High school r0m@nç£episode 3 &4

🎸🎼HIGH SCHOOL r0m@nç£🎼🎸
A new boy in school 💖
By, Author Viola
#Episode 3
“Louis p@rty was awesome” students chatted in groups the next day in school.
Last night’s p@rty wasn’t really cool for the Blooms cause Barbie dolls rocked last night.
“Hey!” Tristan called zoning me out of my thoughts
“Hi! Tristan”
“Sup? you don’t look cheerful”
“am cool” I lied
He smiled and t©uçhed my cheeks “you can always count on me if you nee-d anyone”
“What clas-s do you have now?” he asked
“Too bad I have English now, I wanted to keep you company”
I smiled and gave his hand a warm squee-ze “I’ll be fine”
“Do miss me” he said with a wi-nk then walked off.
I adjusted my backpack and headed for Algebr@ clas-s. Blue was alre-ady in the clas-s when I walked in. She’s the only Bloom I normally have clas-ses with.
“Hey!” she called sadly as I sat beside her.
They were all sad about last night
“How was your night?”
“cool till it doomed”
I chuckled and brou-ght out my textbook “let’s study before Mr big glas-ses comes in for the clas-s”
She laughed and brou-ght out her textbook.
“Reasons I hate Algebr@” Blue sighed as we walked out of the clas-s.
Mr big glas-ses had given us a surprise pop quiz and she had done bad in it.
“It’s just one subject” I said
“yes but my grandma won’t let me go for summer camp if I fail Algebr@ again”
“We’ll see what we can do during the exams”
“Thanks” she said with a beam “what clas-s do you have now?”
“History but am going to the gym. How about you?”
“same but am going for the clas-s I really want to go for the summer camp”
I chuckled silently at how sad she looked because of the camp “see you after clas-s”
“chau!” she waved and plodded away
I watched her walk towards the History block then headed for the gym.
I ran into the cafeteria holding my stomach which was hurting me cause of my ulcer. I had fallen asleep in the gym and didn’t wake up till my stomach started grumbling.
There’s was alre-ady a queue of students in the counter so I hurried to the VIP order.
Thank God am a t©p 5.
I really don’t un-derstand what happened but I bu-mped into someone and his h0t food poured on my b©dy.
“Ouch!” all the students mouthed and I screamed cause of the burn
“Am so sorry” he apologized trying to calm me down
“Angelou” Chance called running up to us “what happened to her?”
“Kel” The Blooms called and ran up to us
“What happened to her?” Phoebe raged but he was speechless. I glared at him and ran into the restroom.
“does it still hurts?” Blue asked as they bath me with the hand shower
“Am better now but my skin is burnt”
“My grandma has a cream for burns I’ll get it for you after school” Blue said
“Who was that guy and how could he be so careless?” Phoebe asked in rage.
She really hates seeing me in pain
“You should’ve sl@pped him Kel” Fiona snarled
I chucked and wra-pped a towel around my b©dy “That wasn’t necessary. It was a mistake and nob©dy is above that”
“Mistake?” Blue asked and crossed her hands around her che-st “a guy spilled wine on you last night and today, another poured h0t food on your b©dy”
“and you got burnt” Fiona added
“what if I say it’s the same guy of last night?”
“don’t say it cause am gonna kill him” Phoebe snarled
“but it is, I recognized him”
” he must be trying to get on you”
“get on me? I don’t know him” I said and Phoebe scoffed
“am gonna kill him Kel”
“here, I got this from my locker, it’s a good thing I always keep an extra cloth there” Zion said as she joined us in the restroom
I collected the bag from her “thanks”
“does it still hurt? I mean the burns” Zion asked
“am better now”
“Chance asked about you he said he’s really sorry” Zion said
I pu-ll-ed the go-wn down my head “He shouldn’t be it wasn’t his fault”
“He said the guy is a newbie and his friend”
“I never knew Chance would have such a clumsy friend” Phoebe said and rolled her eyes
“Phoebe” I chuckled and nudged her
I put my old clothes inside my bag and packed my hair up in a bunch.
“let’s go”
“Does it still hurts?” Ms Chantel asked noticing my uneasiness
“just a little cause am sweating”
“sorry for that. Can you practice?”
“even if I got burnt in my mouth I’ll still sing”
Ms Chantel smiled “Good”
We all picked up our instruments but Phoebe was fuming.
