Her legacy episode 3 & 4

*Who Is K?*
Author~ Remio Viola
I sighed for the umpteenth time as the track record of the previous night kept repla-ying in my head.
That girl
she’s so luck
The very first person ap@rt from my accomplice to encounter with me as TY 💀 and go back alive.
I sl@pped my head and walked out of my room. I own a cooperative ap@rtment in Finesse where I stay each time I visit Nigeria. My ap@rtment— a sitting room, be-droom, bath, and kitchenette— is on the 28 floor.
I walked into the restaurant and met a scenario. People gathered as Mr Geoffrey scolded a young girl— guess she is a worker.
she looked h0t
The short waiter’s Sk-irt did well to bring out her curves and edges.
Jeez… I was going crazy alre-ady adding to the fact that I wasn’t with a girl last night.
From the look of things they were firing her. Mr Geoffrey gave her a sl!pand she was pleading. Her voice sounded familiar like…
The girl from last night
I sighted another waitress approaching me and she was h0t
A white girl
“hey handsome” she smiled se-ductively
“hey beautiful”
“nee-d any service? ” she bit her lower l!pand traced her f!ngersto her expo-sed cleavages then she chuckled when she saw how lost I was
“Tonight by 9” she smiled
“Give me a call when you’re re-ady” I said and slid my card into her br@
“n@ûghty” she chuckled
“what’s going on there? ” I asked pointing on at the altercation
“some new waitress poured coffee on Keith so she’s been fired”
“wait! Keith was here? ” I asked in shock
“yeah got any problem with that?”
see you by 9”
and with that she was gone.
I sighed and watched the girl walk out of the restaurant in tears.
Keith is such so proud
I followed the manager to his office and he ushered me in
“Mr Cruse how may I help you? ” Mr Geoffrey asked as we shook hands
“Am checking out”
“why? ”
“You just fired my favorite room-service waitress”
“You mean miss Clifford?”
“But she isn’t a room service waitress”
“I was coming to sign her as my pri-vate room service waitress but since she’s gone….”
“we’ll call her back right now we can’t lose a customer like you” Mr Geoffrey said hastily
“But that means losing Keith Stein”
“You’re more important Mr Cruse your fans will check out of Finesse if they find out you checked out”
I kept quite
He dialed on his office telephone
“call back Miss Clifford… Now!”
“We’re so sorry”
I simply heaved a de-ep sigh
“she’ll be appointed as your pri-vate room-service waitress as soon as we get to her”
I shrugged and walked out.
7:43 PM 🕒
I glanced at my wrist watch and sighed. I’ve been waiting for the past thirteen hours for my meal. I didn’t even go down for lunch cause I was waiting for Jennifer to bring it up to me.
I really wanted to see her
She’s the reason am still in Nigeria
Life of a pl@yboy
A soft knock c@m£ on the door and I smiled… Finally.
I took a last look of myself on the mirror then opened the door.
She’s so pretty, doesn’t even look like human.
I held the door and leaned on the door post checking her out
“Mr… ” she snapped
“uhm… come in” I stepped aside so she could come in and she pushed the wagon inside
She bowed and proceeded to leave but I held her back
I couldn’t st©p staring into her eyes, she is so pretty
It’s a good thing she doesn’t recognize me
She started talking but I wasn’t listening, I was just thinking about k!ss!ngthe hell out of her pinkl-ips
“hey!” she snapped
“what were you saying?”
She rolled her eyes and scoff
“I said thank you for getting me back my work— it means a lot to me” she was now getting emotional
“How about you pay me for that? huh?”
“I don’t have money”
I sm-irked
“I don’t nee-d your money” I said as my eyes traced down her b©dy, devouring every single curves and edges
“Mr! ” she yanked and j£rked backwards
what’s up with the Mr stuff
“I have to go” she said hastily and hurried to the door
“do… ”
she was alre-ady gone
I face palmed myself and fell to the be-d
I can’t believe a girl didn’t fall for my charms.
I ran to the mirror— am I getting ugly?
