Heartless episode 13 & 14


Episode 13

A story by Chichi Tonia

Not edited




****Back to the mechanic house*****


It was alre-ady 10pm, and the harbalist have done everything possible to know if ra-phael could respond to treatment, he tried everything he could but ra-phael wasn’t responding, so the harbalist considered him dead and left, while the mechanic took his b©dy to return it back to the Cana water where he took it, on getting there he dumped ra-phael’s b©dy in the water and turn to leave.

“plea-se help me, help me I beg you “ra-phael said with a fainting voice, and the mechanic turned back to his surprise it was ra-phael, the mechanic rushed and brou-ght him out from the Cana water

“You are Alive, you are alive, thank God “The mechanic said excitedly

“plea-se help me, don’t leave me I beg you “ra-phael said weakly and pas-sed out again, immediately the mechanic took him home and called the harbalist again and he started treating ra-phael, after he was done he left


The next day morning, ra-phael opened his eyes and was surprised to see himself in a strange house, although he was still and also feeling pains on his che-st which was bandaged

“Where am I? what am I doing here? he asked no one in p@rticular, not too long the mechanic c@m£ in

“Thank God you are awake, so how are you feeling? the mechanic asked smiling

“Who are you and what am I doing here? ra-phael asked surprisedly

“My name is Ayo, am a mechanical, don’t worry I will explain everything to you when you get better, but for now you nee-d to rest “The mechanic said

“I don’t nee-d any rest, I nee-d to know what am doing here and what happened to me “ra-phael said and wanted to stand up but he felt a sharp pain on his che-st because of the gun sh0t he had

“plea-se you have to rest and get better, I will tell you everything later “The mechanic said and ra-phael insisted that he should tell him, he persuaded and persuaded him until the mechanic had no choice than to tell him, he explained everything to him

“That is it, I was urinating when I saw 3 men putting on mask throw you inside the water, at first I thought you were Dead but something told me that you are still alive, that was why I took you immediately they left, and thank God you are alive, but do you remember anything, I mean your family members or anyb©dy? the mechanic asked

“No I don’t remember anything, not even my family, the only thing I can remember is my name which is ra-phael, but who could be those people who are after my life? ra-phael asked because he didn’t remember anything that happened to him

“I don’t know those people, how I wish you can remember, because your family nee-d to know that you are here and alive “the mechanic said


Three days later, ra-phael was slee-ping, when the event of what happened to him c@m£ in the dream, he screamed and woke up p@n-ting and also sweating

“So Mrs Victoria was the one that s£nt those people to kill me, yes yes…. I can remember everything now “as he was still talking to himself, the mechanic c@m£ in the room he was

“what happened, I heard you screamed, are you okay? he asked with a concerned tone

“Am okay, I think I remembered everything that happened to me “ra-phael sadly said

“Are you sure you remember?

“Yes I remember, the people who tried to kill me was s£nt by Mrs Victoria, yes I heard one of them said that Mrs victoria told them to collect my phone, I heard it before I pas-sed out ”

“Hmmm….. this is serious, who is this Mrs Victoria you are talking about, she nee-d to be arrested for murder attempt” Ayo said

“She is the wife of Mr Jude who was my father’s childhood friend “ra-phael replied and the mechanic was surprised

“you mean Mr Jude the late billionaire who they said that was poisoned by his PA or so? the mechanic asked trying to be sure

“yes he’s the one, he was a very nice man before his sudden death, but his wife is the problem that I have in that house “”ra-phael said

“Mrs Victoria is very mean and Heartless “said the mechanic

“is like you know them too well? ra-phael asked

“Ah…. who doesn’t know Mr Jude and his family in this Abuja, 2days ago, the news of your death was everywhere both in the newspaper and the television, I never knew all this while that you are the ra-phael they have been talking about, and you are a very nice guy the way people are talking about you, but that woman is heartless for s£nding those people to kill you and she nee-d to be arrested “the mechanic said

“she is very heartless and she will pay for what she did to me because I have had enough of her, plea-se I want you to do something for me, I don’t want people to know that am alive not even my father in the village, because if Mrs Victoria find out that am still alive she will come after my life again, I don’t want anyb©dy to know that am alive, plea-se can you keep it as a secret for me “ra-phael pleaded

“Hmmm……. I un-derstand but don’t you think that you should tell your father that you are alive because he might die of heartbreak for losing his only child “the mechanic advised

“No I don’t want him to know that am alive, because if I tell him Victoria must surely find out, you know all this old people don’t know how to keep secret, that’s why I can not tell him until the right time “ra-phael insisted and the mechanic sighed

