Heart on fire episode 10 – 12

💖Heart on fire🔥.
(Subtitled paupers in love )
📚Written By Me Authoress succy📚
❌Do Not Copy❌
💄Episode 10💄
I felt so unhappy cause my Friend isn’t happy.
I had gone to her house, cause o took a week leave from work,only to see her locked in her room like some domestic animal
“Jiso”she cried on seeing me
“Kim, what happened to you?I asked as she ran into My hands crying
“It’s jumong jiso, he had Changed over night”she cried
“Oh! God what’s all this”I cried and helped her nurse her bruises
And she kept crying
“plea-se take me away from here jiso plea-se” she pleaded crying and I cried too
I held her hand and helped her up before rushing out to get a cab to my house before jumong comes back
“How about this one? I asked showing kim a pair of jump suit and matching shoes
“Pease jiso, its too revea-ling and beside i don’t feel like clubbing today” she said and I frowned snatching the French fries she was eating from her
“Listen kim, you are going clubbing with me today I don’t care if you like it or not” I rushed at her and she kept a straight and gloomy face
“Whatever, lemme have my fries back “she semi yelled
“Not until you agree to Go with me” I said and she breath a sign of relieve
“Fine! Can I have it back? She asked pouting herl-ips
“Sure baby” I said as I handed her the tray of French fries.
“Now come put it on” I said trying to arrange my wardrobe which i had made messy on a bid to select one of my clubbing dress for kim
“How about your parents, aren’t they gonno get mad at you? She asked concernly
“Oh! plea-se….am no longer a kid beside they both left to visit my granny and they won’t be back till next week” I replied and she nodded walking into my bathroom for a warm bath.
🎲Kim nah 🎲
The shower was super warm And I just don’t wanna get off it.
Everything about me sulks, ranging from my birth till now
If only I can start my life over again.
I tried ha-rd to hold the tears as I got off the shower, I tied s towel on my b©dy and walked out. The room was looking neat now,all thanks to jiso
Jiso sat on the be-d stealing a glance at my fries, she picked one and made to shove it into her mouth when I sp@ñked her bu-tt
“Will you st©p that, you unclever theif” I cussed pla-yfully and she laughed
And held her bu-tt
“Oh! plea-se, I had no intention of eating it. I just wanted to taste it ” she said sarcastically and I scoffed and made to sp@ñk her again but she shoved me off and ran into her bathroom laughing.
I sign and sat on her dressing table, I picked up her hand hair dryer and began drying my hair.
I weaved it down and folded it into a bu-m, I picked up her liner and drew it on my eyes before applying a white l!pgloss and a slight make up.
I pu-ll-ed off the towel and walked into the jump suit jiso had picked out for me, luckily it covered up my bruises and it brou-ght
out my curves, I g@sp at my reflection in the mirror
Omg! I can’t remember the last time I look good
“Oh! Lord plea-se don’t allow this beauty to waste” jiso said coming out of her bathroom
“Girl you look so fv¢king h0t, no wonder jumong won’t let go of you” she said and my cheeks flu-shed
She jelped me laced my boot before she began dressing her self.
She let her long hair fall on her Back, then wore a skimpy green go-wn and black silleto heels to match along side a black purse
.she looked stunning
We walked out of her parents house and boarded a cab to the club….
We walked in and before I could say ding-dong, jiso was alre-ady rocking a guy on the dance floor.
The blaring h!phop music was high and the club looked clas-sic
I froze on seeing the inscription at the t©p of the clubs pavement
I almost coll@pse
“What are we doing here? My pay isn’t fv¢king enough to buy a drink here” I yelled so jiso could hear me.
I dragged her out of the club cause of the music
“C-mon kim, we just c@m£ for fun maybe some gentle guy might just even buy us a drink” she rasped with a sm-irk on her face
“Isn’t that your boy friend? Jiso asked pointing at two figures having an intense k!ssat a corner in the club
Omg! Don’t tell me it’s jumong?
I asked in fear
I walked steadily towards while jiso scre-w behind me
I felt my cheeks burning on seeing jumong and the strange lady
Omg! Isn’t that Suzy-yue” jiso yelled ma-king me take a glance at the Lady and I st©pped on my tracks
Omg! Jumong is flir-ting with Suzy-yue?, Korea well known celebrity actress?
I felt like dying
She’s a slut, and everyone knows out.
But how the fv¢k did they meet……?
💄Episode 11💄
I slammed my hands on the old door in anger, before taking a cab to the club
$h!t! How did she escaped from the house?
Cause I had fv¢king locked the door from outside.
I nee-d a drink..
