Girl in the hoodie episode 34 & 35

Girl In The Hoodie đź’Ą
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 34 ?




I quic-kly hide behind Monalisa and used my hoodie back.

“Hope they didn’t see me?” I whispered to Monalisa

“Nope, I don’t think so.” Monalisa replied and the students c@m£ walking towards us.

“Archie plea-se cover me up, I think they saw me alre-ady” I said in fright

“Calm down, it’s your siblings, Melissa Flora and Dave” Archie said and I raised my head to see them, I still covered my face with the hoodie.

“Hi sis” Melissa greeted as they hvgged Clara
“What’s up guys?” Clara asked as she sat them down

“We’re good. I miss you so much sis” Flora said
“I miss you too dear”

“Where’s Sister Tiana?” Dave asked
“Here she …”

“She went to Mr Charles’ office, he s£nt for her” Archie said, interrupting Clara

“Alright, we just decided to come have fun here but seeing you all with your spouses, I suggest we leave” Flora said and win-ked

“You’re not serious” Chris said smiling
“Bye sis, extend our greetings to Sis Tee” Melissa said

“Sure” Clara said and they left.
“Why did you lied to them Archie?” Monalisa asked

“If we let them know that Jessamyn is Tiana, they would be calling her Tiana if they ever see her in the school premises, and you know what that mean” Archie said

“Oh! That’s true, you’re such a witty guy” Clara said as she ruffled his hair

“Guys I suggest we leave this place, let’s go back to clas-s or somewhere else” I said

“Alright, let’s go to the libr@ry” Monalisa said
“Why libr@ry all the time?” Wisdom complained

“Can’t we go to the field instead?” Chris added
“Or the gym” Archie added

“Okay okay, it’s okay guys, let’s conclude on where to go before you turn this garden to a battle field” Clara said and we all laughed

“I suggest we go to the gym” I said
“Why won’t you suggest we go to the gym, when actually that’s what your b©yfri£ndsuggested” Monalisa said

“So?? Are you now jealous? Who should I support if not my Archie?” I asked smiling sheepishly

“See her small mouth” Monalisa said and I smiled

“Alright girls it’s okay, let’s go, I nee-d to exercise my b©dy” Clara said

“Why do you nee-d to exercise your b©dy? Are you not fitted enough?” I asked and scoffed

“No, I nee-d to look more bu-sty for my Chris” Clara said blu-shing

“Oh really?? That’s nice Mrs C.C” Monalisa said
“Which one is Mrs C.C?” Clara asked confused

“I mean Mrs Chris Clara” Monalisa said
“Yeah ?!!!!!!!!” Clara shouted as she jumped up.

“n@ûghty girl, come on let’s go” Wisdom said and we left the garden for the gym.


âś… AT SS2 ART DEp@rtMENT âś…



I didn’t see Jessamyn and others in clas-s, where could they be?

Could they have gone home??

No, that’s impossible.

Where could they be?

“Mia, have you seen Monalisa and others ever since we c@m£ back from the cafeteria?” I asked

“Nope. I think they’re still outside” Mia replied
“Where exactly?” I asked

“They should be at the garden or the libr@ry” Mia replied

“Alright, let’s go” I said and we went out of the clas-s

“Wait for me” Ashley shouted and we st©pped.
She ran towards us and together we headed to the garden.

“They’re not here, where else could they be?” I asked

“Maybe the libr@ry” Mia said and we headed to the libr@ry too

“They’re not here also” I said frustratedly
“Where could they be?” Ashley asked

“They should be at the field, let’s go” Mia said
“No, Jessamyn and Monalisa dislike going to the field, I guess we check the gym” I suggested

“Yes, they should be at the gym, come on let’s go” Mia said and we headed to the gym.



We entered and saw many students doing exercise. We didn’t see Jessamyn and others.

“They’re not here also, where then could they be?” I asked frustratedly

“Let’s go back to clas-s, they’ll come back and we’ll know where they went, st©p disturbing yourself” Ashley said and we turned back to go.

“Ria, Mia, Ashley, where are you going? Come and join us” I heard Monalisa’s voice then we turned and saw Monalisa standing afar and waving her hands.

“Alright, we’re coming” I said happily and we went to join them

“We’ve been looking for you everywhere not knowing you guys are here” I said as we joined the gymnastics.

