Her legacy episode 19 & 20

Author~ Remio Viola
“I know you’re into Dawn and everyone nee-ds the company but am not greedy for that all I want is Jennifer
My bargain is quiet simple, I cancel my engagement to Dawn and you take it while I have Jennifer” Lucas said
I held my clenched fist ti-ght to avoid giving Lucas some missing teeth.
“Is this why you called me out here?” I asked calmly
he nodded
I scoffed and punched him s£nding him flying out of his chair
“Next time visit your grandma if you got nothing to do” I snarled and stormed out
I got to my ap@rtment and pu-ll-ed over in the driveway but didn’t get down. I felt I was been followed.
I remained in my car and called Jennifer on the phone.
📲 Regan
📱 pick all your necessary stuffs and come out now
📲 What’s going on?
📱 Do it now
I ended the call and got down then walked to the front porch. I knocked gently on the door and Jennifer opened.
“Are you done?” I asked her
“I didn’t take anything” she replied
“let’s go” I took her hand and we headed for my car
“Am scared what’s going on?” she asked me in a whisper ti-ght£ñing her grip on my hand
“I’ll tell you when we’re in the car” I replied
We entered the car and I drove off.
“Where are we going to?”
“To the mansion” I replied
She hvgged her self and placed her head on the head rest
“Don’t ever be scared when am around” I said without turning to look at her but I knew she smiled
“What’s going on?”
“Someone is following me”
“The same people I led to your house the other night?”
She inhaled de-eply and shut her eyes. I ceased the opportunity to look at her. She was so beautiful that you’ll ba-rely believe she’s a Nigerian. She took herl-ips in her mouth and I couldn’t st©p staring at her.
I didn’t un-derstand what I really wanted from her but one thing was for sure, I can’t let her go and Lucas isn’t going to be a threat to me.
I faced the wheel then noticed a car trailing behind us. I watched the car from the side mirror then turned to the left and it followed.
I stepped on the accelerator and sped off
“What’s happening?” Jennifer j£rked up in fear
“Relax” I replied curtly and drove into an alley that led to a car wash. I drove into the spraying section and drove past the automatic car spray and my car got painted red instead of its normal blue.
I drove out from the back into the street. The spidax were waiting there but because of the change in my car colour they didn’t recognize it and I drove past them.
We arrived at the mansion and I parked in the garage. I un-buckled my seatbelt and turned to Jennifer, she was shaking like a leaf.
“it’s alright” I said and un-buckled her seatbelt
“I want to go home” She said and I noticed that she was crying
“you don’t have to be scared when am around I will never let anything happen to you”
She looked up at me tearily
“it’s okay” I said and wiped her tears
We took her hand in mine and we walked into the mansion. Alex, James and Joanna were watching a movie in the sitting room when we got in.
“Hey! Ty…” Alex trailed off on seeing Jennifer “Regan” he called instead
“What a surprise” James said excitedly
“Weed” Joanna huffed and walked out
I glared at her and walked upstairs with Jennifer.
“You’ll stay with me tonight” I said when we got to my room and she nodded
With the way she was scared, she would suc¢v-mb to anything. I wasn’t sure we were safe yet and with the way Joanna hates her, I don’t trust she’ll be safe without me.
Joanna might kill her.
“Have you had your bathe yet?” I asked her and she shook her head in negation
“The bathroom is over there I’ll get you something to wear” I told her and she nodded
Fear got her ton-gue tied
She walked into the bathroom while I searched my wardrobe for any pajamas of mine that would fit her.
“Regan” James called knocking on the door
“come in”
The door flung open and he walked in.
“Where’s Jennifer?” he asked sitting on the be-d
“In the bathroom” I replied still searching the wardrobe
“why are you guys here? ”
“Spidax are monitoring us Jennifer is also there target”
“So you’ll be staying here?”
“For now”
he nodded “why didn’t you take Jennifer to the guest room?”
“do you really trust Joanna?”
James shrugged “I don’t know”
“she told me to my face that she’s going to kill Jennifer”
I found a white pajamas that wouldn’t be too big for her.
