Her legacy episode 23

👸Kaylan Lea Stein👸
Author~ Remio Viola
You got this episode for ur comment in the last episode
EP23 ☑
Our shopping was cancelled and we drove back home. Regan didn’t even talk to me again till we were in the be-droom.
“I think it’s time I have my own room” I pointed out as he went throu-gh his wardrobe
“why?” he paused
Cause I feel uncomfortable when am around you and I can’t help the feelings– I wanted to say but instead I said
“It’s just doesn’t make any s-en-se us sharing the same room we aren’t even a couple” I blurted out
he smiled weakly and walked to where I sat on the be-d. “There’s nothing wrong with it”
“There is”
“what’s wrong with it?”
I stared at him speechlessly
“say something” he urged
“I alre-ady said that”
he chuckled “you’re having a tough time I agree but you shouldn’t take it out on me”
“why… ”
he took my hands in his “There’s nothing wrong with you telling me you have feelings for me”
my eyes wi-de-ned in shock but I was speechless
“can I k!ssyou?” he asked softly staring into my eyes. I was so dumb that my mouth dropped.
He smiled and yanked me forward into his arms then he bent back my head across his arm and k!$$£d me. softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made me cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was p@rting my shakingl-ips, s£nding wild tremors along my nerves, evoking from me s-en-sations I had never known I was capable of feeling.
And before a swimming giddiness spun me round and round, I knew that I was k!ss!nghim back.
He unlocked and spoke in a low whisper.
“There’s nothing wrong with it” then he was gone
He shut the bathroom door behind him and I coll@psed on the be-d.
Should I be happy that my dreams finally c@m£ throu-gh or should I be sad that it meant nothing to him cause it didn’t.
Stepping out of the bathroom minutes later with a towel wra-pped around my w@!st, I sat on the be-d and took my phone. Jennifer wasn’t in the room again. I texted James to check on her then I got dressed.
I la-id on the be-d using my phone when Jennifer walked in. Immediately I saw her, I remembered the k!ss.
Why did I do that?
“Alex said I should give this to you” she proffered me a teddy bear “it’s a talking bear”
I gazed from the teddy on her outstretched hand to her face without saying anything.
“Take it” she urged
I stretched my hand but instead of taking the teddy, I slid my hand un-der the teddy and held her hand.
She shivered and tried withdrawing her hand but I yanked her to me and la-id her on the be-d.
“Reg–an” she stuttered
“I want to apologize”
she didn’t say anything so I went on “I didn’t mean to k!ssyou I don’t know what c@m£ over me but I didn’t mean for it to happen
am not a per-vert so don’t get scared of staying around me”
She swallowed a lump in her throat and shut her eyes “it’s okay”
My heart started beating fas-ter than usual. Did I mean what I said?
I wasn’t expecting her to say it’s okay just like that.
“I’ll be…” she tried getting up and that was when I realized I was holding her
“am sorry” I suddenly re-lease her and jumped off the be-d
“I’ll give you time to bathe” I said and walked out
8:30 PM 🕣
◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡👮LIEUTENANT L👮♡⋆♡●⑅◌
I smiled in satisfaction as I walked into Lugard’s sitting room. He was pacing about in joy waiting for Dawn’s arrival. It was arranged for her arrival to be by 9:00 pm.
But I have better news.
“Good evening Mr Stein” I smiled as we shook hands
“you look excited” I said as we both sat on a couch
“Dawn would be here soon”
I smiled “Dawn isn’t K”
“What do you mean?” he asked quizzically
I placed my briefcase on the table and opened it. I brou-ght out a paper and handed it to him.
“She’s an imposter he’s the DNA result” I handed him the paper
After going throu-gh it, he looked up at me. I could see the pain and hurt in his eyes.
“Why?” he asked curtly, he was at the verge of tears but he was trying to be a man
“I found the real K”
His face lit up “who’s she?”
“you’ll find out yourself” I fli-cked my f!ngersand two people walked in– a man and a woman.
“seat” I told them and they sat down shivering in fear
I turned to Lugard “meet Lucy and Albert Clifford” I turned to them “meet Lugard Stein”
Then I began “my investigations led me to them and I had to fly to Africa last night, Nigeria to be precise” I paused and studied and Lugard
“According to what I found, Charles Knowles wanted K but am yet to find out if he had a hand in her kidnap cause it’s almost impossible, he was killed the day she went missing but am close to finding the truth”
Lugard bec@m£ uneasy “is she still alive?”
“Albert will tell you the rest” I stated and signalled Albert to begin
“18 years ago, I worked as a gardener for Bexter here in Canada” Albert began “he returned one day with a little girl of three and he gave her to me made me promise to take care of her and treat her as mine. He didn’t tell me her name or who she was he just asked me to protect her and never to return to Canada with her nor let her come to Canada till he comes for her…. ”
Charles walked down a flight of stairs to meet his most faithful and trustworthy friend.
