His average wife episode 27

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 27
What good are those warm hands?
If you don’t hvg me
What good are those insulting words,?
If you don’t mean them.
And what good is that cold heart,
If it is still beating for me.
“Sh**!! Just st©p it ugly duckling!! You just had 2 glas-ses of vine for god sake!”
He said running behind her with her purse in his hands.
Not bothered by his words she was busy jumping in the muddy puddles.
Her giggling was the only sound surrounding them in the deserted parking lot.
And he was more annoyed than amused at her.
Her tempting dress was now drenched in rainwater from head to toe.
With nothing to st©p him from as-sessing her.
The dress was sticking to her like a second skin and he could see the shape of her figure.
Those long black hair were sticking to her and he just wanted to brush them back from her n£¢k and face.
Her hands were wi-de open and her head was tilted up to look into the falling water droplets.
“Elle!! Oh god, this girl will make me go crazy!!
pu-lling her along towards the car he kept dragging her but she outrightly refused.
Trying to dig her heels into the concrete gravel she was screaming in protest.
“Nooo!! Just leave me !!! You…you son of a gun!! You basket!!! Let me go!?”
He sighed staring at her with seriousness.
After 5 minutes of in vain attempts of ma-king him let go, she finally screamed in frustration.
“Are you done?”
Next, he knows she was pu-lling the nonexisting mas-s on his cheeks and cursing at him.
“See!! You don’t even have chubby cheeks!! What do I pu-ll now”
Her hands moved towards his hair and he screamed in horror.
“Just st©p Woman!! Not my hair…no..!!”
Before he could protest further her tiny fists have taken a hold of his silky hair with a crazy smile on her face.
The umbrella in his hands was ma-king it impossible for him to use his other hand to st©p her.
And ultimately she was smiling ear to ear and he was screaming at her to st©p.
“They are soooo soft!! Wow!! So silky…… I also want them!! plea-se…. pretty plea-se ”
Her tiny fists were having a very strong grip on his hair and he finally had to let go of the umbrella.
Pushing her on the bonnet of the car he held her fists in his hands on either side and screamed in frustration.
“Don’t.you.ever.t©uçh.my.hair.again! ”
In response to his anger, he got a hiccu-p as a reply and she again bur-st in fits of laughter.
Unable to tackle her crazy state he pushed her inside the car and placed on the seat belt.
Reaching home was the only thing in his mind.
Pressing on the child lock he looked at her.
Her hands were placed on her mouth trying to st©p the hiccu-p but it was of no use.
The irritating noise kept coming every few seconds.
They finally reached home to make him leave her in the car and go back inside.
He didn’t want to handle any more of her nuisance.
Also, he thought she could manage from here but how wrong he was.
Putting away his coat and tie he c@m£ out of the shower to see her nowhere in sight.
It has been around 10 minutes and she still was not able to reach their room.
Just wonderful!
Putting on his sli-pper’s he went down the stairs to see no sign of her.
He checked the car but still, she was nowhere to be found.
“Elle!! Elle!”
He started searching frantically for her.
A little weight of fear getting loaded on his heart.
It was still drizzling outside and luckily there was no thun-der today.
He couldn’t imagine handling her when drun!kwith her Astrophobia.
His gaze st©pped on a shadow near the pool and he sighed in relief.
With heavy steps and he ban-ged the door to the pool open and stormed inside.
It was an open pool with water drops landing on the pool water.
Her eyes were fixed on the shape each droplet formed.
With legs di-pped in the water, she looked like a 5-year-old child who visits a pool for the first time.
Her legs were splashing water everywhere including him.
“What are you doing here? ”
In response, he got a wi-de smile and splash of water directed towards him.
He stepped back in surprise of her audacity while she simply giggled at her own childishness.
“Are you nuts!! I just had a bath!!”
In response, he got another giggle and a bigger splash this time.
“Elle Lockwood!! Get up and come inside this instance!!”
His authoritative voice made her sober up only for few seconds as she was back to splashing water and giggling.
He has had enough of her now.
Moving towards her in that drizzling rain he was determined to teach her a lesson.
s-en-sing him approaching she was fast enough to run on the other side of the pool and make funny faces at him.
Unknown to him that angry scowl at his face got replaced by a natural smile as he followed her around the pool.
Her giggles were st©pped at by her hiccu-ps every minute and he found this amusing now.
“You can’t catch me, dear husband!! You are a boo.boo!!”
“Oh, really ugly duckling just wait and watch what I do with you when I catch you!!”
They both got exhausted and finally, Ashton approached her with a victorious look on his face.
She was breathing heavily holding onto her stomach.
“Mo…ove back…I…”
She looked back to see the edge of the pool behind her.
His mischievous eyes challenging her to escape from him now.
