Heart of a beast Episode 18 & 19

(Love is the word💓)
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🎨Kayla’s POV🎨
Okay.. What the hell just happened? My heartbeat thumped at a fast rate and I tried effortlessly to calm myself.
They can’t know it’s me if they don’t have proof right? But why do I feel so uneasy..
Mom..what if she figures it out? It might not be that easy but..what if? I mean she’s a detective right, there are chances that I could get caught..
Oh geez!! This isn’t good.
I’ve gotta do something.. But wait, what? What can I do?
I can’t possibly just steal the hair strands or st©p mom from continuing the journey.. But..there have to be something, anything at all to st©p this..
Melvin? Right.. I should tell him about this? There should be something him or..that other lady can do.. Something to terminate myself from getting discovered.
I stood up and with feeble legs ran to my room to fetch my phone and get my jacket. I quic-kly tuck in my phone as I journeyed back to the living room..
“Why are you in a hurry?” I j£rked and nearly tr!pp£don the table.. Getting my balance I immediately checked the direction the voice c@m£ from and found Melvin sitting on the couch.. I took in a de-ep breath in relief..
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” he apologised and I gave him a look..
Really?? With a scare like that..
“Well you did and what are you doing here, I mean how did you even get in here?” I asked, standing akimbo.
“Uh I saw the danger signal so I hurried and I c@m£ in throu-gh the door cos it was-
“Okay that doesn’t matter.. Something just c@m£ up and I’m really freaked out.. Well the cops, they uh found some hair strands in the woods alongside some blood, your blood and I know it’s mine but she can’t know that.. It’s dangerous right? You told me that!” I panicked.
“Well yes, it is. But I don’t think your mom will have you in her list of suspects” he said.
“You don’t know my mom Melvin, what if she figures it out somehow?? I’ve done tests in the past you know and my mom’s one really smart woman” I said.
“Oh.. Um. Well you can just deny it” he said..
“Deny it?” I repeated “Are you dumb or what.. How can I deny something that a t©p notch machine clarified? Just how?!” I yelled, not knowing why.
“Okay calm down” he said. I sighed out..
“Looks like you have no problem with being found out but I do have a problem with dying so plea-se until I’m able to get this thing off my n£¢k.. Can you think about me too !” I yanked.
“Okay.. Sorry. Well I’m sure Belle can do something about it.. I’ll just go tell her about it” he stood up.
“And what if she can’t?”
“She will. It’ll be more like the hair strands was never found or she’ll give them something else. You’ll feel at ease when it happens so just calm down” he said and turned to leave.
“Melvin,” I called and he turned to look at me “No bloodshed” I told him. “plea-se” I added.
He gave me a sullen look and was about to say something but he shut hisl-ips and opened them again..
“It’s normal for you to think that way but we’re not vampires nor killers Kayla. You don’t have to worry about that” he said with an emotion that I can’t explain before walking out..
Phew..! I sighed, coll@psing on a nearby couch..
The next day, I woke up feeling great.. No nightmares and the my once heavy heart that was filled with fear was finally free and light. I knew mom wouldn’t be home cos she called last night so I just busied myself with getting re-ady for school, I had only an apple for breakfast before leaving for school. I got to my locker without stress and then made my way to clas-s and to my seat. Clara was alre-ady on seat, she’s a pretty good early bird.
“Hi” I was the first to greet her.
“Hi. Good morning” she replied me with a smile and I saw some chocolate in between her teeth, my gaze moved to her hand and there was q chocolate bar in her palm.
“Morning,” I left my books and moved to my chair “you’ve got chocolate in your teeth” I tell her.
“Oh,” she frowns slightly and began ru-bbing her upper set of teeth with her index f!nger repeated.
She finished ru-bbing and li-cked her nails that had caught the chocolate.. I looked away and pu-ll my books closer. I looked up and my gaze unexpectedly landed on Becky, her gaze was on me too and she gave me a glare.. I rolled my eyes and looked away.
After series of lectures, it was finally lunch time..
“Finally!” Clara breathed out, standing up..
