He bought me Episode 51 to 55

He Bought Me
Episode 51
I ran inside my room and fell to the floor and began to cry.
Jessica ,I’m so sorry. What you are about to find out about me is dangerous. You shouldn’t know it.
I wish I can shoot you to death so I can have the peace of mind I wish but I can’t.
I wish I can sel you away but I can’t. I wish I can do without you but I can’t.
I do not know if I really love you but this feeling I’m having towards you is strong. It’s against the principle of camp for masters to have any feelings whatsoever for their properties.
This is the reason why I am trying to avoid you. I knew the nightmares will never st©p coming .
If this man in this book is your father then I know you will fight and take revenge.
You will fight our empire. I really wish what happened to your father had not happened to him but I’m sorry.
I know you can not forgive us ,but plea-se do. We have hurt you and made you an ordinary property and now I had sh0t you again.
I did not know why you like being around me maybe it’s because you just like me or because you want to find out about the death of this man here.
I cried so ha-rd and I felt like going to her at that moment to apologize for shooting her but I can’t.
I can’t stoop that low. But seems I’m beginning to like this girl. As much as I’m trying to fight the feeling , I still love it.
I love it when I t©uçh her. I love it when she looks into my face with a petite face.
But we might have hurt her in the past. Even if I accept my feelings ,she will never retort it cause she must fight what we had taken from her in one night.
I heard a gentle knock on the door and I hurriedly cleaned myself up.
I went to the door after few seconds to open and saw Jennifer standing with no expression.
“Like seriously? You sh0t her. Did you want her dead?” She asked.
I wanted to speak but If I did ,I will cry. I do not want to shoot her but I have to do something that will make her st©p investigating the death of her father.
And now that she has seeing the image of a man whom I as-sume to be her father ,she may not st©p.
“Donald, why did you shoot her ?”
I still couldn’t speak cause I was so emotional and regretting every bit of my actions.
I turned from her and went to l@yon my be-d.
“Well,she’s dead” Jennifer said.
Episode 52.
I stood from my be-d in fear and peeked into the face of Jennifer.
“Dead!” I shouted.
“Yes ,but you sh0t her , so?” She said and my heart began to beat so fast like I had lost something so close to me.
“No, she can’t die …” I said and went to her room in look for her but I couldn’t find her.
I went back to Jennifer and asked where Jessica is.
“I threw her into the furnace to cover up for your criminal act” She said and my leg cold not longer hold me.
I fell to the floor and my b©dy hit the tiled floor painfully but I didn’t feel the pain.
The pain coming from my hear was so much that I felt like die-ing.
I shouldn’t have sh0t her but she really made me angry.
I noticed Jennifer squ-atting beside me?
“She’s just a property , why are you crying cause you lost her ?”
I tried to raise my very heavy and sad head with tears that had customized my face to her.
I just peeked into the face of Loveth without saying any word. The fact is I wasn’t actually seeing Jennifer’s face ,I was regretting badly of shooting Jessica.
As much as I want to have peace of mind ,I do not think killing her will give me the happiness that I really want.
“You Love her right?” Jenifer asked and I buried my head on the floor again.
I began to sob so ha-rd .
Jennifer ,plea-se don’t die. I think I Love you ,plea-se…Maybe I do not really Love you and I’m just confused about my feelings.
plea-se stay alive , this must be a dream and I must wake.
Jennifer’s POV.
I stood and watch the heartless Donald as he sobs because of an ordinary property like Jessica.
What’s so special about her , why is this girl so special to him this much.
I had only lied to him to see his reactions. I might be the loser here if he ended up loving that girl.
I had worked my place here just so he could Love me like he has always done.
Though ,I knew I ha-rd hurt him in the past but I really nee-d him to love and trust me as before but with this girl around ,it might be so ha-rd .
I walked to the room that Jennifer la-id and I wonder if I should just kill her so I can have Donald all for myself or let her be.
She’s still at my mercy ,she is only alive but unconscious. Or should I make her paralyze forever.
I really nee-d to do something that will make her look impossible to Love to Donald.
Episode 53
^Jessica ^
I c@m£ to consciousness and wondered where I was. I could not even raise my hands. My eyes were closed and I can’t even open it.
I was as good as dead. I hope I will be fine soon, I must still take revenge though.
“plea-se ,open your eyes, open your eyes dear “I heard Donald say.
I maintained a closed eye and wondered why he is referring to me as ‘dear’
“I thought you were dead but you are still breathing. I’m sorry for shooting you. plea-se stay alive. I really want you to be around me ” I heard him said and I wonder what he meant by wanting me to stay alive.
Thought he wanted me dead?
Threw days later , I got better ,All I know is that I received injection daily ,I have no idea who was giving me or wat injection was being administered to me.
I stood up from the chair happy that I’m now getting better when the door creaked open.
I darted my face to the door and I saw Donald enter with a pathetic look.
“I’m glad you fine” He said and I lowered my head slightly.
“I will be selling you off ,though. And this time , don’t ever come back” He said and I looked to him in surprise.
“Sell me off ,why?” I asked.
“My temper sometimes you can be uncontrollable. I do not want to kill you myself ” He said.
“But…plea-se don’t sell me off” I pleaded.
“That man you saw at the first page of the diary ,who is he to you?” He asked.
“I do not know him. ” I lied. “plea-se don’t sell me off.”
“Then I’m not selling you off again” he said and I thanked him.
Episode 54
I watched Donald leave after few minutes and I sighed. I managed to throw my legs to the floor and looked around the house.
It’s being days I see the world. I thought I had died.
So he won’t sell me off again cause I told him I did not recognize the man at the front page of the book.
