He is my alpha Episode 51

*** ( he’s cold but she changed him) ***

Genre : r0m@nç£

Krystal writes

Episode 51 (no edit)

plea-se plea-se plea-se, like and comment as you re-ad, don’t just like alone, comment too 🙏

Lance woke with a slight headache, he gro-an ed out as he used his right hand to mas-sage his head, he turned to the other side of the be-d, but he couldn’t find gwen.

“where’s mate”. He muttered.

Suddenly, he heard laughter coming from downstairs, he quic-kly stood up from the be-d and hurried downstairs, forgetting the fact that he was shi-tless and only putting on his shorts.

Emily and Gwen sat in the kitchen, chattering happily as they both have breakfast, but the moment Emily turned to see a shi-tless lance, she dropped the sandwich she was holding as she stared at him with open mouth.

Lance stared at Emily with his right brow raised up, he wondered what happened to her and he could tell that she was drooling over him.

“lance”. Gwen yelled with a glare.

“if you don’t go back in there and put on something, I swear I won’t forgive you”. She fired.

Lance was confused at first, then he looked down to see he was shi-tless.

“$h!t”. He muttered.

So that’s the reason for emily’s reaction.

“oops, sorry mate, gimme a second”. He said as he ran upstairs in a flash to get changed.

“emmy”. Gwen called, but Emily was still lost in whatever world she was in.

She still stared at the place lance stood, even after he was gone.

“emily”. Gwen yelled louder this time, snapping Emily out of her dream world.

“oh my goodness Gwen, I’m so sorry, but that guy is supper h0t”. She giggled.

Kiara immediately let out a dangerous growl in gwen’s head.

“oh emmy, you’re so crazy”. Gwen smiled.

“you were drooling over lance”.

“sorry gwen, but he c@m£ out shi-tless, I’m so sorry”. She apologized.

“it’s alright em, I un-derstand”.

*no you don’t un-derstand, what do you mean it’s alright* Kiara yelled.

*shut up Kiara, she didn’t mean to*

*you know if it had been someone else, I would have clawed their fv¢king eyes out* Kiara growled.

*c’mon Kiara, it’s fine*

*I’m just letting this slid because she’s your friend, and I kinda love her too, but mate is so careless to come out shi-tless, I’ll definitely give him a piece of my mind later* she hissed.

*alright Kiara, you can do that later* gwen laughed.

“err gwen”. Emily called.


“what happened to you”.🙄

“sorry em, I was talking to my wolf, told you about her”.

“oh yeah, what’s she saying”. Emily questioned egarly.

she finds this all intriguing, especially after gwen told her everything last night, she just can’t st©p getting amazed by all these.

“oh it’s nothing, she said she loves you”. Gwen smiled.

“really”. Emily questioned happily.

“yea, really”.

“and what else”.

“nothing much, just that she loves you a lot”. Gwen said.

*what*kiara yelled.

*you freaking br@t, I didn’t say that, tell the truth* Kiara fumed.

*not happening kiara* gwen replied before blocking her out.

“I’m so happy to hear that, I would love to see her sometime”.

“that’s not a problem, I’ll show her to you sometime”.gwen laughed.

they heard a clear of throat, and they both turned to see lance all dressed up and looking h0t.

“well, look who’s here”. Gwen said, glaring at him.

“hey”.emily smiled.


“how are you”. Lance said as he moved to take a sit beside gwen.

“I’m alright”.

“what about your mother, I don’t see her around”. He said.

the moment he asked about her mother, everything changed, their countenance bec@m£ a sad one, and he bec@m£ confused as to what was wrong.

“did I say something wrong”. He questioned worriedly.

“plea-se forgive me, but I’ll go to my room now”. Emily said as she hurriedly went upstairs, not wanting them to see her tears.

“what was that”.

“amor, what’s wrong”.

“well lance, something happened last night”. She muttered sadly.

“I know, because I’m surprised to see Emily here, what did you do mate”.

“Valerie actually c@m£ here last night”.

“what! “. Lance yelled.

“you nee-d to really explain all that’s happened to me, how dare that witch”. He growled.

“lance, don’t you remember what happened last night”. She asked.

“what happened”. He replied with a confused frown.

*mate doesn’t remember what happened, it must have happened when you knocked him out* Kiara said.

