Her secret Episode 3 & 4

( He’s a girl 👧 )
Episode 3 ⚡⚡
Written by: Summer Gold
🌹 Lee Min 🌹
I carried him upstairs,, but why is he as light and soft as this? I la-id him on the be-d and walked out of the room.
He’s just weird,,,, really weird
” Is he okay? ” Kang Min asked and I nodded
” I’m going to be-d guys ” Tae Yung said and went upstairs
I la-id on my be-d trying to get some sleep but it seems to be impossible,, I can’t get Soo Bin off my mind.
I think there is something weird about him,,, really weird.
Well, that’s none of my business anyway.
I finally sle-pt off
🍭 Soo Bin 🍭
I opened my eyes wi-de and j£rked off,, how did I get to my room? How? Who carried me? Did he t©uçh me? What if my secret is out alre-ady?
Oh no I’m going crazy alre-ady!!!
I rushed into the bathroom and put off my clothes, I went un-der the shower and closed my eyes as the water splashes on my b©dy.
I breath out softly,,, I wish I am not keeping any secret from anyb©dy. But what can I do?
After taking my bath, I went back to the room and stood in front of the large mirror.
My hair is growing too much these days,, why? Is it because I’m a girl? Or what?
I t©uçhed it and sm-irk,,, my eye caught with Rose’s and Lisa’s Pictures and I smiled
I really want to be like you girls,,, but I think I’m not destined to live as a girl,,, I discovered that a tear dropped from my eyes.
I wipe it off immediately,,,
I quic-kly put on my clothes, arranged my hair and went downstairs.
” Finally ” the boys chorused the moment I got to them,, I turned my face to Tae Yung who only stole a gaze from me and turned back to his meal.
I sat down with a smile
” How can you take that much if you can’t hold it in? ” Kang Min asked with his mouth filled with food
” I will be careful next time ” I replied shortly and took a fork
” We are going to school today remember? ” Lee Min said and I choked
” What? I never knew we are going today ” I said
” Now you know ” Tae Yung said
” Yeah,, ” I nodded and continue eating
” It’s the young Ms!!!!! ” The students started screaming,,, some were taking our pictures. I have to cover my eye with my palm since the flash is too much
” Are you okay? ” Lee Min asked and I nodded
” Of course ” I replied
We entered our pri-vate clas-s and sat down,, suddenly the black Pearls c@m£ in. A smile escape myl-ips as they c@m£ in.
” Hey Soo Bin ” Lisa called walking to me
Gosh, right now she’s the only problem I have. She think am the right guy for him now,, she’s a really nice girl.
She’s still better than that Arrogant Rose
” Hi ” I smiled and win-ked, I can see she’s blu-shing.
” I love your dress ” she said tou-ching my shi-t, I st©pped her immediately before her hand got to my che-st
I will be in trouble if my secret is out,,, but I am A girl!!
” Guys,, are you re-ady for our 2nd year anniversary?? It’s gonna be a blast!! ” Ella said
” Of course, I can’t wait ” They all chorused
Well according to what I heard,,, Young Ms and Black Pearls was launched on the same day. So they always celebr@te everything together.
Two days have pas-sed, I think I nee-d to see Shin Hye. I really missed her so much.
I got dressed and went downstairs,,
” Are you going somewhere? ” Kang Min asked
” Yeah,, My aunt ” I said
” I will go with you, I am really bored right now ” Yeon Jun said
” Yeah me too ” Kang Min said
” Are you for real? ” I asked with a sm-irk
” Of course,, let’s go ” Lee Min said
” What? ” I screamed
” Yeah ” Tae Yung said
Now I should really die,
” So everyone is going? ” I asked
” Yeah ” They chorused
And that was how all entered the car,, all using a face Mask to prevent the paparazzi.
💅Episode 4 💅
Tae Yung 💋💋
I stole a gaze from him again, I think that has become my work. Something keep on starring at him like he’s some sort of special stuff.
I immediately keep him off my mind when the driver announced our arrival,, I looked round the area before ma-king any attempt to come down.
His parents must be freaky rich,, well that’s his business, not mine.
” You are gonna stay here? ” A voice said
I sm-irk and got down of the car
” This is your aunt’s house? ” Kang Min asked
” Yea ” Soo Bin replied with a smile
” Let’s go in ” he said and we all followed.
Her Secret @Summer’s Libr@ry
” You are welcome ” She greeted,, it’s a lady in her early fifties. She’s not in any way like Soo Bin,, oh maybe it’s because he’s a boy actually
We all bow our heads before sitting down on the large couch,,,
Firstly she asked us to introduce ourselves which we did,, she keep on talking talking and talking.
Maybe she’s funny coz everyone seems to laugh,, but I wasn’t even listening to her.
” Are you here at all ” She snapped her f!nger to me
” Mam? ”
” I want to make Lunch for you guys, and we nee-d some stuffs. ” she said
” So? ” I asked
” You should go get it,,, with Soo Bin ” she said
I turned to the others immediately, they only laughed at me. I sigh
” Fine ” I said and stood up
” Good ” she said
” Meet me in the car ” I said and walked out
Gosh, I can’t believe this. How can I go to the market to buy things?
People will,, jeez. She’s getting on my nerves alre-ady,,, I turned back and Soo Bin was alre-ady there
” Am sorry,,, she’s just like that ” He said, I replied with a nod and we both entered the car.
We got to a sto-re, thank God for the mask no one recognize us.
We started buying whatever she told Soo Bin, this is just like a punishment to me.
” We are done, we should leave ” Soo Bin said
” Sirs,, we also have clothes section here. Trust me you will love it ” one of the attendant said
I and Soo Bin exchanged a glance and we nodded at the same time
We followed her and she went back when we got there,, wow this place is awesome.
A smile escape myl-ips,, we both started checking out the clothes. They are really wonderful,, suddenly I discovered that Soo Bin is not with me.
I turned back and he was starring at something,, I looked up to see and it was a pink short go-wn, what? That’s for girls right?
I moved closer to him and folded my hands
” You want to buy that for your girlfriend? ” I asked
” Girlfriend? Of course not ” he replied turning to me,,
” Then who? You don’t have a girlfriend? ”
” I don’t,, never mind let’s go ” he said
Now, this is weird. Why is she starring at a lady’s wear when he doesn’t even have a girlfriend nor sister? ..
Probably her aunt can’t wear that,,,
Soo Bin 💋💋
Gosh, Sae Ron you should be careful or your secret will be expo-sed. But that dress was really beautiful.
I wish I can put that on,, but I can’t. My life is a mess,, a complete mess.
I will come back for that dress,, I will.
I’m sure the killer is still Looking for me right now,, and here I am stuck as a guy when am not.
” Let’s go ” I said
He replied with a nod,, sometimes I think he’s not a human. Just so simple,, I watched as he walk in front of me with his two hands in his pocket.
Am the one holding the stuff we bought.
Lee Min 😘😘
Why are they taking long? I am really impatient right now.
” They are taking too long to get home ” Kang Min said and we all nodded in agreement.
We heard a car coming into the compound
” I guess they are back ” Shin Hye said and I smiled a little
” We are sorry,, ” Soo Bin said coming in like he’s listening to what we said
” Apology accepted ” I said
” Says who? ” Kang Min and Yeon Jun stood up and took the nylon from her
” Lover of food ” Soo Bin said and stuck out his ton-gue to them
” What?!!! ” They yelled and started chasing him round the house
We watch them as they pl@ytheir childish things,,, Soo Bin Started running to my side
Oh no,, he fell and Landed on me.
I felt something ha-rd on his che-st