High school r0m@nç£episode 25

🎸🎼 HIGH SCHOOL r0m@nç£🎼🎸
🙆 What to do 🙆
Author Viola
We sat down and the old woman joined our hands together which was the most awkward thing I ever had to do. I looked up and caught Tristan staring at us then I withdrew my hand from Angelou’s. Tristan smiled wryly and walked away.
“I’ll be back” I got up and ran after Tristan
I ran to the direction he went but couldn’t find him again. I knew he was hurt and I felt guilty about it. Even though I don’t love Tristan I can’t let him get hurt.
“I could talk to him if you want” a familiar voice said and I got startled then whirled around and it was Angelou
“you scared me”
“am sorry I didn’t mean to” he apologized and I just nodded
“Let’s go to school”
“Right, the old woman alre-ady left”
We boarded a cab and headed to school.
“mind if I talk to Tristan?” Angelou asked when we got to the school
“you don’t have to I’ll talk to him myself”
“Sure you don’t want me to explain that nothing is going on between us cause that’s what he thinks”
“I’ll talk to him” I insisted
“Alright” he said then added “see you later” and walked off
I sighed running my f!ngersthrou-gh my hair then headed for The St©ps music room.
“Hey!” I greeted softly as I popped my head into the music room with the rest of my b©dy out. Tristan was alone and he looked devastated.
“Hey!” he greeted back then I walked in fully
“you don’t look good”
“Am okay”
I smiled and sat beside him “what are you doing?”
“Thinking about the best way to make you love me back”
I got chocked at his reply and I couldn’t talk or even look at him.
What do I tell him?
I can’t possibly love him back.
“Am sorry” I managed to say
“there’s nothing to be sorry about” he smiled weakly but the smile was filled with so much hurt and pain
“do you like him?”
“who?” I asked like I didn’t know who he was referring to
“I just see him as a friend” I replied
“The same way you see me right?”
“Tristan I never knew you liked me all these while and now… ” I trailed off
“And now?”
“I don’t think am re-ady to love again besides you’re my bestfriend
“and am friendzoned?”
“That’s not what…”
“it’s alright” he cut in “I wasn’t expecting much either” he got up and started walking out
“Just hear me out”
“And get hurt at the end” and he walked out of the music room slamming the door shut behind him.
I let out my breath slowly in utter confusion. I didn’t know what to do and d@t!ngTristan wasn’t an option.
I haven’t told The Blooms yet but they’re so gonna side with Tristan if I tell them or they might not, I just don’t know. I don’t want a b©yfri£ndand I can’t promise to d@t£ Tristan when am re-ady.
What if I fall in love with someone elsr then?
“Finally” Zion exhaled entering the music room “I’ve been looking for you and Tristan told me I’d find you here”
“Is anything wrong?”
“You don’t sound like you, are you alright?”
“am fine”
“I met Tristan and he looked sad I can bet he was crying but when he saw me he pretended to be fine and wiped his tears and now you’re here also looking sad. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know about Tristan but am fine”
“Sure? You can tell me”
“Why were you searching for me?”
“oh! That’s right” she chuckled “we’re having an emergency rehearsal”
“Ms Chantel will be traveling tomorrow and won’t be returning before NYN so she wants to hear us for the last time”
“but NYN is in four days time she can always wait till the competition is over”
“she can’t”
“I don’t think I can sing now”
“this is the perfect time to sing cause you’re really emotional now”
I sighed and followed her as we walked to The Blooms music room.
“Where have you been?” Ms Chantel asked as we entered the room
“around” I replied and Angelou walked in
“You guys have been lazy lately because of the Glamour Diva and homecoming game and you haven’t been practicing for the big show”
I sat down as Ms Chantel went on
“let’s practice” she concluded
“One more time” Ms Chantel said when we were done singing for the seventh time
“you’ve been saying that over and over again” I said cause I was really tired of repeating the song
“I want you to be perfect” she replied emphasising on the word ‘PERFECT’
“We’re going to keep practicing till that day even in your abs£nce” I said even though I knew I was lying. We’ll never be able to practice in her abs£nce and Mr Justin hasn’t been in school for a week now.
“I can’t trust you on that. Blue still isn’t getting the note of the chorus and ma-king the piano sound off key. Zion and Phoebe aren’t pla-ying the guitar well and you aren’t harmonizing with Angelou”
“I don’t believe you. You used to say we were perfect”
“not today so practice”
And we practiced till school was over.
“I can’t move” Blue cried sitting still behind the piano
“my hands are hurting” Lex cried out as he c@m£ out drum set
“I might die before NYN, my back is aching me” that was ray as he put down his guitar
“me too” Sky and Alaric added also putting down their guitars
“Am sleepily” Chance yawned
“me too my eyes are heavy” I joined
“Let’s go home” Derek said and got up and we also did
“see you tomorrow” we bade goodbye and left the school
I waited outside for Festus but he wasn’t showing up and I was really tired. I sat down on a bench and put my headphones on.
“Mind if I keep you company?”
I re-moved my headphones and looked up to see who spoke. Angelou was staring down at me with his hands in his pockets. I felt bu-tterflies in my stomach as he proceeded to sit beside me without my cons£nt.
