Golden high Episode 31 & 32

( High School Drama )
Chapter 31
By: Summer Gold.
Lisa walked out of the bathroom still dripping we-t, she used the towel to clean her b©dy.
” Gosh,,why is everywhere cold ??” She gro-an ed and put on a hood and a trou-ser,,she brushed her hair and got hold of her phone from the be-d,, her stomach made a loud noise and she almost laughed. She walked out of the room and met Anna alre-ady setting the dinning table.
” We are just two ” Lisa said before sitting down
” Am sure the school doesn’t provide these type of food,” Anna replied
” You’re wrong sis,,,the school meals are really rich. Mr Leo tried a lot,,, no,,I mean dad ” She said with a smile
” You don’t have to f0rç£ yourself to master that word Lisa,, with time you will get used to it ” Anna said
” I just want to know how it feels like,,ive never called that word out,,,it feels good ” Lisa said
” Oh Lisa,,you’re so adorable ” Anna said and pinched her cheek softly
” I know am adorable ” She laughed
” Come on let’s eat,you have to rest and enjoy my pres£nce for today,you won’t be seeing me by this time tomorrow ” Anna said
Lisa pouted sadly
” How can I miss you even at home?? Gosh I wish I can hang out with friends ” Lisa said
” I think those kids are back home,,,don’t worry you guys can be friends, you won’t be lonely ” Anna said
They both ate in silence,,after eating Lisa packed the dishes to the kitchen
” You don’t have to do that Lisa,, ”
” No sis,,am home Now,you should rest,I will do everything before taking a nap ” Lisa said with a smile
” That’s good,,,I love you ” Anna pe-cked her cheek before going upstairs.
Lisa continue washing the dishes,she put on a h!phop music and began singing as she wash,,it makes her work fas-ter
” Come for the surprise when you’re done!!” She heard Anna’s voice from her room
” Okay!!!” She shouted and immediately put more effort in washing, in few minutes she was done.
She put off the kitchen gloves and rushed upstairs,, she knocked on Anna’s door before going in.
” Sis,the surprise ” She said nervously
” Yeah,, the surprise ” Anna repeated and walked into her wardrobe,Lisa’s eyes followed her,she c@m£ back with a wra-p gift and handed it over to Lisa
” What’s inside??” Lisa asked
” Open and see ” She smiled and sat down on the be-d
Lisa also sat down re-ading to find out what’s inside,,, she started losing the wra-p from the gift.
She g@sped immediately she saw it,,,it’s a make-up kit ,,,,everything was made of Pink,,,it was so beautiful
” Sis!!!!!” She screamed and hvgged Anna so ti-ghtly
” You love it? ” Anna asked
” Of course!! I really do!! Wow,,this is amazing!! Thanks so much sis!!” She shouted and ran out of the room
She entered her room and put it on the dressing table,,not like she really love doing a lot of make up,,but she have been seeing this with Anna ever since she was young,she wished she could have one,and now Anna got it for her.
She sat down and checked everything inside,,
” Wow” she said
There are different things in it,, hair brush,hair pin,Ribbons,powder,l!pgloss and others,,,
She immediately used the hair brush to arrange her hair
” Anna is the best ” She grinned and dropped it,she stood up and walked out of the room,she went downstairs.
She wanted to take a nap but the sleep is not coming, she decided to watch some movie,,she checked the time
” Gosh,,it’s just 3:40pm?? Why??” She gro-an ed and put her favorite disk,,TITANIC, she always admire the love story of Rose And Jack,and she wonder If that type of love exist.
She watched for some minutes before going into her dream world.
” Kids!!!! Am home!!!” Delilah shouted as she walked into the house but got no response
” Where are they?? ” she asked the security who helped her with her stuffs
” Maybe they are asleep,,none of them walked out of the house ” He replied
” Okay,you can drop it. I will go on and check them in their rooms ” She said and went upstairs
She entered Michael’s room first,,, he was not slee-ping but his headphone was on,that was why he didn’t hear her screams
” Son,” She called and Michael looked up
” Mom!!” He shouted and ran to hvg her so ti-ghtly
” Son,,,you look more handsome. I missed you a lot ” She said and pu-ll-ed him into another warm hvg
” I missed you too mum,,how have you being??” He asked
” Good,, but I missed you guys. Where is your sister??” She asked
” Am sure she’s asleep,she doesn’t joke with that ” Michael said
Delilah rou-ghed his hair softly and pe-cked his cheek,,
” Let’s go see her ” She said taking his hand as they both walked out of the room.
