his affectionate episode 57 & 58

{Undying Love….}


By, Shindara velvet D


“Huh? I just remembered drinking and that’s all. Did you see me after that? Do you know what happened last night?” Dora asked Kayden who stared at her.

“Are you gonna keep staring at me? Won’t you answer me?” Dora asked.

Kayden eyes finally blinked.

“I don’t kiss and tell” He said.


Kayden turned over to leave.

“Its an idiom!. Come on, we are gonna have breakfast very soon”he said

Dora slowly followed him and suddenly, last night’s memories came into her mind.

She stopped walking immediately and looked at space, opening her eyes widely.

“What was that? Whose memory was that? Don’t tell me,,, that happened last night!” Dora screamed.

“No!…I…I kissed Raymond!…What am I gonna do? Just calm down,I didn’t mean it. It was a drunk mistake which I won’t happen again”Dora yelled

“But you are fool! Can’t you stay at a place, huh?” She continued yelling at herself.

She hit her lips hard and she screamed in pain. She jumped up and down in frustration.

“What have I done? I’m just gonna pretend that nothing happened. I’m gonna also stay away from him. Goodness, Dora!” She yelled at herself


“Da…te?” Renee stuttered, blinking her eyes helplessly.

Bella looked at her and nodded with a smile.

“Hello ladies” Kelvin finally spoke out.

They looked at him.

“Hi” Renee muttered.

“How are you doing, Kelvin?” Bella asked.

“Hello pretty” Kelvin waved to Renee who gave a warm smile.

Kelvin looked at Bella

“I’m fine. Hope you are fine as well?”he asked

“Fine and good” Bella said.

She walked to the middle and smiled brightly.

“You guys are perfect for each other,, don’t you think?” Bella asked.

Kelvin looked at Renee who looked down, nervously.

“Oh. She’s the one whom you told me, you were gonna set me up with?” Kelvin asked.

“Yeah. You know her, right?” Bella asked.

Kelvin nodded.

“Yeah. She was the one who gave us the Dior’s models?”

“Yup. She’s Renee” Bella introduced.

Kelvin walked to her.

“Hello, Renee?” He said, and offered her his hand for a handshake.

“I’m Renee Coker. Nice to meet you” She smiled, and accepted his hand.

“Nice to meet you as well. I’m Kelvin Hoffman” He said.

Renee nodded and they ended the handshake.

“So, Kelvin. What do you think of going on a date with her?” Bella asked.

Kelvin looked at Bella deeply.

“Can I talk to you, first?” He asked.

“Sure. What is it?” She asked.

“In private,,, please…

“Okay then. After you” Bella said.

Kelvin walked down and Bella followed him till he stopped at an enclosed area.

“What is it?” Bella asked.

Kelvin looked at her and kept his hands into his pocket.

“You want me to date your friend?” He asked.

“Is there anything wrong with that?” Bella asked, raising her right brow.

“You know i still like you, right..

“I called my daughter yesterday”Bella cut him off


“I told her if I should get a man but my poor girl cried and begged me not. Sometimes, I wished I could stop using my vibrators but I have no choice! My daughter isn’t cool with me getting a man! If I were her, I could have done the same…

“Let’s just talk with her”Kelvin said

“I’ve tried. She always stand on her word”Bella replied

“Then let me talk to her” Kelvin suggested.

“And do what? What do you wanna tell her?” Bella asked.

“I’m gonna beg and ask her if I can date you”Kelvin said

“What if she says no?”

“Then I’m gonna ask her to give me a month so that I can show my true self to her. If she likes me and finally agrees for both of us to be together, then,, I’m gonna date you”Kelvin said and hold her hand

“What if she doesn’t like you?”Bella scoffed

“I’m gonna make her like me… you’ll see”Kelvin said proudly

“What if she doesn’t agree”

“Huh…Then, I’m gonna think of a way”

“What if she’s still persistent. Look, no one knows her like I do,, trust me”

Kelvin looked down and then looked back at her face. He sighed deeply.

“Then, I’m gonna leave you and date Renee”he said

“Okay then. I guess you want my daughter’s number?”

“Yes” Kelvin replied.

