Heartbeat Episode 15 & 16

Written by Helen💎💎
💞Episode 15💞
🌺Amy POV🌺
I strode across the room as the word kept ringing in my head
I st©pped on my track as I thought of what to do
Abby is back, it’s time for me to have my way, I have just few months to accomplish my mission”I told myself”
Aurora, I’m giving you the second chance, you have just few months else your crown will be handed over to someone else”I buried my head in my hands as I remembered those words”
Abby, I don’t want to know what is keeping you but I will surely have my way”I said and sunk myself on a nearby chair”
🌺Abby POV🌺
You nee-d to attend the p@rty, it’s Clara’s birthday p@rty and she personally invited you to her p@rty”my friend said”
I can’t attend it, I’m in America for a reason, I nee-d to know why she left me”I said gulping in a Barcardi”
Abby, I un-derstand you, have you forgotten who Clara is to you?, Abby think about this properly”he c@m£ close to me and nudged me” Abby, you can’t just sit here and expect the girl you are looking for to come, you have to go out and search for her
Where the hell do I know she is, plea-se i nee-d to think”I bellowed at him”
Abby, you are a public figure and you are not supposed to be drinking, don’t let this girl ruin you”he looked at me with a blank expression” you have a daughter alre-ady, what else do you nee-d
plea-se let me be, plea-se don’t let me say something I might later regret”I said angrily”
Man”he patted my shoulder” I think love is affecting your br@in
Shut up”i stood up and staggered to my feet
Abby, you have a lot of meetings you nee-ded to attend today but you canceled everything because of this mystery girl who does not even know if you are alive
Anger blurred my vision and I punched him on his cheeks
Abby”he yelled at me and his cheeks turned red as he spat out blood” You punched me? ” for a moment he stared at me in disbelief and then his eyes flared with fury”
And I will do that again and again if you ever open your mouth and talk about her”I shouted angrily”
Abby, you are mad, this girl is turning you into something else, I just hope you won’t have lost your mind before you meet her”he said angrily as he climbe-d up the stairs”
Whatever”I said and flung myself on the soft couch
He st©pped halfway and gave me a look which I couldn’t interpret” What will you do if she’s married”he strode away before I could reply”
My head began to spin and I held it as his word kept ringing in my head
I don’t think I will survive it”I said to myself”
Why is love so painful, I tried moving on but I can’t, I decided to leave this country so I could forget you but I was wrong, why!!!!!”I shouted as I opened another bottle and finished a cu-p in a minute”
I nee-d to know why she left me heartbroken, I tried living without you but I can’t, I’m scared I might loose my mind”I ran my hand throu-gh my head as I remembered the night that separated us”tears spilled out onto my cheeks”
Alyssa, I don’t care what it will take, we must come back again”I said to myself”
I must attend that p@rty and pu-ll myself together”I chuckled to myself”
Alyssa, I am coming for you”I murmured to myself as I wo-bbled up the stairs”
🌺Lilian POV🌺
I jumped happily that I almost broke my leg when Jessy told me a good news
Don’t tell me he’s coming”I asked happily”
Trust me babe, Clara personally invited him to her p@rty
Wow, we nee-d to go shopping”I said twirling around before the mirror”
We gonna rock it”I smiled as I began to think of how to lure him to be-d”
I froze on my sp©t when a thought hopped into my head
Jessy”I threw myself on the be-d” Why’d Ciara invite him to her p@rty
She gave me a cursory look and I glared at her
Clara’s dad was the one who s£nt Abby to Australia
Really?”My eyes wi-de-ned in disgust”
Abby bec@m£ a public figure and a respected business tycoon throu-gh Clara’s dad
I gave her a quizzical look” Jessy, tell me what exactly you are driving at
Calm down babe”she said smiling at me”
Do you why Clara’s dad did all this for Abby?
No”I blurted out”
Clara’s dad has always wanted his daughter to marry Abby but because of his financial status he knew he would be criticized so he s£nt Abby to Australia without telling him the motive behind his help for him
This is complicated”I inhaled de-eply”
Some years ago, Clara’s dad s£nt his daughter to Abby’s place to spend some weeks because she had a course she nee-ded to complete”she said”
Gosh”I screamed” so Clara is the mother of that girl” I said looking teary”
Clara c@m£ back to America only to tell her parents that she had fallen in love with Abby and that he wanted him as her husband
I buried my head in my hand and h0t tears ran down my cheeks
I cannot stand the Smith’s family, they are the second riche-st family after the Dalton’s family, all this years, I only waited in vain”I lamented”
Lilian, calm down, I don’t know if Clara is the mother of Abby’s daughter because Abby never disclosed Sophia’s mother to the public
Jessy, I’m done for”i said between tears”
Lilian, we can still do something about this, Clara and Abby are not yet married, you can still have your way
How”I knotted my eyebrows in confusion”
Lilian, trust me, I will find a solution to this problem, you have suffered enough, I am always after your happiness, Abby knight is yours”she said and pu-ll-ed me into a warm hvg”
Thanks”I murmured” but how did you get this information”I asked curiosly”
Lilian, don’t worry about that”she smiled at me”
Written by Helen💎💎
💞Episode 16💞
🌺Alyssa POV🌺
I wo-bble to my feet stumbled back to my room with tears in my eyes as I remembered how Ryan sl@pped me in pres£nce of gardner just because I spoke to him. Ryan had warned me never to speak with a guy.