As expected, Sharon was asleep,,
” I knew it,,sleep head ” Michael said and pu-ll-ed her hair
” Ouch!!” She shouted and opened her eyes
” Gosh!! Why did you do that!! I was dreaming peacefully ” She said
” Who cares,,” Michael rolled his eyes
” Silly brother of mine,,,hi mom ” She murmured and la-id back on the be-d
Michael and his mom faced each other and then back to Sharon
” Is she crazy??” Michael asked and they both bur-st into laughter
” Sharon!!!! Get up mom is here!!” He shouted and pu-ll-ed her out of be-d
” Mom??” Sharon asked sleepily
” God,,,what the hell is this?? ” Michael sighed and walked out of the room
Sharon is annoying whenever she’s sleepy,,he went downstairs and la-id on the couch,,
Soon Sharon and Delilah also c@m£ downstairs,
” Finally you’re awake ” Michael tea-sed
” Shut up ” Sharon snapped
” I wish Gavin could see all this” He win-ked
” Don’t you dare ” Sharon said and Michael laughed
” Okay now,who is Gavin??” Delilah asked and sat down
” Sharon,,come on answer her ” Michael said
” He’s my b©yfri£ndmom ” She replied
” Really?? Now my daughter has a b©yfri£nd?? That’s unbelievable ” She said
” Don’t worry,I will be extra careful ” Sharon said
” Lame ” Michael said
Sharon sl@pped his shoulder,,
” Are you planning to get me into trouble??” Sharon said
” Well,,it’s fine as long as you are careful as you said ” Delilah said
” Thank you mom ” Sharon said and pe-cked her cheek
” Sharon join me in the kitchen,, we nee-d to prepare dinner,our neighbor will be joining us ” She said and got up
” Wow,really?? Finally you got a friend?? ” Michael asked
” Yeah I have to,,you guys were not home and it’s lonely ” Delilah replied
” I want to join,, I can help with some things too ” Michael said and got up
” That’s my baby” Delilah said
” Baby my foot, ” Sharon murmured
” I heard that ” Michael said
” I checked your results,,, ” Delilah suddenly said
” Wow really?? ”
” Yeah,,,Sharon you improved a lot,,am glad. But you still have to work ha-rder,,emulate your brother ” She said and t©uçhed Michael’s cheek
” Yeah,,emulate me ” Michael said proudly
” Don’t worry,I will do better next time ” Sharon said resting her head on Michael’s shoulder
” Anyway,,I have a gift for Michael,” Delilah said
” Anyhow,” Sharon said
” Don’t be jealous,, when you do better you will have your own gift ” Delilah said
” Okay!” Sharon said
” Sharon,,help me with the Onions ”
” Oh no ” Sharon complained
” Let me do it,,I want to cry ” Michael said and took it from her
” Cry??” Delilah asked
” You always cry when cutting onions,,” he said
” I didn’t cry because I wanted to,,it’s the onion stings ” Delilah said
” Oh,,,okay,,” He smiled
” My neighbor has a sister,,around your age ”
” Wow!!!! Really?!! This is amazing!!! This break won’t be lonely anyway,,am going to make friends with her ” Sharon said happily
” And she’s pretty ” Delilah said and win-ked at Michael
” No mom,,,don’t go there ” He said
” Why?? ”
” He has a girlfriend alre-ady,, they just started d@t!ngfew hours ago ” Sharon said laughing out
” Really?? Few hours ago?? Who is she? ” Delilah asked
” Her name is Lisa,,and she’s pretty too ” Michael replied with a smile
” Fine,,but I was really hoping for you and,,,anyway it’s fine ”
“Oh no,,my eyes ” Michael said walking to the sink,,he tried using water to wash his face
” It will only get worst ” Sharon said
