Girl in the hoodie episode 26 & 27

? Girl In The Hoodie ?
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 26 ?


I watched as Monalisa and Wisdom danced to my music. I was getting emotional alre-ady.

The music really made me sad, it makes me remember the dunce I d@t£d for years that eventually hurt me.

I will not forgive him for what he did to my family!

“Are you okay?” I heard Archie’s voice, then I quic-kly wiped in tears.

“Yeah” I replied
“Well you don’t look okay to me” Archie said again

“Nothing is wrong, I’m okay, I’m perfectly fine, don’t stress yourself okay?” I said softly and he pu-ll-ed me in a ti-ght hvg.

Babita and Jenna c@m£ to join us.

Few minutes later, the music st©pped while Monalisa and Wisdom stepped out of the pool.

“Wisdom now your turn to spin the bottle” Jessica said

“Alright, pas-s it” Wisdom said and Ria pas-sed the bottle to him. He spinned it and it faced Archie.

“Truth or Dare Archie?” Wisdom asked

“I dare you to give the girl on your right hand side a quic-k pe-ck” Wisdom said

“What!? pe-ck??” Archie asked and looked at me
“Just a pe-ck” Chris said

I faced Archie who looked at me in a way that explains *should I do it?* and I looked away immediately

“Should I?” he asked and I nodded slightly

“Come on Archie, you’re waiting time, just a quic-k pe-ck. Or pay $50” Wisdom said

“Alright…I…I will do it” Archie said and faced me again

“Make it quic-k Archie and st©p looking at her!” Babita said and I looked away.



I don’t want to hurt Jessamyn, because I know she’s alre-ady feeling somehow about the dare.

“Archie it’s just a pe-ck, do it and don’t waste your money, I’ll be just fine, it’s just a pe-ck, nothing attached, nothing more” Jessamyn said and I turned to face Babita, she was smiling happily as she turned her cheek to me.

I was so optimistic about what I was about to do. I gave her a very quic-k pe-ck and sat back.

“Wooooaaaah! Such a ro-mantic pe-ck” Babita shouted

I spinned the bottle ignoring what Babita said and it faced Chris.

“Truth or Dare?” I asked Chris

“Make a toast to Jessica” I said
“Alright, for how many minutes?” Chris asked

“Two minutes” I replied and he stood up with Jessica, together they stood in the center of the circle we formed.

“My dear, you’re so beautiful, charming, sweet and to crown it all, humble. You know what?” Chris began as he held Jessica by the w@!st and Jessica crossed her arms around his n£¢k.

“What? Come on tell me” Jessica said
“You’re the love of my life, the rib that God re-moved from my b©dy” Chris said

“In a nutshell, your missing rib??” Jessica asked

“Yes, I promise never to leave you, you’re the source of my happiness, with you around me, I’ll conquer any battle, may our love story never end” Chris said

“Amen, thank you so much sweetheart” Jessica said

While all these were happening, Eric was busy taking pictures of Chris and Jessica with his hands, which made us laugh.

“But what if this happily ever after becomes happily never after some time?” Jessica asked

“That will never happen” Chris replied
“Is that a promise?” Jessica asked

“Can I trust you?” Jessica asked again
“Sure, you should trust me, because I also trust you” Chris said

“Alright thanks darling” Jessica said and they hvgged.

“Has the two minutes not ended yet?” Monalisa asked

“Are you feeling jealous??” I asked and we laughed, then I told them the time has exceeded.

“I’m tired of this game, we should try something else” Wisdom said and I checked the time.

“We still have 30minutes left before closing time, so let’s swim and dance to music” I said and they all jumped into the pool while I pla-yed *God’s Will* by Jason Anthony.

Jessamyn sat on the chair staring at them. I walked up to her and sat down.

“I know you also feel like joining but this” I said pointing at the hoodie.