“well lance, something happened last night, mother told you about what happened to her, it involves damien, and you got really furious, you would have gone to the shadow moon pack had we not st©p you, I managed to knock you out with magic so….. “.

“hold on”. He said as the memories all c@m£ flashing in his head.

”$h!t”. He growled.

“you remember?”.

“yes, I remember everything”.

“well, after we brou-ght you home and everyone’s left, Valerie c@m£ to me and she told me to meet her in the woods if I wanted to save Emily and her mom”. She sniffed .

“that sneaky conniving bit-ch”. Lance cursed.

“she chose the perfect time, knowing you were all alone”. He growled.

“I went there and Valerie tried to kill me using a trident, but emily’s mother took the hit, and that was it, she sacrificed her life to save mine”. She said, using the back of her palms to wipe her tears.

“I couldn’t tell anyone, all I wanted was to save them both, and you were in a de-ep sleep due to the spell, I couldn’t do anything but go there alone”. She said in tears.

“you know mate, I’m really trying to hold myself from getting angry, why would you go there alone and you shouldn’t have knocked me out too, what if that witch had succeeded in her plans, what would I have done, I can’t ever bear to loose you mate, if I had been there, I would have tried to save them both, you shouldn’t have done that mate”. He yelled.

“lance I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t leave Emily and her mother, I’m so sorry”. She cried.

lance stared at her for sometime, he was angry, but he also pitied her, he un-derstands her completely, but what would he have done if he had lost her, that’s what ma-king him angry, the fact that she had put herself in danger without thinking twice about it.

“mate”. He called.

“it’s alright, st©p crying plea-se”. He said, pu-lling her into a hvg.

“I’m so sorry lance”.

“it’s alright, it’s alright”. He cooed.

“plea-se don’t be mad at me”. She said in a babyish voice.

“I’m not mad you love, I just don’t want to ever loose you, I can’t bear that thought”. He sighed.

“and I’m sorry about the fact that emily’s mother had to loose her life in all these”. He growled.

“once again, Damien has crossed the line”.

“we’ll get throu-gh this, and they’ll all get the justice they deserve”. Gwen said, hvgging him ti-ghter.

“they will love, they will”.


⚫️shadow moon pack 🌙

everyone could be seen training and preparing for the battle, some in their wolf form, while some in their human form.

women and children who were strong enough to fight were also training, the old ones and those who were not of age will stay behind.

Valerie stood from a distance, watching all that’s happening with a satisfied smile on her face, few more hrs to go and her greatest dream will come true, and no one will st©p it, she could alre-ady picture how she’ll end her worst enemy, a slow and painful death.

with happiness, she raised her head up high, and in a loud voice, she let out a howl.

the pack all shared a look before howling with her, and one by one, they all let out a howl of victory.



🌃 night time 🕒

🛑 Red moon pack 🌙

everyone sat in Lance living room, chattering happily, it was good to have everyone together, just like one big happy family.

it’s good to get to know each other well, and linda actually told them all that Valerie did to her, including how she made her loose her wolf.

*hey gwen* Kiara called.

*yes kiara*

*don’t you think if Valerie can make her loose her wolf, there might be some way to get her back*

*i don’t know Kiara, what are you trying to say*

*what I’m saying is……”. Kiara was saying when they all heard someone ban-ging the door loudly.

“alpha”. I someone screamed from outside, and they all rushed to see who it was.

on opening the door, they saw one of the pack members, he was breathing heavily.

“the shadow moon pack, it’s war”. He said breathlessly.

“I can’t believe this bit-ch”. Gwen growled.

“quic-kly, get the women and children to the bunker and keep them guarded”. Lance ordered and the guard quic-kly went out to carry out his orders.

“lily, grace, plea-se take the women to the bunker, they’ll be safe there”. Gwen said in a hurry.

“no, I have my wolf, and I’ll love to fight”. Clara said.

“no Clara, you can’t”. Gwen said.

“you’re not st©pping me, it’s my pack too”.

