Harem of lvst episode 19 & 20

#HAREM_OF_lvst 🔞
Written ✍ Sadiq_infinity
The next before The troops of Marida ride out to war… Abdul walks in haste to meet the general Dijal, Abdul contempts in his mind on what to do next, now that Sadiq knowns of their secret.. He figures out it’s time to take him out and strike before the prince goes around telling everyone about what he knows.
A bit later, he arrives at the General’s house and knocks on his door.. But there is no answer.. He knocks again ha-rder and shortly after that, the General opens the door.
Dijal ➡ What brings you hear, Vizier?
Abdul ➡ Allow me in first… We have matters to discuss..
Dijal ➡ not now… I’m busy..
Abdul ➡ Busy? With what?
Dijal ➡ I’m in the middle of an inti-mate moment now.
Abdul ➡ Oh.. Apologies… Let me in.. I won’t stay long.
The general hesitates before allowing Abdul into the house.. As soon as Abdul enters.. Dijal shuts the door.
Dijal rushes towards his be-droom and closes the curtains of the room. Abdul looks at him suspiciously before disclosing his issues to him.
Abdul ➡ Why are you behaving like some guilty fellow?
Dijal ➡ State your business, what is it you want?
Abdul ➡ There has been a problem…. Sadiq plots to seize the throne… I want you to get rid of him on the battlefield tomorrow.
Dijal ➡ You want me to kill the prince of Marida? What is your proof?
Abdul ➡ That’s none of your business… This is a matter I prefer not to disclose to anyone…. Besides… You’ll be rewarded handsomely of course. Name your price.
Dijal ➡ 100 bags of gold coins and 50 bags of precious stones.
Abdul ➡ What?? That is robbery! I’ll give you 50 bags of gold coins and 5 bags of precious stones.
Dijal ➡ This is a prince we’re talking about… And considering how skilled the prince is.. It’s not going to be easy… So its that amount or find yourself another person for the job.
Abdul ➡ I’m wasting my time here…. I’ll find someone else..
Abdul leaves the house in annoyance, he wasn’t expecting the general to be this greedy and then turn down his offer. As soon as he is gone.. Dijal locks his door and continues what he was doing..
Dijal enters his room and str!ps himself n-ked and joins Arza, Faidh’s daughter in his be-d.. He k!sses her and plants his di-ck inside her..
Arza ➡ Oh my love… I’ve missed your rod.. Why did you keep me waiting?
Dijal ➡ I’m sorry, love.. I had to attend to some matters.. Let’s continue from where we st©pped.
Dijal rams the lvstful girl’s c*nt as ha-rd as he could.. He pounds her ha-rd pene-trating her de-ep.. The girl m0@n s in plea-sure, as she pu-lls her lover closer to go dee-per into her pink void… Dijal su-ckles on her tits with delights as he bites on her n!ppl!s.. Arza continues to m0@n urging her lover to plea-sure her more and more, Before long, Dijal gro-an s out loud as he increases his pace fas-ter and ha-rder.. Arza screams in plea-sure as she feels Dijal’s thrû-sts getting fas-ter and fas-ter.. Shortly after that, He cu-m inside her, Arza squeals with excitement as her lover eja-culates inside her. After that both lovers, sleep together holding each other in their arms.
Arza ➡ Oh.. Dijal.. You’re amazing… You’ve always manager to make me feel good.
Dijal ➡ So you are, love…
Arza ➡ I love you Dijal, I want us to be together forever.
Dijal ➡ But your father wants you to marry Prince hamid.
Arza ➡ I don’t want to marry him.. It’s you I want..
Dijal ➡ It’s going to be difficult… Your father wouldn’t agree to it and the prince would be furious.
Arza ➡ Then in that case.. We’ll run away together.. Both of us.. Start a new life.
Dijal ➡ The prince would s£nd mercenaries to hunt us down.. It’s too dangerous.
Arza ➡ Then what are we do to?
Dijal ➡ I have a plan… Marry the prince..
Arza ➡ What? No… Never..
Dijal ➡ Listen woman.. Marry the prince.. Be his wife.. But you’ll have my children not his… If he becomes sultan.. Our children will rule.
Arza ➡ I like this idea.. But are you sure…
Dijal➡ of course… What could go wrong?
Men are so full of imagination and women are just too gullible.. Dijal and Arza plan their future not realizing that fate had it’s own way of doing things.
Meanwhile, Abdul seeing he couldn’t get Dijal to do the job, goes to a secret location outside Marida, He rides his c@m£l in haste as if he was on a very important mission.. A bit later, He arrives at one old building which was once Marida’s trading outpost, but now it was abandoned and kept to rot.
As Abdul proceeds into the building, he was intercepted by a hvge bulky man.
Man ➡ Hey You Stranger.. What’s brings you here?
Abdul ➡ I’m here to see your boss..
Man ➡ He’s busy at the moment!
Abdul ➡ I don’t have time… Show him this ring.. He’ll un-derstand.
The man glances at Abdul’s ring and he’s shocked… He quic-kly apologizes to Abdul and allows him to enter the place..