With each step, he took her heart thumped in her che-st fas-ter.
“Stay….st..ay back…. don’t come near …me”
Next, she knows the length of her dress got entangled with her feet and she found herself to be falling back.
The mischief was all gone from her eyes as the fear of her inability to swim got to surface.
Her scared eyes locked on his and her hands moved forward for his help.
He gr@bb£d onto her outstretched hand to only sm-irk at her.
“Scared darling? In nee-d of my help?
She was dying of her fears and he was laughing at them.
She suddenly hated his guts of ma-king fun of her fears.
“A person like you nee-ds more help than I do”
Her words hit it right on the sp©t.
All the humour vanished from her eyes getting replaced by the usual arrogance.
His grip on her hand ti-ght£ñed showing how much her words affected him and next *ban-g*
He left her hand to make her look at him with vulnerability and fear.
“Enjoy your di-p”
She didn’t expect this, not in a hundred years.
She felt betrayed.
The second he left her hand she realised just how much of a nightmare reality was.
Her shaking f!ngerstried to find his hands once again but sadly he had turned his back on her.
Her b©dy landed on the surface with a hvge splash and she didn’t even get the time to gulp in air and st©p her breath.
Water gushed into her eyes and mouth ma-king it impossible to see anything.
Her b©dy landed diagonally to only make her go dee-per with each struggle.
Soon her eyes adjusted to the surroundings and the white tiled floor of the pool c@m£ into her view.
Her legs t©uçhed the surface to be only thrû-st upwards with her every attempt.
The pool was 6 feet de-ep where she fell but was still dee-per than her height.
Her b©dy was rotating un-der the water trying to find an escape.
Her hands could t©uçh the floor of the pool but not it’s surface.
Then with one upward thrû-st with her legs, she ba-rely managed to reach the surface and gulp in air.
She knew she could survive this.
She just had to reach a corner and she will be fine.
She was moving towards safety doing everything she could.
Legs hands…she was moving everything.
Only when a meter of a distance was left and she was celebr@ting victory.
But who said victory comes easily.
Something unexpected happened that blew her candle of hope.
She hiccu-ped
The air got blocked and it suddenly bec@m£ impossible to breathe..
Her eyes were tearing and all her lim-bs felt numb.
He couldn’t believe himself.
Just how can he act like that with her.
Giggling, laughing like seriously he has not laughed in ages.
Her words were harsh but true
” A person like you nee-ds more help than I do”
She was right for the first time.
But sadly he couldn’t help it.
He doesn’t nee-d an insecure and vulnerable person like her to tell him this.
He was fully capable to fight his demons on his own, he didn’t nee-d her help.
He was going inside when he decided to look at her for the last time.
He knows she couldn’t swim.
He knows almost everything about her then why not this.
He left her hand to give her a hint of how inhuman he can be.
To show her how wrong she was to trust him in the first place.
He wanted to make sure she never trusts a man like him again in future.
But what happened was not even expected by him.
The side of the pool where he left her hand was 5 feet de-ep.
There was a sharp slope between the 5 feet and 6 feet depth of the pool.
He thought she will be able to stand in the 5 feet pool and will be able to come back.
But the stupid girl had gone towards the dee-per side of the pool instead of coming towards the shallower one.
His gaze went on her struggling b©dy on the dee-per side of the pool he stilled in horror.
“fuc****sh**”!! You stupid girl!!”
Not caring of removing his clothes he dived into the depths of the pool.
He could see her silhouette starting to still un-derwater and he pushed his hands ha-rder.
As soon as his eyes met her scared ones he didn’t waste another second and placed hisl-ips on her.
Giving her all the oxygen he kept for himself, he pu-ll-ed her b©dy in his arms.
She found her solace in the breath of oxygen he gave her.
Pressing herl-ips ti-ghtly to his, she didn’t want to waste even a bubble of it.
He pu-ll-ed them above the surface of the water, with her refusing to break the k!ss.
She feared death if she broke it and he couldn’t help enjoy the feeling.
Her responding was enough for him to know that she will be fine.
With bodies entangled in depths of the pool,l-ips crashed in nee-d for life support and face drenched in drops of rain.
They were planting a seed which neither of them cared to notice.
A seed of love which will only grow into a tree one day and that day no one of them will be able to bring it down no matter how sharp the axes they try on it.
Her teary eyes opened to land on his closed ones and she st©pped the k!ss.
On her lack of response, he looked at those teary brown orbs.
Her b©dy was still clinging onto him for support while his feet were easily tou-ching the floor.
She was shivering badly and he couldn’t help pu-ll her closer.
The drizzling weather, the silent night, his eyes….they all did something inside her which she couldn’t un-derstand.
It all felt familiar.
Like she had experienced this before.
Before she could un-derstand what she was doing her hand moved up to t©uçh his face.