”arrrg………, fine then, lily, grace, hurry, there’s no time to waste”.

lily and grace hurriedly took the three women to the bunker, but not wishing them luck first.

the rest all rushed outside to see the whole pack in a heated battle, this was unexpected, but they won’t back down.

they all howled before taking the form of their wolf.

asher hurried to save one of the pack guard who’s been pinned down by another wolf, quic-kly, he jumped on the other wolf and bite de-ep into his n£¢k, with one howl of pain, the wolf slumped down dead.

gwen battled wi-dely with four wolves who has surrounded her, she immediately used her powers to burn them all down.

“Lancelot”. Damien called as he c@m£ to stand in front of lance who was in his wolf form.

lance growled dangerously at damien, feeling the urge to kill him right now.

“calm down brother, we’ll end this right now”. He growled as he also transformed into his wolf, to Lance greatest shock, he was also a lycanthrope.

*how the fv¢k did he become a lycan* cornor growled.

*i don’t know cornor, this wouldn’t be easy, but I’ll definitely not back down*

damien growled as he charged towards lance, he clawed at his che-st, then punched him in his heart.

lance roared as he clawed de-eply into Damien’s face, almost clawing out his eye, Damien growled in pain before pushing lance off.

once again, they growled at each other before attacking again, clawing, punching and hitting each other mercilessly.

gwen felt lance pain With every hit he took, and just when she was about going to help him, she felt something push her back, and she knew immediately who it was.

she took her human form as she turned to glare at the witch.

“valerie”. She growled.

“hello darling, let’s take our battle somewhere else”. I she sm-irked as she created a portal which leads to another world, and without a warning, she pu-ll-ed Gwen in.

“what da hell”. Gwen muttered, seeing the place Valerie brou-ght her.

she literally brou-ght her to a desert, on the floor la-id the skulls of dead people.

“where’s this place Valerie”. She questioned with a glare.

“hahaha, isn’t it obvious dummy, it’s the place I’m gonna end your miserable life, and I’ll leave you here to rot, just like the bodies you’re seeing here”. She giggled.

“you’re wrong Valerie, you’ll be the one rotting here with these bodies”.

“we’ll see about that”. Valerie sm-irked

with one swing of her hand, she s£nt gwen flying in the air, and she dropped to the floor, hitting her back really ha-rd .

“$h!t”. She gro-an ed in pain.

As she made to stand, Valerie was quic-k to slash her arm with a sword.

“aaaaaaa…….”. She screamed in pain.

*where did this bit-ch get a sword from* Kiara growled.

“how do you like the pain now darling”. She giggled.

“that’s just a ti-p of the iceberg”.

gwen felt angry as she stared at bleeding arm, and it wasn’t healing, no doubt lance would have felt her pain.

“fv¢k you bit-ch”. She roared as she blast Valerie with her magic.

“aaaaaaa……”. Valerie screamed as she felt a strong f0rç£ hit her che-st ha-rd which made her cough out blood.

“you’ll pay for this”. She spat.

Valerie ran towards gwen and tried stabbing her with the sword, but gwen was quic-k enough to see this coming, she dodge the hit and reappeared behind Valerie, first she clawed at her back, then pushed her ha-rd .

“aaaaaaa….”. Valerie screamed once more as she fell to the floor, gro-an ing in pain.

“you’ve lost Valerie”. Gwen said.

“no Gwen, you’re wrong”. Valerie screamed

in a flash, she turned to face Gwen with her eyes which was all black now, she’s let the demon in her take over.

she sm-irked as she lifted Gwen up in the air, using her magic, chains from no where bound her legs and hands, trying to tear her ap@rt .

gwen screamed in pain as she struggled to break free.

“who’s the weakling now”. She taunted

“plea-se mother, help me”. Gwen muttered in tears.

“haha haha, these chains are going to tear you ap@rt, don’t try to resist it, just give up and die”. She yelled like a mad woman.

“st©p struggling and die”. She screamed as she ti-ght£ñed the hold of the chains.

Valerie was too blinded by the picture of gwen’s death that she didn’t see the bright light which began to emanate from gwen’s b©dy.

the light began glowing brightly and that was when Valerie saw it

“no no, what’s happening”. She screamed as the light glowed brighter, almost blinding her.

Gwen roared as she broke the chains.

“thank you mother”. She smiled.

she felt extra powerful, and it was all thanks to her mother.

“let’s end this now”. She said

“Valerie”. She yelled as she ran with a flash, gr-abbing a hold of Valerie’s n£¢k and choking her without mercy.

