Ghost run episode 23 & 24

p@rt 23
©Opeyemi Ojerinde

The task that had been given to me was knocking my br@in out. I kept wondering what the other truth I had to pres£nt to Mororo instead of the real truth of Evangelism was…

Mr. Tunde Sword said I couldn’t attend another lecture unless I had resolved that. I was blank. I kept roaming around the premises….

“I hope you have asked the Holy Spirit?” Remilekun said to me during lunch which was the only meal we had every day.

“Hmm…!” It didn’t occur to me to ask Him. I believed it was an as-signment I nee-ded to task my br@in on…

“Adenike, on this missionary journey, you nee-d the Holy Spirit on your side. It will make life easier for you! The Holy Spirit is the best friend a missionary can have!” Remilekun said to me

The Holy Spirit!

Throu-ghout that day, all that was on myl-ips was “Holy Spirit, What is the other truth I nee-d to pres£nt to Mororo people?.

I got nothing until much later at night when I sat down to study the Word…

I heard in my Spirit
“When Samuel was instructed to anoint David….”

I didn’t know what that meant, so I searched my Bible to find out where exactly that portion of scripture was….

1 Samuel 16! I found it…

“1. The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am s£nding you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chos£n one of his sons to be king.”
2 But Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.”
The Lord said, “Take a heifer with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.’
3 Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what to do. You are to anoint for me the one I indicate.”

“St©p!” I heard the Holy Spirit say to me…

“St©p?” I wondered why….

I sat down quietly wondering the lesson God wanted me to pick from these short 3 verses….

“When God s£nt Samuel on the as-signment to anoint David, Samuel was wise enough to know that there was a ruling King alre-ady in place which was Saul. He knew he couldn’t enter the town where there was a ruling king on the throne and in the same town anoint a new one! He knew his head will go for it, though he was a servant of God!” I heard a voice saying to me

“Samuel expressed his fear to God in verse two saying “How can I go? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.” The voice continued “God knew Samuel could be killed truly, so he gave him a way out!”
I was beginning to un-derstand where the Holy Spirit was driving towards…

I was very much like Samuel, but just like Saul, there were ruling powers like the priestess of Mororo and the Adegbile sisters ruling Mororo.

“So, Just like Tunde said to you, you nee-d to divert the attention of the ruling power from your main as-signment. God told Samuel to divert the attention of Saul to another as-signment he was coming to do in the land…God told Samuel to Take a heifer with him and say, He had come to sacrifice to the Lord. As a disguise, while carrying out the secondary as-signment, God told him to invite Jesse; David ‘s father to the sacrifice, which invariably will create the avenue for Samuel to see his son David and anoint him…”

I jumped from my be-d and I started screaming out loud from my room…

I couldn’t contain my respect for God! God is too wise and too de-ep…God is a master strategist….
My screaming had brou-ght everyone to my room…

“I got it, I just got what you were trying to let me know! The Holy Spirit just made me un-derstand it….I don’t have to go to Mororo letting them know that I c@m£ to preach the gospel, rather I go there un-der a guise and in the process still achieve my main reason for going there just like Samuel did when he wanted to anoint David as King!… Unlike me, Samuel was not stupid to anoint another King publicly while one was on the throne, but with God’s instruction, he went un-der the guise of offering a sacrifice to God and inviting Jesse’s family to the sacrifice. Anointing someone during a sacrifice won’t have been out of place, people would term it as just a normal spiritual exercise, but if Samuel had just entered the land straight and anointed David, people would have questioned what was special about David. Saul would have heard about it and probably called Samuel asking questions, and since Samuel would not be able to tell a lie, he would have said the truth. Saul would have gotten enraged and probably killed Samuel. Mr. Tunde Sword, this is where we missionaries miss it, we go straight into the land trying to unseat the ruling dark power and in the process, we get killed, meanwhile we could have been tactical about it, pres£nting a guise that will hide our real intention and save our head.” I said excitedly like a very smart student. I expected Tunde Sword to give me a round of applause but he smiled and said….

“So what will be your guise?” Tunde Sword asked out of the blues…

Like a deflated balloon, I went clueless again… I had solved the p@rt A of the as-signment, I was in the p@rt B alre-ady…

“Well… I don’t know ….” I was saying when Tunde Sword cut in….