“Am really fine”
“you can convince me to do nothing but Tristan isn’t going to hear of it” she said and looked away
“You’re still failing it” I scolded Paris “it’s a D flat at the end”
“I’ll try again” Paris said and started pla-ying his guitar. This time he got it better.
We’ve been practicing our song for NYN Music Award but he isn’t impressive a bit.
“heard there’s a newbie” Orlando said and st©pped pla-ying his piano
“This competition is more important than that newbie” I said
“You hate him cause he poured his food on Kelanie” Stephen laughed
“what? The newbie poured his food on Kelanie?”
“you didn’t hear of it? ” Stephen asked still laughing
“this isn’t funny Stephen?”
“it is” Stephen laughed “you nee-d to see your face”
I clenched my fists to punch Stephen but Paris who was sitting beside me held me back
“easy bro. It was in the cafeteria today and it was an accident”
“thanks for the info” I said and ran out
I ignored them and ran out of the clas-s then I ran into Phoebe at the hall way.
“It’s a good thing I met you” she p@n-ted. she was also running
we began in unison then st©pped “you go first”
“someone poured h0t food on Kel at the cafeteria today”
“Stephen just told me” I said then asked “who’s he?”
“A newbie who spilled drink on Kel’s dress last night”
“Where’s Kelanie?”
“In the libr@ry”
“Tristan it was an accident” Kelanie said
“why are you defending him?” Phoebe asked irritated
“am not defending him and besides I don’t know him but he didn’t mean to”
“I hope he makes another mistake” I said and stormed out
“look what you’ve done” I scolded Phoebe
“what have I done? Am just concerned and I don’t want some stupid newbie ruining your skin”
“it was a mistake” I insisted then she sighed and walked out of the libr@ry
“Better” I breathed out and faced the book I was re-ading
I re-ad till I dozed off then woke up to someone tapping me gently on my back.
“Sorry for waking you” she apologized and I ru-bbe-d my eyes with the back of his palms.
She was a waitress and she held a tray of food.
“someone asked me to give this to you” she said and placed the tray on the table “it’s a special order” she added then left
“Tristan” I sighed and opened the dish. The aroma was so appetizing and it increa-sed my hunger.
I picked up the spoon and saw a note then I opened it.
📄 Sorry for ma-king you skip lunch
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
The newbie
I looked down on the food and swallowed ha-rd . I didn’t want to continue eating but I was really hungry so I continued eating.
After the meal, I carried the tray and headed for the cafeteria then I saw Lancelot and Mabel k!ss!ngat a corner.
I stood transfixed watching them. It was supposed to be me.
Mabel opened her eyes and saw me then she sm-irked at me and pu-ll-ed Lancelot closer.
“You don’t have to do this” Tristan said and pu-ll-ed me to his che-st.
The tray fell off my hands and tears c@m£ rolling down.
🎸🎼HIGH SCHOOL r0m@nç£🎼🎸
Love hurts 💔
#Episode 4
“It’s alright” Tristan pacified and k!$$£d my hair while I sobbe-d silently on his shoulder
“They’re gone” he said then bent down and picked up the tray “let’s go” he took my hand and led me out.
I sat at a corner staring into space while the others practiced. I couldn’t st©p thinking about Lancelot and the memories we shared together.
“here” Chance said and proffered me a handkerchief that was when I realized I was crying
“thanks” I faked a smile and accepted the handkerchief
“can I join you?”
I nodded and he sat beside me
“Why don’t you join us, it will help to keep your mind off somethings” Chance said then I turned to look at the others. They were so happy as they discussed ap@rt from the new guy who sat alone re-ading a novel.
“Am not the only one who isn’t practicing”
Chance smiled as he gazed at the new guy “Angelou is a book worm and introvert”
“is he now p@rt of The Stupids?”
I sighed and looked away “I just nee-d someone to replace me in The Blooms”
“no one can replace you” he said and gave my hand a warm squee-ze
“How’s your practice going?” I asked changing the t©pic
“With Angelou, victory in NYN is as-sured” he replied confidently
I smiled and spared Angelou a glance “he’s gonna be re-ading New York Times” I laughed
“he’s a great singer”
“Than you?”
“you’ll see”
We remained silent, each thinking of his problem as we stared at nothing in p@rticular.