“We were at the garden before coming here” Jessamyn replied

“Guess what guys?” I shouted
“What?” they all asked

“Just guess” I said again
“Your dad credited your account??” Clara asked

“You won an award?” Monalisa asked

“You’re traveling to the Britain for your birthday p@rty?” Jessamyn said
“Close to it” I said

“Your birthday is around the corner!?” Archie shouted and I smiled
“Yes, Archie got it” I said

“But I gave him the hint” Jessamyn said and we all laughed

“It’s okay. Wednesday is our birthday” I said
“Wow! Nice” Chris said

“And we want Clara’s sister to come pl@yfor us” Mia said

“You mean Tiana??” Clara asked
“Yes” I replied smiling




“You mean Tiana??” Clara asked
“Yes” Ria replied smiling

Clara pinched me and I jÂŁrked up as I hit her.
“What’s wrong with you guys?” Chris asked
“Nothing” I said

“You’re a dead meat today Clara, I’ll beat the hell outta you when we get home” I whispered to Clara and she laughed

“What’s are you whispering to her ear?” Wisdom asked

“Nevermind” Clara said and we all continued with the gymnastics.



We headed to the entrance of the school as we discussed about Mia and Ria’s birthday.

“What will you guys give us on our birthday?” Mia asked

“Gift is supposed to be a surprise, so therefore you’ll know when we give it to you” Wisdom said

“Come on Wiz, st©p being a j£rk” Ria shouted as she hitted him.

“Okay okay, I’ll buy you a socks each” Wisdom said and ran away

“What!? If I catch you Wiz…” Ria shouted and we all laughed.

I sighted Nathan from afar and I called Clara’s attention.

“We’re going guys, see you tomorrow” I said and headed to the car with Clara

“Are you guys going home together?” Ashley asked

“Yes, we’re living in the same neighborhood” Clara replied as we entered the car and waved at them. Nathan drove out of the school compound.

“You can lie for a living Clara” I said and she smiled

“If I don’t say that, they’ll keep asking questions” Clara said

“That’s true” I paused as I remember something
“What was that Clara?” I asked as I sl@pped her back

“What?” Clara asked
“Why did you pinch me at the gym?” I asked, feigning annoyance

“I just feel like… And besides, you were blu-shing when they said they’d like to invite you as their entertainer” Clara said and I pinched her

“What now?” She asked
“I just feel like” I replied smiling and she punched me pla-yfully.

đź’ĄGirl In The Hoodie đź’Ą
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 35 ?




We got home and alighted from the car. All the maids were greeting us one after the other and e only replied with smiles.

We got to our room and I slumped on the be-d
“You know you supposed to have your own separate room” Tiana said

“But I want to be with you always” I said, more like a baby
“Even when you get married to Chris??” She asked
“Yes. Till eternity” I said

“But Chris is always there for you. I’m just your twin sister, your future p@rtner should be the only person you’ll get acquainted to.” Tiana said

“I know, but what if I don’t end up with Chris?” I asked

“Come on don’t think like that, you guys love yourselves so you can never be separated okay?” Tiana said

“I know, but what if Chris betray me?” I asked again
“Come on st©p thinking like that… come here” Tee said as she spre-ad her arms wi-de for a hvg.
I hvgged her so ti-ghtly, she’s just to sweet.




Why is Clara thinking badly like this?

I hope her imaginations doesn’t come true.

I can’t afford to see her in tears, not to talk of pain.

I disÂŁngaged from the hvg and pu-ll-ed off my clothes.

“I wanna take a shower, wanna join?” I asked
“Do I look like Archie?? Come on get away” she said smiling and I threw a pillow at her.

I entered the bathroom and filled the bathtub with soapy water, then I slide into it.

So cool!


“Clara come and join, I bet you gonna like it” I shouted

“Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Archie??” she shouted back and I chuckled.

“Nope” I replied
“Better do quic-k there, your phone is ringing” Clara said

“Who is it?” I asked
“Heartbeat” she replied

“Oh! Archie… plea-se help me bring it” I said
“Do I look like a maid or an errand girl to you?” she shouted and I laughed

“Be it an errand girl or a maid, bring me my phone” I said
“Are you ordering me around now?” she asked

“I dare not.” I said chuckling
“Better” she said and brou-ght my phone
“Why did you bring it now? n@ûghty girl” I said and she laughed

“You see. If I didn’t bring you’ll be complaining, now that I brou-ght it, you’re still complaining, my dear what’s your problem?” she asked

“You” I replied and she wanted to hit me but I sprinkled water on her and she moved back

“Tee are you crazy?!” she shouted and I continued laughing.

