Harem of lvst episode 30 & 31

#HAREM_OF_lvst 🍓🔞
Written ✍ Sadiq_infinity.
The day of the coronation arrives, The coronation hall is packed with people of different social standing but the ones allows to enter the coronation hall are people of fortune and social standing, Excitement and smiles beam on the faces of some few people, people who will benefit from the throne, while most of the people pretend to be excited but de-ep down they’re not happy about the occasion at all, Most of these people include, the poor mas-ses of Marida, Salima, The Grand Vizier Abdul, Queen Aisha and Hamid…
But despite their foul moods everyone dressed in their best for the occasion showing off their influence. The Royal bards appear in the coronation hall singing songs of praise and wishes to Has-san before he ascends the throne…. After a while, The Royal trumpet 🎺 is b!own and everywhere becomes quiet.. Amidst the sound of the trumpets, Has-san walks in majestically with his servants by side… He wears a golden robe, and a turban which was also weaved in golden thre-ads, and as he walks down to aisle towards the throne, Gold coins are thrown at his path by his servants as he walks gracefully on them. Some of the people in the hall are amazed by this displ@ywhile some are disgusted especially Salima, who curses Has-san un-der her breath.
Salima ➡ Just look at the pompous fool, showing off as if he’s some great figure… What a waste! and what insult! Stepping over things of worth and value.. The pig wouldn’t be worth a bag of silver in the slave market… To think I’m going to get married to this idiot for the rest of my life… If only I wasn’t that interested in being the queen…..
Dania who was close to her daughter, asks her what she was saying but the girl refuses to reply her mother.
Seeing she couldn’t get her daughter to talk she decides to consult her husband.
Dania ➡ My lord.. Something is wrong with our daughter! She’s in a bit of a foul mood.
Al-muktar ➡ Foul mood? How can she be in a foul mood in this glorious day? Salima what’s wrong?
Salima ➡ Nothing father… I’m just bored… Can I go out? I nee-d to get some air..
Al-muktar ➡ Now? The coronation is about to begin.
Salima ➡ I’ll be back before you know it..
Al-muktar ➡ Fine… But don’t be late.. I want you here to see the coronation of your future husband.
Salima ➡ I won’t miss it.
Salima excuses herself and leaves the coronation hall…. Moments later, Has-san arrives before the king makers who then go throu-gh some processes with Has-san, first of all, they make him swear the oath of fulfilling his duties as the new Sultan, and then they dress him in the royal attire after that they make the final step of the coronation rites by putting the crown 👑 on his head but before they could place the crown on Has-san’s head, disaster erupts.
As just the king makers were about to crown the new Sultan, a deafening cry was heard outside the coronation hall and after that, the sounds of wail and panic followed… Everyone in the coronation hall was surprised by the commotion they heard and a guard was s£nt to check what was going on… Just moments after the guard steps outside, A cry of pain could be heard, and in amidst that confusion, One of the Djinn bur-sts into the coronation hall shocking everyone with his pres£nce… Fear and shock grips everyone in the palace, the Djinn who also stands staring at the shocked crowds roars out loud ma-king everyone in the hall run for their dear lives.. The king makers who were the first to make a move, tried going throu-gh the other door by the end of the hall but they were intercepted by one of the Giant lizards…
Panic, fear and confusion made the people restless and helpless, there was no escape for them, and no one made an attempt to confront this monsters, before the knew what was happening, The monsters began devouring them one by one… The king makers were the first to be killed, They were eaten by the giant lizard that they c@m£ across with, Soon the Djinn began to smash and crush the people with its enormous hands and feet, it even eat some of the people as it went on rampage, Some of the people who were lucky enough escaped the halls by climbing throu-gh the windows but their luck ran out cause as soon as they got out, they were caught and out numbered by some of the Djinns and Giant lizards who were alre-ady pouring into the palace like ants.
Has-san who was displea-sed by the sudden interupution which ruined his big day, decided to go after that crown which was a few steps ahead of him but his mother tried to dissuade him from doing so.
Has-san ➡ My crown! I must get my crown!
Saudat ➡ No! My son… You mustn’t… It’s not worth it..
Has-san runs off to get the crown despites his mother’s pleads, but before he could reach the crown, A Giant lizard swoops him straight into it’s mouth, Has-san screams in pain as the lizards chews his flesh.