“I don’t like this Jennifer’s life is in danger” James said
“The main danger is spidax as for Joanna I don’t mind killing her” I walked to the bathroom door and knocked, he hand appeared in the door way and I handed her the pajamas
“is that how much you care for her?” James asked as I joined him on the be-d
“don’t deceive yourself I care for her cause she cared for me”
The bathroom door opened and Jennifer stepped out wearing the white pajamas.
“Am hungry” she said
“I’ll go get you something to eat” James volunteered and walked out
“I can’t stay here” Jennifer uttered
“why? ”
“cause of her”
“Joanna isn’t a problem trust me”
she sighed and sat on the be-d “this be-d is too small”
“this is a queen sized be-d”
“still it’s small”
“I’ll lie on the floor”
“better” she sighed and fell to the be-d
“Are they the same people that killed nanny?” she asked with her eyes closed
“I don’t know” I lied
“you’re lying to me” she blurted out “why do I feel you’re hiding something from me?”
“am not hiding anything”
“How did you know I was been followed? How did you know that car was following us?”
“cause I knew”
She got up and stared at me for a while “How did you know Keith wants me dead?”
“cause she’s my girlfriend”
“Keith is your girlfriend?” she asked in awe
I nodded
“is that why she wants me dead? cause of you?”
“no far from it”
She sighed in frustration “Am confused ”
“can I come in?” James knocked on the door
“if you’re handsome” Jennifer replied and he walked in with a tray of food
“I think am handsome” he grinned and placed the tray before her
“you welcome” James replied then win-ked at me before leaving
“let me go shower” I excused myself and walked into the bathroom. I couldn’t stand Jennifer’s questions again.
What’s she suspecting?
◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡👮LIEUTENANT LUCAS👮♡⋆♡●⑅◌
I’ve been calling Jennifer all throu-gh last night but she isn’t answering. I guess Regan policed her phone. I drove to the station and headed for my office. I had a meeting with a client. He’s a John Smith in Canada and he doesn’t want his name mentioned as a witness. He’s helping me get information on the murder of The Knowles.
I got to my office and he was alre-ady waiting .
“sorry for keeping you waiting” I apologized and took my seat
“I just got here myself” he said
“let’s get down to business”
“I was a secret spy for The Knowles and I arranged Charles Knowles thvgs” he began “Lugard and Charles fell in love with the same woman Margaret but she was in love with Lugard and she married him. Charles, who was alre-ady married with a son got furious. Lugard and Margaret had a daughter K, no one knew what the K meant. on K’s one year birthday p@rty, Charles s£nt me to kill Margaret and bring him the child…”
Author~ Remio Viola
EP20 ☑
◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡👮LIEUTENANT LUCAS👮♡⋆♡●⑅◌
I drove to the station and headed for my office. I had a meeting with a client. He’s a John Smith in Canada and he doesn’t want his name mentioned as a witness. He’s helping me get information on the murder of The Knowles.
I got to my office and he was alre-ady waiting .
“sorry for keeping you waiting” I apologized and took my seat
“I just got here myself” he said
“let’s get down to business”
“I was a secret spy for The Knowles and I arranged Charles Knowles thvgs” he began “Lugard and Charles fell in love with the same woman Margaret but she was in love with Lugard and she married him. Charles, who was alre-ady married with a son got furious. Lugard and Margaret had a daughter K, no one knew what the K meant. on K’s one year birthday p@rty, Charles s£nt me to kill Margaret and bring him the child…”
“who is it?” I asked
“you have a visitor” Tessy, an officer replied
“am busy now”
“it’s urgent”
I sighed then said to the man “I’ll be back”
“What’s so urgent that can’t wait?” I asked Tessy when I was out of the office
“there’s a man saying he wants to see you and he’s creating a scene”
“let’s go”
She led me t
out of the station but there was no one there. The place was quite.
“what’s going on?”
“I don’t know” she stuttered “he was here a few minutes ago”
“This is a set up”
I quic-kly remembered my client and ran back to my office. My client was lying faced up on the floor dead with his chair tr!pp£dover.
He was strangled from behind with a picture wire.
His eyes were bulged out of his head. His mouth was grotesquely twisted open and swollen, his black ton-gue protruded from it. It was like a ghastly mask out of a horror movie.
“who’s behind this?” I thun-dered
“I have no idea” Tessy quivered in fear
“don’t lie to me” I held her on her n£¢k “who paid you to do this?”