The place is filled with noise, m0@n s and music, The crowd here are mostly criminals, outlaws and concubines… This is their place of meeting and celebr@tion.. As Abdul walks into the place, He watches as men and women drink effortlessly and fv¢k each other at the same time.. He sees a woman being pene-trated by two men at the same time, one man also handling to women at the same time.. He also sees as women have fun with each other as they su-ckle on each other’s bre*sts and c*nts.
Abdul proceeds as he goes to the man he c@m£ to see. Soon he finds who looking for, the man’s name is Mawt. (Doom)
Mast is a cutthroat and a mercenary for hire. He’s wanted in several places and a hvge bounty is placed on his head. Seeing that he’s now a dead man, he now provides his services to the royal Vizier, Abdul.
Mawt was in the middle of ban-ging a concubine’s c*nt when Abdul approached him… He continues doing what he’s doing pounding ha-rder into the concubine as she m0@n s louder with plea-sure.. Before long, Mawt gro-an s as he achieves Orgasm!
Mawt ➡ Ahhh.. By the gods.. who-re, your c*nt is fantastic.. I’ll be sure to do you again..
Abdul ➡ MAWT!!!
Mawt ➡ Ahh, Vizier.. I didn’t know you were coming..
Abdul ➡ Get dressed fool.. I have a job for you.
Mawt ➡ Finally! Looks like more gold is coming my way..
Abdul ➡ Is there someplace where we can talk?
Mawt gets dressed and leads Abdul to a secret room, immediately they both enter, Abdul gets down to business.
Abdul ➡ There is trouble Mawt.. Very big trouble…
Mawt ➡ I see… So who do you want me to kill this time?
Abdul ➡ I want you to follow Prince Sadiq… There’s something that he knows that will out both me and you out of existence… I want you to follow him and kill whoever he talks to.
Mawt ➡ That’s lame… What if he’s talking to your wife? Or the Sultan himself… Just give me names of the people you think he might approach.
Abdul ➡ Look, here’s how it’s going to be.. Follow the prince and see who he comes in contact with and then report back to me.. If he’s a threat, I’ll give you the command to execute him.
Mawt ➡ Good.. So now.. How much is my price?
Later that night, as Sadiq goes to Sufyan’s house, Mawt follows him silently and stealthly, blinding himself into the darkness so that he might not be seen.
As Sadiq arrives and enters into Sufyan’s house… Mawt withdraws and goes straight to Abdul and informs him of the Sadiq’s contact.
Abdul ➡ What? He’s seeing Sufyan!? This is bad… This is bad.. That hypocrite must have told Sadiq about our affair! Damn!
Mawt ➡ What affair?
Abdul ➡ Shut your mouth… Has the prince seen anyone else?
Mawt ➡ No.. He hasn’t..
Abdul ➡ Good… Sufyan… Your days are numbered… Mawt, you know what to do!
Mawt ➡ You don’t nee-d to remind me.
Ever since Queen Saudat promised me my freedom, I did as she wanted.. I told her everything Sadiq did or said, I never for once thought of the consequences, all I wanted was to get home.
But recently as of late… Sadiq has been showing me some signs of care and affection like never before.. He would always pay attention to me even when I was ignoring him… He’d buy me expensive clothes and other things I wanted… Some times, he’d take me to places of fun and merriment.. But there was a place he’d take me to and I loved the place too.
It was a hill which was near the Kingdom of Marida.. He’d always take me there at night… From the hill t©p we would see tge view of Marida, it was sure lovely at night.. Anyone who saw this would think that life in this place was better, but Appearances are deceiving.
All we ever did when we come to this hill t©p is stare at the view, nothing more… We never talked, or even looked at each other…. At first, I wasn’t bothered by this but then I began to wonder why he was doing all this.
One night, as we were on the hill t©p as usual watching the view as the cold wind blew on our faces, I decided to ask and find why he was doing all this.
Jasmine ➡ The weather is a bit chilly tonight.
Sadiq ➡ Of course..
Jasmine ➡ Why are you doing this?
Sadiq ➡ Huh? What do you mean?
Jasmine ➡ This… This whole thing.. Why? Why me?
Sadiq ➡ Because I used to come here with my mother.
Jasmine ➡ so what does that have to do with me?
Sadiq ➡ You remind me of my mother… I always feel at peace when I’m with her.. For some reason, I also feel that with you.
I feel shy as he said that, No man has ever said anything to be like this before.. But there was something that I couldn’t shake off, the way Sadiq talks to me now was different from last time and the way he was staring at me as he said those words… Could it be that he’s falling for me?
Jasmine ➡ Oh.. You’ve never told me about your mother.. Was she a Queen too?
Sadiq hesitated and his mood changed as I asked him that, for some reason he wasn’t plea-sed that I asked this question, so I apologized.
Jasmine ➡ I’m sorry, if I asked the wrong question?
Sadiq ➡ No.. It’s not your fault… As for your question, She was not a queen. She was a concubine.
