he gulped alcohol.
“It will kill you!”
Her earlier words repeated in his mind and he smiled.
Her beautiful smile flashed in front of his eyes and he gulped down the last sl!pfrom the last bottle he had managed to finish.
Numb was all he felt.
He knew it was not the end of the world, he knew by doing this he was again hurting those who are close to him.
But how can he help it?
This was how the cold silent king drowned in his miseries behind closed doors.
This was how he hurt him after hurting those who are close to him.
You ask if I love you?
If only you knew how much it hurts to lie to you that I don’t