“let go of me”. Valerie coughed.

“not so easy witch, time to end all this, and now, you’ll pay for everything you’ve done”. She growled.

gwen pushed her r0ûghly to the floor, and Valerie coughed loudly, holding onto her n£¢k.

“who do you think you are”. She said, glaring at Gwen.

“your worst nightmare”. Gwen sm-irked as she raised her hand up in the air, a golden sword appeared in her right hand.

“this is the only thing that can end your existence for good witch”. She growled.

Valerie eyes wi-den with shock as she stood up quic-kly.

“what do you think you’re doing”. Valerie stammered fearfully as she looked at the sword, at the same time moving back.

“trying to Run, and remember you brou-ght me here to finish all this”. Gwen smiled.

“sadly, you can’t run away”. She growled.

first, she used the sword to cut off Valerie’s right arm.

“that’s for killing my parents”. She said in tears, enjoying Valerie’s scream of pain.

“and this is for killing emily’s mother, and ruining my life”. She yelled as she cut off her left hand.

“no, plea-se, st©p it, it burns, it burns”. Valerie screamed in pain, she’s just lost both her hands.

“goodbye Valerie”. Gwen whispered as she said some magic words into the sword, then she aimed at Valerie’s heart before throwing the sword.

“nooooo”. Valerie screamed as the sword pierced her heart de-eply, she felt her whole b©dy heat up, and then, boom!, she exploaded, burning to ashes, every single p@rt of her, even her cut off hands.

Gwen looked at her ashes with a smile of victory and pain, victory that it’s all finished, pain for the innocent lives lost.

*now, she’ll be the one rotting with the bodies* Kiara said.

*let’s get outta here* she said.

Gwen created a portal which will take her home, with one last look at the place, she jumped into the portal.

on getting back home, she saw the whole place destroyed ,dead bodies la-id on the floor, the earth watered with the blood of the dead, and they were still battling, but the red moon pack was winning.

She turned to search for Lance, and she saw him, still battling with his brother, they were both weak, but damien seems weaker.

“sorry brother”. Lance muttered as he went behind damien in a flash, then he r!pp£dout his spinal cord.

damien fell to the floor.


Lance let out a roar as he stared at his dead brother, he didn’t see the man behind him.

gwen’s eyes wi-den with shock as the realisation of what the man was about to do hit her ha-rd , he held a sword and was about to stab lance in his heart.

“lance”. She screamed, but she was too late.

the man screamed as he stabbe-d lance from behind.

“nooooo…..”. Gwen yelled, running to meet lance who dropped to the floor on his knees.

“mate, I’m sorry”. He said as tears sli-pped down his cheeks, then he coll@psed to the floor, back to his human form.

“no no no”. Gwen muttered in tears, pu-lling him to her.

“lance, plea-se wake up, plea-se lance, don’t do this to me”. She cried.

“lance”. She called, but then, he’s st©pped breathing.

“no no no, no, you can’t do this”. She cried.

and that moment, all the memories she had with him pla-yed in her head, and in a fit of rage, she roared, her eyes blazing with fire.

“aaaaaaa”. She screamed, burning every single one of the shadow moon pack.

she didn’t st©p till they were all burned down.

“aaaaaaa”. She screamed in pain, hvgging lance ti-ghtly to her che-st.

she lifted her head high to the full moon, and in a loud voice, she screamed in pain.


Theme song
💖…faded by Alan walker 💖

🎵 you were the shadow to my light 🎵
🎵did you feel us🎵
🎵another start 🎵
🎵you fade away 🎵
🎵afraid our aim is out of sight 🎵
🎵wanna see us🎵
🎵alive 🎵

🎵where are you now 🎵
🎵where are you now 🎵
🎵where are you now🎵
🎵was it all in my fantasy 🎵
🎵where are you now 🎵
🎵were you only imaginary 🎵
🎵where are you now 🎵

🎵un-der the sea 🎵
🎵un-der the sea🎵
🎵where are you now 🎵
🎵another dream 🎵
🎵the monsters running wi-de inside of me 🎵

🎵I’m faded 🎵
🎵I’m faded 🎵
🎵so lost 🎵
🎵I’m faded 🎵