“Here you go”Bella said after typing Dora’s number on his phone

“Okay, thanks. What’s her name?”



“Yeah. Why?, huh?”

“Not at all. Its just she bears the same name with my brother’s worker”Kelvin said

“Your brother? You have a brother?” Bella asked

“Yeah..Younger brother. His name is Kayden. You see, Kayden seems to have fallen for this Dora of a girl but he doesn’t just know” Kelvin said.

“Wish him all the luck he can get” Bella said.

Kelvin chuckled softly.

“I’m off” He said, and tried to walk away.

“Wait! What about Renee? Won’t we meet with her?” Bella asked.

“Tell her I left”he said

“What? Left? How should I explain it? She would think you are snubbing her and she’s forcing herself on you”Bella said

“You know what. Just tell her I had an urgent call and had to leave. Bye” Kelvin said, and left.

He followed the back door.

“So annoying” Bella said, and left the scene.


Kayden was driving fast and Dora kept looking back at Avia and Raymond who sat at the back seat.

Avia was using a wet towel to rob Raymond’s forehead. His eyes were closed. He laid his head on the rest.

He was burning hot. The flu had a big affect on him. They had to leave the camp and run back home when they noticed the jump in his sickness.

They were now taking him to the hospital, where they restaurant was located.

“Hurry, please” Avia sobbed, seeing the way Raymond shivered.

“How’s he? Dora asked, frightened.

“It’s your fault!” Avia snapped.


“Don’t call my name! If you didn’t go out that night, he would be fine. Can’t you just let him be!” Avia yelled.

Dora blinked her eyes. She felt her eyes stinging. It was a sign of tears arising.

“I’m sorry” Dora whispered.

“It’s too late! He’s sick already!” Avia said.

“Its okay, you two! Raymond’s gonna be fine!” Kayden said, aloud.

“Dora, listen! If anything happens to Raymond. I’m gonna kill you, I swear” She said.

Dora looked in front and slowly took her eyes to her thighs. She interlocked her fingers and started crying with low but distinct sounds.

Kayden sighed deeply.

“Dora… everything is gonna be alright”

Dora shook her head.

“Avia is right. It’s my fault”she cried

She didn’t stop crying.


“How’s he, doctor?” Kayden quickly asked, immediately the doctor came out.

Avia and Dora also stood up fast.

“He’s fine. He is just suffering from cold and fever. Drugs has been given to him. He’s currently on drips and resting” The doctor replied.

“Thats a relief” Kayden said.

Dora sighed in relief and Avia sat down on the metal chair with a thud. She felt relived as well.

“He’s gonna be discharged soon after 48 hours” The doctor said.

“Okay doctor… Thank you” Kayden bowed and the doctor left.

<40 Minutes Later>

“Dora? Won’t you go home?” Avia asked.

“What? Why?” Dora asked, and looked at her.

“Because you literally made Raymond sick. You don’t deserve to stay here and wait for him” Avia said

“Octavia! We all just wanna see him when he wakes up. Let her be,, for crying out loud” Kayden said.

“Am I wrong? She doesn’t deserve to be here and that’s it!” Avia said.

Dora bit her inner mouth, trying hard not to cry. She stood up and took her handbag.

“I’m just gonna leave” Dora sniffed.

“Just stay” Kayden said.

“No! Let her go! She has finally realizes what needs to be done. So, let’s leave her!” Avia said.

“Who’s Dora here?” A nurse who came out from Raymond’s ward, asked.

Dora turned over.

“Its me” She replied.

The nurse smiled.

“Raymond is awake but for now, he only wants to see Dora” The nurse said.

Dora looked at them both and walked to Kayden whom she gave her bag to.

“Enter. He’s waiting” The nurse said.

Dora nodded and walked in.

“F*ck her! Even at this moment,, he still has the guts to ask for her?” Avia thought and bit her lips.

Kayden heard Dora’s phone ringing. Avia quickly stood up.

“That’s Dora’s phone, right?” Avia asked.

“Yeah, why?”kayden asked.

“Give me that” Avia said, and snatched the bag from him.

She quickly took out her phone and hurried to the door. She opened it and entered.

