He R@p£d me Episode 19 & 20

(He R@p£d me)😔
Episode 19
♨️ Olivia ♨️
My b©dy trembled as my mouth turned cold ..
” Surprised to see me cu-pcake? ” He asked sm-irking.
I couldn’t say a word, all I wish right now is for the ground to open up and swallow me..
Mario is my worst nightmare I wish never to see in life ….
” Wow! Wow! Is someone pregnant?” He asked staring at down at my belly and I shifted in fear..
I don’t want any harm to come to my baby
” Well, after you hit me and ran away thinking I was dead, I never died. I can’t just die like that you know and I promised to come back for you ”
” It’s good to see you again cu-pcake and I haven’t forgiven you for what you did. You have to pay ” he said and fear engulfed me..
Mario was our neighbour and then, he do make S-xual advances towards me till a day he tried to r@p£ me..
Flashback 📶….
Mum, Dad and my sisters went for a welcome p@rty of one of dad’s friend who c@m£ back from California.
I was left alone at home to do the chores. It’s something I’m used to after all that’s my work here ..
After I was done cooking, I proceeded to clean the house…
When I arrived at the sitting room, I sp©tted Mario comfortably sitting on the couch ..
Ho..how did he get in here? I can remember I personally put the door on lock and key .
I have been scared of him all my life even if we grew up together. He’s a drug dealer and equally makes use of it which made me more scared of him ..
I don’t just like it when I’m alone with him
” Hey cu-pcake ”
” What are you doing here Mario and how did you get in? ” I asked
” That’s not important cu-pcake, I just saw your parents and siblings going out and decided to pay you a visit ”
” For what ?”
” Don’t pretend you don’t know what I meant cu-pcake, I want you ” he said and pu-ll-ed me towards him ma-king me fall on t©p of him … God! He smells like he’s taken some cigarettes…
He help my w@!st very ti-ght and I was unable to escape from his grip
” Mario..p..lease st©p this ” I begged as he placed hisl-ips on my n£¢k
” Not now cu-pcake ” with that he brou-ght out an injection and my eyes wi-de-ned ..
” Wh..at are you doing ?” I stammered blinking my eyes continuously
” Relax , it’s just an injection ” he said and I shook my head..
” No…no plea-se don’t do this to me I beg you ” I pleaded in tears to no avail
” Since you don’t want me to taste your honey pot, I will do it f0rç£fully but with your eyes opened ” he said and injected me with the string .
I screamed in pain and pas-sed out in his arm..
I woke up feeling weak as I stare at my sorounding trying to recall what happened..
This isn’t home, Mario brou-ght me here.
I stood up weakly and went for the door but unfortunately, it was locked..
” You are awake cu-pcake ” I startled upon hearing the voice..
How did he get in? But I’m standing at the door…
” Why did you bring me here Mario, what did you want?” I asked almost yelling. I was scared to death. Let it not be what I’m thinking ..
I’ve gone throu-gh a lot to add the trauma of being R@p£d
” You know why I brou-ght you here so st©p asking and be a good girl. All I want is your S-xy b©dy and that’s all, you will be free to go ”
He pushed me to the be-d and climbe-d up on me…
” M… Mario.. plea-se don’t do this to m…me ”
” Shut up ” he re-moved his belt while su-cking my b00bs .
Why always me? I can’t allow this happen to me
Ah! Thank goodness! A pistol was on the drawer closer to the be-d ..
I stylishly gr@bb£d it and with a shaky hand, I hit him with it on the head ..
He gro-an ed and fell off me holding his bleeding head. A key fell from his pocket and i quic-kly took it guessing it should be for the door..
He was now in his own pool of blood while I fearfully stood up…
The blood was becoming much and that frightened me ..
” O… Olivia you won’t go with this ” he said faintly and gave up …
God! I didn’t mean to kill him, I only wanted him to pas-s out so I can escape..
I fearfully opened the door and ran out…
End of flashback 📶…..
” Earth to cu-pcake ” he said snapping me out of my thought
” Uhhmm I…am really sorry Mario, I never intended on hitting you. I did it for protec-tion plea-se forgive me and don’t hurt me again ”
” And you did protect yourself and I am not back for revenge but you have to taste you for payback. I don’t care if you are pregnant or not ”
” What’s happening here?” Ethan asked coming and I sighed in relief. He’s here now and I can say my safety is guaranteed..
