high school vampire episode 11 & 12

? H I G H S C H O O L?
(Sweet Blood,Sweetest Love)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 11&12.

★ ★ ★ ★

“What?” Vera muttered.

“I’m talking about you,, glaring ha-rd at that new girl” Jake said, taking a spoonful of meal into his mouth.

“Oppa, I ain’t looking at her. It’s simply a wastage of sight to look at her. My eyes knows exactly what to see” Vera scoffed.

Jake didn’t look at her. He just kept on eating.
“Then, who were you staring at?”

“Her,, Laura” Vera replied, and made a slight gesture with her head.

“Why? I thought you both were at each other’s n£¢ks” Jake said.

“Why don’t you re-ad her mind and know what runs throu-gh it” Vera said.

Jake took a quic-k glance at Laura before taking his eyes down.

“Did you see what I saw? She’s such a pathetic nut job and I’m gonna kill her if she tries anything funny” Vera gro-an ed.

“I didn’t see anything and I don’t want to. Respect other people’s privacy, lady. Vampires aren’t pervets” Jake said, and stood up.

“Trust me,, I tried but I couldn’t help it” Vera shook her head.

“It is at least controllable” He said, and looked down at her.

Vera looked up, back at him.
“Oppa? You done?”

“I’m Jake. Don’t refer to me as Oppa” He gr-unted.

“I also refer Connor as my oppa despite being older than him with 60 years” Vera smiled.

“It isn’t obvious. We are all 18 here,, Good luck. I’m out”

“Oppa,,, eat your food finish first,, before you leave, at least… aiish! He’s so annoying. Anyways,, he’s cool that way” Vera smiled.

Mabel shook her head.

“Hey,, Vera?” Karl called, chewing the food he had in this mouth.

“What?” Vera answered, coldly.

“How old are you in the vampire realm? And how did Connor become an hybrid instead?” Karl asked.

“I hate telling stories but I guess I’m wanna tell you this one. My mother is a vampire. She gave birth to me while still living in the vampire realm. I turned 48 years but still had this 18 year old b©dy”

“Yup,,, our bodies grows extremely slow when we turn 18 in the human world” Karl nodded.

“Mum fell in love with a human and they bore a child. Connor bec@m£ the product and the handsome, cold and I don’t care hybrid, we have today. Damn! Can’t believe I watched him grow up” Vera finished, explaining.

“But you said,, you were older than Connor with 60 years. Its 48 years though” Karl said.

“Suit yourself” Vera rolled her eyes.

“You had better let her be. She ain’t good in maths” Mabel laughed.

Vera quic-kly glared at her, and her laugh vanished quic-kly, and got replaced with a straight face.

“By the way,, our wizard and your fight mate didn’t come to school today, I wonder why?” Vera sm-irked.

Mabel sighed and looked around.

“Are you worried now?” Karl asked.

“Who brou-ght this guy here now” Mabel eyed him.

“He’s my best friend so I’m just kinda worried about him and I’m also glad you are worried likewise” Karl replied.

“And why would I be worried about him? I don’t give me a damn” Mabel took her eyes down.

“Anyways, I’m going to his cottage to check up on him. Who knows he must have have come down with magic flu” Karl said.

Mabel li-cked her dried lower l!pand slowly looked at Karl.

“I’m done. See you in clas-s, Mabel” Vera tapped her back, and left.

Mabel nodded, and after watching her leave, She quic-kly looked back at Karl.

“You said, you are going to see Mason after school?” She asked.

“Yes,, cause I think he must be ill or something. Even though, he’s very careless, stubborn and cold, he never misses school for a day. I guess its witch flu at its work” He replied.

Mabel smiled.
“You should be happy,,, you know?”

“What? Why?” Karl asked, quic-kly.

“I know the right herbal ingredients and spells to heal witch and wizard illnesses” Mabel win-ked.

“So? What are you insinuating?” Karl asked.

“Don’t you get it?” She shook her head.

“I wish” He replied.

“You’re a dummy vamp! Well,, it means I’m gonna be following you after school to his cottage,, hope you get it” She said.

Karl looked at her, and smiled, before turning back to his food which had lot if veggies with no meat at all.

Sommy Pearl F. Wrote This, Don’t Copy Or Repost To Avoid Misfortune!


“Awwwnn…Hyung (Older Brother)… I haven’t even told you what I wanted to say yet” Lucas said, pouting childishly.

“Oh goodness, Lucas… You’d better not say it” Laura warned and Lucas scoffed.

Connor just looked at them, before going back to his food.

“Don’t mind her. Okay,, actually,, I want you to help me” Lucas smiled and looked down.

“What’s it about?” Connor asked, eating the food off his spoon.

“It’s about Vera,, your sister” Lucas said.

Laura shook her head, and continued eating.