“Let’s go” she told me and I wanted to refuse but my hungry self felt different, so I just packed up my books instead and stood up. We both headed out of clas-s and got to the pas-sage hall..
**Miss Kincaid Kayla; report to the principal’s office now** a voice spoke throu-gh the intercom in the pas-sage..
Wait.. Me?
“That’s you” Clara said and I nodded, giving her a surprised look. “Okay, just do your thing. I’ll save a seat for you” Clara gave me a pat and walked away.
Okay.. Principal’s office? I questioned my mind, trying to think of possible things that could’ve gone wrong but I couldn’t think of anything that I could’ve done..
Well, getting a call from the principal isn’t always bad, is it?
I took the stairs to where her floor was located and walked down the hall to her office. I placed a light knock on the ha-rd wooden door.
“Come in Kincaid” I heard her voice and I slowly twisted the knob and moved in.. I noticed someone else on seat but I didn’t bother checking who it was..
“Yes ma’am” I answered her.
“I’ll make this brief so you both can go have your lunches. Well Kayla, this is Mr Schmidt, a new student and it seems you both are familiar with each other cos he picked you as his tour guide-
I didn’t hear the rest of her words but I turned to see the Mr Schmidt she was talking about and I realize his gaze was on me too and-
Oh my.. He looks just damn handsome with his spiky ebony black hair and fitted outfit.. Drop dead gorgeous.. Wait he picked me? This cutie picked me! He flashed me a smile and that was when I saw the familiarity..
“Miss Kincaid?” She s£nt my gaze flying back to her but this time I wore a confused look..
“You do know Melvin, don’t you?” She asked and I looked back at him, my brows struck and that was when I noticed the full Melvin face on his..
But how? Why did he suddenly look different.. Is it because of how nice he was dressed or the fact that he had a change of hairstyle.. Anyway it was, it looked good on him..
“Y-yes” I stuttered to her.
“Good then. Here,” I collected the small handout from her. “Since you’re both in the same dep@rtment and you know each other, it’ll be more better if you lead him on some of the t©pics you’ve treated and make him feel among” she said..
Feel among?! With this look boy, you’re so among, especially with the ladies.
“Um okay” I said, giving a glance to the tour guide.
“Okay Melvin. You can leave with her, I’ll s£nd a teacher to do the introduction after break” she said and I began walking away.. Many questions itching my throat and dragging to spill out..
Okay first.. Why’s he here??
(Love is the word💓)
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√√D. Kincaid’s POV√
My head was bowed and my boot stamped repeatedly on and floor, my lower l!pwas su-cked into my mouth as I waited impatiently..
Something have got to be wrong!
“Kincaid,” I turned swiftly to see Roberto walking toward me, a file with stack of papers in it rested on his palm. He handed the file to me and I collected it, opening it curiously and checking it.. My brows furrowed in confusion at the content and I snapped my gaze back at him questioningly.
“This is the 24th test I’ve ran but the result still remains the same” he said.
“What do you mean Roberto!” I frowned “you can’t tell me those hairs belongs to nob©dy or a non living thing. They’re human! There have gotta be something from it” I snapped at him.
“Well.. From the tests I think maybe they’re really not human hair”
“Then what? Tree hairs or does the wood now grow hairs? That’s impossible Roberto can’t you see! This is pure human hair, I’d recognize one anywhere and this is our first lead on in years!” I said “do whatever you have to do, change the machines if you have to, take it anywhere or get a better lab technician than yourself.. Do anything Roberto! What I nee-d is an actual and meaningful result not these lies” I sl@pped the file to his che-st and he caught it.. I walked past him to the exit, letting out a high sigh..
This isn’t good..
¥Melvin’s POV¥
“Hey, wait up!” I yelled at Kay as I ran after her, my bag slinging carelessly. She was walking fast down the hall.
She finally slowed down and gave me a look, I caught up with her.
“What’re you doing here?”
“So we can talk.. You said you’d only hear me out in a place where you can be as-sured of your safety so-
“You c@m£ here?” She completed and I nodded.
