high school vampire episode 96 – 98

? H I G H S C H O O L?
(Sweet Blood,Sweetest Love)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 96,97&98.


★ ★ ★ ★

The helicopter slowly landed and loud swirling noises from the rotor was getting loudest to the core.

The helicopter slowly landed as it kept making loud noises the more.

After it had finally landed, they all slowly came out.

People were outside waiting for them.

They all screamed, and reporters started asking questions with their microphones and taking pictures, and videos.

? How was the zombie apocalypse in Morgan’s High??

? Are you certainly you all are the only survivors??

? How does it feel to be lucky to be alive??

? How did you fight against the blood su-cking zombies?

? What about Mrs Morgan whom started all this? What happened to her?

? Please, answer us!

Mr & Mrs Icon jumped in. Mrs Icon was crying. She had a white handkerchief with her.

“Mum?! Dad!!” Vera exclaimed sadly, and hu-gged her.

“M…Mum… Da…Dad” Connor stuttered in tears.

“Oh my babies. I’m glad you are both okay. Come here. You don’t know how worried I was” Mrs Icon sniffed, and pulled them into her arms for a warm hu-g.

“Guys,,Thanks for everything. I nee-d to go now” Bianca said and they all nodded.

She waved to them and left.

“Clef!!!” Tyga screamed in tears.

“Tyga!!” Clef screamed back, sobbing.

“I was so worried” Tyga said, and held his face.

“I was so scared” Clef sniffed.

Tyga hu-gged him and Clef responded.

“I missed you so much” Tyga whispered.

“Wait- Tyga broke the hu-g.

“Where’s Lia? Kristen? Boss? Where-

Clef shook his head.

“Oh no. Are they really gone?” Tyga asked.

“I’m afraid so. I was the only one” Clef cried out.

Tyga eyes poured down tears. They hu-gged each other in consolation.

“Never knew Clef was such a cry baby” Laura chuckled.

She looked around, breathed de-eply and kept her head down. Her father wouldn’t be here as far as she knew.

“I’m all alone” She thought.

“You aren’t” Karl whispered.

“Huh?” Laura looked at him.

“I’m sorry but your thoughts were a bit loud and I happened to hear them. I’m sorry. Vampire at work” He said.

Laura shook her head.
“Its fine. Why did I respond that way though? Do you probably disagree with me?” She asked.

Karl raised a brow.
“I mean you aren’t alone. I’m with you,, duh”

Laura laughed softly.

“Laura!!” They heard a loud voice.

Laura slowly took her head up to see he father running towards her.

He was looking thinner, and sick. His eyes were inside and red. His face was pale and his li-ps, white.

“Dad,,, what are you-

He hu-gged her ti-ghtly.
“My daughter…I’m sorry. Dad is really sorry. Forgive me. I promise to be good. I promise. Oh my daughter,,, I’ve been so bad and cruel. Please,,, forgive me”

Laura broke from hu-g and looked at his face.
“Dad?” Her eyes swelled with tears.

“I’m sorry, Laura. I guess Lucas and Lia are- He paused and tears ran his eyes.

“I’m sorry for turning you this way. Its my fault. I later reminisce on my acts and I’m nothing but a bad father. Forgive me” He quavered.

The cameras from the reporters went closer to the father and daughter’s sp-ot. They were on air. Everyone were watching this live, around the world.

Laura nodded, and held his hands.
“I forgive you, Dad”

He smiled at her and patted her hair.
“I’m happy you’ve finally forgiven me. Now,,, I’ve got to pay for my crimes”

“Wh…at do you mean pay-,,,, Dad!!! Don’t!! Don’t please!!! I can’t!! How…How am I supposed to breathe now?? I lost everyone so why are you doing this to me! If you love me,,, stay back and don’t do anything!”

“Wasn’t this what you all wanted. I knew that was you wanted,, but I thought I was right. I’m really wrong and I nee-d to pay. I’m sorry, Laura. Please, promise me to live just and right. Live healthy and long. Be happy”

“How am I supposed to be happy?!! Tell me!! No!! Don’t!!! Please!” Laura wailed.

“I’m sorry” He whispered, and turned to the cameras.

“Dad!!! Pleaseee!!”

“I’m Mr Vincent and I confess to be the murderer of my wife. I deserve all charges against me” He said, to the cameras which started shuttering immediately.