My phone rang and it was from an unknown number. I sighed and answered the call
“Hello handsome” a female voice giggled
Like I thought—Cheap slut
“Am re-ady”
“am… am not really interested”
“Why? are you with someone?”
“no I suddenly felt sick” I lied
“okay I’ll come tomorrow”
“Goodnight handsome… ”
she was still talking, I ended the call
All I was thinking was the divine b©dy I saw today. I nee-d to get her on my be-d and I’ll do anything to achieve that.
I fell to the be-d again and hvgged my pillow. I can’t starve myself for two days. I quic-kly picked up my phone to call the waitress— I don’t even know her name
A call c@m£ in from Keith’s dad in my phone as TY
“Hello” I said in a gruffy voice
“I have an as-signment for you”
“Go on… ”
“My daughter has an opponent and I want her dead”
“s£nd me her pictures I don’t nee-d her name”
I heaved a de-ep sigh as I walked out of his room.
I felt like resigning
I can’t believe I’ll be working for a pl@yboy as a pri-vate room-service waitress
This is gonna be the death of me
The second shift started thirty minutes ago and Zara alre-ady left but I can’t cause Mr Cruse hasn’t had dinner yet .
I sat on a stool and started dozing off. Am so tired
“Miss Clifford” Mr Geoffrey seethed
“Sir!” I got up with a start
“Room twenty-eight-oh-eight now”
“Twenty-eight-…” I was repeating to register what he said when he sl@pped the table
“Am on it”
I ran off and took the elevator to floor 28. The door dinged open and I walked out of the elevator.
Wait– Mr Cruse’s room
I swallowed and knocked on the door
No reply– just m0@n s
I inhaled and stepped back. I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.
11:00 pm 🕒
I was nodding sleepily as Mr Geoffrey’s words kept ringing in my head
“you can’t leave till you get the wagon… Mr Cruse is a very special customer and as his pri-vate room-service waitress don’t leave till he’s asleep”
“yes sir” I yelled and j£rked awake
Gosh! I was dreaming of Mr Geoffrey’s orders
I looked up at Mr Cruse’s door. The m0@n s had ceased so I got up and knocked again
“what’s it? ” a girl asked sternly and opened the door
What did I interrupt?
She tied a short towel around her w@!st. I strained my n£¢k to see Mr Cruse lying on the be-d with a duvet wra-pped around his unclad b©dy
“hey!” she snapped
“I c@m£ to check on Mr Cruse”
“He’s fine” she yanked then walked in and shut the door at my face
“see ya” Rita win-ked and walked out of my room
Last night was fantastic
I wish I can call her again but with girls… it’s just once
I arranged my stuffs in my bag and Zi-pped it up.
Someone is going to hell today.
I sm-irked and a call c@m£ in– Joanna
“You didn’t return”
Someone should tell Joanna I take her as my younger sister
“A mission c@m£ up last night”
“what’s it?”
“Just the usual…”
“So we should be anticipating your return today”
“The boys miss you”
Or you miss me
“talk later” I said and hung up
I ran out of the h0tel and drove off in my car.
putting on my mask, I positioned my gun perfectly to shoot my victim.
I don’t really like killing girls, it’s a waste
I sighted her as she walked out of her house then I pointed the gun at her. I c0cked the gun and was about pu-lling the trigger when I recognized who it was–Jennifer
I forgot that Keith has issues with her
I sighed and placed my f!nger on the trigger again. I got to do this
No victim of mine has ever gone out alive. she won’t be the first.
I remembered the night she helped me
I hate complications
I threw the gun inside my bag and Zi-pped it up then I took off my mask.
I snuck up behind her and covered her mouth with my hand. I didn’t let her see me.
I looked around and there was no way to take her out without alerting attention to I used the bo-ttomof my gun to knock her out.
Author~ Remio Viola
I dumped her in my car and drove to the airport. Getting to the car, I used my jacket to cover her face and carried her out of the car.
She was still unconscious
“Regan” Michael, my secretary called and I turned to him “you didn’t mention you would come with someone”
“It just c@m£ up”
“Who’s she?”