“ok no problem, if you say so, But you can stay here as long as you wish “the mechanic said

“Thank you for everything and also for saving for my life, one more thing, I will like to get another line and block the old one which they took from me so that Mrs Victoria will not get access into my account because my code and my bank details are on that phone they took, I know that was the reason she s£nt them to kill and collect the phone from me, I nee-d to block that line right away and get new one, I will use your phone to call the line center so that they can block it before Mrs Victoria will empty my account, maybe tomorrow I will go to MTN office to get another one “said ra-phael

“No problem, but my question now is, how do you intend to go to MTN office to get a new line since you said that you don’t want people to know that you are alive, and more over you nee-d to get better first before thinking of going anywhere” The mechanic advised

“Don’t worry about me, am okay, ap@rt from the little pain am still having on my che-st, but that will not st©p me from going to get another line and also I will go to bank and change my number to the new one, I will diguise myself and go to the MTN office tomorrow to get a new line “ra-phael said


Episode 14
“That is a good idea, but be careful in everything you do, I wish you good luck, anyway am off to my workshop and I will be back on weekend, do take care of yourself and the house “Ayo said and left
Meanwhile as all this was going on, everyb©dy thought that ra-phael was dead, including his father in the village also thought the same thing and he mourned for his son and wished for them to bring ra-phael’s corspe so that he can bury him.
The next day, ra-phael put on a female cloth, wig, he also applied some makeup so that people won’t recognize him, although he haven’t fully recovered from the gun sh0t he had on his che-st. After he finish applying make up, he put on a flat female shoe and left the house to MTN office to get a new line, on getting to the bus st©p, he took a bike that will take him there, when the bike dropped him, he c@m£ down and Cross the other road because the office was across the road, after he finished crossing and wanted to enter the MTN office, he mistakely bu-mped into someb©dy, on raising his head up to apologise, he was shocked to see who the person is, to his surprise it was no other person but the boss lady Mrs Victoria, immediately he saw her his heart skipped, Victoria on the other hand just stood there staring at him because the face look very much like ra-phael’s face, but do to he disguised himself into a female she wasn’t able to notice that it was ra-phael.
“Sorry, have we met before? Victoria asked confusedly
“No! I don’t think so ma’am” ra-phael said with a female voice
” because your face look like someone I know but the difference between the two of you is your gender, but both of you really look very much, sorry to asked you my dear, are you a twin? Victoria asked still staring at his face
“No ma’am, am not a twin, am the only daughter and child of my parents “ra-phael lied
“Am sorry to ask you all this my dear, hope you are not angry? Victoria asked
“No ma’am, I un-derstand because people do look alike at times “ra-phael said with a tiny tone
“Thank you once again, plea-se take care of yourself ” Victoria said and left while ra-phael sighed heavily
“That was so close, thank God she wasn’t able to recognize me “ra-phael said and went inside the MTN office to get new sim
Victoria got home and began to think because she wasn’t comfortable of the face she saw
“That face I saw today look exactly like ra-phael’s face, but the only difference between them is their gender, are you sure ra-phael is not a twin “As she was still in thought, Charles c@m£ but his mother didn’t noticed his pres£nce
“mom! mom!! what is the matter? he asked but got no response because his mother was in de-ep thought, so he tapped her and that brou-ght her out of her thought
“oh Charles you are here? Victoria asked
“Yes have been here for over 15mins calling you but you didn’t notice my pres£nt, what is it mom? Charles asked
“hmmm….. my son, today I went to mtn office because I wanted to transfer all ra-phael’s money into your account as we planned but find out that the line was blocked, so I went to the office to know if they can unblock the line for me, and they told me to bring the Sim pack before they can unblock it for me, though I lied to them that the line belongs to my late son, and they told me to bring the Sim pack and I promise to bring it for them any day “Victoria said but still looking worried
“but was that the reason why you are worried? that shouldn’t be the problem, we will look for the Sim pack, I know it will be inside this house, we will look for it because I really nee-d all that money in his account “Charles said
“I know that we will look for it, but that is not why am worried, something happened when I was coming out from the MTN office “Victoria said
“What happened mom? Charles curiously asked
“As I was coming out from the MTN office, I bu-mped into a girl and she look so much like ra-phael but the only difference about them is their gender and voice, do you have an idea if ra-phael was a twin? Victoria asked trying to be sure
“No mom, ra-phael is not a twin, have you forgotten that he was the only child of his parents and besides I don’t see any reason why you should be worried about the girl you saw today “Charles said
“No you will not un-derstand son, immediately I set my eyes on that girl, I saw ra-phael in her, I have this feeling that he’s alive somewhere
what do you think about this episode?