People around started murmuring. Some police officers around, came and handcuffed him.

He was dragged away. Laura kept pleading and crying. She knelt down as she watched her father leave, with a sad smile.

Karl consoled her.


“Tessa. She didn’t die, did she?” Mrs Nina Links asked, on the cold ground where she laid on the woods.

Tiana Morgan scoffed,,and bent down.
“I killed her… She’s dead”

“I won’t believe you. Let me tell you why….

Tiana blinked, and gulped as she heard the next statement of Nina which was thus;

“Her mother told me something ridiculous,,, but now,,, I find it true. Yes, Her mother blood is sweet and royal. it p@$$es throu-ghTessa’s zombic veins which is truly gonna make her immortal like her mother mentioned! Tessa is prone to death!!”

Tiana quickly stood up and kicked her hand off.

“Die!!!” She screamed, stepping and mashing her foot against Nina’s face, extremely ha-rd,, especially her nose.


The smoke which surrounded the now burnt and destroyed school slowly faded away.

The view exp-osed a young girl on one knee, like she was about to start a marathon race.

She slowly raised her face up, expo-sing her veined body and white eyes.

She stood up and looked around. Ashes were everywhere.

The bomb sure did a great work in wiping out the existence of the school and even the zombies.

“Doris…” Tessa muttered almost sobbing, looking around.

She cried and wiped the tears after remembering something.

She cracked her stiffed ne-ck, and her human form came back.

“I nee-d to get her bag. Ain’t surprised though. I’m really immortal” Tessa smi-rked, and slowly walked out from the broken and burnt wall.

Rescue Team Office**

Many guns were pointed at Tessa who wasn’t even scared.

“Hands up!! Surrender or we will shoot! What do you want here? How exactly did you escape?? How come you didn’t die! Weren’t you that zombie who blew up alongside her sister!” The Team head said.

Tessa scoffed, unperturbed.

“She is even nonchalant! Shoot her! Bring her down! I don’t care if she is 18 or 58!! She’s a Fu-cking zombie!! What are y’all waiting for,, Shoot her now!!” He screamed.

“Don’t waste your bullets” Tessa warned.

They didn’t listen.

They all shoot loads of bullets at once at her but she wasn’t fidgeting.

The bullets did touch her but it fell down to the floor immediately.

“What’s… happening? Why isn’t she dying!” The head shouted in fear.

“I warned you,,, huh?” Tessa scoffed.

The others ran away screaming, in fright. They were all greatly amazed.

The Head of team fell to his feet shaking as Tessa walked closer to him.

“What do you want? I’ll do anything… Please,, have mercy. Don’t kill me” He pleaded.

Tessa chuckled.
“I won’t kill you. Don’t you un-derstand that I’m the good person here? Anyways, I want two things from you”

“Wh…at’s that? Tell me and i promise to fulfill it right away”

“Good. Number 1,,, I want no one finding out I’m a zombie and number 2,, I want my sister’s bag”

He nodded, and ran to get the bag. With shaky hands, he gave it to her.

Written By Sommy Pearl F. Do Not Pirate…

“Thanks” Tessa winked.

She was about to leave when she remembered something

“Ah,,, I have a last wish” She muttered.

“Anything for you!” He gushed and she she smiled mischievously.


Tessa walked into the cottage. It was dark so she opened the windows. She inhaled de-eply as she looked around.

She sat down on the sofa and opened Doris bag.

She took out her books and saw an mp3 pla-yer and a polaroid.

It was a polaroid of she and Doris when they went to the amusement park.

“Doris” She muttered and a tear ran down her eyes. She tou-ched Doris face smoothly on the polaroid.

She turned it over and saw;

Tessa And Doris- Sweet Sisters Forever ♡. We keep the love in a photograph.

She sniffed and took out the mp3 pla-yer.

Doris was a fan of music. She and her mp3 pla-yer were like 5 and 6.

She inse-rted the ear bud into her ear, and also into the mp3.

She started pla-ying music and that was when her memories of Kristen, Doris and Jake came flooding in.

“I miss you, guys” She cried like a baby, clutching her tattered cloth on her che-st.

The next item pla-yed and this time, it wasn’t music but rather a message from Doris.

The cl@$$ was quite noisy then judging from the loud and harsh talks and sounds which came from the background of Doris’ speech.