Her f!ngerstraced his forehead, his eyes, his nose to finally st©p at those lvstrousl-ips.
He couldn’t control himself.
Her actions were reminding him of that night 23 years back.
He had closed his eyes to only see that little girl tracing his face like Elle was doing right now.
The night he dreams of every night, the girl who keeps him awake at night was right there in front of him torturing him with those innocent brown eyes.
He finally opened his eyes to only get lost in her brown ones.
So beautiful…so pure…so caring.
He couldn’t keep it in any longer.
He was breaking from the inside and he desperately wanted someone.
The girl in front of him was again on the verge of death just because of his foolishness.
How can he repent?
How can he even apologize for this?
Not knowing what got into him he simply placed his hands behind her and hvgged her.
Closely enclosing her in his warm embr@ce he found his solace, his peace, his serenity.
She was shocked.
Her arms were loosely hanging on her sides as he had ti-ghtly embr@ced her.
His stubble beard was ma-king her shoulders tickle but she tried controlling it.
Not sure of what to do, she gently placed her hand on his back and tapped it.
“I….am… sorry…Elle….I am so sorry…I thought…I….”
He was stumbling in her ears and she couldn’t believe it.
A person like Ashton Lockwood never said sorry, nor did he hvgged anyone.
Then who was this person in her embr@ce?
He sounded so broken that Elle just wanted to k!sshim again and tell him it was fine.
Even though she knows it was a very bad move to let her go like that….but maybe he didn’t know that she couldn’t swim she thought.
Coming back to reality he suddenly moved back from her like her t©uçh burned him.
But she screamed in surprise as he was her only support.
Realising this he again moved forward to gr-ab her
“Oh sorry!”
“St©p moving…it’s fine, just hold onto me!”
She listened to him and he finally made her reach to safety.
He looked at her retreating back to only open and close his mouth like a fish.
He wanted to say so much but now he lost the opportunity.
Hitting the surface of the water with his fist he la-id backwards on the water to stare at the drizzling rain.
He spoke looking up at the dark sky and sighing.
“Piove sul bagnato!”
( When it rains, it pours)
She was sober now drying her hair with the hairdryer.
She couldn’t forget what she felt like un-der the water.
The fear of dying.
She experienced it for the first time and it was enough to keep her awake for numerous nights.
That heaviness un-derwater, that scary silence un-der its surface.
Those floor tiles….that inability to breathe.
She closed her eyes but to her surprise the scene which she saw was him k!ss!ngher un-derwater.
That feeling which made her look at herself in the mirror and t©uçh herl-ips.
It overpowered all the fears.
Feeling shy all of a sudden she smiled to herself.
The scene was so ro-mantic and cliché that she couldn’t help herself from blu-shing.
Her another side of the br@in was telling her to hate the man for leaving her hand while her emotional self was swimming in feelings of love.
Her thoughts c@m£ to rest when she saw her come back from the washroom.
Tonight she was the one taking hidden glances whereas he was the one staring directly at her.
No words were exchanged.
Both were feeling some new things which cannot be expressed with words.
He was scratching his n£¢k in awkwardness every few minutes while she was blu-shing without a reason.
Finally, both la-id down on the be-d to sleep.
But who could sleep after the day’s events?
Both kept changing sides hoping the other one was asleep.
Ashton was staring at Elle’s back.
His b©dy in desperate nee-d of her t©uçh.
The hvg earlier was so mind-calming that he never knew something so silly as a hvg could have such power.
Before he could move back his hand she had turned around and he was caught red-handed.
He was ton-gue-tied staring at her innocent eyes.
Next, he knows he found his heaven.
She moved towards him and cu-mddled to him in his quilt.
He looked down at her surprised at how she knew what he wanted.
If only he knew she wanted the same thing.
Placing his hand gently on her back he pu-ll-ed her inside his quilt and inhaled her peach blo-ssom fragrance.
“Nightmares can be disturbing….you are to sleep with me for next few days”
He said and she smiled pressing her face on his che-st.
To her surprise, his heartbeat entered her ears and she was surprised to hear the pace of it.
It was much fas-ter than normal.
Could this be her doing?
The very thought made her blus-h again and press her b©dy to him ti-ghtly.
“Why did you k!ssme un-derwater when you could have simply pu-ll-ed us out of the water?”
The question made him look down at her and whisper.
“What’s the fun in that ugly duckling?”
His sm-irk made her hit his che-st with her small fist.
“I nearly died today!! Just because of you…you j£rk!”
He just pressed her head to his che-st and spoke so lowly that even she couldn’t un-derstand my h except for the word sorry.
“And I died seeing you die, Elle..I am really sorry”
Both found sleep in each others embr@ce trying to soothe the wounds that were burning in hate.
TBC 💢💢💢😘