Saudat watches in horror as her pride and joy gets eaten in front of her, She jacks Karim who’s next to her to save their son, but fear 😨 restricts karim from even attempting to save Has-san.
Karim ➡ SAVE HIM? HOW?
Saudat ➡ Do something, anything…
Karim ➡ Don’t worry I know what to do..
Within a blink of an eye, Karim takes to his heels and runs like a streak of lightening, Saudat stricken by shock as she sees Karim’s cowardice, curses him… But unfortunately for her, The Lizard that devoured her son, reaches out and swoops her up into it’s mouth as well, after a long scream, she too was dead and devoured.
Witnessing her co-mate’s demise, Aisha is stricken and paralyzed with fear, she hides in a corner, crying silently unlike her co-mate’s son, her son hamid was smashed severed in half by one of the Djjins as he tried to escape throu-gh the front door, Abdul who’s close to her tries to convince her to escape with him.
Abdul ➡ Aisha… Let’s make a run for it while these monsters are occu-pied… This is our chance..
Aisha ➡ Our son.. Abdul.. Our son…
Abdul ➡ Our son is gone! There’s nothing we can do.. At least his troubles are over, let’s go before these demonic beings turn their attention towards us..
Aisha ➡ Oh Hamid.. My son.. So this is the fate the gods have condemned you to..
Abdul ➡ Woman are you listening to me.. I say let’s go..
Seeing that he couldn’t persuade her, Abdul takes to his heels as well, and runs as fast as he can… Soon, some of the Djjins sp©t Aisha and they descend on her.. They didn’t kill her, instead they str!p her n-ked and have their way with her.. Aisha screams painfully feeling the size of the monsters inside her, her screams were soon drowned out by the gro-an s of the monsters as they r@p£ her brutally…
Meanwhile, Al-muktar and his wife Dania together with their slave Umba, find a means to escape the palace walls but before that, They try to find their daughter Salima, who is missing..
Al-muktar ➡ Where is that girl? Salima!? Salima!?
Dania ➡ St©p shouting! Do you want these creatures to descend on us… Besides she can’t hear you..
Al-muktar ➡ Don’t tell me what to do woman..
Umba ➡ We have to leave.. Monsters are everywhere… They’re too many..
Al-muktar ➡ Are you s£nile? I’m not leaving here until I find Salima..
Dania ➡ My lord, maybe he’s right… It might be possible she’s met her doom as well.. Let’s escape before we…
Before she could finish, Al-muktar sl@ps his wife, Dania surprised by her husband’s action decides to find a way to get rid of him.. In that moment, they see a Djinn scouting the place where they were, Dania seeing a chance to make her husband pay, pushes him out for the monster to see, Al-muktar surprised by his wife’s betrayal, rushes back towards them, The Djinn chases them as they run, The three of them ran as fast as they can, but they were no match for the speed of the abominable creature, within a short moment, The monster catches up with them, First, it gr-abs Al-muktar and swing the poor man high above his head and then bashes him on the ground smashing his skull to pieces as for Umba, the monster gr-abs him throws him out of the palace,.. Umba falls down all the way down, The impact of the fall breaks the joint of his legs.. The other Djjins seeing him helpless on the ground descend upon him and stretch him wi-de open.. One gr-abs his hands, the other his legs, the other gr-abs his head, all of them pu-lling him as ha-rd as they can, Umba shouts shaking in pain, as the creatures try to severe him from his lim-bs.
Amidst that painful cry, Umba’s b©dy was severed by this creatures… As for Dania, Al-muktar’s wife she too got the same fate as Queen Aisha, The monster that got hold of her, to-re her garments and began to r@p£ her mercilessly.
Chaos descends on the city of Marida and its people, almost half of the people were slaughter, especially the men, cause most of them were killed only a few were spared, as for the women and children, they were caught and bounded as slaves, After all this was done.. The queen Architect of this horrible catastrophe arrived at the scene.. She sat on one of her lizards monsters as she paraded the streets of Marida and where ever she went, her minions bowed to her, even the people bowed to her.
