His average wife episode 18

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 18
” Have you ever wondered why lotus grows in mud, rainbows appear after rain and betrayal come after love?
The answer is simple Adversity brings the best out of humanity
Just like jealousy brings the best out of love.”
They c@m£ back very happy.
Even though they had to return in between of their honeymoon still a new kind of attra-ction was developing between the two which they kept ignoring.
They called it friendsh!pto keep it on a safer side but who were they convincing?
Friends don’t share lvstful thoughts and they definitely don’t go crazy with a single t©uçh.
In the veil of a friendsh!ptale, an £r0ticsteamy r0m@nç£was going on.
She was happy after a very long time.
Even when he was hundreds of miles away from her, she still sees his lvstful eyes staring back it her.
To evidence her thoughts her nightmares were now only revolving around him.
Not just ordinary ones but full-on S-xual ones where she sees him completing what he left incomplete on their honeymoon.
The poor soul felt strange as she felt the we-t sheets.
Her nights were sleepless with her b©dy reacting like it never did before.
She wanted to sleep but how could she when she was enjoying whatever that was happening to her.
Even though the nights were sleepless but still she was smiling every morning with thoughts of the previous night.
It has been 2 days since he left and she was cleaning his office.
She wanted to arrange all his files in order so that he doesn’t have difficulty finding them.
Her f!ngerslanded on something in the lower drawer covered in a brown envelope.
Deciding to arrange it according to what it was, she opened it.
Marriage contract
We hereby decide to abide by this contract in pres£nce of eyewitnesses mentioned below.
As per the terms mentioned in clause 1 I Ashton Lockwood agree to accept Elle Hamilton as my wife in all legal form.
I will fulfil all my duties as her husband to my best of capacity.
She will be my responsibility and I hereby as-sume the role of her guardian till the term to this contract ends.
The power of attorney lies in my hands in respect of all the properties that she inherited from her grandfather.
The attorney will be surrendered along with my rights with the end of the term.
As per clause 2 para 1 I Elle Hamilton agree to this contract in all my s-en-ses.
I agree to fulfil all the duties I am obliged to fulfil as the wife of Ashton Lockwood.
I accept his terms and hereby leave him in charge of all my inheritance.
With the end of terms on the l@pse of the contract period I hereby agree to leave him.
I agree to no longer keep any contact with him and declare myself to be a divorced woman.
Clause 1
Duties of p@rty 1
1. Will abide by my wedding vows.
2. Will treat her with respect
3. Will not let any other person know of the existence of this contract except p@rty 2
4. Will allow her to leave at the end of term and not f0rç£ her in any manner.
5. Will protect her from everyone including myself.
Clause 2
Duties of p@rty 2
1. Will respect our wedding vows
2. Will treat him with respect.
3. To never let any third p@rty know of this agreement.
4. Will never put my claim on anything belonging to him till this term ends.
5. Will be obe-dient to his wishes
6. Will leave him at the end of term with no claims on him or his properties.
Binding on both.
Both p@rties are to refrain from anything involving consummation of this marriage.
Anything other than that is allowed provided both p@rties are cons£nting to it.
Any form of complications existing at the end of the term of the marriage will be dealt with accordingly.
At end of term p@rt, 1 will no longer have the power over an attorney and all inheritance of p@rty 2 will be transferred in her name automatically.
Consequences of breach of contract:
1. The defaulting p@rty can be sued and all his/ inheritance will be taken back.
2. Fine of 1 lack dollars to be imposed on losing p@rty.
3. The winning p@rty gets lifted of all its responsibilities as mentioned in this contract.
4. In case of the binding clause being revoked and both consummating the marriage, this contract will not be revoked unless it results in impregnation of p@rty 2.
Subclause 4(1)
In such a case p@rty 1 will have full rights over the unborn child.
Being the future heir to Lockwood industries the
We both hereby agree to all the clauses mentioned above.
Without any external influence, we are signing on to this contract in all our knowledge and s-en-ses.
p@rty 1 signature
p@rty 2 Signature.
The piece of paper fell from Elle’s hands as she saw her signature down there along with his.
She was so blind.
She blindly signed to papers thinking it to be their marriage registration papers when she was signing her destruction herself.
Her shaking hands again picked up the paper searching for just one last thing
Duration of contract:
12/10/2019 to 11/10/2020
That was it.
Her b©dy fell on the ground as she broke in loud sobs.
He betrayed her
Her trust, her love everything.
She kept re-ading the contract again and again.
Each word written in it stabbe-d new wounds into her alre-ady wounded heart.
She could have forgiven him for everything except one thing.
Those two lines made her hate him as much as she loved him.
