Heartbeat Episode 22

Written by Helen💎💎
💞Episode 22💞
🌺Unknown POV🌺
I peeked carefully from behind the gate as I saw her jumping around with her friends in a crop t©p that dR@p£d out her figures ex-posing her delicately firm brea-sts for my gaze I took myl-ips in as I settled my gaze on her round firm bo-ob s, I imagined fondling and su-cking the hell outta her bo-ob s
My gaze r!pp£dfrom her brea-sts and pounced on her as-s, I could tell the as-s was soft, her p@n-ties stuck up her as-s and pvzzyrevea-ling some hairs in her pelvic bone, the p@n-ts was transparent ma-king it easy for me to see her cl!ts which drove me crazy, I leaned on the gate as my c0ckpressed against it, I stro-ke my di-ck ha-rd and my c**k began to ha-rd en, showing throu-gh my p@n-ts in its full glory as I gazed at her
You are mine”I said to myself”
Her gaze peered throu-gh the gate and i froze on my sp©t thinking she had seen me, i couldn’t move, i pouted myl-ips s£dûçt!velyas she walked to the gate with her bo-ob s heaving up and down, I was lost in my thought that I didn’t know she had opened the gate
I heard a crack in the background which broke me out of my reverie
I glanced up only to meet the gaze of the girl I love throwing me a questioning gaze
🌺Clara POV🌺
I smiled as I ransacked my suitcase looking for what to wear, I finally settled for a jumpsuit, I dressed up and sat before the mirror curling my hair, I smiled to myself as I applied a little gloss on myl-ips, I got interrupted by a soft knock in my door
Madam, he is waiting”A maid said”
Okay, tell him I’m almost done”I said happily”
I hastily wore my shoes, took my handbag and dashed out of the room
I climbe-d down the stairs and Abby’s gaze ran over my b©dy
Clara, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”He c@m£ close to me and held my shoulders”
I nodded my head like a kid
Clara you are beautiful
My cheeks blu-shed red
He took my hands in his and we walked hand-in-hand to the car, he opened the front door for me and I stepped in like a queen
Shortly afterwards, we arrived at a restaurant, I looked around and g@sped, I flung myself on Abby and k!$$£d his cheeks
Abby thank you, you never cease to amaze me
He chuckled as we walked in, ladies stared at me as I walked with him, I intentionally hvgged him from the back, k!$$£d and ni-bbled his ear-lobe, he shook by my t©uçh and I giggled, we took a seat meant for couples only and I blu-shed crazily when he told me I looked ravishing
I turned to my side and my gaze fell on a lady shooting daggers at me, she pouted herl-ips angrily and gave me the he is not yours look
I hastily waved it off and focused back my gaze on Abby who was staring s£dûçt!velyat me
Abby, I love you so much”I said and smiled”
Clara”he paused and ate into his lowerl-ips” I love you”he said”
I beamed a smile but the smile faded away when i saw Abby ru-bbing his eyes I moved over to his side and rose his jaw only to see tears welled up in his eyes
I pu-ll-ed him in a warm hvg and whispered in his ears
Abby what is it?
He pu-ll-ed back from the hvg and k!$$£d my forehead
Clara, I remembered my past”he flashed me a smile” I moved over to my seat reluctantly as the waiter brou-ght our order
We ate in silence as different thoughts began to hop into my head
Why don’t you ask him who is the mother of his child”my inner mind said”
Clara, you are so stupid, you want to marry a guy and you didn’t bother to ask him about his daughter”my inner mind said”
I glanced up to look at him and he was picking on his food
Abby, who is the mother of Sophia”I gave him a stern gaze”
He gave me a quic-k look and his spoon ban-ged the plate, he looked shock as his intense gaze fell on me
He stuttered and scattered his hairs
🌺Lilian POV🌺
I smiled in satisfaction as I and Jessy thought about an idea
Finally, I will have my man back”I said and gave Jessy a thumbs up
We have to act now”Jessy said”
I put a call throu-gh Alyssa and Jessy spoke with her
📱Hi”her hoarse voice c@m£ into the phone”
📱Hello”Jessy said smiling” Is that Alyssa?