“You’re right, I really want to swim, but… I can’t” she said

“Don’t worry, we’ll swim when we get home, that reminds me, why were you crying when Ria pla-yed your music *Crazily In Love* the other time?” I asked

“Forget about it… I don’t want to discuss it” she said and I kept quiet
“Won’t you go and join them?” she asked

“I don’t feel like swimming” I replied as I relaxed on the chair.

We both sat there, watching others have fun in the swimming pool.



Everyone has gone home while my driver c@m£ to pick me and Jessamyn.

“Lenita really missed you, she always disturb me that I should bring you along when I’m coming home” I said to Jessamyn.

“I also miss her, I know she’ll be so happy to see me now” she said with a smile.

She has re-moved her hoodie and changed her hairstyle into a ponytail style.

Rio drove into the compound and packed the car in the packing lot.

He handed me the key but I told him we’re still going somewhere and I went in with Samyn.

Lenita ran towards us with full smiles on her face.

“I’ve missed you so much Aunt Samyn” she said, hvgging Samyn.

“I know my sweet little cute angel, I also missed you” Samyn said as she carried her.

“I’ve gotten something for us to do together” Lenita said
“Really?? What’s that?” Samyn asked

“We would bake a cake, come on aunt let’s go” Lenita said and dragged Samyn along to the kitchen.



They both c@m£ back with a big cake and lemonade.
“Woah! Smells nice” I said

“Lenita said today is your driver’s birthday, so we decided to make a big one” Samyn said

“How did you know Lenita?” I asked facing Lenita.

I thought I was the only one who knew, because Rio never mentioned it to anyone, not even me, I just overheard him when his friend c@m£ here yesterday to talk about his birthday.

“I overheard his discussion with his sister this afternoon” Lenita said

“Oh! Alright, go and call him for me” I said and Lenita ran outside.

Not long after, she c@m£ back in with Rio, the moment they stepped in, we started singing a birthday song for him.
: Happy birthday to you

: Happy birthday to you

: Happy birthday to you

: Happy birthday to you.


He stood there in surprise as he stared at the cake, then stared at us one after the other.

“Why are you surprised? Come on move here” I said

“Well… I … I … was just speechless, I … don’t know… how you discovered that today is my birthday… I … don’t…”

“Come on Rio, you don’t nee-d to know how we discovered your birthday, it’s your birthday so be happy” Jessamyn said

“Thank you so much sir. I really appreciate all the love and care you showered me, thank you so much ma’am” Rio said happily.



“We have to go somewhere, Rio take the key and let’s go” I said and we all went out.

“Where are we going brother?” Lenita asked me
“Don’t worry, you’ll soon find out” I said

“Drive to Richa-rd Cars” I said to Rio
“Alright sir” Rio said and started the engine

“Are you going to buy a car again??” Lenita asked but I ignored her question.

…? Girl In The Hoodie ?
? {Who is she…?} ?

? Episode 27 ?



Boss told me to drive to Richa-rd Cars but I don’t un-derstand why he would want to buy another car, after those big cars in his control.

Few minutes later, I drove into Richa-rd Cars and packed the car in the parking lot.

We alighted and I stood by the car while they went to inspect the cars.

“Come here Rio, why are you standing there?” Boss said and I moved closer to them.

“Pick any car of your choice” Boss said with full smile.
“Sir???” I questioned to be sure of what I heard.
“Yes, pick any car of your choice” he repeated

“Is this a dream? Someone should plea-se wake me up” I said and ru-bbe-d my face with back of my palm.
“No you’re not” Jessamyn said with full smile.

“You want to buy a car for me???” I questioned in disbelief
“Yes, your birthday pres£nt” Boss said

“Really?? Wow! Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate all you’ve done for me, I can’t thank you enough” I said happily

“It’s okay, now choose the car of your choice” Boss said and I went ahead to take a look at the cars.

I checked all the cars but I couldn’t pick any, then I walked back to them.

But before I got to where they were standing, a small portable car catch my fancy.

Then I went back to them to show them which one I chose.

