Heartbeat Episode 17 & 18

Written by Helen💎💎
💞Episode 17💞
🌺Abby POV🌺
I was lost staring at Clara who was smiling and waving to people on stage, her gaze drifted to me and she grinned
I smiled back at her, I was still thinking when my friend broke me out of my thoughts
Abby, I met a goddess, she was so pretty”he said taking hisl-ips in”
Okay”I replied uninterested”
Abby”he pouted hisl-ips” you will fall in love with her if you see her, she’s so beautiful
Okay”I replied avoiding his gaze”
I helped her when she was about to fall and my mind went blank when she looked at me with her S-xy eyes, she was so pretty that I was worried I was staring at her. I felt like gr-abbing her small pinkl-ips but one mother fv¢ker interrupted us”he said and flung on a nearby chair”
I looked at him as he blabbe-d
Man, I’m not interested in your boring story”I brushed my hand into my hair”
Abby, you don’t nee-d to think, you are still going to meet your mystery girl”he paused as he looked at me” plea-se I nee-d your help
I gave him a cursory look
What again?”i almost yelled”
I pushed my hands into my hair and let out a strangled noise of frustration
Calm down boss, plea-se follow me, I want you to see that girl, she is so pretty, plea-se”he formed a puppy face and I reluctantly walked behind him to the restroom
We st©pped on our track when we heard an angry voice
How dare you leave when I did not ask you to leave, you this slut, if I was not here on time, I’m sure you would throw your stupid self on him like the bit-ch that you are”A man yelled”
plea-se”A tiny voice pleaded”
I held my cheeks when we heard “Paa”, My friend and I exchanged looks. We walked quic-kly so we could rescue the girl, but we got there late, we only got the glimpse of the lady as the man pu-ll-ed her by her hair, the girl was yelping in pain and I felt like a sharp object pierced my heart
We saw the back of the lady and the hvge man
I felt a strange feeling and a cold shiver ran throu-gh my spine
Who could that be?”I asked staring into an empty space”
I wouldn’t know”My friend said with a shrug” I feel for the lady”he said”
I also feel for her”I said feeling the pain of not getting to see her face”
I wished you saw her, she looked so pretty like a goddess”he told me”
I nudged him on his shoulder as I headed back to the venue
Abby”Clara called me with her soft voice that could melt a man’s heart”
Clara, you are so beautiful”I held her hand and k!$$£d them”
Thanks, I’m so honored”she blu-shed crazily
Who is more beautiful between this girl and Alyssa”I said subconsciously”
Alyssa”my subconscious mind said”
No it’s Clara”I said to myself”
Clara snapped me out of my thoughts,she c@m£ close to me and rested her head on my beating heart, my heart rate increa-sed to 360degree😅 as she ca-ressed it slowly, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I stood there like a robot, just then she locked her soft tempting pinkl-ips with mine and I lost it, I suc¢v-mb to her power as a woman and I de-epened the k!ss
🌺Lilian POV🌺
I smiled to satisfaction when Jessy gave me an idea, I walked to my brother who was pu-lling Alyssa’s hair angrily, I smiled as Alyssa was screaming in pain
Ryan”I whispered”
Sister”he turned to me and loss£ned his grip on Alyssa’s hair
plea-se I nee-d to speak to my friend”I smiled at him”
Ryan had never denied me anything despite the fact that be was just a half brother of mine, he hesitated before giving in
Lilian, make sure you are with her, I don’t want her to flir-t around boys like the slut that she is”he seethed and left”
I moved towards Alyssa who was sobbing silently,I pu-ll-ed her into a warm hvg and brushed my hand to her back, I smiled to myself as I heard her sob
That is good for you, Alyssa I will ruin you completely”I said to myself as I took her hand”
Alyssa, do you know that Abby is here”I chuckled”
What??”her tearful eyes brightened with interest and a smile escaped her mouth”
bit-ch, so you still love my Abby even when you are married”I said to mentally”
Alyssa, you know I love you, I know where Ryan is right now”I said to her and smiled to myself as I imagined everything working in my favor
plea-se tell me where he is”she pleaded”
You know Ryan instructed you not to speak to anyb©dy
Her face narrowed in disgust as she heard Ryan’s name
Lilian, he is your brother, you can do something, plea-se let me meet Abby”she pleaded”
Alyssa, don’t worry about that, I will handle Ryan, I will stay here and convince him”I smiled happily”
So where is he?
He is in the fourth floor, you will see a small building”I paused and looked at her face which was beaming with smile” Turn by your left and there you will meet your Abby
Thanks”she smiled out tears and flung her arms happily on me, she left and my eyes followed her till she vanished into the thin air, I sm-irked wickedly
Finally, I will have my way”I said to myself”
Written by Helen💎💎
💞Episode 18💞
🌺Amy POV🌺
I shuffled my feet as I walked , my life was just a mess, I nee-ded to see Abby, I st©pped on my track when I saw Lilian and Alyssa, I hid behind a wall but I couldn’t hear their conversation so I moved further close to them and all I heard was fourth floor. Alyssa hastily left her and Lilian smiled, I nee-ded no handwriting on the wall to predict Lilian meant evil, I trailed behind Alyssa as she looked confused
I nee-d to st©p her”I told myself”
I shut my eyes ti-ght and I smiled as an idea hopped into my head.