📱Is Lilian there?”she asked with concern in her voice”
📱Jessy breathe in heavily and pretended to be p@n-ting heavily” Alyssa, your friend is dying
📱What?”She screamed into the phone and I smiled”
Alyssa has always been a toy in my hand right from the very day I met her, I had been controlling her, she doesn’t know up till now that I am a thorn in her flesh, I won’t let her rest until I have my man even if it means killing her
📱Alyssa, come now, she has been calling your name since morning, plea-se we nee-d your attention here
She paused for a while and I was scared she was going to decline
📱Is Lilian not your best friend?”Jessy said into the phone
📱She is not my best friend”My face turned red immediately and I g@sped in disappointment” but she is my best sister”my face wore a calm look and I t©uçhed my che-st, I smiled at Jessy who was pla-ying along
📱She’s dying, if you love her, you will risk your life to be here right now”Jessy ended the call abruptly before she could talk”
I looked at her and grinned
“Lilian, are you sure she will come?”
Trust me Jessy, Alyssa is a big fool, she will rush in soon”I chuckled”
Okay, make sure you do the work perfectly”Jessy told me”
Trust me, this is my chance to get Abby, I will use it perfectly”I said”
After few minutes, I stood up impatiently peeking throu-gh the window maybe I could see Alyssa but there was no sign of her
Lilian, I don’t think she will come”Lilian said folding her arms”
My gaze settled on her, I sighed heavily as I looked around
Should we try her number again?”Jessy asked”
I paused for a while contemplating if I should call her or not
Alyssa, plea-se don’t ruin my plan”I buried my face in my hands and tears welled up in my eyes
Pinpinpin”I turned my gaze to Jessy and gave her a cursory glance
We heard the horn of a car again and I hastily rushed to the door, I yelled angrily at my security to open the gate
The door opened and I peered over the gate anxiously, my hope shattered as a car drove in it wasn’t Alyssa’s car that drove in, my cheeks flu-shed in anger as I thought of what to do
Lilian, Lilian
I heard my name and I thought my mind had started to plank me, I gazed at Jessy who stared at me with a confused look, I turned around and my gaze settled on Alyssa who looked more pretty
I threw myself on her happily and smiled out tears
Why is she so beautiful, despite the pain she’s going throu-gh, she still look like a goddess”I scorned with de-ep jealousy in my vein”
She pu-ll-ed away from the hvg and wiped my tears with her thumb
Lilian tell me, what happened”she asked with concern written b©dy on her face”
I looked at her and smiled
Alyssa, let’s go in
She had on her face a look I couldn’t interpret as I f0rç£fully took my hands in hers
Jessy exchanged a look with me
It’s now or never”she told me though I didn’t hear her, I only re-ad herl-ips”
Alyssa, it is now”I thought and smiled to myself”
I glanced at her and she beamed a smile at me
Alyssa you are such a gullible person who cannot distinguish between right and wrong”I grinned wickedly
💞Episode 22 B
🌺Alyssa POV🌺
I stood shaking like a leaf after I received the call, I wondered why Lilian didn’t call her brother Ryan to tell her she was sick
I concluded in my mind that it was because I was her best friend.
I ti-ptoed up the stairs and peeked throu-gh the door of Ryan’s room, he was slee-ping soundly with his legs wi-dely spre-ad on the be-d, I quietly went into my room and changed into a pink outfit, I closed the door and ti-ptoed down the stairs, I hoped into my car and sped off, I arrived at her house only to see Lillian looking worried, I called her and she threw herself happily on me
We walked to her room and she showed me a picture, my happiness flew hanging in the air and rage burned throu-gh me, I seethed angrily while I looked intently at the picture
Where did you get this?”I asked angrily”
Alyssa, calm down, you are married for crying out loud”Lilian yelled a bit”
A girl who I saw when I c@m£ in sat beside me running her hands throu-gh my back
Alyssa calm down everything will be alright”she stood up and reclined her back on a stand” Alyssa do you still love him
I and Lilian exchanged looks and I inhaled de-eply
Lilian, you know I can never st©p loving Abby”I said setting my gaze on her
Lilian looked at the girl and they smiled, they both squ-atted before me and I drifted my gaze from Lilian to the girl
Alyssa, I un-derstand your pain and I want you to get Abby back, you’ve suffered enough
I spoke with enthusiasm as I brightened up in interest”How?”