He glanced at me then at Mario, he shouldn’t think of anything plea-se…
” Uhhmm, I uhmm”
” Riri?” Ethan called and I stared confusedlyat him .
Did he know him from somewhere?
” Ethan? You, oh my God ” he said and they both embr@ced each other. What the hell?
My worst nightmare is friend with my fiance?
” Where have you been? Since we graduated from the University, I haven’t seen you ” Ethan said..
Oh! There were course mates maybe…
” Well yeah, i travelled out of the country ”
” I really missed your bad boy gang ” Ethan said and they laughed..
His eyes turned towards me and he furrowed his eye brow…
” This is my fiancee Olivia, I guess you might know her from somewhere ” he introduced and Mario’s face darkened..
” Your fiancee? ” He asked and I went closer to Ethan. He’s a psychopath amd can do the unimaginable
” Yeah any problem with that ?” Ethan glanced at me then at him… I wish I can re-ad his mind right now..
” Ah! Not at all man, she’s a good girl amd she used to be my neighbour ” Mario replied and Ethan shrugged..
” Anyways this is Mario my very good friend from the University. We were course mates and eventually bec@m£ friends ” Ethan said and I nodded
” So when did you come back? ” Ethan asked sitting down on the 3rd chair
” I just arrived and decided to gr-ab some food before going to look for an h0tel to stay in for the 3days I’m spending here in a business ” he replied..
I couldn’t even look at him… Why did Ethan have to be friends with someone like him? Mario of all people. A gangster?
” Why will you stay in a h0tel when you have me here? You can move in with us for the 3days ” Ethan said and my eyes bulged out..
What? Stay with us? No! No! ..
I gave him a pleading eyes to take back his words but he wasn’t un-derstanding..
” I will be glad man, thank you so much ” he said with a sm-irk plastered on his face..
” It’s nothing, so our order will arrive right away after which we will go to home to my place ”
How can I stay un-der the same roof with a devil?
Our face met and he pas-sed me a b©dy language inform of ‘ be re-ady ‘
My b©dy tensed up..
He didn’t even ask for my opinion….
I’m done for….
The next day….
I practically avoided Mario throu-ghout yesterday night and now Ethan wants to leave me with him in this house?
” plea-se Ethan, I.. can’t stay here ” I pleaded.
” Look angel, I’m going to work. I don’t get why you are scared of Mario, he won’t hurt you or is they something you wish to let me know?” He asked and I shook my head..
I just can’t explain the problem I have with his friend..
” Then, just stay okay, I will be back earlier enough. I promise he can’t hurt you ” he as-sured and I sighed..
” I just want to follow you to the office ” I said and he chuckled..
” St©p being a scary cat Angel, I will be back before you know it ”
” Okay, can you drop me off at my dad’s? It’s been a while I saw them ” I said convincingly but he isn’t buying it ..
” Angel” he called and gro-an ed..
” We both will go there tomorrow but for now, I want you to go in and rest ” he said and pe-cked my forehead
” I love you babes ”
With that he left leaving me….
I face palmed myself, knowing that Mario is in here with me scares the hell out of me..
I began walking back into the house when I head some footsteps..
I flin-ched and staggered back..
“Calm down Olivia, it might be some of the maids ” I said to myself and resumed walking very fast to my room..
The best thing is to lock myself…
The footstep bec@m£ clearer and I saw the person was approaching my door ..
” You can’t run away from me forever cu-pcake ”
My heart almost jumped out of my throat..
His sight is enough to scare me… God plea-se let the guards show up …
Episode 20
♨️ Olivia ♨️
” You can’t run away from me forever cu-pcake ” his voice kept ringing in my ears till he was closer to me..
I couldn’t move nor try to run away.
I held my stomach protectively, he should do anything but not to have S-x with me or hurt my baby ..
Had I know, I could have told Ethan about him. Mario is bent on destroying me.
” Mario plea-se, what did you want?” I asked mentally shaking and praying silently for anyone to just interrupt is but it seems the guards and maids have been locked up. None of them is at sight ..
” St©p asking stupid questions Olivia. I have always wanted to have a taste of you ” he said and shrugged like it’s nothing ..