” the child will remain in full custody of father and mother will be refrained from meeting the child.”
Who does he think of himself?
Who was he to decide this?
Who gave him the right to think he controls her life!!
Even though she couldn’t expect a child as they never did S-x but still if one day she has a child, she will love him/her with everything in her.
Her child will never face the childhood which she had.
Her child will be very special and she will l@yher entire world at his/her feet.
She now knew the reason he st©pped in between their h0t sessions.
Why he couldn’t look into her eyes and went out of the room.
Why he never loved her.
The one person she was opening up to had once again pla-yed with her heart.
How do easily he pla-yed with her feelings while she thought maybe he cared for her?
He only cared for this contract and his inheritance.
She was just a key to his treatures which he will throw out once he used it.
The whole day she stayed there thinking and hating him more and more.
But before hating him she was hating herself.
Her dumb self for signing before re-ading, for expecting that a person like him will marry an ugly girl like her.
She knew he had made it clear from the beginning of how much he hated the idea itself of marrying her.
But this,? Deception was not what she ever expected.
It was night now and she was laying at the same sp©t crying for the last four hours.
She wanted a re-lease
Anything that could soothe this pain in her heart.
Anything that could distract her from reality.
She never did anything wrong in her whole life.
An obe-dient child first listening to her parents then her husband.
But now no more
What for? When they all didn’t give a damn!!
pu-lling out a very S-xy dress with nûd£ heels she made her way to a famous pub.
She didn’t turn heads when she went there instead she even had to wait in the long line to get inside.
She saw some girls flir-ting with the guards and getting inside but she knew she would make a joke of herself if she did it.
As soon as she entered stink of alcohol welcomed her with ear numbing music.
Without wasting a second she made her way to the bartender
“Super strong, double!”
He bartender smiled and gave her the glas-s.
Her phone vibr@ted in her hands and she saw Ashton calling.
Newly formed tears made her vision hazy as she placed the call on silent and gulped down the drink in her hands in one go.
The bartender looked surprised at her as she ordered another glas-s of it.
His eyes wi-de-ned when to his shock she gr@bb£d the bottle out of his hands and placed dollars on the counter.
“Keep the change!!”
She yelled over the loud music as she disappeared into the maze of dancing bodies with the bottle still in her hands.
She didn’t care about anyone right now.
Her parents, Rose, Thomas, Ashton her reputation, his position all vent down the drain as whiskey went down her throat.
She was swaying her h!ps to the beat of the music and watching the crowd of unknown people surrounding her.
Instead of fear, she felt safe.
At home sitting alone crying she was scared but her surrounded by so many unknown faces not judging her made her feel at ease.
Her hands were hitting random people and her heels stomping random shoes.
She kept mumbling sorry as people cursed at her crazy self.
But she didn’t care.
She gave them a bright smile and lifted the bottle in the air re-ady to take another sip of the throat burning liquid.
But her actions halted when a stranger c@m£ and held the bottle in his hands.
“Easy princess, you don’t wish to pas-s out here itself”
Her irritated eyes land on a pair of grey ones as he smiled at her.
He tried getting the bottle from his hands when he lifted the bottle higher.
Alre-ady feeling the effect of alcohol she landed on his che-st as he steadied her placing his hand on her w@!st.
“See…this is what I was trying to tell you”
Feeling awkward all of a sudden, tou-ching a stranger she moved back from him suddenly hitting someone in the process behind her.
Before she could apologize the man with grey eyes alre-ady did it on her p@rt.
“Sorry man, plea-se continue”
He saw her starting to dance again and he moved closer to protect her.
His big frame prevented anyone from hitting on her or her hitting them.
After half an hour she finally decided to leave when she saw her whole world spinning.
She held onto the leather jacket of the grey-eyed man as she tried regaining her balance.
“Is the world spinning?”
He asked and she looked confused at him.
How did he know?
Nodding she managed to ask him his name
“I am Jake Miller beautiful, nice to meet you”
He held her shoulders for her support as she smiled at him.
A few hours later-
“So Mr Jake you are telling me that such a handsome man like you don’t have a girlfriend?”
Elle said placing her arm over his shoulder in a friendly manner
“Yup never met a girl of my choice before”
Elle searched the crowd and her eyes landed on a beautiful blonde-haired girl
Pointing to her she poked Jack
“How about that one? Looks cute!”
Jake looked at the girl to see her alre-ady grinding at a boy.
“Then that one?”
The girl was sitting in a corner alre-ady un-der the influence of a drug.
pu-lling Elle out of the club he decided to take her home.
