Girl in the hoodie episode 38 – 40


đź’ĄGirl In The Hoodie đź’Ą
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 39 ?




“What will you do now?” I asked Jessamyn fearfully and she signaled to me to calm down.

I looked at others as they’re all waiting anxiously for her to re-move the hoodie.

“Do quic-k dear, we can’t wait to see your beautiful face?” One of the judges said

“plea-se does she really have to re-move her hoodie?” Archie asked from the crowd

“Yes” the judges replied
“Even if she doesn’t want to?” Chris also asked

“Yes… because singing requires showing us your face, we wanna know your emotions while singing, how you feel, what you feel,… everything” the woman from the judges said

“But it’s against her wish” Wisdom said
“She just have to… come on dear, let’s see your face” the MC said

“You have no choice but to show them your face, the game is up now Tee, just re-move the hoodie” I whispered and she nodded.

She slowly placed her hand on her head and re-move the hoodie gently and slowly.

I opened my mouth in shock and surprise at the sight of who I’m seeing.

“Clara???” I exclaimed in surprise
“Yes me” she replied smiling

“But… how… how come?” I asked her
“Calm down, I’ll explain everything to you when we’re out of here” she said and faced the crowd again.

“Wow! Tiana’s twin sister!” The judges exclaimed at the same time
“They have the same voice and same look” the MC said and she smiled

“Now it’s time for Tiana to give the prize to you guys, plea-se call her for me David, she should be around by now” the MC said and a guy standing close by took out his phone.

“No nee-d of that, I’m here alre-ady” Tiana said as she stood at the entrance.

Everyone diverted their attentions to her as shouts echoed throu-gh the large hall.

She walked majestically up to the stage where we sat as she placed the mouthpiece properly to her mouth.

“Hi sweeties” she said as she smiled at us and win-ked. We smiled in return and the MC handed the gifts to her.

“I’m about to give you guys these numerous gifts, may all your wishes come true” she said as she handed the gifts to us.

The crowd took pictures of us when she handed the prizes to us.

The competition c@mÂŁ to an end and Music echoed throu-gh the large well-decorated hall as we headed outside.

“Thank you so much guys, you’ve gave our school a very good name” Mr Bills said smiling
“Our plea-sure sir” I said




We headed back to school in our school bus, everyone was busy showering praises to us.

Minutes later, we got to school and other students welcomed us.

After all the jubilation and shouts of joy, everyone dispersed and we went home.



I went into our be-droom and took off my dress, I took my shower and changed into a bu-m short and armless t©p.

I dried my hair with the hair dryer and brushed it downward, I left it unpacked as I let it flow down my shoulder.

After all that, I headed back downstairs and sat at the living room, awaiting Tiana’s arrival.

I was operating my phone when I heard the doorbell rang.

I went to open the door and Chris entered with others.

“Welcome dear” I said as I hvgged Chris.
“So we’re not welcomed right?” Wisdom said

“No, not like that, ofcourse you’re welcome, come on sit down” I said and they all sat down.

“There’s actually nothing that brou-ght me here other than to know how you did that magic” Monalisa said

“Hope Ria, Mia and Ashley didn’t follow you here?” I asked
“No, why will they follow us?” Monalisa said

“Alright, you really wanna know how we did it?” I asked as I placed my right leg on Chris’s l@ps.

“Yes, tell us” Monalisa said
“Okay… It was on Monday after that performance in school when we were planning on what to do, then Archie c@m£ up with an idea” I paused

“What idea? Tell us” Wisdom said
“Tiana taught me how to pl@yguitar and I used her hoodie so that you guys will think she’s the one” I explained

“Then how come your voice sounds like hers?” Chris asked
“Well I wasn’t really the one singing” I said smiling

“If not you then who?” Chris asked
“It’s Tiana herself” Archie replied smiling

“But… Tiana hasn’t arrived yet when you guys started performing” Wisdom said in total confusion

“She has. Remember that lady that sat at a corner where no one is around her” I said
“You mean the lady that we laughed at, saying she sat alone??” Chris asked

“Yes… Remember she was using an hoodie to cover her face” I said
“Yes, that’s Tiana”

“For real??” Monalisa asked

“Then how come the sound of the song didn’t come from her side but from where you are?” Monalisa asked

“The mouthpiece she used was connected to the speaker on the stage, so everyone thought I was the one singing” I explained

“Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! You guys really tried” Wisdom said as he patted Archie’s back.

