Give me you episode 5 & 6

💖Give Me You 💏
[The CEOs choice 💋]
🎌Chapter 5🎌
💗Katherine POV 💗

“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. ” Mom said in a funny way and I chuckled in rage.

“What does that mean now? ” I asked her and she place her hand on my shoulder.

“Lydia is just the ph0tocopy of you and besides she’s just trying to live. ” Mom said and I sat down on the armchair.

“Live? Mom I found her in my boss’s office and she was interacting with him like they’re agemate. I’m done mom. ” I said and re-move my shoes. I meant it when I said I was going to deal with her.

“Just take it easy on her I’m begging you. I’m going to pour her some milk, she didn’t eat dinner. ” Mom said and left my side.

💝Kira’s Pov💝

I filled the glas-s cu-p with milk and then carry the remaining bottle of milk along to Lydia’s room cause I know how much she loves milk and how much she can drink when she didn’t eat a thing that night.

I got into her room and she has alre-ady wra-p herself in her duvet except the lights are still on that only mean she hasn’t sle-pt yet.
I shut the door behind me and walk to her.

“Lydia honey. ” I called out and she mumbles before sitting up on the be-d.

“Thank you grandma. ” She collects the glas-s cu-p from me and gulp the whole content. She stretch the glas-s to me and collect the milk box.
“I’ll keep this. ” She said placing it on her study. I told you she loves milk.

“Your mommy is down stairs. You should go say hi. ”
Katrina had alre-ady explained everything to me so there’s no nee-d bugging the young girl.

“I don’t want to grandma. She was really mad at me earlier. ” Lydia said hvgging her duvet.

“You know the Holy book said don’t get angry till the next day. ” I just had to para-phrase that to make a point. She gave me a long stare before getting out of be-d.
“Now that is God’s child’s behavior. ” I said and she smile.

🏃 Jayson’s POV 🏃

“She’s at the company Nik and she has no idea who I am. ” I explained to Nik. Among all the whole guys that night I and Nik are the only ones still here and he knows everything including how I sle-pt with her. I explained how I met her in the company and she didn’t un-derstand me. He was perplexed been that nothing had changed about me but what if she had lost her memory?

“You should tell her then. ” Nik said shocking me.

“Tell her what? That I’m her ra-pist? ”

“Didn’t you say she has a daughter? What did you call her name again? ” He asked.

“Lydia. She’s a sweet kid but is there a possibility that I got her pregnant that night? ” I wondered.

“We wouldn’t know except we find out. ” Nik said.

But that is going to be difficult. My phone start ringing again and I answered it at the third ring.

📱It’s you everyb©dy are waiting for. If you disappoint me I won’t forgive you.
And she ends the call. This woman is serious.
I exhale and stand up.

“You’re going alre-ady? I thought you’ll wait for dinner. ” Nik said and I nod my head as a no.

“Mom brou-ght some business as-sociates to the house that she wants me to meet. Don’t worry next time. ” I said and he esc-rt me out to my car.

“Don’t forget what we discussed okay. That little girl might be yours. ” He said. I smile and got into my car then drove straight to my family house.

“He’s here. ” Mom said standing up from her seat to come meet me. I di-p my car keys into my trou-ser and she place her hand round my n£¢k smiling like someone who has won a lottery.
“Be grateful he has patience we would have had problems tonight. ” Mom said still smiling to the man sitted.
She led me to the dinning table and on it is sitted an old man with grey hair. He’s Mr. Gregory pe-ck my dad’s best friend and business as-sociate and when he saw me, he smiled.

“You’re all grown up Jayson. ” He said and I bow my head a little before sitting down.
What brou-ght him to the house? He hasn’t visited since Dad died and that was 5years ago so what brou-ght him.

“Yes and he’s a fine boy too. I think he’ll do just fine in the marriage. ” My mom said and I glance at them both puzzled.

“What marriage? ” I ask directing the question to my mom.

“Oh! Mr. Greg is proposing that you marry his daughter Tasha. ” She said and I gave her a deadly stare.
What the hell!

“I have had this conversation with your parents and they also accepted and Jayson you and my baby Tasha will be good together. ” Mr. Greg said and I turn my face to him letting out a fake smile then face mom glaring at her deadly.