A maid c@m£ to tell me Ryan nee-ded my attention. I ru-bbe-d my face as I walked reluctantly towards his be-droom, he was going throu-gh some do¢v-ments when I entered, he rose his head as he heard the sound of my feet
You called for me”I said angrily”
I have a p@rty to attend tomorrow and I want you to behave yourself, you must not speak until I order you to speak, is that clear?”he said with a stern face”
I nodded my head like a kid
I want you to smile and do as if you are enjoying”he paused, his gaze first locked on mine and the length of my b©dy, taking in hisl-ips” Am sure you are enjoying me bit-ch”he sm-irked at me”
Ryan why are you doing this to me”my voice sank to a whisper”
He looked away and pouted hisl-ips angrily
You know gave been faithful to……
He interrupted me by shouting, I looked at him and his cheeks were so red with anger
Alyssa, you disgust me, don’t let me remember that hvge money you made me lose”he stood up angrily” You this bit-ched, you deserve all the Ill treatment I’m giving you, you don’t deserve joy”he shouted angrily
Ryan, what have I done
He c@m£ close to me and held my n£¢k ti-ght
R…..ry ..Ryan”i choked on my words as i found it difficult to breathe
I wish to kill you but I will not do that now because I nee-d you to accomplish a mission for me”he grinned wickedly”
His hand left n£¢k, he pushed me angrily and i fell ha-rd on my arm
Ouch!!!!”i yelped in pain”
Alyssa this is just the ti-p of an Icebag, when I’m done with you, you will pity yourself
I held my n£¢k as tears gushed out of my eyes
Ryan i thought you loved me
He sh0t me a deadly glare and I threw my face away
I never loved you bit-ch”he said angrily”
Then why did you marry me
He squ-atted to my height and chuckled
I married you so I could make you suffer”he sm-irked at me”
You are a monster
His vision clouded with anger, veins were popping in his forehead and his cheeks were mottled and red with anger and before I knew what had happened, Ryan had given me a sma-ck across my face which threw me down to the floor, I held my cheeks which was burning with my hands as tear found its way down my cheeks, I spat out blood as tears stung my eyes
He c@m£ close to me and pu-ll-ed my hair r0ûghly, I screamed as he shook my head vehemently and kicked me in the stomach.
Doctor how is she”he asked pretending like a gentleman”
The doctor shook his head in pity
Mr Henderson, your wife is stressing herself, she really nee-ds rest, I’m scared she might lose her life if care is not taken
He inhaled de-eply thinking about what tobsay
Mr Ryan, this is the third time she has had miscarriage, i think she’s thinking
About what?”He asked”
I wouldn’t know, just make sure you let her rest”The doctor said”
Thank you sir, I don’t know the problem of my wife, i always give her all the care, love and happiness she nee-ds but I don’t know the fv¢kin’ thing she always think about, I am such a loving husband who never allowed her to do anything in my house”he yelled”
I felt like standing from the Godforsaken be-d and sma-ck his head
I think you nee-d to spend more time with her to make her happy, she looks vulnerable”The doctor said with care written over his face”
Trust me, I will surely do that”he said and beamed a smile”
She will be discharged this evening
The doctor went out and the monster sat across my be-d shooting daggers at me
I wore a wine stra-pless closefitting go-wn which split st©pped below my th!gh and a silver shoe, Ryan invited a make up artist who dressed me and packed my long hair, I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked beautiful like the then Alyssa but one thing was missing “The enthusiasm” I had lost my smile ever since I got married to a monster.
A maid c@m£ to my room to inform me the monster was waiting for me, my heart skipped a beat as I walked down the stairs, Ryan opened his mouth in awe and he looked at me with love, our gaze locked and his facial expression changed and he sm-irked at me
I walked behind him to his car and he drove slowly, I didn’t even ask him whose p@rty we were going for
We st©pped before a gigantic gate and he honked a horn, the gate opened by itself, we c@m£ down from the car and I was astonished not because the place was beautiful but because I was not expecting such, I saw wealthy men and women, I looked around and smiled
Ryan snapped me out of my reverie and I trailed behind him like a lost puppy
💠Wow!!She is Mrs Henderson💠
💠She’s pretty💠
💠Ryan is really taking care of her💠
💠She looks expensive💠
Ryan smiled and locked hands with me, we took a seat beside his business p@rtners
A woman in her late fourties c@m£ to us and bowed to me, he whispered into Ryan’s hair and he glared at me.
A young beautiful girl walked in her glory on stage, she looked beautiful and expensive, she wore a flowing big red go-wn with different expensive designs, her long hair was dripping down her shoulders as she catwalked like a model.
I envy her”I said to myself”
My gaze went behind her and I saw Mr and Mrs Smith, my father’s rival, I shook on my seat as reality dawned on me that the girl was CLARA SMITH, I froze on my sp©t as her words kept ringing in my head
Alyssa, I will make sure I ruin you, I will deprive you of your right, I will make you dance to my tune
Clara had been my nightmare right from when I was in Switzerland, we never had a cordial relationsh!pbecause of our pride, we were both proud and we never accepted the fact that one was better than the other, we always fought
The last straw that broke the c@m£l’s back was when I took her position so i could qualify for the rock star band because my parents were on my n£¢k
She was so angry and she said she would ruin me
I hastily waved it off and ru-bbe-d it in her face that there was nothing she could do
My eyes were bloodsh0t and tears had began to well up in my eyes. I looked around and found Ryan who was engrossed in the discussion with his business p@rtners, I walked to the restroom and allowed the tears to stream down my cheeks, I leaned against the door for what seemed like hours
My eyes wi-de-ned in fear as I remembered the monster, I hastily washed my face and I rushed speedily to the venue, I missed a step and was about to fall when a hand held me
I rose my head and my heartbeat increa-sed, I was about to speak when I heard a slight cough behind me, I turned around and met the fierce gaze of my husband shooting daggers at me
How was this episode?
Who was the person that held her hand?
Stay tuned for the next episode