High school r0m@nç£episode 19

🎸🎼 HIGH SCHOOL r0m@nç£🎼🎸
🙅 The Fight🙅
Author Viola
“I saw them he was giving her a piggy back ride” I yelled
“Kelanie?” Paris thought aloud, he wasn’t going to believe that I saw Kelanie today with Angelou.
“I was scared this would happen”
“Kelanie can’t fall in love with him just because she spent somedays with him”
“seven days alone with a guy can change everything” I said
“just tell her how you feel before he does” Paris suggested
“Do you think she feels the same?”
“you gonna keep asking that question till BOOM! she starts d@t!ngAngelou” Paris yelled
“I don’t want to ruin our friendsh!p”
“loving Kelanie won’t ruin your friendsh!pbut if you’re still scared of telling her after so many years, I don’t want you to come running to me when she accepts someone else”
I face palmed myself and fell back to the be-d “I wish I had fallen in love with someone else and not Kelanie”
“your first and only love has had three loves and is about to have the fourth and you still love her” Paris laughed
“Love hurts”
“I agree” Paris said sarcastically but he wouldn’t un-derstand
“just do me a favor and get Kelanie out of your mind before Wednesday so you can concentrate on the game”
“if losing that game will make me get Kelanie then we’re gonna lose it”
Paris bur-st into an outrageous laughter “what love turned you into”
I picked up a pillow and threw at Paris but he caught it.
“chill man” he laughed then asked “have you ever k!$$£d a girl?”
I stared at him baffled at the question.
Have I?
Or maybe I have but am never gonna tell Paris, he’s such a tease.
I got out of the be-d and headed for the door “am out”
“you’re not gonna tell me?”
I ignored him and walked out
Maybe I should tell Kelanie how I feel but how do I approach her?
Kelanie look, I’ve been having feelings for you but I’ve been scared to tell you.
No, that sounds lame
Kelanie I know you’ve been hurt a lot but I really love you.
No, she’ll think am desperate
Kelanie amongst a million twi-nkle stars, is a beautiful moon that lights up the world and amongst a million girls is a Beautiful girl that lights up my heart and that girl is you.
No, she’ll think am just practicing a line of poetry
There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.
And when she asks ‘what is it?’
I’ll say ‘I love no’
No, that’s too forward
I ruffled my hair out of frustration and sat on the floor. Professing your love is too difficult.
I looked up to see the annoying Luke staring down at me.
“what do you want?”
“can you be quiet? Am trying to sleep”
“but am not saying anything”
“are you serious? Kelanie this, Kelanie that, Kelanie yes, Kelanie no, Kelanie…”
“I’ve been saying that loud?”
“did you think you were saying it to yourself?” he rolled his eyes and walked off.
What love has turned me into.
I returned to my room and Paris was about leaving so I saw him off to the door post and returned to my room. I dropped on the be-d and drifted into a cool nice sleep filled with dreams about Kelanie.
“The big game is tomorrow” Chance said to us. Everyone pla-ying for the WHALES were pres£nt including the new guy Angelou. I kept on staring at him and he was staring back.
“Coach said we’ll be having our last practice today at noon” Chance added
“and it’s almost time” I said taking a quic-k glance at my wrist watch
“No distractions” Lex said mimicking coach
“those who have girlfriends break up with your girlfriend and those who have crush lock your heart” he would always say
“STAY FOCUSED” was his key word in every game
“Lex shouldn’t be pla-ying cause he’s a woman freak” Eddy, one of the pla-yers said
“I might be but am not serious with any girl so what’s gonna distract me?”
“a big fat as-s” Eddy replied and Lex bur-st into laughter
“he’s right Lex” Chance said “our opponents might s£nd a big fat as-s girl to walk round the field you’ll get distracted”
Lex placed his hand on his che-st “don’t worry guys, you can count on me”
“we’re never gonna count on you Chance said jocularly
“But am not the only one, Derek is in love, secret feelings to be precise, the sight of Blue with another guy would kill him” Lex said
“I was staring at her while she was dancing with a guy from Famous but I was still singing without breaking” Derek said in self defense
“you cried when you left stage”
“I could still cry after the game”
He emphasised on the AFTER THE GAME
“We all got to deal with our emotional life” I said thinking about my feelings for Kelanie and what I’d do if I see her with Angelou during the game or if I remember the piggy back ride.
“coach might be waiting, let’s go”
We all got up and headed to the field.
“That’ll bring us to the end if the clas-s” the Algebr@ teacher concluded then walked out
“Finally!” I breathed out and turned to Blue “I’ll be in the libr@ry”
“must you always be there? It’s not like your life depends there”
I packed up my books ignoring Blue “see ya later”
“The guys are pla-ying basketball in… ”
I ignored her and walked out.