“That girl! She knows they both needs quietness” Kayden said and walk to Avia who was staring at the phone

He took the phone from her and put it on silent. He slowly looked front and saw Raymond hugging Dora who hugged him back, tightly, crying hard.

“Let’s go, You!” Kayden snapped and pulled Avia out.

“Hey,, you up?” Dora whispered, as she slowly walked towards Raymond who was sitting on the bed, with his back laying on its rest.

Raymond gave her a hopeful smile.

“Hale and healthy” He replied.

Dora looked into his eyes and squeezed her face trying hard not to cry.

“Wait,, you wanna cry?” He widely opened his eyes.

Dora shook her head and sniffed.

“It’s my fault”

“Huh? How’s this your fault?” He queried, puzzled.

“Gosh!” Dora muttered, and tears slowly tickled down her eyes.

“Its my f*cking fault you got sick,,, dummy” She said.

“How’s that your fault? Did you trigger the sickness into my system or what?” He chuckled.

“If I didn’t get drunk last night, I wouldn’t have gone to you. Then, you wouldn’t have given me your jacket and you wouldn’t be laying here, sick”Dora said

“Oh goodness,, this is getting so boring. What’s with the wouldn’t, wouldn’t, wouldn’t. It’s not your fault, period! I was the one who decided to give you my jacket… you weren’t even aware I gave it to you”Raymond said

“Don’t do it again, please… You really scared me” Dora said, crying with her eyes tightly closed and her mouth moving due to her wailings.

“Oh goodness, what’s wrong with her now?” Raymond said, and scratched his head.

“Dora?” He called.

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Come closer” He gestured.

Dora found her legs moving to him. She was now really close to him.

Raymond sighed, and wiped her tears.

“You look really really ugly when you cry so,, stop crying, okay?”he said

Dora sniffed

Raymond pulled her hand and gave her a tight hug. Dora bulged her body trying to disrupt the hug but Raymond was quite stubborn.

“Please…” He muttered.

“Let’s just stay like this for few more seconds… ” He added.

Dora sniffed, and started crying again.

“I’m sorry… I’m really sorry”

“Dora It’s enough, okay. You did nothing wrong. You are just making me feel bad. Let’s just hug each other. Besides, I deserve it since I’m your hugger… don’t you think?”Raymond said

Dora slowly wrapped her arms around him. But, she couldn’t stop crying.

“Dora come on”

“No, please. Raymond, let me just cry cause I can’t hold this tears. I just can’t stop” She said.

It was Avia’s words that actually triggered her tears. She couldn’t stop thinking about it and couldn’t get why she changed negatively.

The door suddenly opened, and Avia walked inside. The ringing phone made Dora get to her senses. She tried to break the hug but Raymond took her in, tight.

“I’m sorry but let’s just still stay like this,, please” He muttered.

“But someone just walked in…”

“I don’t care. If they are tired of staring and waiting, they are gonna leave”

Dora sighed.

“But still….


“Let’s go, You!” Dora heard Kayden’s angry voice.

Dora pushed Raymond’s arm away and pulled away from his body. She looked and saw Kayden pulling Avia’s arm, dragging her from the room.

Dora quickly ran out of the room while confused Raymond kept calling her name continuously.


“Sexy chef” Dora said, immediately and walked out.

Kayden looked at her. Avia who was sitting on the metal bench was glaring hard at the tiled floor with fisted hands.

Dora went to Kayden.

“You’ve talked to him?” Kayden asked.

“I… can explain that” Dora said, instead.

“Explain what?” He asked, confused.

“What you just witness… I’m talking about the hug”Dora said

“And why would you explain? We aren’t in a special relationship for you to explain, are we?” He asked.

Dora blinked her eyes fast.

“Huh… Yes,,, I think you’re right” Dora responded.

“Anyways, you got a call. Check,, It could be important” Kayden said and gave her,, her phone which she collected.

“Who called?” She asked.

“I don’t know. Avia took it from me before I could glance at it” He replied.

Dora nodded and took her eyes to Avia. She noticed her attitude and could perceive danger.

“What’s wrong with her?” Dora asked Kayden.

“I don’t know but its better you stay away from her for now” Kayden advised.

Dora nodded and walked past her. She went to the stair case and checked the caller on her phone.

she wasn’t familiar with the unknown number she was seeing.

