Heart on fire 2 episode 12 – 14

Heart on fire
(scared in love)
Written by me,Authoress succy
Do not copy
Season 2
Episode 12
I kept smooching her b00bs with my hands still k!ss!ngher
I pu-ll-ed off from the k!ssand she frowned
“don’t st©p jumong, we haven’t started”she said pu-lling the duvet over her n-ked b©dy
“c-mon skyler,forget about that let’s get down to business”I said putting on my trou-sers
“fine! what’s that? she asked rolling her eyes
“I want you to help me inject this into someone”I said bringing out a sedatic that has a yellowish liquid on it
“how am I gonna carry this out and who am I suppose to inject it to?she asked pu-lling her un-derwear into her w@!st
“am gonna pay you 17million dollars”I said and her eyes shown
“omg! I nee-d money badly” she said pu-lling out her model b©dy off the be-d looking serious as ever
“then,tell no one if this! and keep it between us”I said and she nodded impatiently
“you are gonna inject this into Kim nah, oppa cheem’s girlfriend with this” I said handing it over to her
“opla cheem’s girlfriend? what business do you have with her? she asked
“none of your business, just do your job” I said in haste
“what effect is it gonna have on her? she asked inquisitively
“That’s not your business, do as I say and get your pay”I said moving out of the room
“and how am I going to get into the mansion?she asked
“leave that to me” I said and moved out of the room while she kept smiling to her self.
“three minutes remaining and the flight will take off”the air hostess said for the second time
I brou-ght out my phone to see 13 mussed calls and 6 messages
I pressed the message bu-tton and and saw so many messages from dad but only one of
them caught my h
@hurry hike son,have found your sister”@
my sister?
is this some sort of joke or something?
but dad ha-rd ly joke around
and even if he does it won’t joke with something like this…
wait a minute, dad as found my lost sister?
the little sister have been dying to have…
I thought and felt excitement inside my belly
Another message pop into my phone
@we are sorry boss, we couldn’t find her in the room, seems she escaped@
the message re-ads, probably it’s from one of my goons
“fasten your seat belt the flight is about to take off”the hostess said
and I stood up from my seat moving towards the exit
“hello.. the flight wanna take off” the air hostess said to me and I pu-ll-ed off my face mask,giving her a ha-rd stare
“omg! it’s oppa vuo-gee”she called like she was going to die,she’s obviously blu-shing
@omg! us that my oppa?
@ I didn’t even noticed cause he wore a mask
@jeez! I can’t believed he sat close to me all this while
@oppa can you see me? am I pretty
@oppa I love you,am your biggest fan
they kept chanting as I walked out of the flight, this is what I gain for using the public flight I bet I won’t try it ever again
gosh! their noise alone is something else
I hoed into my waiting car admits the silly comments from my crazy fans
the car zoomed off and my securities followed behind as I head back home.
I don’t care about kum nah,she can escape for all I care
can’t wait to see my sister,I will protect her with everything I have
I must make sure the whole of Korea worsh!pher like a goddess
I smiled staring out of the car window…
Season 2
Episode 13
“lemme take you somewhere” dad said pu-lling a blindfold over my eyes
we kept moving and he held my hands directing me till we st©pped at somewhere
the place look like an un-derground house caused we descended a stair downwards instead of upwards
it was so cold”here we are” dad said pu-lling the fold off my eyes
I g@sp on seeing the un-derground was a mansion of it’s own
does that means my father is damn rich?
I kept moving along side dad
“this is my favourite sp©t ever since Tyna left me”he said referring to my mum
that was when I realised how much dad loves mum
they where so many pictures and image of her, the blue coloured wall had SUN GODDESS scribbled boldly on it
I saw a very big picture of mum dancing, they where so many lights on it,seems she was dancing at a concert
she looks beautiful
“that was the first time I saw her when she was dancing in my music concert”dad said referring to the large picture
mum was so pretty and the whole place was filled with her picture and her name
the door flung open and oppa vuo-gee rushed in
I hid behind my dad in fear
“dad where’s she? he asked cat walking in,obviously he hasn’t seen me
“she’s right here” dad said and he g@sp in shock
“Kim?he yelled and I shrink
“listen son,I had no idea of what she did to you but you can’t deny the fact that she’s your little sister” dad said and vuo-gee run his hand into his hair
wearing a sorry look
“swallow your pride vuo-gee and accept the little sister you’ve always been wishing to meet” dad said and a tear fell off his eyes
holy molly!!
don’t tell me is crying!!
is he sober cause of me?
so the rich also cry?