“And I’m liking it here alre-ady” I beamed staring back at all the stares I was getting.. A girl waved at me and I wave back..
First day in high school and It’s alre-ady this fun.. Kayla rolled her eyes at me.
“Good for you and around here, you can’t let anyone find out that you know me, we know each other or something.. You just can’t, okay. After this, you’re on your own” She said.
“Because you’re still scared of me?” I asked.
“Around here, no but I’m totally uncomfortable around you cos you’re well-
“The beast?”
“Yes that. I’m scared I might be f0rç£d to tell someone so it’s best we stay away from each other” she said and I knew she wasn’t being completely honest with me. It’s pretty obvious that she’s still scared of me.
“As long as you agree to help me then it’s okay but only after today” I said and she gave me a frown and was about protesting but she nodded instead.
“Okay, fine” she added.
“Wait, do we act like strangers in clas-s too?”
“Anywhere Melvin and look, we’re not in the same clas-s, just in the same dep@rtment which is great. So I’ll give you a brief tour first, we have our lunches and that’s it” she said, pointing to the paper in her hand.
She entered a room and I followed.
“First, we have the laboratory right here.. This is the physics lab actually and-
“There’s a chemistry and biology lab next to it. I know that”. I cut her off and she gave me a questioning look.
“I can always find my way around” I told her, crossing my arm.
“Right. I forgot you’re not normal and your s-en-se is pretty good. So since you know everything, I’ll just head back to the cafe.. The stares you’re ma-king us get are creepy” she said and began walking away.. I followed her.
“Wait.. Why are you following me?”
“I’m going to the cafeteria too.. Can’t we just walk together,” I asked, “jus for today?” I added sluggishly pouting myl-ips at her..
“St©p that” she warns “And just for today” she said and we began walking again..
¶Kayla’s POV¶
The stares really were so uncomfortable, I noticed for Melvin and I.. The expressions were different, while I took the death glares, Melvin took the cute looks and right.. I nee-ded no soothsayer to tell me why it was so..
It’s exactly one of the reason I don’t want us together.. On my p@rt it’s completely trouble for me, getting more attention because of him definitely isn’t good. I fell my hair to my sides, hoping the cover my face well enough..
“Wait.. But how do you help me if we don’t talk?”
“We’ll talk but without much people and only when necessary” I told him and he sighed.
As we got to the cafeteria desperate stares poured on us, I pu-ll away from Melvin but he drew closer.. I shook my head and walked over to Clara in the cafe, her head was bent over a plate of sauced pasta..
“Why are you still on me? Get yourself a seat” I told Melvin.
“Can’t I just sit with you?” He asked and I was about refusing but I had to check and the glares I was getting weren’t nice at all..
“No.. Just get another seat elsewhere” I told him and he pouts.
“That wasn’t nice to a newbie” I looked up to see Clara looking at us.. “I saved you a seat” she smiled at me, sauce rounding herl-ips..
“Well Melvin this is Clara, Clara Melvin” I rushed the introduction and plopped myself on my seat.
“Clara?” Melvin repeated and I looked at him to see him curiously staring at Clara.
“Why do you both look alike and why’s your name Clara?”
I looked at him to see if he was trying to be funny but his face had a serious look.. I looked back at Clara and she still had the smile on her face but with a different expression.
“Well.. It happens” she told him.
“B-but there can’t be two Claras. Who are you?” Melvin asked, his voice shaking, a frown on his face..
“Okay. Do you both know each other or what?” I asked.
“Well.. I do know Melvin from the past but it’s been so long” she told me and turned to Melvin. “And don’t worry Mel, whatever’s going on in your head about my identity isn’t real. I’m not that Clara, stuffs like that happens” she smiled at him and Melvin face de-epened in a frown. He suddenly looked like he was about to coll@pse and gr@bb£d the chair.. I could see his veins popping out of his skin his eyes was wi-dely opened..
Okay what the fv¢k is going on and what does she mean by she knows Melvin from the past? Could she also know that he’s the beast?!