The cab pu-ll-ed up at an expensive club
“What am I gonno be doing here? I have no money for a drink here!!!” I yelled at the cab man who had speed off immediately I gave him his pay.
I walked into the club dejectedly
“Can’t believe am gonno be sitting here, sulking all night.
If only I can get my hands on a drink, I will gulp it down in one rushed, get fv¢king drun!kand map out plans on how to get Kim back before she becomes too close to that vuo-gee of a guy.
I sat on a bar stool watching the bar man, as he carried drinks to and fro.
“Hi handsome, mind me sit with you?I heard a voice and turned to see suzy-yue, Korea h0ttest celebrity actress.
I bowed in excitement and she stro-ke my hair softly
“What’s a cute guy like you doing here lonely?
She asked and I fidgeted
“nothing much ma, just c@m£ for a drink” I replied
“Really?she asked drawing closer and finally she sat facing me, on another bar stool. Her cleavages where staring wi-dely at me
She’s really a slut as they say.
But who really won’t wanna get close to her,
She smells of money
“So cutie, you mind me giving you a b!ow job?
She asked and my breath hitch.
She ordered for drinks and we Kept drinking and discussing on different stuffs mostly se-x
“C-mon take me to my car”she said staggering a bit
“thought you c@m£ with a driver? I asked feeling ti-psy
She frowned at my question,”am sorry” I quic-kly added on seeing her frown at me,
she wore a face mask,to prevent her fans from seeing her as I helped her to her car
She k!$$£d me immediately we got to her car and I reciprocated instantly
This is a golden opportunity am really not gonno miss..
I helped her into the pas-s£nger seat,and she sle-pt off immediately
I got into the drivers seat, though I really don’t know how to drive but am gonno try
My eyes caught sight of Kim’s crying face
what’s this bit-ch doing here?
Well that’s her problem….she should get lost for all I care!!!.
“Jumong am sorry”she cried alre-ady on Ber kneels
Thank goodness suzy-yue is slee-ping
“Get the fv¢k off Kim, get the hell outta my life” I yelled and she g@sp obviously in shock
I don’t care if she dies cause am alre-ady seeing my self in money
She can burn ablaze for all I care..
“Jumong plea-se come back” she cried as I ignite the car and zoomed off
Leaving her to her fv¢king fv¢king friend….
💄Episode 12💄
😭3 months later😭
🎲kim nah🎲
I stared at the watch on my table
“Omg!…9:45 amate again” I cried rushing into my bathroom for a quic-k bath before Rushing out to get a cab to work.
The time was alre-ady 10:27 when I got there. My boss was furious as ever .
Ever since jumong left Korea with Suzy yue, I haven’t been my self
My life suddenly bec@m£ useless
I had grown so lean and my eyes had sulk into its socket. My beauty was almost gone. I felt mad with grief at the thought of him jilting me.
I had become a shadow of my former self.
Losing jumong was worst than death,
The fact that I can’t d@t£ another guy cause of the oath I had, is worst than walking throu-gh hell.
My worst moment c@m£ when my only hope and survivor jiso, had to relocate to newyork throu-gh an invitation from her uncle who had gotten her a good job in new York
I felt my world crumbling how else can I put my self and my broken pieces together?
“Good morning Sir” I greeted immediately I sighted my boss
“What time are you suppose to come to work? He asked ignoring my greetings
“Hmmm.,..em…Sir it’s actually 8:25am” I replied fidgeting
“Your services aren’t nee-ded anymore” he said belligerently and I knelt down alre-ady in tears
“Am sorry sir,plea-se help me” I pleaded but he only threw my remaining salary at me alongside my sack letter at me and walked out.
Omg! What Am I gonno do?
I kept crying as I walked out of the restaurant where I work
I bu-mped into jiso who had come to drop her resignation letter.
She hvgged me pe-cking me hair while I kept crying.
“Kim it’s okay don’t worry your coming with me to newyork” she said and I pu-ll-ed out from the hvg in shock
“Jiso is this some sort of game or e
What? I asked surprised
“You of all peoe should know I will never at pl@ygames with you Kim, your coming with me” she said with finality
“But jiso, what will your uncle say about it?
I asked and she waved it off
“Actually I aren’t gonno live with my uncle cause the job c@m£ with so many benefits including a mino flat”she said and I jumped and hvgged her happily
“I love you jiso, I prat nothing should seperate us in the future”I prayed and she hvgged me ti-ght
“I love you too Kim nah, you’re the best friend ever,you are my specialty and my inseparable, you are my friend forever”she quoted and I cried on her shoulder and she j
Kept curdling me to herself with tears glittering in her eyes…..