“am sorry Kim, I never knew I was hurting myself
I never knew your the sister have been dying to have” he pleaded pu-lling me into a ti-ght hvg
omg ! what’s happening?
have finally found my dad
have finally find my brother
I found them all so easily,what more can I ask for?
I cried hvgging my brother ti-ght
“actually your min had vuo-gee first, my parents felt mad on hearing it
they took care of vuo-gee and warned your mother to stay off me cause I was alre-ady engaged to my dad best friend daughter
though I never liked her and she never liked me either
I continued my relationsh!pwith Tyna secretly and she got pregnant with Kim. my parents c@m£ after her wishing to kill her and my baby
she died after birthing Kim and tyna’s mum,your grandma,excaped with Kim nah back to Korea so she won’t be killed”my dad explained and I smiled
“am going to protect you with all I have,my blood and soul,I won’t let a fly hurt you”my brother said k!ss!ngmy hair and I cried on his shoulder hvgging him ti-ght
I have always dream of this moment where I would get someone I can call a family
and if this is a dream, I don’t wanna wake up from it
it was pretty ha-rd trying to convince my brother to take me home to cheem’s mansion
he’s becoming over protective, he doesn’t want me to go back home
it was almost dark when decided to drive me home to cheem’s mansion
cheem stood in the parking lot looking s
h0t and S-xy as ever
behind him was jiso
he seems to be talking if not telling at the cops
I called in excitement running up to him while vuo-gee cat walked behind me
I ran and pu-ll cheem into a hvg but surprisingly he didn’t stir he didn’t even hvgged me back
he lot looking behind me and I turned to see him fixing a ha-rd gaze at vuo-gee
“hey! what’s going on? I asked placing my hands on his cheeks
“am okay baby”he said pu-lling my hands from his face
okay what’s going on?
before I could say boom he had dealt vuo-gee a good number of punches
“how dare you kidñap my girlfriend? he yelled in anger
I never knew he’s so h0t tempered
“st©p it cheem,just st©p” I yelled trying so ha-rd to get a hold of him
the cops just stare on while jiso’s face wàs red and puffy
obviously she’s been crying for long now
“I told you to stay away from her,
didn’t I? he ask gawking at vuo-gee
he threw another punch at him and his l!pgot broken
I screamed so loud
I couldn’t stand the sight of my brothers brother being beaten by my b©yfri£nd……
Episode 14
I screamed so loud
I just can’t stand the sight of my brother being beaten by me b©yfri£nd
“plea-se cheem, let go of him” I pleaded but he didn’t bulge
“cheem,your hurting him,your hurting my brother” i yelled in anger as and he st©pped,fixing his gaze at me
“he’s your brother?cheem asked as vuo-gee tried standing up,wiping the blood off hisl-ips
“yes, he’s my brother, I got to know about it Today, if I wasn’t kidnapped how w
else would I have seen him and my dad” I yelled with tears pouring out of my eyes
he just mar this day for me
“wait a minute Kim,his he really your brother” jiso asked
“yes jiso,and am sorry you had to cry cause of me” I said pu-lling her into a hvg
“am sorry Kim,I actually thou…”cheem was saying when I interpolated rudely
“apology unaccepted until you apologise to my brother” I said folding my hands un-der my br£@st while he ran his hands into his soft hair before turning towards vuo-gee
“vuo-gee am…” he was trying to say when my brother interpolated slowly
“Nope cheem! am the one at fault here, am the worst brother to have kidnapped my sister