“Hey!! I was findi…*hiccu-p* a h0t S-xy girlfr*hiccu-p* for you!! Why did you drag me*hiccu-p* out?”
Jake smiled at her cute hiccu-ps and supported her swaying b©dy with an arm around her back.
Next, they know Elle bowed down near the bushes emptying her stomach.
Jake ru-bbe-d circles on her back as she felt very weak all of a sudden.
“Can you walk?”
Jack asked with concern in his voice as Elle moved her head in a no.
“Okay, no problem just hold onto me ti-ghtly”
And with that, he placed one hand un-der her legs and another un-der her w@!st lifting her up.
Her grip ti-ght£ñed around his n£¢k as she felt the world rotating.
Gently placing her inside his car he asked her of her address and thankfully she was still in a bit of her s-en-ses to give him her address.
The guards st©pped him at the gates but as soon as they saw her along with him, the doors were wi-de opened for them
Maria looked surprised seeing a stranger carrying Elle in his arms at their doorstep.
She showed him the way to her room and thanked him for taking care of her.
He was gone to receive the biggest surprise of his life the very next day.
With the media surrounding his house and their pictures on the cover of newspapers.
He was shocked to know the new friend he made last night was not just a normal girl.
She was Elle Lockwood
Wife of the youngest billionaire in town Ashton Lockwood.
News of them enjoying together spre-ad like wildfire.
She woke up with a headache next day to receive a heart attack.
The caption was as disturbing as the pictures.
Anyone could doubt their relationsh!pseeing those pictures.
He holding her in his arms.
Her arms locked behind his n£¢k.
Him placing her inside his car.
If the news that she got yesterday was disturbing these pictures were mind-numbing.
She doesn’t know what to do.
Who to explain, where to start, she was totally clueless.
Her drun!ken self did a blun-der last night and she knows that this will be the only and the biggest mistake she will ever do in her life.
Throwing the newspaper she la-id back on the be-d with fresh tears we-tting her eyelashes.
Her phone started vibr@ting and she looked at it to see Ashton calling her.
She doesn’t know what to tell him, how to explain this to him?
He only asked for obe-dience and it was the very thing she broke last night.
Her shaking f!ngersjust couldn’t place the green bu-tton.
She just couldn’t muster enough courage…she nee-ded some time.
As the call got disconnected she saw large number of messages popping up
Missed call from Ashton at 12:03….Missed call from Ashton at 1:02 am……
There were in total 67 misses calls since last evening.
She didn’t pick his calls yesterday because of the betrayal he gave her.
She couldn’t just talk normally and show that everything was fine.
But she was surprised to see that even when her phone got switched off because of low battery, he kept on calling her.
She nee-ded to explain to him everything.
He should not doubt her like everyone else.
He has to believe her.
Only in the afternoon, she was prepared to talk to him.
Calling him with heart anxious and f!ngersfidgeting she waited for him to pick her call.
10 calls and he still didn’t pick up.
She felt afraid now.
Afraid of him hating her like everyone else.
But since when has ever believed what she has said.
“Maria….did Ashton called you yesterday?”
Maria nodded a bit scared of telling her the truth.
“Sir asked about your whereabouts…and I told him…the truth”
Elle nodded looking back at her empty plate.
Maria is very loyal to Ashton, why will she lie to him ever for her sake.
Her thoughts got interrupted when their doorbell rang.
Maria opened the door and she looked shocked to see who was standing there.
Her real parents stood there and her happiness had no limit.
She was seeing them after 2 months and without wasting a second she engulfed her father in a hvg.
He placed his hand on her back as her mother stared at her with fury.
She moved towards her to engulf her in a hvg when a newspaper was thrown at her face.
Elle stood frozen at her sp©t as the smile vanished from her face.
“This is what I taught you? To behave like a desperate bi*** and roam around with another man?
To do this!!”
She said showing her the picture in the newspaper.
Elle held her head down.
Unable to look up at her mother.
Herl-ips were quivering as she kept moving her head in a no.
“That poor guy loves you so much but you can’t keep your legs closed..huh?
You betray Ashton, your family and even our reputation!!
Do you have any slightest of an idea what you have done you, foolish girl!!”
“Mama….I…. didn’t….I didn’t do anything…you are…just as-suming…I swear mom…I swear ….he is just a friend….I…”
Her father moved forward to console her when her mother held his arm.
“You are not going anywhere near her!! Don’t let her tears fool you!! She cries at every small thing thinking we will feel sympathy on her!!”
Another dam of tears broke down at her mother’s cold words.
She has scolded her before but never like this.
It never went to this extent.
Maria and all the staff in the house stood in the corners watching their madam getting disgraced.