“Come join the clas-s!!!”

p@rt 24
©Opeyemi Ojerinde

That night was the highly ex-pository for me.
“Adenike, you really surprised me and I am really plea-sed. It is highly commendable that what usually takes people about one week to achieve, took you less than 24 hours to get a hang of it. I am really impressed and that’s why you have moved into your next level of this training within a short period of time!” Tunde Sword said when we settled back into the clas-s.

“Like I asked you Adenike earlier, what is going to be your guise?” He asked as we sat on the carpet in the makeshift clas-sroom un-der the tent.

“I really don’t know Sir, I guess I will have to ask the Holy Spirit about it!” I said casting a thank You glance at Remilekun who returned the knowing smile….

“Great! Then let me help you with a ti-p.” Tunde Sword said and immediately I paid ra-pt attention.

“Most missionaries of old went to the mission field un-der different guises. Some c@m£ un-der the guise of helping the villagers, some c@m£ as doctors, some as teachers. In this pres£nt age, Wise Missionaries go into foreign Nations pres£nting aids, grants, Free Medical treatment, and scholarsh!ps as their guises before preaching Christ to the people. They pres£nt the gospel of love and help to the people first and when the people get comfortable with them, then they pres£nt the man behind the hand of love they have shown them.” Tunde Sword said to me

“Adenike, tell me what would be the hand of love that you will stretch to the people of Mororo, there has to be something that will take you there that will make the people open their doors to you.” Mr. Tunde Sword said

“I really can’t say but like I said earlier, I will pray about it because I don’t think education will work; the Mororo people are quite educated, they are just backward in their thinking, and besides the cloud of wickedness in that land is not permitting the rain of blessing to drop on the land. I can’t also consider free medical treatment as I’m not a doctor or neither do I have a doctor who will be willing to go to Mororo village. Neither do I have money to give the Mororo people, so Mr. Tunde I am very blank but I guess I’ll just sleep over it…”I said as I didn’t know what next to do.

I stood up to return to my room, I had learnt the way of the training camp, the moment you can’t answer a question, you had to leave the clas-s and think throu-gh…

Remi c@m£ to my tent at night, asking me to step out for some fresh air. “So, any luck? Remi asked me and I shook my head in the negative

“As your good friend, let me help you out” Remi Said and for the split of a second, something tucked at my heart…

“Aww that is so nice of you” I said and there was a brief moment of silence.

“Adenike, you nee-d to pray the prayer of Enquiry asking God what the Mororo people really nee-d, that way you’ll be able to pres£nt to them what they really nee-d”

I kept ruminating over it for about three days, I kept asking the Holy Spirit as to What the Mororo people nee-ded. Fast forward 5 days later, I walked up to Remi and I told him

“ Remi, I really don’t know what to do I’ve been trying to wrack my br@in as to what Mororo people nee-d and the only thing I know they really nee-d is actually Jesus and here we are , we can’t take Jesus to them directly so I am really out of ideas ….. ́I said very confused.”

“Adenike, I really should not be giving you ex-pos, there is something about you that reminds me of my younger sister” Remi said laughing and I gave him my puppy eye look I usually gave to my elder brothers whenever I wanted something from them…

“I know that look” Remi said laughing

“OK, just a hint, in getting to know what the people nee-d, you will have to do a background research as to who these people are, their past, their history, and what makes them tick.” Remi said

“Remi, how do you expect me to do a research in this bush where there’s no Internet facility?” I asked

Remi smiled and said “I am not speaking about a physical research, before going into a mission field, Mr. Tunde Sword, says you have to do your Spiritual research.”

“Really?” I didn’t know Missionary work demands research…

“Remi, where is your mission field? And what Spiritual research did you carry out on the people? “I asked wanting to learn by example

“My mission field is in the far north, the Kulewa village. My Pastor received the mand@t£ from God to establish a br@nch there for Him, and I volunteered for the work, but my Pastor who is a very thorou-gh person said I couldn’t go there without adequate training and spirituality. When I got to this point of enquiry you are pres£ntly at, the Lord revealed to me what my guise could be…