“let’s go join the others” he broke the silence
“you go ahead”
“c’mon Kel you ought to be strong by now, Blooms nee-ds you we all nee-d you”
I nervously fli-cked my long, light brown hair out of my eyes as I stood up “let’s go”
“Kel” Blue giggled when she saw us then pas-sed me a ball “we’re pla-ying catch”
“is this a field or a music room?” I asked
Blue shrugged then replied “both”
“are you okay now? ” Tristan asked
I nodded “sure”
“it’s goodnews” Zion said
“Let’s practice”
“no way” they all sighed and fell back
“we don’t have time”
“you always sound like Ms Chantel” Phoebe snarled and I rolled my eyes
“girls” Ms Chantel called as she entered the music room cl@pping “let’s practice” she added and I chuckled while the others frowned
The practice was finally over as I headed for the libr@ry. Chance was right, Angelou was a wonderful singer but something about him spelt ‘sadness’ he wasn’t happy and it has something to do with why he’s an introvert but Chance wouldn’t talk.
I walked to the shelve and took one of my favorite novels from my favorite author L J Smith then I sat down on my table and continued re-ading The Vampire Diaries.
As usual, I dozed off while re-ading in the libr@ry only to wake up to the chiming of the bell.
School was over.
I closed the book and shoved it into my backpack then shouldered it.
“you’re here” Tristan breathed out in relief as I walked out of the libr@ry
“anything the matter?”
“not really, I was just worried that’s all”
I smiled then started walking out as he followed “Whenever you want to see me just check on me in the libr@ry”
“my bad, I should’ve known” he chuckled
“my driver is here” I said when we were outside the school building
“alright see you tomorrow”
I laughed “tomorrow is Saturday”
he laughed too “I totally forgot maybe it’s because I want to keep seeing you everyday”
I raised my brow and gave him a level stare
“Never mind” he said and sl@pped my shoulder lightly “take care”
“chau!” I waved
“chau? that’s so girlish”
“I didn’t ask you to reply with that and besides it isn’t girlish”
he shrugged “okay chau”
“have fun”
“it isn’t really going to be fun without you” he win-ked then walked off in a hurry.
I chuckled and walked to my car then I bu-mped into Angelou or he ran into me.
“so sorry” he apologized
“not again” I rolled my eyes and stared at him
“Am in a hurry cause…” he trailed off then sighed “the bus alre-ady left”
I turned to see the school bus cruising into the road
“you take the bus?”
“I could give you a ride”
he stared at me like a developed two heads and I felt embarras-sed
“no thanks” he finally said
“You can only get a bus at the bus st©p and it’s far from here”
“I’ll be fine thanks” he said and walked off.
I hissed and entered my car.
I was just trying to be nice. I thought and Festus drove off.
“buddy” Luke called and threw a pillow at me
“it’s Tristan not buddy” I corrected angrily as I threw the pillow back at him.
Luke is my younger brother and he’s so good at getting on my nerves.
“I’ve been calling you but you weren’t answering” he drawled with pouredl-ips
“sorry I spaced out” I apologized “so what do you want?”
“how’s my paper plane?” he asked giggling as he showed me a plane he made with paper
“good” I replied honestly “can you teach me how to make it?”
“am kinda busy now, maybe later” he said
I huffed loudly then walked to my room.
Paper kites aren’t my problem now, I just wanted to learn it cause Kelanie likes them. The only problem I have now is Kelanie. We’ve been friends since childhood when she moved into the neighborhood. Then I didn’t like her till the day she helped me at the fun fare then I liked her and we bec@m£ friends.
It was not till they moved out of the neighborhood that I realized I was in love with her. That was 3 years ago.
“What’s up with the long face” Paris had asked that fateful day
“seriously? it’s been nothing since Kelanie moved out”
“am really fine”
“no you’re not” Paris argued “I think you like her”
“Do I?”
he chuckled “you should tell her”
“she’ll hate me she sees me as a friend and a brother I wouldn’t want to ruin our friendsh!p”
“she wouldn’t hate you, she’ll un-derstand”
“how do I tell her?”
“girls likes flowers so go with a flower and tell her how you feel”
“I don’t know” I sighed doubtfully
“give it a sh0t”
“don’t you think she’ll hate me?” I asked when we were outside Kelanie’s house
“don’t be a coward, you can’t hide your feelings forever” he said
“but I plan on”
he scoffed and rolled his eyes “just go in” He started pushing me towards the gate
“don’t you think her parents would get mad if they see me?”