“Did you find any?” Boss asked
“Yes sir, I will like to drive in that” I said pointing at it, then we all went there to check out the car.

“Wow! It’s nice, I love it!” Ma’am Samyn said
“Fantastic!” Lenita shouted, running around the car.
“Hope you like it?” Boss asked

“Yes sir” I replied happily
“Alright, how much does it cost sir?” Boss asked the manager of the company.

“$3.5m sir” the manager replied
I was so shocked and short of words, so I had chos£n a car of such a hvge amount!!???

“Sir don’t worry, you can buy me something else, but definitely not this, it’s too expensive” I said

“Come on, I’m the one to pay not you, so calm down” Boss said and I kept quiet.

“Which bank are you using sir?” Boss asked
“Give me your account details sir”

“Alright, have you seen the alert?” Boss asked the manager

“Yes sir but you transferred $4m instead of $3.5m sir” the manager said

“I know, it’s okay” Boss said and the manager handed me the key.

“One more thing Rio” Boss said
“What’s that sir?” I asked, facing him

“Take this, you don’t nee-d to be my driver anymore, you’ve been my driver for 3 years now, you nee-d to establish your own company, didn’t you say your wish is to become rich some day, and own a very big company of different kind of drinks and also a bottling water company?” Boss asked as he handed me a small white folded paper.

“Yes sir” I replied, still confused
“Then you can establish the companies with this” he said pointing at the paper in my hand.

“Open it, you can check it out” he said again and I opened the little book.

I was so surprised and taken aback by what I saw.
“What!? A cheque???” I exclaimed
“Yeah” he replied smiling

“$50m????” I exclaimed as I saw the amount
“This is too much sir, I … I…”

“Calm down, it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for me, I’ve you forgotten how you put your life on the line just to save my life??” he asked as he crossed his arms around my n£¢k

“No sir but this is just way too much for…”
“It’s okay, come on let’s go” he said and I followed them

“Won’t you go in your car?” he asked me
“But sir, who will take you home?” I asked

“Don’t worry, I can drive now, so come with us in your car” he said and I headed back to where the car was packed.
“Make sure you follow us” he said and I nodded.



Archie really surprised me, he’s so nice and generous and I love him even more.

But what I don’t un-derstand is how Rio saved his life, I’ll ask him later.

“Where are we going now brother?” Lenita asked
“We’re going somewhere else, then after that, we’ll go home” Archie said

“I know you’re tired my sweet little cute angel, sorry okay?” I said to her and she nodded.

Few minutes later, we arrived in a very big mansion and alighted from the car.

“Come down girls” Archie said as he opened the door for us.
Rio also drove in after us.

“Why did you brou-ght us here?” I asked
“This… is the house I built for…” he paused
“For who?” Lenita asked

“For… Rio” he said and Rio opened his mouth agape
“Sir???” Rio exclaimed as he stood beside his car like an evacuee

“Yes, I was planning to surprise you with this when dad returns but because today is your day, that’s why I decided to give you as a birthday gift” Archie said
I can’t believe he’s actually the one doing this, he’s so generous to the core.

“Birthday gift again??? Sir this is too much” Rio said looking emotional
“I wasn’t complaining okay? So chill!” Archie said

“Thank you so much sir, like seriously I’m short of words, I don’t know what to say, I don’t even know how to thank you, I can’t thank you enough sir, thank you so much sir, I really really appreciate your kindness towards me” Rio said

“It’s okay Rio” Archie said and I placed my arms around his n£¢k
“You know what Archie” I began

“You’re the best man I’ve ever seen, no boss can ever do these things to their workers, you deserve some accolades” I said and we both laughed

“Thank you so much dear” he replied and di-pped his hand into his pocket.

