High school badas-s Episode 6 & 7

🌹❣️HIGH SCHOOL BADas-s ❣️🌹
Episode 6
High school r0m@nç£🌹🥰😉
🌸unknown pov
Irene stood in the teachers room staring at the ground
“I can’t believe you Irene, you haven’t used a week in the school and you are alre-ady stealing” the teacher said
“It wasn’t me, this 200 dollars was my payment for my p@rt time job ” she said and the teachers sighed
“The teachers will discuss this with the principal, but for now, your punishment is cleaning the libr@ry, You can Leave now ” The teacher said and she walked back to the clas-s
When she entered, all eyes were on her
“Can you still come back to clas-s after stealing? You are so shameless ” Sophia squealed
“Good job , Keep blabbing ” Irene said and sat down
“Are you okay? ” Zoey asked her and she nod
” I was told to clean the libr@ry for now, I don’t know my punishment yet, maybe I will be suspended ” she said
Sophia and Sage walked up to her and smiled
“You won’t be suspended instead you will be expelled ” sage giggled
“You guys are like two little witch, are you that jobless ” Irene said and they scoffed
“No, we are not jobless when it comes to dealing with thieves like you ” Sophia sm-irked
“Everyone quiet! ” Leo said on t©p of his voice and everyone bec@m£ quiet
“I can’t hold this anymore ” Mj said and everyone looked at him
He stood up and moved closer to sage and Sophia
“Who lost 200 dollars among you guys? ” he asked
“It’s me ” Sage said with a smile
“Follow me ” Mj said and walked outside
“Wow, it’s looks like Mj is going to ask her out” Marcie, a student said and they all laughed
“I’m nervous, what do you think mj wants to tell me? ” Sage asked Sophia and she shrugged
“I don’t know ”
She walked outside the clas-s and saw him standing in front of the cafeteria
“Mj, what do you want to say to me ” she said all friendly like and innocently
Mj brou-ght out his wallet and brou-ght out 200 dollars
He used the money to hit her head several times
“Take this money and st©p haras-sing her ” he said still hitting her head with the money
“Why should I? She stole my money,why should I st©p haras-sing her? ” Sage said, she was alre-ady in tears
“You are the only one who knows the truth, Go back to clas-s and tell everyone ”
“Why are you taking her side? I thought you hate her ” she said and sniffed back her tears
“I’m not taking her side, I’m just telling you that what you did was wrong ” he said and threw the money at her
“Take this and get lost, you are more worse than i thought ” he said and walked away
Sage walked back to clas-s with tears and everyone looked at her
“What’s wrong? What did Mj say to you? ” Sophia asked her
“Everyone the truth is that…. It wasn’t Irene that stole the money ” she said still crying and everyone started to murmur
“Really? Then who stole it? ” Jane, the vice president asked
“My money wasn’t stolen, I and Sophia lied against Irene ” she said and Sophia scoffed
“What in the world did Mj say to you, why are you spilling out everything ” she yelled at her
Irene turned to Mj seat but he wasn’t inside the clas-s
She ran outside and saw him lying down on a bench in the school garden
“Why did you do it? ” she asked and he grinned
“Because I hate annoying things ” he said and she drag him up
“What are you doing? ” he j£rked her hand away
“Is that really the reason? ”
“No , I did it so that you can keep your mouth shut about what you saw earlier ” he said and she scoffed
“What do you take me for? A running mouth? ” she said and he smiled
“I don’t have time to chat with Common folks, I have a lot to do ”
“I don’t nee-d your help, let this be the first and the last, ” she said and he looked at her
“Do you know you are annoying sometimes? I helped you because I have no choice, of course, I won’t help you again ” he said and turned to leave
“Then don’t. Receiving help from people like you makes me uncomfortable ” she said and walked away
Mj also turned to leave but he bu-mped into Leo
He sighed and placed his hand on his forehead
“Seeing your face always make me wanna throw up ” he said and Leo glared at him
“you are really annoying” Leo said and he smiled
“Your face is the most annoying thing to me, I can’t believe I have to see it everyday ” he scoffed and Leo gr-ab him by the collar of his cloth
” Listen up Mj, I’m going to say this once, Leave Irene alone, don’t help her, I’m going to take care of her myself ” he said and Mj sm-irked
🌹❣️HIGH SCHOOL BADas-s 🌹❣️
Episode 7
High school r0m@nç£🥰🥰😉😉
Mj walked to the swimming clas-s he had left some of his stuffs there earlier
He picked up his stuff and was about to leave when he saw a n£¢klace inside the pool
He ignored it and was about to leave when he recalled throwing Irene n£¢klace inside the pool
“Whatever, she told me not to help her anymore” he said and was about to leave but he st©pped again
“But I threw it inside, I should take it out ” he said and jumped inside the pool
He walked out with the n£¢klace in his hand
“What does this n£¢klace means to her?” he asked himself
“Isn’t that Irene’s n£¢klace? ” he heard Leo’s voice
He sighed and looked at him
“Can you just st©p talking to me?! ” he half yelled at Leo
“Your uniform is we-t, does that mean you took this out of the pool?” Leo asked
“None of your business” he said and was about to leave but was st©pped by Leo
“I will give it to her ” Leo said and he scoffed
“No thanks ”
“I wasn’t asking, I was going to take it anyway” Leo said and j£rked the n£¢klace away from Mj