“No” I replied still laughing
“Better answer your call” she said and dashed out.
I pick up the call and place it on speaker

“Hey dear why are you not picking my calls since? Are you busy?” Archie asked over the phone
“No” I replied

“Then what are you doing that made you ignore my calls?” he asked again

“I didn’t ignore your calls. I’m in the bathroom so Clara brou-ght it to me, I’m sorry” I said softly

“It’s okay, when are you coming because Lenita has been asking of you since I c@m£ back from school?” Archie asked

“Oh really?? I’ll be on my way now” I said
“Alright, I’ll be expecting you” he said and hung up.

I jumped out of the bathtub and took a quic-k shower, then I headed out of the bathroom to the room. I searched for a cloth to wear in my wardrobe then I discovered that one of my favorite clothes has gone missing.

“Clara where is my clothes??!!” I shouted and she started laughing

“I heard your conversation with Archie” she said still laughing

“How does that correlate with what I asked you? I said where did you hid my cloth??!!” I shouted again.

“That’s what I’m trying to explain” she said and smiled mischievously


Never knew this girl can be so frustrating!

“Clara!!!!!!” I shouted
“Christiana!!!!” she shouted back and I slumped on the be-d in total frustration

“You must beg me before I re-lease your cloth” Clara said

“Oh my goodness!… Alright, sorry” I said
“No no, I won’t take that as a plea” she said
“What else do you want?!” I asked

“Say I’m sorry sis” she said and smiled
“Okay okay fine. I’m sorry sis” I said and she brou-ght out my clothes from where she hid it.

I snatched it from her and quic-kly dressed up. I took my bag and dashed out.

“I’ll get you Clara!” I shouted and drove out of the house.

This girl is something else.

Such a badas-s!

? Minutes later ?

I drove into the Myers’ mansion and alighted. Lenita c@m£ running towards me and I carried her in my arms in a bridal style.

“I miss you aunt, why are you just coming since my brother called?” Lenita asked

“I apologise for my lateness sweet little cute angel” I said and she smiled

“Now I can eat and do my as-signment” she said smiling

“Don’t tell me you haven’t eaten lunch” I said and she shook her head

“Oh goodness! Why? You should have eaten by now” I said and went inside.

Archie was in the sitting room watching a program on TV.

“Hey sweetheart” I said as I dropped Lenita and hvgged him

“Welcome” he said and we dis£ngaged
“Why haven’t Lenita eaten lunch?” I asked

“She said she won’t eat or drink anything until you arrive” Archie said and I stared at Lennie

“At least eat something now that I’m here” I said and she nodded

“Okay, let’s go” I said and we headed to the dining area.




I woke up early as usual and tried to wake Clara but she didn’t answer as she always does.

“Will you just stand up and get prepared for school?” I shouted and she gro-an ed

“Why are you being harsh this morning?” she asked, wiping her face with the back of her hand

“Because I’ve been trying to wake you up but you chose not to answer me” I said rolling my eyes

“Alright, I’m sorry” she said and hvgged me
“It’s okay, let’s get prepared quic-kly” I said and we both headed to the bathroom to take our bath.



Our music teacher appeared on the screen and instructed us to group ourselves into five.

“Group yourselves into five which means six people in a group each” Mr Bills said

Monalisa, Clara, Ria, Mia, Ashley and I were in a group.

Archie, Wisdom, Chris, Anderson, Babita and Kaima were grouped together.

Jenna, Davison, Kaima, Ava, Katherine and Ivy were grouped together. And others…

“Now this is your as-signment, each group should compose a song, I want to know how far your knowledge about music has gone, is that clear?” Mr Bills said

“Sure sir” we chorused in unison
“You’re to submit on Friday, today is Monday so you have enough time for the as-signment, good luck” Mr Bills said and went off the screen.

“You’re all girls group” Archie said
“Yeah” I replied smiling

“That’s nice” Wisdom said and Kaima c@m£ to meet them

“Archie when are we starting the project?” Kaima asked
“Let’s start tomorrow” Archie replied

“Why not let’s start today, we’ll be having prep period till closing hour after break” Chris said

“Alright, where should we use?” Kaima asked
“Let’s use the libr@ry, it’s quite silent” Wisdom said

“Alright, let’s meet there after break hour then” Archie said and Kaima left.

“You’ve alre-ady planned yours, come on girls, when are we starting ours?” Ashley asked

“Today also” Ria replied
“Don’t stress yourself, we’ll surely win” Monalisa said

“How sure are you?” Mia asked
“100%” Monalisa and Clara replied together

“I know we’ll win because you’re with us” Monalisa whispered into my ears and I smiled.


To be continued…