Darling, I’m Jessy and Lilian has told me more about you, we will help you to get back your Abby
I smiled and pu-ll-ed her to me
Thanks, but how is that possible, I’m married”my voice sank to a whisper”
Alyssa don’t worry, Ryan is my brother, I will handle him
I jumped up happily on her and grinned from ear to ear
Now let’s go back to the picture”Lilian said and I wrinkled my face in detest
This bit-ch is Clara
I know”I hissed loudly” plea-se I don’t want to hear her name”I said with a wave of hand”
She wants to marry your Abby
I looked at her and tried to expunge the image that kept appearing in my head
Abby why are you always hurting me, you cheated on me six years ago and now you are doing it again”I thought”
Alyssa, I want you to fight for your man, deal with that bit-ch”Lilian said”
Clara, I won’t let you have my man, Abby you are mine
Alyssa, you have my back”Lilian said and pu-ll-ed me into a warm hvg”
I nee-d to leave now”I bid them goodbye and made to stand up when Lillian’s word st©pped me”
Alyssa, so you want to risk your marriage for Abby who does not love you again”I turned my gaze to her face which spoke millions of words ”
Lilian what do you mean”I sh0t her a glare”
She smiled at me and told me she was just joking and she gave me Abby’s number
I felt something strange about her but I hastily waved it off
Lilian cannot harm me”I told myself”
Don’t tell Ryan”I heard Lillian’s voice from behind”
I smiled to myself “Abby will be mine again, Lilian will handle Ryan”I thought”
I arrived at my house and hork a horn as I beamed a smile at the security man
Clara I will have my man back”I said while I walked to the door, my heart crumbled to my feet when I saw Ryan standing by the door
🌺Lilian POV🌺
My friend and I did high five as our laughter filled the air
Jessy didn’t I tell you I’m the master behind her br@in, she is so stupid”I screamed happily” I have won this game, Abby will finally be mine
How sure are you that Alyssa will fight for Abby”she st©pped and glanced at me” Lilian, there’s something you are not telling me, what exactly is your plan”her voice dropped to a whisper”
Alyssa will fight Clara”i breathed in as I smiled at myself” Clara is Alyssa’s greatest enemy, Alyssa would do everything within her power to make sure Clara does not have Abby
This is interesting”Jessy said clasping her hands together”
Abby still loves Alyssa
Jessy moved over to my side and reclined her back on the soft sofa beside me “Continue” she beckoned to me with a wave”
Alyssa will surely get Abby back
Then what is your gain”She asked with utmost curiosity”
Alyssa is married to brother, have you forgotten that?”I wi-de-ned my eyes at her”
Lilian, curiosity is eating me up, eat the nail on the head, what exactly is your plan”she asked yelling a bit”
I pouted myl-ips and smiled
I will use Alyssa to get Abby, Alyssa can never end up with Abby because my brother will never allow her to
Her eyes wi-de-ned a bit and she looked lost for a moment before she finally smiled at me, she turned her head to the side and batted her eyelids
That’s great”she murmured so quietly I ba-rely heard her and walked to the door
Before I could utter a word, she had opened the door and went out
Why is she acting strange?, what happened?, have I said anything bad?”I hastily stood up and ran after her
🌺Unknown POV🌺
I know what Lilian is planing to do but I will never allow that, I nee-d to st©p her from hurting Alyssa and Abby, I know by the time the truth is unravelled she will regret everything she has done
I know she wants to use Alyssa, she wants to cause a rift between Abby and Alyssa again but I will not allow that”I thought to myself”
I nee-d to see her today”I said taking myl-ips in” I don’t care what will happen, she is mine”I took my car keys and sped off”
🌺Amy POV🌺
I woke up with a severe throbbing pain in one p@rt of the head as sweat ran down my cheeks
Why is my life like this”I screamed”
I have been having this dream since I met him, is he really my soulmate”I questioned myself”
I strode across my room to the window, I folded my hands across my br£@st as the word rang again in my head
Amy, I’m scared you might finally lost your crown to someone else because your time is near
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”I shouted”
I st©pped when a notification c@m£ into my phone, I unlocked it and glanced throu-gh my phone and it was a message from an unknown number
I shove it back angrily into my pocket and hissed loudly
Why don’t you go throu-gh it and see what the message is about?”my inner mind said”
I reluctantly brou-ght the phone back and my eyes almost popped out when I saw the message