“Give it back ” Mj said
“Mj, shouldn’t you be at least nice to me, the two of us used to be best friends ” Leo said
“We are not friends anymore, I hate your guts ” Mj said with a glare
“Don’t worry, it’s not like I want you to be my friend again, I was just saying. Thanks for the n£¢klace, I will give it to her properly ” Leo smiled and walked away
“That s¢v-mbag ” Mj cursed un-der his breath
Irene was in the libr@ry arranging the books with Zoey
“Irene, I think my stomach hurts, I have to visit the school nurse” Zoey said and she nod
“Alright ”
“Thanks, I will be back in some minutes ” Zoey said and walked out
Irene continued to arrange the books
“You are finally alone ” She heard a voice behind her
She turned and saw Leo
“Oh… What are you doing here? ” she asked him and he smiled
” I brou-ght something for you ” he said and brou-ght out the n£¢klace
“My n£¢klace ” she called and Leo wore it for her
“Thanks Leo, you have no idea what this n£¢klace means to me” she said and he smiled
“What does it mean? ”
“this n£¢klace was the only thing my father left for me ” she said staring at the ground
“Where is your dad? ” Leo asked
“He was accused of murder, he will be using some years in the prison ” she faked a smile and continued to arrange the books
“I’m sorry for asking ” Leo said with sympathy in his voice
.”It’s okay, anyways thanks, I owe you one” she smiled and he smiled too
P.E clas-s………….
The students all gathered in the field waiting for their P.E teacher
“He is always wasting our time ” Jane said checking her wristwatch
After some minutes, Mr Ben, the P.E teacher finally c@m£
“Sir , you kept us waiting for 28 minutes” Sophia said
“Shut up. How dare you!” he yelled at her
“Boys pl@ysoccer, girls pl@ydodge ball, I will be back after some minutes ” he said and left
“Where in the world is he going? ” Jane asked and shook her head
Leo divide the guys in different teams but Leo and mj end up in the same team
“Your face is enough to disgust me, why are we in the same team?” Me sighed
“I was the one who did a mistake while dividing, consider me invisible and pla-y, I will kill you if we lose ” Leo nagged
“Will you guys st©p fighting and let us pla-y” a boy in their team said and they started to pla-y
“You are so bad at soccer ” Leo said while they were pla-ying
“concentrate you fool” Mj said
“Don’t you think you are the real fool here ” Leo said and Mj st©pped running after the ball
“I’m sure i clearly told you to mind your business ” He said and everyone st©pped pla-ying the ball and turned their attentions to the both of them
“It seems like Leo and Mj are about to fight again ” Sophia said and all the girls ran their too
Irene dragged Zoey back
“I thought Leo doesn’t talk to anyone, why is he about to start a fight with Mj? ” she asked and Zoey sighed
“Don’t even get me started, you know the both of them used to be friends but they suddenly changed for some reason no one knows about, They are like Fire and ice that must not meet, sometimes when they punch each other, they both end up in the hospital” Zoey said and Irene g@sped
Mj and Leo stood glaring at each other
“I didn’t want to create a scene, you brou-ght this upon yourself ” Leo said and Mj sm-irked
“As the best student, I believe your br@in was supposed to be sharper than this, but I was wrong, you are having a hvge problem with your br@in ” Mj said and Leo snickered
“We have to st©p them” Sage said
“If you fight with me, you will be the one in trouble, you are the celebrity and if the students record it, your life will be over was it gets out of media ” Leo said and Mj held back his anger a little
“if my life is over, then your family life is over too, have you forgotten that I feed you guys, without me, everyone in your family is useless ” Mj said and Leo punched him
“Who said you are the one feeding us, my family can do better without you , since we are one big family, we can do better ” Leo paused and looked at everyone
“But I won’t blame, it’s because your family is not in good terms, your mom is dead and your father doesn’t care about you ” Leo added
Upon hearing his mother, Mj gave Leo a punch in the face and he fell on the floor
“If you talk about my mom anyhow again, I won’t forgive you ” he said and Leo stood up too and punched him
The two of them started fighting really ha-rd
Irene and other students stood with shock
“Both of you st©p!! ” The P.E teacher Mr Ben yelled at them and they st©pped
The principal and other teachers sat having a meeting
“I heard mj and Leo fought ” the principal asked Mr Ben
“Yes ”
“So how do you plan to deal with them ”
“We all know that they are both important to this school, mj is the reason why we have so many students and Leo is the best student of this school so we cannot suspend or expel them ” The French teacher said
“Then we should make them clean the school ” The English teacher said
“Mj is a celebrity , we will only ruin his reputation by telling him to clean the school” the maths teacher said
“I think I know what to do ” the principal smiled and they looked at her
“Locked the both of them in an empty clas-s, do not give them food or drink for just five hours ” the principal said
“Principal, those two can never stay in a place together, at this rate, they will only end up killing themselves ” The P.E teacher said
“That’s why I gave them just five hours, don’t worry, they won’t kill themselves, they might only come out with a broken arm or Leg ” the principal said and smiled