“This is the key to the house” he said as he handed him the key

“Congratulations Rio” I said
“Thank you ma’am, I’m really happy, I can’t thank you enough sir” Rio said with tears of joy

“Oh come on, I’ve told you severally that you don’t nee-d to thank me, I should be the one thanking you” Archie said

“Come on Uncle Rio, it calls for celebr@tion” Lenita said and Rio smiled

“Yeah, open the door” Archie said and Rio unlocked the door, we said a little prayer before entering.

The bar side was filled with different kinds of drinks.



“Archie tell me something” I said as we sat down in the sitting room. Lenita had alre-ady sle-pt since we returned from Rio’s house.

“What’s that dear?” he asked
“You said Rio saved your life” I said
“Yeah, any problem?” he asked

“No, I just wanted to ask you how he saved your life, can you plea-se tell me” I said

“Oh, that happened three years ago when I was still grade 1, he c@m£ to take me home from school one day, he was driving on the lonely path which has now become a lively place, when some guys c@m£ out from nowhere and st©pped us. They dragged me down and wanted to take me away but he stood on their way saying *I won’t let you take him away, you can’t, except you kill me*, the man that held me dropped my hand and I ran to Rio’s side. The kidnappers brou-ght out their guns and threaten to kill Rio if he didn’t let them take me away, but he refused to listen then they sh0t him in his arm, I started crying calling out to him but he told me to go into the car and lock the doors. I did after so much persuasion. He stood up weakly and snatched a gun from one of them saying *if you don’t leave this place now I promise to shoot you down one by one!* the kidnappers didn’t react to any of his threats, then he sh0t them all in their legs before calling the cops, after which we went home, now tell me, doesn’t he deserve to be treated in a grand way??” he asked me as he concluded his explanation

“Wow! He’s really a very good and loyal man, he really really deserve more” I replied and we both smiled.

I can’t believe Rio is so loyal, he really deserve more than what Archie did for him.

Few minutes later, I bade Archie goodbye as Matt arrived to take me home.


✍️ WRITER ✍️


The students were busy pla-ying around because teachers were not much in school, a meeting was called in ARIEL HIGH br@NCH in England so almost all the teachers travelled down to England.

Archie and others were busy pla-ying by the pool side when Ashley c@m£ to join them. Jenna and Babita were also there.



We were still chatting and laughing when Ashley c@m£ to join us, she sat between Jessica and Monalisa.

“Everyone let’s swim one by one, then we’ll know the best swimmer” Ashley said

“That’s nice, I’ll swim first” Jessica said and jumped into the pool, she swam so well and Babita swam after her, then Jenna.

“Come on Lisa, go and swim” Jenna said
“No I don’t want to” Monalisa said and I looked at her, then she shook her head.

“Come on swim” Ashley said as she pushed her into the pool.

She was reluctant at first but later started swimming, she was still swimming when we heard her scream.

“What’s wrong dear?” I asked but she didn’t talk, she was screaming and shouting for help as she scratched her b©dy continuously.

“Come on guys, let’s get her out” I shouted and wanted to jump into the pool when the school doctor held me back.

“You can’t enter that pool without wearing this” he said to me, handling me a khaki, I collected it and wore the cloth quic-kly.

After which I jumped into the pool and brou-ght out Monalisa, her b©dy has started peeling off.

“I think there’s some chemical in this pool” the doctor said
“What!? Chemical??” We all questioned in fear

“Yes, but I can’t say maybe it’s really chemical or not, until we carry out research on the water” the doctor said and we rushed Monalisa to the school hospital.

The second doctor was busy treating Lisa while the first one that c@m£ to us went into the lab with the pool water.



The first doctor c@m£ out and we rushed to him.
“What’s the result?” I asked impatiently

“The pool water was mixed with chlorine water {bleaching agent} and ammonia, which may lead to death as the chlorine water is too much” the doctor said and my jaw dropped.

“Chlorine water and ammonia???” we all questioned in disbelief and shock

“Yes, I guess someone did it deliberately to hurt her and I’m sorry to say this, we might lose her” the doctor said and left.


Lose her!???

Hell no!


To be continued…