” Why did you do that,you should have allowed Sharon ”
” I just wanted to help,,that’s all ” He replied still closing his eyes
” Just close your eyes,, it will be fine. Sharon come on continue, such a lazy as-s girl ” Delilah said
” I never asked him to ,,,,”
” Shut up Sharon,,I was trying to help you. ” Michael said and finally opened his eyes
” Good for you” She said sticking out her ton-gue
Sharon walked out of the kitchen gro-an ing,,
” Is it winter period?? It’sfu-cking cold!!!” Michael shouted from his room
” It’s annoying,, I think it’s gonna be a snowy month” Sharon said
” I didn’t ask you ” Michael said
“fu-ck you ” She muttered and entered her room
Michael walked out of the bathroom and put on a shi-t and trou-ser,, he opened the window in his room starring at the weather,,
” It’s going to be a snowy month, She’s right” he said with a smile
” But I hate snows ” He gro-an ed
He closed the window back and walked out of the room,,,
Chapter 32
Leo and Flora sighed and left Hazel’s door step,,she have refused to come out of her room or talk to anyone ever since she c@m£ back from school,,
” do you think she will be fine?? Am worried ” Flora said sadly
Leo pu-ll-ed her into a hvg
” She will be fine,,,, ” Leo said even though he’s also worried
” She’s starving herself,, it’s breaking my heart,,” she said
” So you think we shouldn’t have expo-se everything?? ” Leo asked
” No,,it’s the best thing to do,,,am just feeling sad seeing her this way ” Flora said
” She will be fine,,,she’s my daughter, I know she will be okay ” Leo said
” But she have to accept fate,,,Lisa is her sister and nothing can change that again,, it’s nob©dy’s fault ” She said
” Don’t worry about her,,, just forget about it,,she’s going to eat when she’s hungry ” Leo said
Hazel keep on crying,, her room is now so rou-gh,she threw all her clothes around the room,the study table could be seen on the floor ,,her hair was so messy,, her room was a complete mess.
” Why?? Why you,, why you,,, it should have been someone else and not you ” She keep on repeating the word
Lisa felt someone tapped her so softly,, she opened her eyes and discovered that she really sle-pt off on the couch. She sat down,,,
” Lisa,,we nee-d to go now, they are expecting us ” Anna said and pe-cked her cheek
” Oh,,the dinner,,am really hungry ” Lisa said and got up
” I nee-d to wash my face,,I will be back ” She said and walked to the restroom downstairs, she washed her faced and wipe it with the face towel.
She arranged her hair which was all over her face, satisfied with her look ,she walked out.
” You look like you really have a good rest ” Anna said
” I don’t take nap during the day,in school” She said with a smile
A call suddenly c@m£ on her phone,that was when she discovered that Mich have been calling her,what type of sleep? No she excused herself and went into the kitchen
📞 Michael
📞 Sweetheart,,, where did you keep your phone? I was worried ,where are you right now? Are you okay??
📞 I’m sorry,,I was asleep. Just woke up,,but am going out with Anna
📞 Oh ,,,okay,I will just call you when you’re back home.
📞 Okay,,bye
She hanged up and rushed out again,, they finally walked out of the house.
Michael walked out of his room with a sigh of relief,he was really worried about Lisa’s whereabout when he called for more than ten times and she didn’t pick up.