” B.. but I’m now your friend’s would be wife, can’t you let me be? If not for anything, just for my condition and the friendsh!pyou shared with Ethan in the past ” I said convincingly
He was coming closer that I have to shift back till I was tra-pped between the wall…
If this guy her t©uçhes me, I will die. I can’t bear the pain and he might hurt my baby
” You know it’s good to be good, Ethan was a very good friend of mine back there in the University. Then, I took him as a friend turned brother. He was my back bone and he won’t hesitate to attend to my financial nee-ds ”
” He loves me as a brother and gave me everything I wanted. Since he’s from a rich family, it was easy for him to get enough money for both of us. He even do pay my fee sometimes just to make sure I st©p being a gangster and stealing from people. ”
” People refer to him as a snub but not me, he’s a angry dude and in that self lies a good heart. That heart changed me, he never abandoned me even when those I called friends left and I’m glad I’m now successful ”
He said and took a de-ep breathe, argh! All over my b©dy. My back hurts and my legs are weak ..
I don’t know why he’s telling me all this and I can’t believe Ethan that I know can change a man. Not anyone but Mario the nutorous leader of a deadly gangster..
” Knowing you are now his pisses me off. I want to see you scream my name in pain for having the guts to hit me, what if I had died ?” He asked and I snorted
” What if you had succeeded in ra-ping me? ” I fired back
” ra-ping and murder case, which lasts in jail?” He asked
I don’t even know. How did he expects me to know that?
” Is there a problem ma’am ”
Ah! A savior! One of the guards said standing protectively beside me . I think he’s Jack, Ethan’s personal guard ….
” Not at all ”
” Why are you here?” Mario ch!pped in angrily.. I’m very grateful he c@m£ ..
” I’m sorry sir, Mr Ethan asked me to be with ma’am Olivia ”
Aww! Ethan! He remembered I was scared, how loving ..
” Really? You can go and come back later as you can see, we are having a discussion ”
” I can’t sir, Mr Ethan asked me not to leave her for a second. I love my job here can’t disobey my boss ” he replied firmly and I gave him a satisfactory smile..
” Thank you Jack ” I said eyeing alre-ady pissed Mario…. But I thought he said he won’t hurt me anymore so why pissed?
” Ma’am Olivia, Mr Ethan asked me to make sure you have a nap before he’s back ”
” Yeah, I’m going in alre-ady ” I said and started ma-king my way inside my room as Mario just stared at me and shrugged..
Is this Jack serious? Is he following me inside too…
I turned and gave him a confused look with my hand on my door knob
” Just go in ma’am, I will be by the door. That’s what I was asked to do ”
I nodded and closed the door ….
Ethan is such a darling. ..
♠️ Ethan ♠️
” Untie her ” I instructed John and he did so..
Anna is still here, yeah that’s just two days though. It’s a minor..
She looks so unkept with eye bags. Her hair was messy and her dress turned brown. She looks slimmer…
I guess she has been crying all day. Who wouldn’t when you are been beaten?
As much as I don’t love her, she’s a friend.
” Are you Okay?” I asked mockingly and she sh0t me a glare
” Aww, I’m sorry Anna I didn’t mean to hurt you but you pushed me ” I said factly
” What were you thinking when you faked the pregnancy? How did you plan on doing it ?” I asked inquisitively
” I…I don’t know, I was only trying to have a chance with you. I’m sorry for destroying our friendsh!p” she apologized sincerely…
That’s like her, not a desperate lady…
” It’s okay and I’m sorry for the pain too, we are still friends okay? Your man will come at God’s time, he will be a perfect definition of a good husband. I can’t be with you and you know it so just wait, he will come at the right time ”
” Thank you ” she muttered and winced trying to stand up..
She’s really bruised ah Jack! Thanks for a job well done…
” Come let’s go the the hospital and get you treated ” I said and helped her up after several attempts while she nodded..
She hasn’t eaten for this two days she’s been here too. How callus I can be to have forgotten her. We make mistakes and we should be forgiven, she’s still my friendsh!pwith nothing attached..
♨️ Olivia ♨️
” How’s my angel doing ?” Ethan asked placing his head on my th!gh
” I’m fine just stressed up even without doing any work ”
” I un-derstand, I’m sorry for putting you throu-gh this ” he said
” C’mon Ethan it’s not your fault ”
” If you say so angel ” he replied..
” Uhhmm .. ” I trailed off..
I want to tell him about my insecurities with Mario but it’s ha-rd ..
What if it destroy their friendsh!pthey built before they both probably met me?
” You want to say something ?” He asked and I nodded..
” Uhhmm, it’s ab…about… uhh… Mario ” I stuttered
” Don’t worry he told me alre-ady captain ayyy! ” He said and began laughing..