That’s when everything made s-en-se…. Oueen Saudat was right after all, He wanted to become sultan by f0r磅 Appearances are sure deceiving, he may look like a good natured people but turns out he’s nothing but evil.
Jasmine ➡ Is that why you killed two royal guards and then you tried to kill your father? So you could seize the thrown?
Sadiq ➡ What? Who told you that?
I kept quiet after that, I couldn’t let him know that I was gossiping about him with Queen Saudat, besides if he knew he would then change his approach on me and be hostile towards me.. But then he said something I completely shocked me.
Sadiq ➡So let me guess… Which one of them is it? Saudat or Aisha.. They’re the ones telling you this ridiculous tale about me.
Jasmine ➡ So? Do you deny it?
Sadiq ➡ No! I do not, but do you know the real reason why I did that… Why I killed the royal guards… It’s because they killed my mother in cold blood on the streets … Do you know how that feels? To watch your mother die like a rat and see her as she painfully breathes her last? And as for your informant.. Did they mentioned that they were responsible for her being thrown into the streets while she was pregnant with me, because of that, she had to keep a secret from my father and was f0rç£d to become a pr*stitute to take care of both of us?
I felt ashamed… I can tell when someone’s losing but Sadiq wasn’t.. Besides no man would lie about his mother’s demise like that… He sat down quietly with his head looking down, I watched as a tear dropped from his eye.. I can’t imagine how he felt experiencing all that.. I moved closed to him and sat next to him.. Gradually and slowly, I reached out and gr@bb£d his hands holding it ti-ght.. Sadiq held mine as well.
Sadiq ➡ I wanted to kill my father for not being there for her when she nee-ded him but he wasn’t .. He watches her being tossed out and even when she approached him, he couldn’t remember… He couldn’t remember! And he claims to love her.. How can a man forget the woman he loves so easily? He later found out I was his son and he made move to the palace with him, I had no choice… I had nob©dy else… I was expecting a warm reception but all I got was hate and contempt… I didn’t know why they were treating me like this… I’ve never done anything to them.. So to avoid their hateful sight.. I decided to join the army to keep my distance away from them. All this time, I thought I wondered why they hate me so much, but I’ve found out why.
Jasmine ➡ What is it?
Sadiq told me everything… I was surprised when I heard what he said. I couldn’t believe that The Queens children were not from the Sultan, and the poor man doesn’t realize it..
I should have known those women were up to no good. That’s the problem of having multi-ple wives in a harem… No one wants the other to progress. And to think I was helping those vile women in their evil plots against Sadiq. I feel so ashamed and guilty.
Jasmine ➡ I’m sorry, I’ve been helping the Queens telling them about your activities.. I didn’t know they were plotting mischief against you..
Sadiq ➡ No nee-d for you to apologize.. You were unaware of their evil intention..
We sat looking at each other intently… I didn’t realize how close we were feeling each other’s breath, Sadiq’s eyes were fixed on me as if he was hypnotized by my charm, Then suddenly, he made a move on me, he put his hands on my face, pushing my hair backwards, he then c@m£ a little bit more closer and planted hisl-ips on mine… I wanted to resist him but I couldn’t, I felt a tingle run all over my b©dy a different kind of s-en-sation I’ve never felt before, as he was k!ss!ngme, his hands reached out and gr@bb£d my w@!st pu-lling me closer to him, our bodies glued together feeling each other’s warmth, I could feel Sadiq’s heart beating steadily, I was soon arou-sedby this, Sadiq pu-ll-ed me closer towards him, he held my behind and pressed it fondly.. I didn’t know when I let out a m0@n like a sl-ut.. I didn’t want this to go far but Sadiq’s t©uçhes was driving me insane.
Shortly after that, he la-id me on the ground, and mounted on t©p of me, I could feel his hands reaching down un-der my dress, I knew what was about to happen so I st©pped him… I wasn’t yet re-ady for this.
Sadiq ➡ What’s wrong?
Jasmine ➡ Can we st©p? I’m not re-ady for this.. Yet..
Sadiq ➡ Okay…
Sadiq got up from me and sat down quietly.. I felt embarras-sed… Everything was just going fine and now I had ruined it…
After a while, Sadiq and I left the hill t©p and rode together back to the palace. Everywhere was still and quiet and most people were alre-ady in their rooms slee-ping. As we got to the room, everyone went to his slee-ping positions… I went on the be-d, while Sadiq la-id on the floor, but after what happened to us earlier, I think it would be awkward for us to sleep separately after all the be-d was big enough to contain the two of us.
Jasmine ➡ Uhm.. Sadiq?
Sadiq ➡ Yes, what’s wrong? Having trouble slee-ping?
Jasmine ➡ Yes, I feel alone up here.. Can you join me in be-d?
Sadiq was excited but he didn’t show it..Without wasting any time, he joined me on the be-d and la-id down a few inches away from me, I saw he was feeling quite nervous and contemplating whether he should get closer or not so I snuggled up to him, slee-ping closely next to him. For the first time, since I was bought here I felt as if I was at home.