Doris started;

“Hmm…Hmm… Tessa,, I finally know the full meaning of her name. I’m saving it here cause I don’t want her to find out”

“I know she won’t find out cause she don’t listen to music. She has never even tou-ched my mp3 before” She giggled and Tessa bursted into tears.

“So,,, The T in Tessa stands for The,,,
Like T- The
E- Everlasting
S- Sweetest
S- Strongest
A- As*y bitc-h!… Whoa,,, Its nice,, I swear! I just thought of it and had to save it here. I wonder what she would think of it if she mistakenly listened to this”

Doris paused for a while and then a giggle came in.

“I’ve never told Tessa this before and I think I nee-d to say it here to ease myself. I Fu-cking love you, Tessa. Muahh!!!”

“Doris?” Tessa heard her voice from the mp3.

“Oh,,, She’s here! Bye” Doris whispered.

“You back from the restroom? So quick” Doris said, and quickly ended the record.

“Oh goodness, Doris. It’s so good. I love it so much but I love you more. I Fu-cking love you. I love you, Kristen. Jake,,, my heart. I so much love you. All of you!” She cried as she held the polaroid against the che-st as the next music pla-yed and more tears and memories came flooding.

She held pendant and looked down at it.

“I guess it just you and me now,,, Mum” She whispered.


“Cheers” Vera clic-ked the gl@$$ of beer against Tessa own. Karl clic-ked with Laura, while Clef clic-ked with Tyga.

Tessa smiled as she chu-gged down the content. She breathed de-eply and Vera filled it again.

“So, Tessa? How does it feel to be immortal like me?” Vera asked.

Tessa chuckled for-cefully and wrapped her scarf around her ne-ck properly.
“Chilly, I guess”

“What are you talking about?” Vera scoffed, and drank her beer.

“You guys don’t have to remember me that I’m a human. I’m regretting it too. I really want to be with Karl forever” Laura rolled her eyes, and the others laughed.

“Don’t worry. I’ll turn human in anyway for you” Karl smiled and pec-ked her cheek.

Laura giggled, and then pec-ked his li-ps.

“Oww…My eyes!” Tessa screeched.

“I swear!” Vera looked at them, outrageously.

“By the way, What of Bianca? No one called her here?” Clef asked.

“Unfortunately, we couldn’t. We lost all contact with her. We couldn’t reach her no matter how we tried We haven’t even seen her ever since that incident” Karl replied.

“Geez” Tyga sighed.

“So, How’s Connor?” Vera asked, in a drunken state.

Tessa looked at her and scoffed, with an eye roll.

“Hey everyone!” A voice came.

“Huh! Bi-an-ca!” Vera exclaimed, in a drunken manner.

Everyone turned and looked at Bianca in surprise.

She was so different and beautiful too.

“You got to be kidding me” Karl muttered.

“Huh? Bianca?? Is that you?? What happened to your black hair? Its so Fu-cking white! Your face! Its so moisturized and bright! Your body inclusive!” Laura said.

Bianca only smiled. She sat down in between Tessa and Vera.
“Hope I’m not late…” She said.

“Whoa. How did you- Tessa paused and belched.

Bianca smiled heartfully.
“I came to help you both”

“Huh?” They all whispered, confused.

“I mean Tessa and Vera…”

“I want to send back just a person to you…” She added.

“I don’t un-derstand what you are saying” Tessa said, shaking her head.

“I’m Bianca, the goddess of life. I’m a supernatural just like you both” She said, and her her face brightened like stars,, alongside her hair and gown.

Everyone shrieked while Tessa narrowed her eyes.

Bianca was now glowing and soaring high. Everywhere, people and things around were frozen.

“Wait,,, you aren’t human??” Tessa wide-ned her eyes.

Bianca ignored the question.

“I’m here to rele-ase a soul for you and you too. I’m tired of you both suffering and draining your strength with alcohol and plea-sures of life everyday” She said.

“Let us un-derstand. Explain well and better” Vera said.

“Let me make it simple. Vera,, choose out of Lucas, Mabel and Nora. Tessa,, choose out of Jake, Kristen and Doris. I’ll released one to you back. Besides, I’m the goddes of life, I can do that”

“When you cross path with your choice and love is shared amongst you two,,, then,,, your immortality will be broken and you both will live as human with your different choices” She explained further.

They were both silent.

“So,,, what who is it gonna gonna be? Your choices I mean” Bianca asked.