Well ,I won’t st©p until I found out who really killed my parent.
Different ideas on how to go about it keeps dropping into my heart and I finally chose the one I thought to be the best.
Around 8 PM in the evening. I took a drink and served Donald with it. He had requested of me to get him a drink.
About an hour later , I went to his room majestically and saw him slee-ping on the floor.
Good! I had mixed a 12 hours slee-ping pill with it and it worked on him as I had wished.
I opened his wardrobe in a bit to take the diary but I can’t find it there again.
Bad! I began to eye search everywhere for it, I moved to different p@rts of the room and searched for it for almost an hour but I still couldn’t find it.
I got really sad that I couldn’t find it. I was thinking of where else to find when an idea popped into my head.
I walked to where he l@yand began to search his b©dy and I suddenly felt something on his stomach.
I opened his cloth and behold the diary at his stomach.
There must have being some big secretes in this book for him to hide it even in his belly.
I went to his be-d and sat in it comfortably , I knew it would still take many more hours before he woke and I would have returned the book in his belly by then.
I fli-pped the book open and saw the image of my father in the first page like I had seen it before. I opened the second page and saw the image of my
My heart skipped and I looked to him on the floor the directed my gaze back at the book.
I opened the first page and it re-ads;
Donald speaking in dairy.
Father had summoned for me this day to show up in his empire. It was an hectic day for me but I had to obey father.
If there is anything father hates , it’s for him to be disrespected.
“Welcome son” My father said as I entered his office.
Two other men in suit were sitting on the chairs before him.
He gestured for me to sit in the the chair and I did.
“Remember the business I told you about weeks ago? The three man business. We had just made our first hit and they really want us to share the money. And you know us pretty well here ,we don’t share. ” my father said.
“Yes Father.” I replied.
“I nee-d you to take the most stubborn one amidst us down ,the second one can be dealt with later” He said and I nodded.
“No problem sir. But dad ,You promise the last time I went on an operation that I would never kill again but seems I would be killing again ” I said.
“Yes,I promised. But do this and I will let you go to the world and live on your own. You do not have to work for me anymore or have the fear that I may s£nd you any more work like this in the future. ”
“Alright Father ” I said.
Jessica’s POV continues.
I exhaled my brow on re-ading the first page. I nodded my head getting angry alre-ady in as-sumption that what I’m thinking alre-ady may be true.
Episode 55
The door opened all of sudden and I saw Grace walked in swiftly as if searching for something .
“Why is he laying like this ?” She asked.
“I do not know” I answered hiding the book in my back.
She squ-atted before Donald and began to tap him in a bit to wake him but he’s sound asleep like a log of wood.
She looked up to me and traced my hand ,I knew she had noticed that I was hiding something.
She walked up to me and stretched her hand. “Let me have what is in your hand?”
“What? Nothing plea-se. ” I said and she sm-irked.
She s£nt a h0t sl@p to my check and I slowly turned my face to her.
“Why did you sl@p me ,you know I’m just recovering” I said still hiding the book.
“Let me have what you are hiding” He repeated again and this time and I just looked away still hiding the book behind me.
She s£nt another sl@p to my check. ,it was h0t and heavy that it s£nt me down knocking to the floor.
The book c@m£ into light and before she could snatch it from me and I let the book escape her and stood abruptly re-ady to fight her.
“Isn’t that Donald’s diary?” She asked and I didn’t reply.
I just remained mute and maintained my fighting position.
She sm-irked and walked a bit close to me. “Like seriously? You want to fight me and you know you are just recovering. Isn’t that a suicide mission. I caught you red handed alre-ady ,so let me have the book and tell you some things you nee-d to know. ” she said and her last words interest me. ” I know more about Donald than you think plus I had re-ad the whole of that book and I know even beyond that. So give it to me and ask me whatever questions you want to ask directly. ” she said and I let loose my guard.
I threw the book to her and she sm-irked at me.
“Good girl.” She said and I kept looking into her face. She fli-pped throu-gh the pages of the book and looked at me.
“Have your sit.” she said and I obliged.
“What did you want to know?” She asked and I kept mute still.
“Talk to me ? Or would you like telling me what you used on Donald first? ”
“I used a slee-ping pill on him ” I confessed.
“Five hours?”
“No ,six hours.”
“We have all the time then. What are you curious about ?” She asked but I kept mute.
I was still thinking if telling her is right or wrong!
She opened the first page of the book and showed the picture to me. “Who is this person to you?”
“My father’s friend . ” I lied.
“And this?” She showed me the picture of a woman at the second page.
“The wife of my father’s friend ” I lied and she nodded.
“Are you curious in knowing who killed them actually?”
“Not really investigating their death. I just want to know more about Donald. ” I said.
“You sound like you are really investigating. Anyways ,what would you like to know about Donald?”
“Does he kill?”
“Many ,he has killed many in the past.”
“Is he the one that killed..
” I paused. “Never mind ”
“…your father’s friend and his wife ?” She completed the statement and smiled. “He’s not but we can also say he is ”
“What does that mean?” I asked getting more interested in what she’s saying.
“It’s a pretty long story ,you can’t find it all in this book.” she said.
“plea-se tell me. ” I pleaded and she stood.
“Follow me ” She said and I followed her. She took me to the furnace at the backyard of the house and threw the diary right there before me.
“Oh my days! ” I screamed. “When Donald waked and can’t find the book , won’t he think I had come for it again?”
“Maybe ,I don’t care. St©p pocknosing into bigger affairs ” She said and left.
As I watched her left ,I marked as a suspect too.
There is something fishy with her. I must find out. I won’t rest until I find out the truth about the death of my parent and take revenge.

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