“When the judges said you should re-move the hoodie, I was like *oh no! Tiana the game is up* but when I saw the unexpected, I was shocked and amazed” Monalisa said

“Well all praises to Archie, the br@in behind it all” I said smiling and Archie smiled.
“Yeah, the mastermind” Monalisa said and we all laughed.

Tiana walked in and we all diverted our attention to her.
“Rockstar Tee!” Monalisa shouted and she smiled.

“So you guys actually planned without telling us anything” Chris said
“Oh! They’ve narrated everything to you” Tiana said and we smiled

“Yes… Thank God you were not expo-sed” Wisdom said
“It calls for celebr@tion!” I shouted
“What?” Tiana said with a funny face and we all laughed.




My driver st©pped in front of the school and I alighted.

As soon as I stepped foot into the school compound, everyone started shouting my name and showering praises to me.

I was so confused as I stood at one sp©t, unable to move because of the crowd that surrounded me.

Wisdom and Chris arrived at the same time and I struggled throu-gh the crowd to go and meet them.

On seeing Wisdom and Chris, they started shouting their names.

“What’s wrong Archie? What’s happening?” Chris asked

“I was about to ask you same question, I don’t know why they’re shouting our names, what have we done?” I asked

“I also don’t know what’s happening? And they won’t let us go” Chris gro-an ed

“The J3 is here!” Monalisa shouted as she joined the crowd with Clara and others.

“Now I get why they’re all shouting, I guess they’ve heard our first albu-m that we re-leased two days ago” Wisdom said

“Oh yeah! You’re right” I said smiling
“Ricky J.!” Jessamyn shouted and I smiled as I brushed my f!ngersinto my hair proudly.

“Wiz J.!” Monalisa also shouted
“My one and only Chris J.!” Clara shouted as she hvgged Chris.

“Swears you guys really tried” Ria shouted
“That song was a hit!” Ashley shouted and we all smiled as the girls cleared the road for us to pas-s.


đź••27 Day left đź’Ą
đź’ĄGirl In The Hoodie đź’Ą
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 40 ?




We entered the clas-s and everyone started hailing them.

“Ricky J.!”
“The J3!”

“Wiz J.!”
“Archie The smart guy!”

We smiled as we sat down on our seats.
“Why didn’t you guys tell us when you were going to the studio?” I asked

“We don’t want to disturb you guys, and besides; you were resting because of the competition” Chris said

“Did you guys went to the studio on Thursday?” Clara asked

“Alright then” Ria said and Kaima c@m£ to meet us.

“Hi guys”
“Hello, how are you?” Chris asked smiling

“I’m kinda good” she said and sat down with us.

We continued discussing about many things, then a junior boy appeared.

“s£nior Lisa, the principal s£nt me to call The J3” the boy said as he stood in front of Monalisa.

“Alright, thank you dear, you can go” Monalisa said and the boy left.

“You guys heard what the boy said so why still sitting there?” Clara asked

“Come on calm down… We’re going alre-ady” Wisdom said and we smiled.




We headed to the principal’s office while discussing.

“What do you guys think may be the reason for such an impromptu call?” I asked

“I don’t know, I’m also wondering why the principal will s£nt for us” Archie said

“I guess it’s because of the music we re-leased” Chris said

“Maybe” I said and we knocked on the principal’s office door.

“Come in” an average thick voice said from the office which I know it’s the principal’s.