“Zion told me Kelanie’s parents are on a vaca it’s just her nanny”
“okay okay” I said nervously then took a de-ep breath and pushed the gate but it didn’t open
“it’s locked”
“then use the fence” Paris suggested
“what” I shouted
“you’re shouting”
“of course am shouting how do you expect me to jump the fence Kel will hate me”
“she wouldn’t, she’ll love you more for taking the risk for her”
“okay, I’ll try” I suc¢v-mbe-d and handed him the bouquet “hold this for me then give it to me when I climb”
“okay” Paris collected the bouquet then watched me as I climbe-d up the fence.
I got up the fence and sat on it.
“I made it”
“great now look for a place to land”
I nodded and started looking around for a safe place to land when I sighted Kelanie and Tony k!ssing. I got weak and hurt at the sight and fell off the fence into a bush of thongs.
“Tristan are you alright?” Paris asked pu-lling me out of the bush
“no” I replied in tears.
I was hurt from the fall and I was bleeding cause the thongs to-re my flesh but what hurt me most was seeing Kelanie and Tony k!ssing.
“what happened?” Paris asked further
“just take me home”
I got home that day and my parents scolded me cause I didn’t tell them where I went. My mum who is a nurse treated the injuries and gave me some drugs to subside the pain.
I regretted taking Paris’ decision. If I hadn’t gone maybe I wouldn’t had seen Kelanie and Tony and I wouldn’t had been hurt. The injury on my b©dy didn’t hurt like the one in my heart.
Kelanie visited that night to know how I was cause Luke had told her about my accident but no one knew what caused it and I didn’t tell her. She kept talking about Tony asking her to be his girlfriend and she accepted. She was so excited as she told me about their first k!ssand tears trickled down my cheeks.
“what’s wrong Tristan?” she asked
“the injuries are painful” I lied cause I didn’t want her to know about my feelings
“what can I do to help?”
“st©p talking about Tony”
She didn’t talk about him again till she left but she didn’t cease to ask me why I didn’t want to know about it and I didn’t tell her.
⏩⏩PREs£nT ⏩⏩
After that day, know one knew about my feelings ap@rt from Paris and I didn’t tell her nor anyone, I just let it die but it wouldn’t.
It kept growing every time I saw her and every time we spent together.
When I caught Tony cheating on her, I didn’t tell her cause she was madly in love with him and she was preparing for Paris Voice Award. I didn’t want her to lose focus but I was going to tell her after the competition.
That night, of the competition, she caught him ma-king out with a girl from another school and he openly broke up with her.
She was so broken that she lost to Shayne Gold. I was there throu-gh all her pain till she bec@m£ strong and just when I thought I had her, she told me she was in love with Eric even before I told her of my feelings for her.
Again I wanted her to be happy, I let her d@t£ Eric till he broke up with him Lancelot c@m£ along and now….
I just want Kelanie and I can’t lose her this time, I won’t watch another guy hurt her again.
But how do I open up to her?
“seriously? Angelou” I sighed and snatched his pencil from him
“give it back”
“not till you st©p ma-king paintings of Lisa, the entire room is filled with her pictures” I said and carried his canvas
“You can never un-derstand” Angelou sighed and fell back on his chair
“I un-derstand you but she’s dead, you have to move on”
he closed his eyes and said “I might never move on, I feel her around me”
“she isn’t around”
he got up and stared at me “you can never un-derstand”
“I think you should go on a blind d@t£” I suggested
he chuckled “that would be cheating on Lisa”
I huffed loudly “Lisa is dead and gone”
“she’s dead but isn’t gone”
“what am I going to do to get her off your mind?”
“just st©p trying cause I can’t”
“Angelou…. ”
“forget it Chance, you’re a good friend and I appreciate it” he cut in then walked out
I sighed as I watched him leave. Lisa shouldn’t had died, she didn’t deserve death, she should be here with Angelou they were so in love with each other.
“They still don’t believe you’re around” I said as I sat beside Lisa’s grave
“you shouldn’t be down there, you should be up here with me. Why did you leave after promising to be with me forever. Don’t I deserve to be happy? or am I too bad that you couldn’t stay with me?”
I blinked ra-pidly to suppress my tears but when it wasn’t working, I ran out of the cemetery.
I didn’t want her to see me crying. I don’t want her to think I also believe she’s dead.
I got to the gate and waited for a cab. After standing un-der the h0t scourging sun for about thirty minutes there was no cab.
I got exhausted and sat by the gate till a car drove past me and st©pped. The window wind open and Kelanie popped out her head.
“Let me give you a lift”
What do I say? Yes/no