I miss the libr@ry and books. My second home.
I closed the book and walked to the shelve to get another one.
It should… be somewhere… here… ahhh!
It’s not here.
“what are looking for?” the libr@rian, Ms Veronica asked walking up to me “a novel I saw here yesterday”
“what’s the title?” she asked going throu-gh the shelve
“Lonely Nights”
“that’s my favorite” Ms Veronica squealed
I rolled my eyes “just tell me where it is”
“That guy, what’s his name again?” she paused and started thinking “Oh Angelou. Yeah his name is Angelou”
“what did he do?”
“he took the novel this morning”
“isn’t there another copy?”
She shook her head “no, it’s just that one”
“but I nee-d it”
“how urgent?”
“so urgent” I yelled
“don’t shout you’re in the libr@ry” she hushed
“I nee-d the book for my test”
“then go meet him” she said and walked out.
Calm down Kelanie it’s just a book.
I told myself cause I was really tensed about talking to Angelou.
I kept talking to myself and didn’t see where I was going. I bu-mped into someone who was also in a hurry and we fell on the floor.
“ouch!” I gro-an ed ru-bbing my forehead
“Did you get hurt?” a familiar voice asked and I looked up to see Tristan also sitting on the floor
“sorry, I wasn’t looking” I apologized and we got up
“it was my fault I should have watched where I was going”
“don’t take the blame Tristan I was so lost thinking of the best way to approach Angelou”
“approach Angelou?”
“for a novel he borrowed from the libr@ry”
“what’s the title?”
“lonely nights”
“you don’t have to stress yourself I’ll go get it for you”
“I can get it myself”
“I insist” Tristan said firmly “wait for me in the music room”
I gave up and headed to The Blooms music room. Fiona and Zion were alone when I entered and I walked to the them, they were chatting and giggling.
“what’s the gist?” I asked taking a seat
“weren’t you there at the game?” Fiona asked
“you missed a lot of fun” Zion grinned “You nee-ded to see Angelou in action during the game… ”
“let me do the talking” Fiona interrupted “he’s my b©yfri£ndremember? So I should be doing the talking”
“Fiona must you… ”
“Hey! Girls!” I cut in “Angelou isn’t d@t!ngany of you and hr never might”
They stared daggers at me then Fiona asked “what makes you think so?”
“cause he’s in love”
They g@sped “with who?”
“with books” I replied and they sighed in relief “he won’t notice anything that isn’t paper”
“he’ll definitely notice me and I know that” Zion stated
“if only I was the one that went for the training with him” Fiona sighed
“what would you have done?” I asked “s£dûç£d him?”
“get him to fall in love with you or better still…”
“Kel” Blue and Phoebe ran in p@n-ting
“what’s wrong?”
“Tristan and Angelou are fighting”
I g@sped and ran out with the girls to the scene. Tristan and Angelou were exchanging punches while the students gathered taking pictures.
I weaved my way throu-gh the students and ran in between them with The Blooms.
“what’s wrong with you both?”
They didn’t reply as they p@n-ted glaring at each other. The sides of theirl-ips were broken and Angelou was badly injured beside his eye.
“What’s going on here?” the vice principal bellowed
Angelou clenched his fist and punched Tristan. Tristan tried retaliating but I held him back and Angelou punched him again. Tristan pushed me out and another fight broke out.
Two security men ran in and seized them then dragged them to the principal’s office.
“what happened?” I asked no one in p@rticular
“I don’t know” Blue replied “they were just talking and Angelou punched Tristan first”
“They didn’t argue?”
“we didn’t hear them arguing” Phoebe replied
“I don’t want Angelou to get suspended” Fiona drawled
“who’s gonna pl@yfor the WHALES tomorrow” Blue added
“The game isn’t as important as having Angelou around” Zion said
“You girls are crazy” I snarled then walked off and Blue followed me.
We walked to the principal’s office and stood outside cause we weren’t allowed inside.
“What do you think led to the fight?” Blue asked
“I don’t know. It’s unlike Tristan he never have any misun-derstanding with anyone”
“Angelou punched him first but Angelou wouldn’t had done that if Tristan hadn’t made a comment that hurt him”
“What comment would he had made?” I wondered
“Tristan and Angelou never talked, what could had brou-ght them into talking?”
“Tristan offered to get a book I nee-ded from Angelou”
“Then why did they fight?”
I sighed “I don’t know”
The principal’s door flung open and Angelou and Tristan stepped out.
They glanced at us then both walked out without saying anything to us.
“let’s follow them” Blue suggested then we trailed behind them as they walked into the restroom.
“what are they going to do in there?” I asked Blue in a whisper
“let’s go see”
We tried taking another step when we started hearing punches and kicks and gro-an s from the males restroom.
“they’re fighting again” I g@sped and we ran into the bathroom