” You look like a worried b©yfri£nd” Sharon tea-sed
” So what am I?? Of course I was worried ” He said
” Awwn,,you’re so sweet ” Sharon said and laughed
” Kids!! Come downstairs, they are here ” They heard their mother shouting
” What ?? Am going ” Sharon almost rushed down but Michael held her back
” Don’t act stupid down there ” Michael said
” I should be the one advising you,,she’s a girl and not a boy,well,,your clothes look cool ” Sharon win-ked
” Let’s just go together, ” Michael said
” Don’t tell me you’re nervous ” Sharon scoffed
” Of course not,,just saying we should go together ” He replied
” Fine okay,,,” Sharon said and they both went downstairs together
They peeped into the dinning room to see how the guests look like,,
They were not able to see their faces,their backs are the one facing them,
” Let’s go in ” Michael said
” Oh they are here ” Delilah said and Anna turned to face them,,her eyes went wi-de
” Wait,,,it’s you,,,” She said pointing to Michael
” Lisa’s aunt?” Michael asked
” Lisa,,see who we got here ” Anna said to Lisa whose head was buried in her f!nger nervously
She also looked back and was shocked to see Michael and Sharon starring back at her
” Oh my God!!! Lisa?!!!” Sharon screamed out and immediately rushed to hvg her while Michael only stood still not knowing what to say or do,,
” You guys know each other?? ” Delilah asked
” Of course,,she’s my best friend,, Lisa” Sharon said happily
” Lisa?? Is she Michael’s,,,, ”
” Yeah that’s true,,she’s the one!! Wow,can’t believe this,this is amazing ” Sharon said and immediately took a seat beside Lisa who was starring at Michael
” Wow,,,that’s great,what a coincidence ” Delilah
” You should sit down ” Delilah said to Michael with a smile
” Hello mam ” Michael greeted Anna since he was about sitting beside her
” Wow,,you’re really the one I saw in the picture,I guess the reason why I couldn’t recognize you was because you look more handsome ” Anna said and Michael smiled
” Am glad ” He said and took a quic-k stare at Lisa who was chatting with Sharon
Wow,,she’s really the one,,she’s the one. But why is she looking more beautiful?? Get hold of yourself Michael, he said to himself
” Let’s eat,,” Delilah said and they all started eating in silence,,,
” My brother can’t get his eyes off you,, am blu-shing ” Sharon whispered to Lisa and she looked up, Michael immediately looked away and Lisa smiled.
Sharon and Lisa packed the dishes and went into the kitchen,
” I was missing you so badly,,but I guess I shouldn’t miss you again ” Sharon said
” Same here Sharon,,I was starting to imagine how boring this break would be ,,but now am relieved ” Lisa said
After washing everything, they continue chatting in the kitchen, Lisa was really dying to see Michael, she was not even listening to Sharon thousands of gists,,
” Your aunt and mom seems to be really close ” Sharon said
” Yeah I guess,,and am happy about that ” Lisa finally replied and just then Michael walked in with his two hands tucked in his jean.
” Are you guys done?” He asked
” So what if we are done??” Sharon asked folding her arms together
” I nee-d to talk to Lisa, ” He replied and stared at Lisa who only smiled
” Is it that important ?” Sharon asked
” Very very important ” He replied still not taking his eyes away from Lisa
” Fine,,I guess I will go and Sleep. Lisa expect me in your house first thing tomorrow morning, I can’t stay with my annoying brother since you’re home ” Sharon said and hvgged Lisa
She sm-irked at Michael’s face before finally walking out of the kitchen,,, Lisa looked up and faced Michael.
” Mich,,,,,, ” She was interrupted by the way he slammed hisl-ips on hers,wait,when did he even get to her??
‘ I thought he said he wanted to talk,, is this the important talk??’ She asked herself and responded to the k!ssgently, but it’s like Michael is not used to being gentle. He was so fast and rou-gh,,
She tried re-ciprocating anyway,,,and finally he left her,herl-ips are now so red and swollen from the de-ep k!ss.
” Am sorry,,,,” Michael said and t©uçhed herl-ips
” It’s fine ” She said shyly
Michael pu-ll-ed her into a hvg,,
” I thought I was going to fall sick without you,,,never knew you’re really close to me ” He said and Lisa smiled
” I was missing you so badly,, it’s ba-rely a day. Do you think I will be able to survive one month without you??” She said and hvgged him more ti-ghtly
Michael unlocked from the hvg and arranged her hair with his f!ngers,,,,
” It’s really cold ” He said
” Yeah it is,,,” Lisa agreed with a sigh
” Come here ” He said and pu-ll-ed her even closer,, they could feel each others warmth,
She rested her head on his che-st with a smiley face,,
” It’s warm,,,,,,your heart ” She murmured
” My heart is warm,because you’re the one there ” Michael said and she smiled
” Really? ” she asked and run her hand throu-gh his che-st softly
” I guess it’s true ” She smiled
” Yeah it’s true ” Michael said and ca-ress her cheek with his hand,,Lisa was starring into his eyes
” Don’t try to get off ” He said and before she could respond, he was alre-ady k!ss!ngher.