I know Tasha so well before she left to Algeria. That girl is rude and arrogant.
How on earth I’m I suppose to marry her?????????
💖Give Me You 💏
[The CEOs choice 💋]
🎌Chapter 6🎌
🚲ayson POV🚲

“What was the meaning of all that Mom. ” I said raising my voice Mr. Greg had alre-ady left.

“You’re getting married shouldn’t you be excited? ” She asked me and I roll my eyes.

“Excited you say? How can I be excited about getting married against my own will? ” I yell again and she took a step closer.

“Look Jay it’s p@rt of the tradition of this family that the sole heir should be married even before claiming the seat. Take your grandfather for example, he got married to your grandma before becoming the company’s CEO the same thing applied to your dad so why should there be difference in your p@rt? “She said.

” I dont care about any stupid tradition and I’m not getting married to any girl. “I said and ten to leave but she called me back.

” Just try to disgrace this family and everything you think you have will be taken away I promise you. “She said. I turned to look at her shocked. How can she say a thing like this to me? I thought my decision should matter? Why does she wants to control my life?

💚Katherine POV 💚

” What’s amusing this morning? “I ask pu-lling out a seat for myself and sat down dropping my bag on the ground besides me. I got down this morning to see them laughing.

” Lydia was just telling me how a boy of her age pee in his p@n-ts in Sunday School last Sunday. “Mom said amist laughter.

“And what’s so funny about that? ” I ask pouring tea into my cu-p.
“Every child pee in their p@n-ts. It’s what they do. ” I said and took a sip.

“But I don’t pee on my p@n-ts and I’m a child. ” Lydia said and I gave her a questioning look.

“You a child? A child is that person that doesn’t interact with older people like they’re agemate. A child don’t get older people in trouble. ” I said chewing the bre-ad I bite.

“And in a nutshell, you’re not a child Lydia. ” Mom said and this time I was the one that laughed.

“I am a child! ” Lydia fired.
“I’m only five years old. ” She said.

“Then start acting like one. ” I said and got up.

“Fine! ” She said looking at me and I reply with a smile.

“I’m off to work Mom. ” I pick my bag from the ground.

“Okay. Don’t forget the prayers in church today. ” She said and truth be told I’ve totally forgotten about it. Thank God she remind me we would have had misun-derstanding again today.

“What time is it? ”

“Prayer is on till 8pm.” She said and I nodded. I k!$$£d Lydia’s cheeks and rushed out. Sooner or later I should get my own car.

🚲Jayson POV 🚲

“She just arrived in her office sir. ” Marine said to me and I got up from my seat and adjust my tie. Today is going to be the day I’ll tell her everything cause I have to st©p this stupid wedding, once Mom and Mr. Grey knows that there’s someone who has my child they’ll all back off and even if they don’t, Tasha wont want to marry a guy who alre-ady has a child with his employee. Yes, I’m that CEO that chose his worker.
“But why are you looking for her sir? ” Marine ask me and I st©pped what I was doing to look at her. Should I just tell her the whole deal? Marine is like an Aunty to me, I tell her things and she of course advised me well some I took some I ignore.

“plea-se sit with me. ” I said and sat on the couch and she did same still looking at me.

“My mom wants me to marry Tasha Marine. ” I said and she looked confused to begin with.
“Tasha Grey, the co owner’s daughter. ” I added.

“Ohhhhhhhh! Why will they want you to marry her? ”

“That is not even the problem, the problem now is that Katrina is here. ”
“I mean Katherine. ” I corrected myself.

“You love her alre-ady? ” She ask me. This is difficult than it seems.

“She’s the mother of my daughter. “I narrated everything to Marine and she listened with keen interest.

” You have to tell her. “She said ma-king me to stand up.
“You have to know your daughter and st©p this wedding. “She added and without another word, I went looking for Katrina and I found her in her office busy as expected.
This is it Jay, spill it out before it’s too late.
I cleared my throu-ght and she raised her head and in seeing me, she stands up.

” Sir “She said and I walk closer to her.

” You don’t remember me at all? ”

“Should I? I’m sorry sir. ” She said giving me that face.

“Jay Christon from high school. ” I said but I was still staring at that face which means she hasn’t remember a thing.
This is it Jay, just spill it that is the only way she’ll remember you.
“The guy that…. ”
The guy that what??????? 😂😂😂😂😂
Sit back and wait for what Jay will say.
Do you think he’ll be bold enough to spill the truth to her?