“What are you still doing here?” he asked
“Waiting for my driver” I replied and asked “what about you?”
“just hanging around”
“you act like you don’t have a home” I blurted out and he gave a lopsided smile
“maybe I don’t”
“you can go over to Caroline’s house or better still stay with your pet snake”
“I would have but she died last night”
“sorry about that”
He chuckled “it’s an old snake Kel”
“when did you learn how to pronounce my name?”
“I just pronounce whatever comes into my head, it’s up to you to say whether it’s correct or not”
“that makes you clumsy” I said and he frowned
“yes, you can’t just say whatever comes into your head, you have to think that’s why you have a br@in”
He gave me a square stare then said “I should’ve known” but he didn’t shift his gaze and I started shifting back unconsciously.
“Have you sorted things out with Tristan?” he asked
“I have” I replied then added inaudible “I think”
“He really likes you”
“I know”
Angelou swallowed ha-rd and stared into space as his countenance changed. “Wanna share why you were crying in the morning?”
I nodded then went on to tell him about my parents.
“you really love them” he said when I was done
“They are my parents”
“Reasons why you nee-d to forgive them”
“That’s almost impossible” I said then glanced at my wrist watch “what’s taking my driver so long?”
“are you in such a haste to go home?”
Do I ever want to go?
I just hope Festus doesn’t show up
“No” I replied “am just worried about him”
“or about yourself?”
“I couldn’t be much better” I said truthfully
“We’ve spent almost two hours here you must be hungry”
“I am, a little bit”
“There’s a restaurant across the road I’ll treat you to lunch” he offered
“Let’s go dutch”
“I won’t do that when am eating with a lady” he objected then sang
🎶 put the bill on me
“I love that song, it’s one of my favorites”
“yea sing it”
“am horrible at singing” he replied as we got up and headed for the restaurant
“That’s a lie”
“I don’t know the lyrics to the song”
I frowned and didn’t say anything again till we got to the restaurant. We walked to an empty table then Angelou pu-ll-ed a seat out and helped me in.
“I’ll place the order”
“you don’t know my choice”
“Then I’ll get my choice” he walked to the counter and started placing our order. I couldn’t help but stare at him.
I know of it’s wrong but I kinda admire him. It’s not a crime right?
I looked away so he wouldn’t catch me staring.
“My choice” Angelou said and placed two trays on the table then sat brown opposite me
“Sandwich and tea? Seriously?”
“Just eat it”
“like I have a choice” I shrugged and we started eating
“wanna tell me about your family?” I asked in the course of eating and he was visibly shocked
“not today”
We continued eating till we were done.
“you’re still hungry” Angelou noticed “I’ll place another order”
He walked to the counter and returned almost immediately with a bottle water.
“do you expect me to eat water?”
“it’ll full your stomach” he said and sat down
“I don’t think so” I said and proceeded to get up but he gr@bb£d my arm
“where are you going?”
“to get myself something to eat”
“don’t be stubborn just drink the water” he said and tried dragging me down but I didn’t bulge
“let me go”
We started dragging and my eyes drifted to Tristan who was standing outside and staring at us. Angelou traced my eyes and also saw Tristan staring at us.
He re-leased me and I sat back on my seat watching Tristan as he strolled into the restaurant to where we sat.
“mind if I join?”
I glanced at Angelou then Tristan and down to the empty seat between I and Angelou
“sure” Angelou replied and Tristan sat down. He stared at Angelou for a while then me.
“Why are you still here?”
“Festus hasn’t come yet” I replied
“You could’ve taken a cab or called me to drive you home”
“she wasn’t alone” Angelou said
“That doesn’t make here her home” Tristan retorted
“You don’t have to argue about it, am fine” I chirped in cause the atmosphere was getting hurt between the two
“I’ll take you home” Tristan said then dragged me to my feet
“you haven’t finished with your water” Angelou prompted then Tristan collected the bottle
“she’ll finish it in the car”
“what about me? I also nee-d a ride home”
Tristan scoffed “are you trying to get on my nerve?”
Angelou shrugged and stood up “I don’t think so”
“guys not now” I said
“Look” Angelou pointed outside “your driver is here”
I glanced outside and Festus was really at the school gate talking to a security man.
“I have to go” I said and pu-ll-ed my hand from Tristan’s grip then hurried to the door but suddenly remembered that leaving Angelou and Tristan alone was a total bad idea. I hurried back to where they were standing and took their hands.
“we have to go” but they weren’t moving and I couldn’t pu-ll them
“seriously? What’s wrong with you two?”
“take care of yourself” Angelou pe-cked me on my cheek then walked out
“Tristan” I called softly cause it was obvious he was about to melt into the ground
“see you tomorrow” he said and also walked out
I sighed and left the restaurant then walked to my car.
“sorry for keeping you waiting” Festus apologized and opened the door to the backseat. I said nothing as I got in thinking of the mess I found myself in.
Festus jammed the door shut then entered the drivers seat but the door to the backseat flung open again and Angelou got in.
“mind if I join you? I really nee-d a ride”
For real?