Finally after she was done, she heads to the palace of Marida where most of her armies are, As she steps into the palace gates, She comes down from the back of the Lizard ride, and walks into the palace, the survivors of her evil scheme began to stare at her and wonder who she is…
As she gets into the coronation hall, Laila walks majestically and gracefully to the throne, as soon as she arrives there, she laughs out loud to herself…
Laila ➡ (laughs) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,… So this is the throne? The throne were Sultan Mustapha and his ancestors used to sit.. Its not so bad, but there’s something missing..
Laila snaps her f!ngersand one of the Djinn brings her the crown, She sits slowly upon the throne and then orders her minion to crown her and it did..
After that, Laila asks her minions to as-semble the remaining survivors to the palace. Shortly afterwards, every is gathered at the palace courtyard, all of the people shake in fear wondering what’s going to happen next… In that moment, Laila appears at the balcony and address the people.
Laila ➡ Greetings scu-m of Marida, I know you’re all wondering why this is happening to you, but don’t worry.. Everything will be clear in a few moments.
My name is Laila, a powerful god of lvst and deceit… Thanks to my power, Marida has become what it is today.. Yes.. One of old kings of Marida c@m£ to sought my divine power to keep Marida safe, I granted him that wish in return of some few conditions ;
First of all, His descendants must be bound it me for all eternity.
Second, I was to have a night with the sultan once in a year.
And lastly, 50 vir-gins must be sacrificed to me as tribute for all my generosity..
But then, something happened.. The Sultan’s trusted advisors conspired with his wives to get rid of him… And the worst p@rt, the Sultan’s son, has-san and hamid aren’t his real sons, the queens had been secretly consulting with the advisors.. What a shame.. The real son of the Sultan which was prince Sadiq was killed along with him.. So therefore my contract had been breached..
I couldn’t possibly sit down and watch some fools take over the land I’ve been pouring my sweat and energy to for centuries… This treachery won’t go unpunished but it would seem like two of the traitors are dead.. That is the queens.. As for the Sultan’s advisors.. I know they’re alive… Bring them here at once.
The moment Laila said that, One of the Djjins threw out Abdul and Karim out in the open, both men were bruised and hurt, their hands were bounded in chains. Sooner afterwards, Laila descends from the palace balcony flying down straight towards the men..
Both men were stricken with fear realizing that Laila was standing above them, she looked into the faces and laughed to herself..
Laila ➡ Which one of you is Abdul?
Abdul ➡ I’m… I’m.. the.. one..
Laila ➡ Ohhh,… So you’re the one?… My children.. Kill him.
Abdul was killed by the Djinss right in front of the whole crowd after that his b©dy was then swallowed by one of thw giant lizards. Karim seeing the fate of his colleague begins to urinate as he trembles with immense fear.. Laila walks over to him and asks if he’s Karim.
Laila ➡ Are you Karim ?
Karim ➡ N… No your highness.
Laila ➡ Ahh, what a shame.. You have respect and manners unlike your friend here but sadly I have to kill you for lying to me.. You would have been an advisor of mine. Kill him..
Karim ➡ No plea-se don’t… plea-se I’ll serve you no matter what is takes… plea-se just spare my life.
Laila ➡ (laughs) Spare your life? I’m sorry but I can’t possibly trust you…. Get rid of this trash.
Karim takes off to his heels running for his dear life but before he could get far, Laila orders her lizard to tear him ap@rt, they all surround him and begin to tear him ap@rt as each of them gr-abs one of his lim-bs.. Karim cries and shouts until he severed and eaten by the lizards… The people in thw court yard panic and tremble in fear but none of them dares to run or escape, they all remain where they are…
After that show of bru-tality, Laila ascends back to the balcony and address the crowd once more.
Laila ➡ Citizens of Marida… Now that we’ve got that out of the way, its time for a new change…. From now on, I’ll be your new ruler… Marida will be un-der my control and it will flourish like never before… You people however won’t be killed but you’ll all be my subjects or preferably slaves… No one goes out of Marida and whoever comes in stays… And don’t even think of escaping cause if you do…. I don’t nee-d to remind you what will happen.
So go back to your homes and await further instructions…. The reign Laila has BEGUN (laughs).
After that terrible statement, the people quietly leave the palace, The once Proud kingdom of Marida was now a kingdom of evil and terror, a great evil has claim control over it and with time, extends its sights to other territories as well. The sunny rays and white floofy clouds ☁️ that hang above Marida was now replaced with dark stormy skies and thun-der bolts 🌩 , darkness now dwells over Marida and its alone a matter of time before that darkness spre-ad across other boundaries outside Marida.
