high school vampire episode 81 & 82

? H I G H S C H O O L?
(Sweet Blood,Sweetest Love)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 81&82.

★ ★ ★ ★

Everyone just glanced at Bianca before retiring their eyes to Renee. Bianca was simply concentrated at Renee.

“I’m…a banshee” She finally spoke out.

“Banshee?” Karl raised a brow.
“What’s a banshee?” He asked.

Everyone looked at Renee expecting an answer.

“They are supernaturals who scream so loud. With their loud screams, They can put down anything and cause damages” Bianca said.

“Huh! How…how do you know?” Tessa asked.

“Huh?…Hmm…I…I watch movies so- Bianca paused and swallowed ha-rd.

“Oh. You got me thinking wild and far for a second” Renee said.

“Oh really?” Bianca chuckled, lightly.

“So, @$$uming if this light bulbs are taken down. You will be able to scream and take down some zombies?” Connor asked.

“Sure” She smiled.
“If I scream extremely so much, I can tear down this building” She added.

“Out of options please” Tessa said, with a sly smile.

“So, what our plan now? What next? I really wanna leave here!” Vera half yelled.

Connor sighed. His eyes moved to the computers. He stood up and sat on the desk.

“Connor? What are you up to?” Tessa asked, moving to him.

“I wanna ask for help online since there are no phones to help” Connor said.

“Please,, connect the cable to the socket” Connor said.

Tessa nodded, and did so. They all went to Connor and gathered behind him. He switched on the computer.

“Thats it. You are so brilliant in everything. Computer too?” Tessa chuckled.

Connor beamed, and lic-ked his lower li-p as he watched the computer rebooting.

Jake just coughed dramatically. Tessa looked at him, and he looked away. Tessa only scoffed, in a funny way.

“Yay! It’s on!” Doris gushed.

Connor smiled and went online. He went throu-ghthe popular post and when everyone saw it, they were surprised.

The post they saw read;

From Morgan’s High-

Hello, Everyone. If you are reading this, We nee-d your help. All of the students and teachers has been attacked by zombies.

Only few are alive and well. I’m one of them,, and that’s why I’m testifying.

However,, I wouldn’t want you all to come close to Morgan’s High cause the town people will also be affected.

But you can still save a few of us who nee-ds your help here. More are turning,, the more we stay.

*Keep away from Morgan’s High.
*Save the Survivals With Common se-nse.
*Mrs Tiana Morgan, The Principal of Morgan’s High Planned This!

If you want proof, because most won’t believe, here are pictures i took. I made a video. Sorry. it isn’t clear. I had to take them at night.

Thanks for going throu-ghthis post.

“What’s this? Someone posted this? A student?. It was posted the night, the zombie attacked” Connor asked.

“The night I kizzed Lucas for the first time” Vera thought, with gl@$$y tears.

“Who could it be?” Jake asked.

“That’s why no one came by!” Doris said.

Laura inhaled de-eply, and looked at Connor.
“Let’s…check the comments” She said.

Connor nodded and went throu-ghit.

“Geez! Almost a billion comment and it isn’t only coming from K woods. Many countries commented. See!” He yelped.

“Read few of them” Laura said again, bi-ting her fingers.

Connor nodded, and began to read.

? We will all save you, don’t worry.

? We wanted to come over to Morgan’s High but I guess we have to stay back so that that witch plans won’t manifest.

? My kids are in there! We are gonna have a memorial soon for those who lost their lives and their humane form.

“Whoa!!! See this!!” Connor yelped, pointing at a long comment from the emergency rescue team.

? We are the rescue team from K-woods and we are still coming up with a stragery to save the normal and safe ones.

If you are all seeing this, try and come down, to the open field outside the school. We will se-nd an helicopter to bring you in.

Then, we’ll have to blow up the school in order to avoid any zombie infection, in town and outside.

No town people,, at all is allowed close to the school to avoid a zombie apocalypse. If you are found close there, you’ll have to be persecuted.

To the survivors, You will nee-d to call us once you are ready to come to the field so that we can take you via helicopter. Good luck!

“This is gonna be ha-rd,, going down at the school field? The school rooftop is always locked so we can’t get in. It’s a suicide mission going to the field” Jake said.

“Big time” Doris muttered, in agreement.

“We can still try” Vera said.

“Then, one of us will have to die!” Jake snapped.

“What’s your problem?… What of those who lost their lives!” Vera snapped back at him.

“I can’t lose someone I cherish, period” He said.

Tessa looked at him, and sighed de-eply. She slowly took her eyes down.

Vera glared at him, and let out an annoying scoff.

“However, something just came to my mind” Jake said.

Instantly, everyone looked at him.

“What’s that?” Karl asked.

Jake scratched his head.
“When I was still held hostage at DHC. The guys came in asking for money to get a bulb” He started.