“You don’t have to know”
Michael shrugged “here, let me help you” he stretched out his hands to carry Jennifer
“But she’s dirty” he said and I sh0t him a glare
I carried Jennifer bridal style and we snuck to the runway. Avoiding crazy fans.
“should I join you in the jet? ” Michael asked
“no book a flight and get me disinfectants”
Michael nodded and left
If there is one thing I hate most in my life it’s dirt.
I walked up the aisle into the jet and dropped Jennifer on a seat.
She was still unconscious
I turned to see Michael
“what do you want again?” I asked harshly
“You have an interview…”
“cancel all I nee-d to rest”
He nodded and walked off
✈ Canada ✈
I woke up with a sharp pain on the side of my head. I t©uçhed the sp©t and felt a bandage then I recalled someone coming from behind and hitting me with something.
I was kidnapped!
I got scared
I looked around and I was lying on a very large and soft be-d. The room was large and smelt wealth
Where am I?
I kicked out of the sheets and got up. Lo! I was wearing a nightie
Who changed my clothes?
God it can’t be
The door flung open and an elderly white woman walked in with a bag
“you’re awake” she smiled “I was scared it’s been two days now”
Two days?
I’ve been slee-ping for two days?
“who are you and how did I get here?”
“Am nanny Celia”
“Where am I?”
“You’re at Canada”
“What? How did I get here”
“you will find out soon but don’t be scared you’re safe”
I was quiet
“Take this–” she proffered me with a pill and a glas-s of water “it’s for the injury”
“Who brou-ght me here and how did I sustain such injury?”
“Too much questions child” she smiled “Go have a bathe the bathroom is over there–” she pointed at a close door behind me “then put this on and come down for breakfast” she handed me the bag and walked out.
Is this how foreign kidnapping feels?
In Nigeria if you’re kidnapped you’ll be taken to the bush and given mas-s beating or r@p£ then they’ll ask for money you’ve never seen.
How I wish they’ll also go and kidnap my family.
I swallowed the pill the walked into the bathroom
A ‘wow’ escaped myl-ips
The bathroom was bigger than my house times 50. I walked into the curtain and entered the separate soak bath. I sle-pt off there because of enjoyment and free wine that was there. After what seemed like hours I walked out with a short towel tied ti-ghtly around my che-st.
I waited impatiently in the dining room for what seemed like ages but Jennifer wasn’t showing up then I started eating but nanny Celia yanked the spoon off my hand
“You’re not eating without her Tyson”
Being my nanny from birth, nanny Celia knows am Tyson Knowles and TY 💀 She was the person who saved me from my parents’ murderer. I owe her a lot.
“Nanny am famished”
“I didn’t s£nd you to kidnap her”
“I didn’t kidnap her I saved her”
“Then wait till she gets down”
I sighed then pushed my chair back and got up. I headed upstairs to the room where she was kept to drag her down. I was damn angry that I forgot to knock and barged in but I regretted my actions later.
She tied a short towel that st©pped below her bu-tt. It was too ti-ght and gaped open around her brea-st.
But she was young… too young that I couldn’t take advantage of the opportunity.
Yet she was h0t… too h0t for a girl her age.
I got ha-rd at the sight
“Mr!” she g@sped in shock and ran into the bathroom
I face palmed myself and knocked softly on the door but there was no reply so I returned to the dining room.
I heaved a sigh of relief when the be-droom door slammed shut and he was gone.
Why am I always meeting with this pla-yboy?
I hate my life
Why did he bring me here?
I stared at my reflection on the mirror and felt embarras-sed.
Why did he come in when I was dressed like this?
I ran out of the bathroom and locked the be-droom door then wore the dress nanny Celia brou-ght.
A tier Sk-irt mini dress and it fit in perfectly.
I combe-d my hair and walked out.
Next, I was going down the staircase. I really admired the beauty of the mansion.
If Mr Cruse is this rich what does he want from me?
Then I recalled what he said when he got me back my work at Finesse
“How about you pay me back? huh?”