I woke up later in the middle of the night, I sat up looking at both sides wondering what happened, I couldn’t think clearly cause my head was still a bit fuzzy, after a while, I got hold of my s-en-ses and I remembered what happened….
I checked my b©dy to see if I had lost any of my lim-bs but fortunately every p@rt of me was intact… I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t mulched to death by those terrifying creatures and besides what are they? All these questions filled my head! But there was one thing that kept bothering me… I could see the tracks of this monsters on the the desert sands and it was leading straight to Marida’s direction.
After stretching my lim-bs, I began to find my way back to Marida, if I’m lucky I could get there in time and warn of this devastating f0rç£s of mayhem, After trekking a few miles, I sp©tted on of our horses 🐎 roaming about, I got hold of it and rode back to Marida but I didn’t follow the usual route which led to the western gates of the kingdom, I followed the other route , which would take me to the eastern gates of the kingdom… By noon, I arrived at Marida but I was alre-ady too late, These monsters had ransacked and plun-dered the city of Marida, slaughtering the mas-ses, I found my way in and rode to the palace with hopes of finding Salima, if there was anyone I could atleast save, it’s Salima and my unborn child.
Moments later, I arrived at the palace but it would seem, These monsters had alre-ady beaten me to it… I c@m£ down from my horse and snuck inside the palace…. It was a suicidal attempting to save Salima in midst of all this chaos but I had to try…
As I sneaked and found my way into the depths of the palace, I saw piles of dead bodies, some were crushed, some were severed, while some were eaten.. I almost threw up seeing such disgusting sights, In that moment, Someone Zi-pped pas-sed me pushing me off my feet, I looked around and saw who the person was, it was Abdul, the grand Vizier. Seeing him run like this meant trouble was just ahead of me.. But before I could proceed, I heard some commotions behind me… One of these Monsters had caught Abdul, the poor man was shouted for his life trying to break free of the monster’s hold but he was no match for his much powerful captor.
As I saw that, I immediately took to my heels trying to find a way to hide… Whilst I was running, I heard Salima’s voice down below, i followed the voice and it lead me down below to the dungeons ; as I went down the stairs, I approached the place with caution, Immediately I reached the dungeon, I sp©tted one man with Salima, He was struggling with her, as she tried to resist him.
Salima ➡ Let me go… I said I’m not interested.
Mawt ➡ Relax lovely las-s, you’ll enjoy it… This might be the end for is both, why don’t you relax and let me give your a good time?
Salima ➡ Never! I’d rather sleep with a dog than sleep with a man of filth like you.. Let go of me.
Mawt ➡ You bit-ch… I’ll teach you to show manners.
The man struck Salima ma-king her fall on the ground, He then began to str!p himself and p@rt her legs in order to pene-trateher, Salima was shouting out loud for help, the man fearing that the monsters might sp©t them, covered her mouth with his hands…
I felt angry as I saw this… I couldn’t possibly let him to that to her… Absolutely not.
So while the man was occu-pying himself with Salima, I snuck behind him and gr@bb£d hold of his n£¢k, strangling him, The man surprised by this, started to resist, he tried to break himself loose of my hold but I ti-ght£ñ my grip, I dragged him down and wra-pped my legs around him so he wouldn’t get up, The man struggled desperately trying to break free but it was of no use.. Finally after a while, he st©pped moving completely… I let go of him and went to see Salima. She was surprised and happy to see me.
Salima ➡ Oh Frahan…. You c@m£ for me.. Thank you.
Frahan ➡ Thank you milady but we must move fast… There isn’t much time.
Salima ➡ But my parents….
Frahan ➡ I’m sorry to say but I think your parents are dead, there’s not a soul out there, I myself ba-rely made it in here… Let’s hurry and go to your father’s house.. It’s safe there.
Salima ➡ My father’s house!? Why..
Frahan ➡ Trust me.. We have to leave.. NOW!!!
Salima kept quiet after that, I picked her up in my arms and left the dungeon, in the end, we managed to escape the Palace, as soon as we got outside, We climbe-d a horse and rode to Al-muktar’s house to hide from all these destruction and mayhem… Hopefully, let’s just hope this monsters leave after they’re done, cause after things quiet down, I’m moving to Nishkapur with Salima.