“Don’t fail me this time, kill the child like you killed her mother” Charles instructed Bexter
“I won’t fail you” Bexter said and left.
Bexter drove to Kaylan’s school and went to her clas-s. Being an old friend of Margaret, the three year old girl knew Bexter as an uncle. On seeing him, Kaylan ran into his arms and held him in a bear hvg.
“Did you come for me uncle Bexter?” she asked innocently su-cking on her right thumb
“yes” He replied then introduced himself to Kaylan’s teacher as her uncle, Frank so he would get permission to take the child home.
“What did you get for me uncle?” she asked during the ride home. Bexter didn’t reply, he just smiled at her and continued driving. He remembered Margaret’s last wish before she was sh0t
“Don’t let anything happen to my baby”
He changed his mind and drove to Lugard’s mansion but on getting there, he sighed Charles’ men from afar then he diverted and sped off.
“What’s wrong uncle? Don’t you know the way home?” Kaylan asked noticing Bexter wasn’t driving to her house
“I didn’t get you popcorn so I was thinking we got it before taking you home”
“yeah popcorn” she giggled excitedly and continued su-cking on her thumb
Bexter drove past The Knowles’ mansion and heard gunsh0ts. Afraid of what could had been happening, he sped off to his house.
He pu-ll-ed over in the driveway and got down. He went over to the pas-s£nger seat and little K had fallen asleep alre-ady. He carried her in his arms and searched for a safe place for her.
There was only one person he could trust. His gardener– Albert.
“Don’t ever return to Canada” Bexter said as he handed the child to Albert “Don’t ever let her know she’s not your child, treat her as yours and always protect her. I’ll come for her when it’s safe for her to return”
“… he paid for my flight back to Nigeria but he didn’t tell me who she was nor her name and he never c@m£ for her again. I called her Jennifer and I didn’t let any one know she wasn’t my child ap@rt from my wife who I married to take care of her when I returned” Albert narrated
Lugard inhaled de-eply “where’s the girl?”
“She’ve been missing for the past two weeks and we don’t know where she is” Albert replied
“I can’t lose my child for the second time” Lugard yelled a bit angry
“I know where she is” I said “she’s here in Canada”
They all turned to me in shock
“I’ll bring her to you by tomorrow” I added
“Then who’s Dawn?” Lugard asked
I shrugged “an imposter like I said”
“How did you know she was an imposter?” Lugard wanted to know
“Am a detective” I replied curtly
“That doesn’t answer my question”
“I suspected then I investigated and found out that it was a plan between Nathan and Dawn’s family to fake a story and claim Dawn is K so they can get a share of the company but luck ran out of Nathan and he was killed” I explained
“how are we sure this is real?” Lugard demanded
“A DNA test will be carried out but I can bet with my life that she’s K”
“plea-se forgive us” Albert pleaded
“The law has nothing against you, we’re grateful to you for protecting the child till d@t£ and you’ll be greatly rewarded for that” I said
“Since you don’t have a home here in Canada I’ll give you a room in my house till tomorrow when Kaylan will be brou-ght” Lugard said
“Thank you so much” Lucy spoke for the first time
“I owe you my life” Lugard said
I discussed other things with Lugard and informed him that Dawn and her family has been arrested while investigation continues. When it was almost midnight, I took my leave after ma-king sure Jennifer’s foster parents were comfortable.
I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm clock. I didn’t want to sleep for long cause today is going to be the best day of my life.
One puzzle solved, K has been found and the best p@rt of it is that it’s Jennifer.
Am so lucky she’s the one, I can now have her and Regan isn’t going to be a threat to me again cause she’s betrothed to me from birth.
I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth then I took my bath and got dressed.
After having breakfast, I drove to Lugard’s house. I know Regan he won’t listen to me if I told him I wanted to speak with Jennifer so it would be better if Albert spoke to him by himself.
“Good morning” I greeted generally when I entered the sitting room. Lugard was discussing with Jennifer’s foster parents.
“detective” Lugard called excitedly
“What did I miss out?” I asked taking a seat
“Just in time to a toast to our victory” Lugard said then a maid walked in carrying a bottle of wine and three glas-s cu-ps
“one more” Lugard instructed the maid referring to the glas-s cu-ps
“Have you found her?” he asked
“I want Albert to speak to her himself”
I brou-ght out my phone and placed a call to Regan
📲 why you calling
I chuckled inside. Always rude
📱 Jennifer dad wants to speak with her
📲 like you know her dad
he chuckled
📱 see for yourself
I gave Albert the phone then put it on speaker
📱 Hello Jennifer
Jennifer c@m£ on
📲 Dad
📱 Jennifer am with your mum we want you now
📲 where are you?
I took the phone
📱 Give the phone to Regan
📲 Lucas
📱Bring her to Lugard Stein’s mansion her parents wants to see her.