He is my mate Episode 24

💯❤💉 #HE_IS_MY_MATE 💉❤💯
As Produced by Rachel Romo
THEME: Beta Skyler vs Alpha Lawrence
Sapphire’s POV
The door suddenly flung open and I saw the only person my heart has been yearning for.
“Adrian!” I shouted, as I ran to hvg him, my b©dy wasn’t aching anymore so I feel relaxed now.
“Shh” He placed a hand on hisl-ips telling me not to draw attention, then he place a k!sson my forehead, I pu-ll-ed from him and hvgged my brother. god! I missed him so damn much, I seems we’ve been separated for another 10 years.
“I think the get together can wait for later, we nee-d to get out of here fast! ” Alice announced.
We quic-kly sped out my cell and head towards the exit.
We pas-sed throu-gh different rooms as we strode gently behind the other, Alice was at the front leading the queue, we were about to run throu-gh a large hallway when we heard him.
“Not so fast darling” A man appeared before us with about 50 wolf warriors behind him. Effectively blocking our path. It was easy for me to count cause they were lined up behind him in 5 columns, and there are about 10 men on each column.
“Lawrence!” Skyler snarled at him
So this is him? This is the pathetic father that want my life for his own selfish interest?
“Tsk” I intentionally spat on the floor just to show my disgust
He looked at me with the corner of his eyes and smiled.
“You did not think I’ll let you leave with my possession do you?” He asked as though he’s waiting for an answer.
Who is this man’s possession?
Arrgh! What a day this has been.
“And you Alice, I kept my end of the deal but you betrayed me, I should have killed you and your mate when I had the chance” He stated, staring at Alice with cold eyes.
“Now how are you gonna get out of this? One Alpha, one beta, and two Lunas against me and my warriors, hahaha, I will make you pay dearly for crossing my paths.
” You can add one more Alpha to that count” We soon heard a voice from behind us.
“Jax!!!” Alice screamed as she ran to hvg him.
Awww, they look so cute together I thought, common sapphire, this is not the time for reminisce, I cautioned myself.
“Very well then? And you think you can defeat me? Wake up fools, you’re outnumbered” He shouted, giving us a raised eyebrow.
And then there was silence.
Ja….. Jac……jack
We heard marching legs approaching us.
“Wow, I thought I missed the p@rty”
She said as she halted few meters away from us. Causing the other 40 warriors behind to stand alert.
“Kayla!!! I screamed out my lungs as I ran to her I carefully hvgged her, seeing as she was holding a double edge sword in both hands.
god! Am so happy to see her, literally am happy to see everyb©dy after what seemed like life end zone, except my so called father of cause.
” You’re a cook Kayla, where do learn to fight?” I asked, pla-yfully pressing her brea-st forgetting that we’re in the middle of a very heated discussion that will soon result to battle.
“Alpha Adrian makes sure everyone who wants to enroll as his staff knows how to use a sword” She said, staring at Adrian as though he is the man she dre-aded most in the world.
Adrian just replied with a wi-de green plastered on his face, he seem proud of himself.
“So it looks like you’re the one outnumbered now, Mr Lawrence” He said with a sm-irk,, am sure he intentionally decide not to call him by ‘Alpha’ he doesn’t deserve it.
“Nah nah, I actually think this is a fair fight” Kayla ch!pped in as she staggered backwards (pla-yfully) one would think she’s the drun!ken Master, she seem confident, well, I’ve never seen her fight.
“I concur” I said with a smile.
“No one t©uçhes Lawrence” Skyler growled, and with that, the p@rty began.
Skyler’s POV
I attacked with full strength, I didn’t know where the energy was coming from, all I knew is that I was weak few seconds ago, but now an oozing with energy. I clenched my fist and aimed a punch at his face, he swiftly dodged it and s£nt a kick to my ribs,
“Ouch” I gro-an ed, it was then I c@m£ to my s-en-ses, this guy is trained, also an Alpha, Fighting blindly with anger won’t win me this fight, I have to be very strategic, I thought, I calmed my nerves and posed myself in a defensive position, he immediately tried to s£nd a punch to my face, I dodged it, as I bent sideways giving him an upper caught in the process.
I quic-kly got myself in a defensive position again. re-ady for his next attack, the aim is to f0rç£ him to expend all his energy while I conserve mine and use it when he’s down.
He made to attack me with an acrobatic kick, but I moved out of the way before he could even land his kick. Unfortunately for him, his landing wasn’t as perfect as it ought to be, he staggered before he could maintain position, I used the situation to my advantage as I s£nt two quic-k punches to his che-st, he staggered backwards and coughed out blood.
“Bastard!” He cursed as he spit out the blood in his mouth.
“You dare use tactics on me? ”
From the corner of my eyes, I could see Adrian, he’s doing fine, he wasn’t using a sword but he was coping well, Sapphire on the other hand was fighting alongside Kayla, while Alice and Jax had their back against the other as they fought, a sword in each hand, I observed Adrian’s stance is centered around Sapphires movement, ‘Good’ I thought, he’s watching her back so I don’t have to worry.
I watched Alice slit open the throat of one of the enemy warriors, she then kicked him ha-rd ma-king the dead b©dy snake throu-gh the floor and st©pped right at Lawrence feet. He looked at me with menace as he gentle picked the sword from the fallen soldier.
He swung the sword like a professional, and then he attacked me again.
This time with full speed as he held the sword in his right hand.
“Skyler!” I heard my name, I looked to the direction and saw sapphire scream my name, she quic-kly mind linked and told me about a plan which I agreed to.
As Lawrence charged towards, I charged at him too like someone having a death wish, and just as he made to cut me with his blade, I swiftly dodge effort as I leaned forward, catching the sword Sapphire had thrown mid air, then I stuck it into his belly.
‘g@sh’ everything stilled for a moment as Lawrence gro-an ed in pain. His warriors momentarily st©pped fighting and all looked at my direction. I plucked the sword out his belly and In one swing, I pu-ll-ed his head off his shoulders.
The little no of warriors he had left dropped their sword as clanging of metals is heard throu-ghout the hall, they were outnumbered, and now their leader is dead, they knew they have two choices, ‘surrender or die’ and they choose the former, except one, he was behind Alice both Alice and Jax are now facing me with a smile across their face.
“Ali….. ” Before I could call her attention the bastard had stabbe-d her in the back, he stabbe-d her so ha-rd that the edge of the sword c@m£ out from her stomach. That’s fatal.
“Ahh!!!!” Jax screamed as he sliced the bastard into ——– pieces
Alice eyes sh0t out in horror, and she stared down at her stomach, blood dripping out from her mouth and belly before she fell to the floor on her side. Lifeless!