“Am innocent” she pleaded as tears trickled down her cheeks
“Call the security dep@rtment block all the exits no one should leave till I find out who is behind this” I ordered and pushed her out violently then she nodded and scrambled away
Just as I was about finding out the truth.
I bent down beside my client’s dead b©dy in anger.
Who’s behind this?
Whoever did this knows he’s here in Canada cause he kept his stay a secret for security reasons. He changed his name to Mr Haskell so no one would recognize him.
Who could’ve known?
👽 SPIDAX▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
“where close to ex-posing Regan” Storm sm-irked “all thanks to his Judas, Joanna”
“I never believed the saying that ‘in every twelve there must be a Judas’ until the day Joanna stepped in here” Babylon said
“Who could have thought that the famous t©p Canada’s male model, Regan Cruse was Canada’s most wanted criminal, TY” I laughed
“Let’s see how he escapes our plan” Storm said
“and as for the girl, I got some things to do with her” I sm-irked
“Boss” Josh called joining us
“Speak the boss listens” I said
“Your dad was murdered”
“what?” I got up “my dad isn’t in Canada”
“He c@m£ as a John Smith by the name Mr Haskell and he was feeding Lucas with information but he has been murdered” Josh explained
“who told you this?”
“He’s on the news but no one had been able to identify who he is but I did”
“who did this?” I yelled angrily
“it’s no other person than TY” Strom said
“TY” I snorted “gather the boys”
I sat with James on the sitting room watching Spongebob but for the first time, my attention wasn’t there. I was worried cause Regan hasn’t been around since morning and I have a strange feeling about it.
“You’re not concentrating Jenny” James said
I sighed and sl@pped my forehead “am trying”
“you’re so worried, is it because of Regan?”
“I don’t know”
he smiled “I know Regan, he’s fine”
I sighed and fell back on the sofa “Something is going to happen”
“are you a seer?”
I smiled “No”
“Regan is fine he went to see his girlfriend”
My smile faded “Do you know that Keith wants me dead?”
“I know” he replied not looking at me
“Then why is he keeping me while his girlfriend hates me?”
“I don’t know” he shrugged “maybe he likes you”
I bur-st into a belly laugh
“why are you laughing?” James asked laughing too
“cause that’s IMPOSSIBLE” I noted
“just forget it” I waved it off
“Do you miss Nigeria?” James asked changing the t©pic
“Maybe or maybe not”
he chuckled “you better not cause I don’t want you to return to Nigeria again”
I opened my mouth to talk when Regan ran inside.
“Regan!” we called in unison
“Jennifer to the be-droom” he seethed
I nodded and ran to the be-droom
“What’s going on?” James asked me when Jennifer was gone
“Where’s Joanna?” I asked
“she’s out”
“Joanna gave the Spidax information about me”
“They know TY is Regan Cruse”
“How did you find out?”
“a member of their group leaked the secret to me, he said he’s my fan”
“what are we going to do?”
“They have a plan to get evidence against me and submit to the police and Joanna is helping them with that”
“Did he tell you their plan?”
“he doesn’t know but he promised to find out and tell me”
James gave me a deadly stare “am going to kill Joanna”
“we have to keep it a secret so she doesn’t find out, we’ll set her up” I suggested
“How about Jennifer?”
“Cyrus wants her, I don’t know why”
“Tyson” Alex joined us
“What’s wrong Alex?” James asked
“Did you kill someone today?” Alex asked me
“what do you mean?”
“Someone was killed in the station today and everyone thinks it’s TY”
“don’t ever return to Canada” I told Drake giving him a sl!pthen he left
I was really scared that Lucas would find out I paid Drake to tamper with the record but luckily he didn’t.
I left the sp©t I met with Drake and boarded a cab home. I didn’t come with my car so I won’t be recognized.
I got home and saw dad rushing inside in a haste.
“what’s wrong dad?”
“Nothing” I replied curtly and hurried to his room.
I sat down on a sofa and called a maid to get me a glas-s of wine.
“Keith” dad called sitting beside me
“you knew Dawn was Kaylan and you asked me to kill her”
I stared at him in shock but didn’t say anything. This was the first time I was seeing him mad at me.