“But mama, plea-se ….I am sorry….I”
Her words got cut when a loud sl@p echoed in the halls ma-king everyone flin-ch.
Elle held her throbbing cheek with her hand as a loud sob broke from her.
“There was no nee-d for that…she is just a child-
Her father interrupted when Mrs Hamilton glared at him
“You stay out of this David!! If you haven’t spoiled her in the past she wouldn’t have done something like this!!”
Elle could not hear her mother talking to her father like that.
He was always there for her, unlike her mother.
She can never listen to anyone talks bad about him.
“He loved me not spoiled me, unlike you….mother!!
If you even deserve to be called that after how you have treated me!!”
Another sl@p was heard but Elle refused to back down.
She will say whatever she has to.
There is nothing that will st©p her now.
“Hit me!! Sl@p me!! Come on!! That’s the only damn thing you ever know!!
You don’t know anything about me ….my favourite colour…my favourite dish…my fears…my worries…you know nothing!!!”
Her mother’s eyes saw red on her daughter’s audacity to blame her of so many things.
She clenched her fist in anger.
“You will always be a disgrace….I will never be proud to call you my daughter….never!!”
“To hell with being you daughter!!! I don’t want you to be my mother!!!”
As the words left Elle’sl-ips she regretted them immediately.
She could see the pain in her mother’s eyes on hearing her words.
She moved back instantly from her and stormed out of the house.
Elle fell down on the floor with uncontrollable sobs.
Maria rushed to the support of the poor girl.
She kept her head in her l@p as Elle cried out her heart that day.
Jake felt sorry for his new friend.
He liked her at their first meeting only and he couldn’t see her so sad.
He visited her every day.
He cracked his best jokes and she smiled a bit but there was something hidden behind her smile.
A depth of sadness which she was trying her best to fill.
“Elle….do you consider me to be your friend?”
He asked as they sat in the lawn surrounded by chirping of birds.
“You are the only friend I ever made in my 24 years of my existence Jake”
She spoke truthfully.
“Then why are you not happy when I visit you….am I pestering you? I know you are upset about those pictures…but soon bigger news will come and people will forget it”
“It’s not that easy Jack….my parents and Ashton will not believe me”
“But why ?? I will talk to them and tell them!! They are just over exaggerating things.!!
She smiled at his genuine self as she moved her head in a no
“I no longer wish to explain anyone….I don’t care”
But Jake saw her painful eyes, she did care a lot.
“Don’t worry everyone will come around..I mean are they all blind or what?
I just know you for like 1 month or so but I have never met anyone as pure as you!! You are a gem Elle and always remember if they don’t value you….. it’s their loss, not yours”
His words were like an oasis in a h0t desert.
Like rain in a drou-ght and a silver lining in darkness.
He patted her head and she genuinely smiled after a very long time.
The night she went into the club, it ruined everything she spent her whole life building, but still, she considered herself lucky to have found him as a friend.
“So any new girlfriend?”
“Oh plea-se Elle!! Don’t start this again…you will be the first one I will tell if I meet the special one”
“You have gone crazy Elle!! Just eat it!!”
The girl had dark circles and pale face.
Her head moved in a no as she turned her back on Jack.
“Elle!! plea-se!! You are hurting yourself!! plea-se don’t do this!!”
Both Maria and Jake were trying to feed her but the girl was so damn stubborn.
Jake felt guilty.
He considered himself to be the reason for everything.
His entry had ruined his new friend’s life.
Jake moved to the other side of the be-d facing her again.
“Elle!! I won’t talk to you!! If you keep behaving like this you will kill yourself, crazy girl!!”
No reply.
Her hands were clutched around her phone staring at Ashton’s name in her phone.
Jake knew what she was staring at.
Taking Maria out of the room he asked her.
“Has he picked her call?”
Maria moved her head in a no
“Then tell that as-s**** !! Tell him she is killing herself!! I can’t see her like this!! It’s been 2 months alre-ady…how can he behave like that? He is her husband after all?”
“Ashton Sir doesn’t know Jake…he is preoccu-pied in his business so much that he didn’t call me in last one month”
“Then you should call her Maria…call him today and tell him her condition!
He is the only one she nee-ds…only he can take away her pain”
Maria nodded as both stared at the broken girl again slee-ping with an empty stomach.
” He was many things.
Cold, introvert, arrogant, rude.
But one thing he could never be was ins-en-sitive.
He didn’t show but he felt.
He didn’t say but he did.
The only way to un-derstand his depths is to fall de-ep into them.
de-ep enough to unlock his secrets and to fall in love with his soul.
TBC 💢💢💢