“Who could this be?” Dora thought.

As she was looking at the number while thinking, the same number finally called.

She opened her eyes widely and watched it ring before she accepted the call.


Dora said.

📞 Hey, Is this Dora?

The caller asked.

📞Yeah, this is she. Who am I speaking with?

📞Yeah..Huhhmm… First of all, I’m gonna introduce myself to you. cause I have few words to say to you.

📞Huh? Like what exactly?

📞introduction first.

📞Uhmm, Okay then.

📞Well, I’m Kelvin

📞Kelvin? Wow. I know someone who also bears the name.

📞who’s that?

📞My boss elder brother.

📞What!! Sorry..Huh, What’s your boss name?

📞Why? Is something wrong?

📞Just reply, okay? I’m gonna explain later.

📞Okay then. Kayden..That’s his name.

Kelvin blinked his eyes in disbelief. What sort of coincidence is this?

📞Wait! What does he do for a living?

📞 He’s a chef. Why? Do you know him?

Kelvin ended the call quickly.

📞Hello? Hello? Who’s this seriously?

“Oh well” Dora shrugged her shoulders and left the scene.


Kelvin breathed heavily.

“What’s this? This isn’t a coincidence. Its witchery! But… how am I supposed to date Bella now? It’s really obvious Kayden likes her. How would Dora feel if her crush’s brother is her dad?!”

“I’m screwed!” He inhaled, sadly.

“But I guess we can’t be together then. ” He looked down, in thoughts. He felt gloomy throughout the whole day.

Raymond and Avia was busy cooking in the little kitchen while Dora and Kayden cooked in the other little one.

They were both teaching the girls how to cook and Avia sure learnt well. Raymond taught her how to prepare 5 dishes that day and Avia could prepare 3 out of it very well.

“High five” Raymond told her, raising his hand up, with his palm spread all through.

Avia smiled and quickly accepted it. The high five clap gave a loud sound.

Meanwhile, Dora could barely do anything. Kayden has been trying to teach her how to cook a particular Italian dish which was a simple one.

“Hey, how are you gonna cope now?” Kayden complained.

“I’m gonna try….

“That’s what you’ve been saying. Try! Try! Try! Try! I’m tired of hearing those words!” Kayden yelled

“So if I don’t try, What am I supposed to do?” Dora said

“Do your best! I should have picked Avia instead. All you ever give me in this kitchen is headaches”he exclaimed

“I’m sorry” Dora hung her head low in sadness.

“I mean just take a good look at what you cooked and mine. Just by the looks alone, one would know there’s a huge difference. Can’t believe you still haven’t learnt well despite it being our 3rd day” He said.

Dora sighed deeply.


“You really tried. One would think you are an expert in making Italian dishes” Raymond smiled.

Avia returned the smile.

Seeing him smile made her freeze. It made her heart palpitate fast. She wanted to say something…

“Raymond…I..I like you” Avia said, quickly.

“What?” Raymond’s eyes bulged.

Avia quickly covered her surprised opened mouth. Like, why did she say that! It was really quick and unexpected for her.

The cat was out of the bag already. She had to make it known to him fully. After mustering up courage, She finally blurted;

“I’m in love with you, Raymond” She told him, after taking her hands off her mouth. She could read the shocked and surprised expression written on his handsome face.


“Go on, taste mine” Kayden said, gesturing her.

Dora sighed again and took a fork of it into her mouth. She ate it and swallowed it.

“So, how was it?” He asked.

“Obviously, It’s fine” She muttered, facing down.

Kayden looked at her, and slowly stretched his hand towards her face. He raised her chin up and wiped the sauce on the side of her lip.

Dora’s eyes twitched. She became nervous instantly and could feel her hand pounding heavily.

Kayden looked at her staring eyes. He took his eyes to her lips and quickly took it back to her eyes.

His hand was still on her lip side. They didn’t blink their eyes away either.

“Dora?” He called her in a soft and calm voice

“Yeah?” She replied in a whisper.

“What am I gonna do now?”

“Huh?… What’s it?”

“I think I’m in love with you,, as well”Kayden said

Dora’s eyes finally blinked.