Mario did? R.. really?
I glared at him and she st©pped laughing
” I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I was scared you both might loose the friendsh!pbetween you” I said truthfully..
I’m not foolish, I was just been considerate
” I know and I’m not angry but next time, don’t endanger your life for any reason. Not even for me ” he said and I nodded..
Such an un-derstanding person.
” I can’t believe with your innocent face you hit someone with a pistol. You are sure a captain ” he said laughing while I nudged his arm
” He tried to r@p£ me ” I replied defensively
” I’m going to be a grandma finally ” my step mum said and I smiled at her ..
Ethan and I visited them and we are all in the dinning having dinner
” And I’m going to be an Aunt ” Emily enthused like a baby and we laughed..
” St©p being dramatic Emily, I will be an Aunt too” Sophia said and she glared at her ..
Dad was just staring at us feeling contented..
I feel so happy too seated with my family talking and laughing, isn’t that great?”
” Guess what Api ” Sophia said elatedly
” Just spill it alre-ady I can’t guess ”
” Well, I prepared this very dinner ” she said cl@pping her hands..
Wow! Then she’s really learning fast … The food taste so good
” Wow, I will say after my wifey, you are the best cook ” Ethan said and she jumped in joy shouting at©p of her voice.
God help my ear drum..
” What of me, I can cook better than her ” Emily pouted
” I know you can munchkin but you will have to do that for me one of this days ” Ethan replied and she smiled wi-dely..
‘ munchkin ‘ …
” Well Ethan, did you have any male friend?” Sophia asked as we sat together in the living room. Mum and dad alre-ady left to their rooms..
I guess we will pas-s a night here. It’s getting late
” Yeah, I do. He’s like a brother ” he said
” Wow! I will like to meet him you know we can connect ” she said and my eyes wi-de-ned..
Is she serious?
” What sis, I want to marry any of Ethan’s friend because I believe they will be like him in terms of character and perhaps wealth too ” she shrugged..
” That’s not a case soph, one of my friend is still single ” Ethan said grinning.
” Really? What’s his name? Where is he from? Did I know him? Is he a pop star? ” She asked without taking a breath Makin Ethan chuckled..
” He’s all of that and his name is Mario ”
What? Mario really?
He must be kidding me
” Such a lovely name, I’m sure he’s very handsome. I can’t wait to meet him, plea-se connect us. Be the match maker Ethan ” she said.
Ethan nodded in amusement….
Why will he suggest Mario for my sister? Sophia might know him though and might not.
She was that proud baby who doesn’t give a fv¢k about people around her..
” He will be leaving for California tomorrow, he resides there ” he said and her face went pale.
Such a drama queen, she’s not serious is she?
” Why did he have to go? I want to meet him ”
” He c@m£ for a board meeting and he has to go back and take care of his company ” he replied.
Sophia beamed and Emily shook her head..
She loves her Neo so much and she’s just 18
” His company? You mean he has his personal company? He’s the boss?” She asked and he nodded
” Oh my God! He’s my dream man, Ethan plea-se don’t let him leave ”
” St©p shouting Sophia, your voice is horrible ” Emily said and we laughed..
They are always at each other’s n£¢k..
” Shut up go and sleep if you don’t want to hear me talk ” she snapped and Emily scoffed
” I can do that for you sister in-law, I will make him stay for two more days”
” Yaaaayyyy! Dancing!🕺 dancing! dancing like a little bird singing in a happy tone ” she shouted while dancing and I was f0rç£d to cover my ear ..
” Sophia st©p… ”
” What the hell? Are you okay Sophia?” Dad asked coming with mum ..
” I’m very okay dad just heard a good news ” she said happily
” Well, it’s late alre-ady, I think Olivia and Ethan will sleep over ” he said and I glanced at Ethan
” You both will stay in your room Olivia ”
If not the day we..uhh went into intimacy, we don’t sleep together on the same be-d ..
Our eyes met and he grinned at me. Stupid!
” You all may go to be-d, goodnight ” he said and went away with his wife ..
” Goodnight love birds, don’t forget I will follow you home tomorrow to meet my night in shinning Amor ” Sophia and running off while Emily said her goodnight and left leaving me with Ethan..
He wra-pped his hands around my belly hvgging me from behind..
” It will be you and I all night angel, don’t you think we should make the baby two?” He said smiling devilishly and I snorted..

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