“What? Why? Does it mean- Connor paused, and ran his eyes around.

“Yes! One place misses the bulb” Jake said.

“And where could that be?” Tessa asked.

“I…think it’s the backyard?” He said.

Tessa blinked her eyes, a hundred times. She was about to talk but she suddenly heard a loud voice. It was familiar too.

“Help us? Someone is dying here! Help us!! Any normal being there! The voice came.

“Its sounds like-

“Unnie!!” Doris interrupted Tessa.

“Where is it coming from?” Tessa asked, looking around.

“The next cl@$$. I think it’s the music cl@$$” Connor said.

“Gosh! Why is she here? When did she come? Is she alright?” Tessa asked no one in pa-rticular, in fear.

“Help!!! Please!!” Her voice came again.

“I…I nee-d to go to her” Tessa said.

“You might get bitten” Renee said.

“I don’t care! She is my sister!” Tessa growled, and went to the door.

“I’m following you” Doris said.

“No,,, you don’t. Stay back. You could get hurt” Tessa said.

“I don’t care. She’s my sister too!” Doris said.

Tessa inhaled sadly.

“I’m coming as well” Jake said.

“Me too” Connor stood up.

“…Me three” Renee rolled her eyes.

“I’m also a pa-rt” Karl said.

“I’m also a pa-rt,, too” Bianca said, softly.

“I can’t stay here alone,,, so pa-rt three here” Laura muttered.

They all looked at Vera who was silent. She looked back at them and rolled her eyes.

“What? You think I won’t go? I’m coming, okay? I don’t nee-d to say it” She scoffed.

Tessa smiled at her.
“Thank you” She said.

The boys took their weapons and stood close to Tessa.

“Anyone there! Help, please!” The voice came.

“Let’s hurry” Vera said and Tessa opened the door.

Sommy Pearl F. Wrote This! Do Not Copy Or Repost!


Luckily, only a zombie was there. It had a paper on its face. It kept growling walking around.

“The Fu-ck is that?” Vera eyed it.

“Sshh!” Tessa warned.

Tessa mop stick fell and the zombie quickly looked at them

Though, It couldn’t see, thanks to the ha-rd paper which was stained with blood, holding onto its face.

Tessa quickly knocked the door.

“Fast, Unnie. It’s Tessa!”

“Tessa?!”Kristen asked.

“Yes, Unnie. Please, fast” Tessa said, as she watched the zombie moving close to them, slowly.

However, its head hit the wall and it moved back. It sure couldn’t see.

Kristen quickly opened the door.
“In fast!! Your friends?”

Tessa only nodded.
“In,,, everyone” She said.

Everyone entered. However, Laura felt something grab her shirt. She wide-ned her eyes, and turned to see the zombie facing her.

“It can’t see, Laura. avoid it, or push it away,, and run here!” Connor said.

Laura stared at the paper and gasped aloud. She recognized it as her copied test script. Her name was boldly still on it.

She fell down in shock and anxiety, ba-rely escaping from the hit of the zombie who had raised its hand.

Laura stood there shivering. She closed her mouth, with her palm as, she saw the zombie bend down.

It was now facing her once again.

“Laura! Don’t just stare! Do something!!” Vera yelled.

Laura’s eyes let out a tear.

Doris suddenly went out and kicked the zombie away.

It fell and she quickly held Laura’s hand. She pulled her up and ran to the door.

The zombie was fast in holding Doris shoulder though. Doris paused and her eyes twitched.

“Go” Doris whispered to Laura.

“What?” Laura asked.

“Just…go!” Doris yelled.

Laura gulped, and ran in.

“Doris? Doris?! When did you…The Fu-ck! No! Please, No!!” Tessa said, and tried to open the door.

Doris gave a ‘stop’ sign.
“Please, stay back…”

“Doris…No! Not you!” Tessa cried out, still trying to come out.

Kristen also tried to fire the zombie but it was behind Doris.

Making a good shot was almost impossible cause any mistake could hurt Doris.

“Someone! Stop my sisters, please! I love them and don’t want them getting hurt” Doris begged.

Jake held Tessa back.
“No, Doris!!! Please! Don’t harm my Doris! Let her go! Doris, do something! Save yourself! Do something!!! Somebody, Help my sister, I’m begging you!!!” Tessa screamed, wailing.

“I can’t leave her! Doris!! Please,,, don’t go! Stay!! I beg you! I promise to be a better sister so stay! Besides, I made a promise to Mum! Let me go, you two!” Kristen snapped, at Connor and Karl ti-ghtly holding onto her.

Doris took off her bag and threw it to Tessa’s side.
“You can keep it safe now” She muttered, and Tessa broke down into loud tears.

Doris sighed de-eply with tears tickling down her eyes, as she felt the nose of the vampire on her collar bone, from behind.

She closed her eyes ti-ghtly.
“It’s over” She said.