What if?
I hvgged myself and shook my head
No! It can’t be
Am too poor to be his type
I don’t match his taste like the girl I saw in his room the other night.
I finally got to the dining room and Mr Cruse offered me a seat opposite him while he kept staring at me. I got uncomfortable then he faced his food– guess he noticed my uneasiness.
Breakfast was made of English muffins, which we ate with sweet bu-tter and wild strawberry jam.
After eating, I joined nanny Celia in the kitchen while Mr Cruse drove out.
I parked my car in the garage at the mansion and got down. I, Joanna, Alex, and James all live in the mansion. At times visit the penthouse to see nanny Celia cause she isn’t allowed to come out. My parents’ murder might recognize her.
I walked into the mansion and the trio were watching a movie in the living room.
“Hey! Guys!”
“Tyson” they all chorused and hvgged me
“How you guys?”
“Too cool” Alex replied then we sat down
“welcome back to Canada”
“what’s up? ”
“N-thing new”
“How was your last mission?” Joanna asked referring to my mission to kill Jennifer
“successful” I lied
I didn’t want them to know I spared a life
Everyone believes TY 💀 never misses to shoot.
I get paid– I kill
No mercy
“Keith would be happy” Joanna said scornfully
“speaking of Keith, she announced the re-opening of KLS” Alex informed
“When? ”
“Thursday night”
“cool! my plan is working, I just have to propose to her then we get married and I can claim legal right to the company” I said
“sure this is gonna work? I mean she has been declaring re-opening of KLS but she never did” Joanna said– she’s so jealous
“I’ll go see her now”
“But you just got here”
“I’ll be back” I dashed out
“jeez… I wish I were Keith” Joanna uttered sadly
“why? ”
“cause she has the man of my dreams to herself”
“You get to see Tyson everyday when he’s not on a mission” James said
“Like this? coming and going? It’s been thirteen years and am damn pretty why won’t he notice that?”
“Tyson doesn’t love Keith he’s just using her”
“I don’t mind been used if it’s Tyson ”
“It’s just once with every woman” I stated
“Just one night with Tyson that’s all I want”
“Then it’s lvst not love”
“I love him but if he can’t love me back then….”
“He’s gonna kill you if he ever has S-x with you” I reminded her “Tyson can’t bear seeing the same woman around after– after the fact he’s rather kill her”
“Keith is still breathing” Joanna blurted out and I laughed softly
“He’s not having an affair with Keith, just using her to get to her dad, she’s like a medium” James explained
“But he tells her he loves her”
“That’s a lie and you know that Tyson can’t love
he doesn’t believe in that $h!t” James noted
“I just love him”
“someone else loves you…. ”
and it’s me– I completed in my mind
“If I can’t get the person I want then the person who wants me won’t get me
let’s all suffer” she said and I chuckled in pain
I snuck Keith from behind and blindfolded her with my palms
“you caught me” I cackled then sat beside her
“I missed you” she said and hvgged me
“me too”
“sure? ”
“yeah a lot”
she smiled then I k!$$£d her cheek
“you have never k!$$£d myl-ips”
“yeah do it now”
I moved closer and pe-cked her on herl-ips
“hey! That’s not fair it’s not a k!ss”
“I don’t know how to k!ss”
“Regan” she drawled
“I heard the news” I said changing the t©pic
“Don’t digress”
“let’s talk about the news first”
she inhaled the crossed her arms around her che-st “am re-opening KLS, it’s been decades since Keith Lea Stein’s Enterprise was closed and the public is doubting my ownersh!pso I decided to re-open it to prove to then that am the K in KLS”
“That’s a good idea” I said with a secret sm-irk
“yeah for us”
“us? ”
“I told dad that we are getting married”
“you did what?”
“Aren’t we?”
“am not saying we are or aren’t….”
“I want to be Mrs Cruse you promised me that remember?”
I pu-ll-ed her into a hvg “you’re gonna be”
Hope you miss your mum cause you are sure gonna join her after the wedding.