I rushed down the stairs and ran crazily like i was being chased, I pas-sed throu-gh the back door and my heart sunk when I saw Clara and Abby k!ss!ngand their ton-gue danced in perfect rhythm
Amy, do something”I told myself”
I quietly left the room and I met Alyssa walking herself towards the room with a perplexed look
Different thoughts which I could not answer rushed throu-gh my mind
Has she found him?, Did he tell her he’s not interested again?
Alyssa”I beamed a smile to her”
Amy so you are here”she threw herself happily on me”
I have missed you”she said”
Alyssa, you look trouble, what’s wrong?, how is your marriage?, how is Ryan treating you
Immediately her gaze wore a calm look, she looked at me and tears had welled up in her eyes
Amy, plea-se I don’t want to talk about my marriage”she st©pped and gaze up at my face” Let’s put that aside, I’m here for something important
What is that
Abby”her voice dropped to a whisper and her facial expression changed”
Alyssa, Abby just left right now
Amy you must be joking”she said and chuckled”
She rushed to the door but I tugged her on the back before she could twist the doorknob
Her face bec@m£ mottled and red with anger as she looked at me
Amy leave me alone, I nee-d to see Abby
I blocked her way as she was about to leave
Amy, you are acting weird”she raised her eyebrows”. She moved close to me, shook her head and her eyes flashed with a warning
She pu-ll-ed me out of the way and found her way into the room
🌺Abby POV🌺
So what do you think I can do?”I asked my friend”
Abby the best advise I can give you now is to accept Clara, there’s no point waiting for someb©dy you are not even sure if she still loves you”he said”
I’m confused, my life is a mess”I ran my hands into my hair”
Abby, I want you to tell me the truth, Do you love Clara?
I arched my eyebrows and stood on my knees, I strode across the room and pressed my face against the window
Yes you do”my inner mind said”
Is it possible for someone to love two people at a time”I looked pensively at him for sometime”
Abby, it is possible, there are always two ladies a man in life, the first lady is like an helper who will help him to fulfill his dreams and make him happy, they are called wife and we have another lady who will come into a man’s life to complete the work started by the first lady, the second lady is the “soulmate”
I sighed heavily”how do I know the one who is meant for me
Buddy, what will be will surely be, just follow your heart, everything will be okay”he told me”
But my heart does not want to accept Clara
Abby, you have to accept her, have you forgotten what her dad did for you
I’m really confused, Alyssa where are you, I won’t be able to divorce Clara once I marry her”I thought”
🌺Amy POV🌺
I stood before the gate and dragged my feet, I reluctantly pressed the doorbell , a man who I as-sumed to be in his early fourties opened the small gate and I wined down my car window
Who are you
That’s kinda rude”I thought”
I’m Amy”I said”
He ran his gaze over my b©dy before he finally spoke
Do you have an appointment with my boss
No”I blurted out and rolled my eyes”
My boss instructed me not to let anyb©dy enter this compound”he said”
He scorned at me and pouted hisl-ips
plea-se help me, there’s something important I nee-d to tell him”I pleaded”
No, don’t you un-derstand me? My boss instructed me not to let anyb©dy into this compound”he yelled a little”
Okay tell him I’m Alyssa
He gave me a quizzical look
When I asked for your name, you said you were Amy and now you are Alyssa, I’m beginning to suspect you”he said harshly”
plea-se do this for me, I went throu-gh hell before I could get this place, plea-se don’t let my coming here be in vain”I pleaded”
Ohh”he wi-de-ned his eyes” they have s£nt you to kill him right?
I opened my mouth in disbelief as the gatekeeper continued to blab
He slammed the gate to my face and I stood motionlessly
I should have brou-ght my car”I thought”
I knocked again and again but I got no response, I pressed my face on the cool mental gate thinking the man would open the gate but I was wrong, I finally left after waiting for few more minutes
Abby, I have tried my best for you and Alyssa”I said to myself”
🌺Abby POV🌺
I couldn’t concentrate because many things were running in my head, I wish I met Alyssa today, my mind drifted to the lady that was yelping in pain and my heart began to pound
I strode down to the door and stepped out, I heard continuous knocking and the gatekeeper was sitting down like there was nob©dy
John, someone is at the gate and you are here sitting like a king”I yelled a bit”
She is a nob©dy”he said with a shrug”
A nob©dy?”I gave him a questionable look”
She said she was Amy and she later said she was Alyssa
What??”I screamed”
Sir??”he looked scared”
I rushed down to the gate but there was nob©dy, I ran out looking down the street but I couldn’t get the glimpse of either Amy or Alyssa, I turned back looking around, I opened the gate, I turned to my gatekeeper with a red h0t eyes
Why didn’t you allow her in”I bellowed angrily at him”
Because you instructed me not to”he said with a bow
I seethed with anger and buried my head in my hand, I made a dash to the front door, slamming the door behind me, I threw myself on the be-d as memories rushed throu-gh my head