Her celebrity crush episode 1

Her Celebrity Crush
BY Authoress SheiLA
Episode 1
Joella’s POV
My alarm rang jo-lting me from my beauty sleep, I ru-bbe-d my eyes slowly before k!ss!ngmy poster of Bryan Cohen.
I headed for the bathroom brushed my teeth and took my bath.
Then rummaged my wardrobe for what to wear.I settled for a white tank t©p crazy jeans and white sneakers.
I checked myself out in the mirror, I look so h0t.. I’m an exact replica of my mum with my blond hair forest green eyes and long lashes.
I slung my bag and got out of my room,I met my annoying sis along the way.
“I thought u wouldn’t wake up, I’ll have woken u myself” She snorted sm-irking.
I scoffed at her before saying
“Well sorry to bur-st your bubble hun I woke up before u could carry out that disastrous plan of yours”I replied and stuck my ton-gue at her.
I walked downstairs and Kiera tagged behind, I pe-cked mum on her cheeks greeting her.
“Good morning mum” I greeted gr-abbing my plate of macroni and cheese.
“Morning huni, How was ur night” She asked looking h0t in her work clothes.
“It was fine, where’s Dad”I inquired noticing dad’s abs£nce.
“He had an emergency in the hospital”She replied packing Kiera bagpack.
Hmm typical dad saving lives.
He’s a doctor!
I finished up my breakfast and headed to the door when mum said;
“You’ll be taking Kiera along, I’ve got work to do”
I frowned but nodded in approval.
“Kiera!!” I yelled angrily
“You are delaying me, are you in a labour room? ” I yelled sarcastically.
She’s been in her room dressing up for almost an hour.
she c@m£ out and walked majestically, ignored me and headed to the car,I got in and drove us to school.
I arrived school, parked my car and got out.
Amy my bestie c@m£ rushing to me,she hvgged me ti-ght before saying ‘Hi’. She lives here in Greenville with her mum.
Her dad divorced her mum when she was just three.
“Hi Amy”I greeted un-hooking myself from her choking hvg.
Annoying Kiera scoffed at us before heading for her elementary school nearby.
“what’s up with her”she asked gesturing Kiera.
“Hmm, she’s bipolar”I replied shrugging.
“What have u got? “I asked Amy as we strode to clas-s.
“History and you?”
“Geogra-phy”I replied and gro-an ed inwardly.
“Wow sorry girl, you’ll just have to cope with Mr dangerous” She replied referring to Mr Jones our geogra-phy teacher.
“well I’ll try”I replied and headed for geogra-phy clas-s while she headed for history clas-s.
“You are late Miss Smith” Mr Jones thun-dered angrily
I shuddered in fright.
“Sorry sir”I mumbled inaudibly.
“Next time u won’t like what I’ll do ,sit down”he spat and continued whatever scra-p he was teaching.
I walked to my seat and sat on it
“Geogra-phy deals with …….”Mr Jones continued to teach but my mind drifted to the fantasies ave been having and feeling about Bryan.
The bell rang and I sighed in relief, I went out of the clas-s and saw Amy afar, I increa-sed my pace and caught up with her.
“Hey why we’re u walking so fast”I asked her g@sping for breath.
“Maybe u were the one walking too slow”she replied tucking her brown hair behind her ear.
“Have u heard of Bryan’s job opportunity ”
“No,what is it about? “I asked putting my bag in my locker.
“A PAs job and u’ll have to be at least 20 before u get the job “she replied as we reached the cafeteria.
“hmm too bad, i’m only 18″I replied her sadly.
“And u’ll soon be done with highschool,u can go to ‘SANDY’s MAKEOVER SALON’ and trust me, they’ll make u look 20″she said.
“Hm, You think I’ll pas-s”I replied.
“Ok, just a thought I guess”she replied as we sat down to eat our lunch.
The bell rang for dismissal and I went out and saw Amy and Kiera alre-ady waiting for me.
“Hi Ella”Kiera greeted,I looked at her surprised,this means only one thing,she wants something.
“Whatever u want K, I’m not prepared to give u because you have been much of a j£rk lately”I retorted sharply.
She pouted, kept quiet and got into the car.
Amy chuckled before giving me a high five,we got into the car and drove home.
Bryan POV
“Next” I shouted after the next person failed to impress me.
I’m Bryan Cohen,a young musician at 22,
I’m a pla-yer, a pla-y-boy..One who pla-ys with girls feelings.
I don’t believe in that $h!t called love.
The next person c@m£ and it turned out to be a lady, she wore a b©dy fitting go-wn which st©pped mid-th!gh.
“Hi I’m Rhoda…,she had ba-rely completed the statement when I cut in
“You are hired”I replied excitedly.
She c@m£ closer to me and bit herl-ips s£dûçt!velyand I felt my arousal, I squee-zed her brea-sts and she m0@n ed.
“First thing first, Go get me coffee”I whispered S-xily.
she shivered a little before walking to the door swaying her bu-tts, which were so big.
Hmm, Lucky me! I’m gonna have a little fun here with her around.
One word for Bryan 🙄

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