“So? What about her?” Connor asked.

“Actually, I’m in love with her-

Connor coughed aloud and Laura quic-kly gave him water. Tessa wanted to also give him water but she wasn’t quic-k. She had to withdraw her hand and place it back on the table.

Laura glared at Lucas and hissed.

“I warned you not to say it! You and Vera are so annoying! Aiish! Connor,, you okay?” Laura asked.

Connor nodded and Laura gently tapped his back while Tessa watched them briefly before minding her meal, before her.

Sommy Pearl F. Wrote This, Never Copy Or Repost


Doris linked her arm with Tessa as they walked back to clas-s.

“I can see you are better now, Tessa” She said.

Tessa looked at her.
“About?” She asked.

“Then, you couldn’t help but drink water over and over again. I can see it reduced”

“Oh,, you are quite right. I also noticed I didn’t crave water like I did this morning. I guess I’m feeling better now”

“That’s a relief” Doris smiled, and stoked her head on Tessa’s shoulders.

“By the way, We have a lot of handsome guys in our clas-s. Don’t you think we should d@t£ one each?” Doris asked, as soon as they entered the clas-s.

No teacher was in yet. Everywhere was quite noisy while some serious ones studied. Some gossiped, sle-pt, used phones, listened to mp and even used make ups.

“Count me out. But suit yourself” Tessa, said and unlinked her arm from Doris, since they were now sitting down.

Doris chuckled and looked around, before facing Tessa. Laura who was close to Tessa was somewhat busy since her eyes were on her opened books on the desk.

“So,, who do you think would be preferable for me to d@t£?” Doris whispered.

“Huh? Why are you asking me that?” Tessa questioned in surprise.

“I want you to pick a guy for me,, a handsome one”

“And why should I? It’s your heart and not mine” Tessa looked away.

“Awwnnn…Come on, Come on, Tessa,, pretty pretty pretty plea-se” Doris shook her whole b©dy, talking cutely.

Tessa chuckled.
“Alright,, let’s see” She said and looked around. Her eyes fell on Connor who was re-ading his book with earpiece in his ear. He looked really handsome with all possible concentration.

Tessa smiled inwardly and faced Doris.
“Connor is Mr. perfect” She win-ked.

Doris chuckled while Laura stood up and ban-g her hand on her desk. She turned to the sisters and showed her hateful stare.

“If you both wanna keep being my seat mates,, make sure not to gossip annoying utterances, got that?!” She shouted and hissed.

“But we aren’t gossiping. We are just talking about ourselves. You didn’t even hear us so don’t say anything trash” Doris eyed her.

“Doris. It’s fine. Just ignore” Tessa said.

Jake, whose head was on the desk took it up and turned to see where the noise was coming from. His eyes met with Tessa and then, Laura who was standing up.

He swerved his head slightly to the right side and remembered what Vera said.

*Why don’t you re-ad her mind and know what runs throu-gh it*

He arched his brows, and narrowed his eyes. He finally got to re-ad her mind and sm-irked in the process.

“Our as-sistant likes our clas-s prez?” He muttered.

“This is getting interesting” He added.

Sommy Pearl F. Wrote This, Copy & Repost At Your Own Risk!!


Kristen slowly collected the hvge bat from Lia. She gulped ha-rd when she finally t©uçhed it.

“This isn’t an ordinary bat- Clyde paused, and turned to Lia.

“You can go now” He said to her. She bowed down in respect and walked out.

“As I was saying, this isn’t an ordinary bat. We call it Hunter’s bat,, If you tap the bo-ttomtwice,, its brings out electrocution sparks” He explained.

Kristen turned the bat over, and looked at the bu-ttom.

“You wanna try?” Clyde asked.

“Should I, boss?” She asked.

“Go ahead” He said.

Kristen nodded, and tapped it twice. She jumped when she saw blue and white electric sparks flying in and out of the hvge bat head.

“Now,, you’ve seen it,, you can turn it off” He said.

“How, boss?” Kristen asked.

“Just t©uçh the bottom. No nee-d for tapping it twice” He said.

Kristen nodded, and t©uçhed it and the flying blue sparks st©pped.

“Now,, you have just 5 seconds. I won’t cheer or beg you to torture him. If you can’t do it, you can still leave. No nee-d for a resignation letter,, let me save you the stress… So, in the count of 5 and you haven’t started the torture yet,, I’m gonna open the door for you to leave and you nee-d to obey quietly,, you got that?” Clyde asked.

“Sure, boss” Kristen said, and inhaled de-eply. She raised the bat up, breathing heavily. She felt anxious.






“Ahhhhhh!” Kristen screamed,, and raised the bat down with full f0rç£ after Mason face looked up at her.

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Caution: Don’t use next, hmm, interesting, nice one un-der this post.

There are lot of things to talk about.


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