We opened the door and walked in. Three people were sitted in front of the principal, two young men and a lady.

The people happened to be the best musician after Tiana Hathaway!

Emma Dylan!

Mateo Logan!

Mason Jaxon!


What a plea-sant visit!

“Good afternoon sir” we greeted as we entered

“How are you my boys?” The principal asked with smiles

“We’re fine sir” we replied
“So Mr Mateo, these are the kids that sang the music you’re talking about” principal said

“Wow! So, you’re guys are the J3, right?” the man called Mr Mateo asked

“Yes sir” we replied
“Wow! I guess you’re Wiz J.” the lady said, referring to me.

“Yes ma’am” I replied
“Alright, you can call me Emma” the lady said

“Okay Emma” I said
“Can we know your full names plea-se?” the second man said

“Yes sir…”
“No nee-d of that, my name is Mason, so just call me that” the second man said, cutting us short

“Alright Mason… I’m Wisdom Kingsley” I said

“Okay, you?” Emma said, pointing at Archie

“Archie Myers” Archie said and they looked surprised

“Are you our minister’s son?” Mateo asked

“Yes” Archie replied
“Wow! Alright… How about you? Your name?” Emma asked, facing Chris

“Chris Morris” Chris said
“Alright guys, we listened to your music and realized how nice it is, so our purpose for coming here is to join hands with you guys and become singing buddies” Emma said and we stared at each other.

The last time I checked, these three people are the best musician after Tiana Hathaway.

And now, they’re here to make collaborated songs with us!


“Erm… Are you saying we should make collaborated songs together?” I asked

“Exactly!” Mateo said and I stared at Chris and Archie in surprise.

“So do you agree?” Mason asked
“Yes!” we shouted in unison and they smiled.

“Alright then, take my card, call me anytime you’re free, then we’ll talk about business” Emma said, handing her card to Chris.

“Thank you so much guys, we really appreciate” Archie said smiling

“It’s okay, see you later” Mateo said as they stood up.

“Thank you so much sir” Mason said as they shook hands with the principal

“Much appreciated!” The principal said with smile and they went out.

“You guys are really amazing! I can’t believe the rising stars are from my school” the principal said happily and we smiled.

“You can go back to your clas-s” he said and we went out.

“Yes! We made it!” Chris shouted as soon as we’re out of the principal’s office.

“I can’t believe we’re aiming higher” I said happily

“The girls will be happy to hear this” Archie said

“I can’t wait to break the news to them” I said as we walked fas-ter to the clas-s.




We were discussing as we awaits the arrival of Chris, Archie and Wisdom.

“They’re here” Kaima said and we diverted our attention to them.

“What happened Wiz? Why did the principal s£nt for you?” I asked

“We have good news for you guys” Chris shouted

“What’s that?” we all asked in anxiety
“Do you guys know Emma Dylan??” Wisdom asked

“She c@m£ here with Mateo Logan and Mason Jaxon” Wisdom said

“Really??” Clara asked in disbelief
“Yeah” Archie replied

“And why are they here?” Monalisa asked

“They said they wants us to be their singing buddies” Chris said

“Singing buddies??” we all asked
“Yes, they wanted us to make collaborated songs together” Archie said smiling

“Wow! That’s amazing!” I said
“That’s great!” Ria said

“I’m so happy for you guys” Clara said
“But there’s something you guys must know about Emma Dylan” I said and they faced me

“What do you mean? What are you saying?” Wisdom asked

“I mean there’s something important to know about Emma Dylan” I said

“Something important??” They all asked in unison

“Yes” I replied
“What?” Chris asked

“Emma Dylan is a very cunning lady, she is always after handsome guys and I’m warning you, don’t fall victim of her cunning ways” I said

“How do you know all these?” Mia asked

“From the music industry ofcourse” I said

“Music industry??” Ria, Mia and Ashley asked together

Oh my goodness!

I’ve over talked!

How will I defend myself now??


To be continued…