Get me married episode 7

💃S͙h͙e͙’s͙ a͙ s͙h͙r͙e͙w͙…
A͙n͙d͙ h͙e͙ s͙t͙o͙l͙e͙ m͙y͙ h͙e͙a͙r͙t͙🕺
✍ Author Viola’s Novels ✍
🍭 e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅s̲̅o̲̅d̲̅e̲̅ 7: Taming the shrew🍭
Andres returned late in the afternoon and went up to his chamber. He had ordered the maids to prepare lunch for two— if Miranda would be hungry.
When he got to his chamber, he unlocked the door to find Miranda lying on the be-d– completely famished.
He smiled in satisfaction and walked into the be-droom.
“Are you hungry?” He repeated his earlier question and Miranda couldn’t say ‘no’. She was scared he would starve her again.
“Yes” she replied
Andres smiled “I’ll be back” then he left and returned shortly with a tray of food
“What is this?” Miranda asked in disgust when he placed the tray on the be-d
Andres sm-irked and said “bre-ad”
“What kind of bre-ad is this?”
“Don’t ask questions and eat” Andres hurled and took a loaf of bre-ad
“We can’t eat just bre-ad” Miranda gro-an ed as her stomach grumbled
“That’s the only available food..
There are lots of guests here and lunch is alre-ady over” Andres lied. He had ordered for just dry bre-ad cause he knew Miranda wouldn’t eat.
“I can’t eat this” Miranda pushed the tray
“You don’t have to eat” Andres said as he hungrily consumed loaf after loaf.
Miranda just watched him as he ate everything without leaving as much as a bite.
“You’re not hungry” he belched loudly after gulping down a glas-s of water
“Don’t worry about me” Miranda got out of the be-d “I’ll go to the kitchen by myself”
“There’s no time wifey, we’ve got to go”
“Where are we going?”
“My fault.. I didn’t mention” Andres laughed “we’re moving into our new house today”
“What house?”
“You’ll see.. And there’s no time for lunch, you’ll eat when we get home”
“What?” Miranda flared up “I haven’t eaten all day”
“You chose not to now let’s go” Andres took her hand and dragged her out of the room leaving the tray behind.
“Mother?!” Miranda hvgged Fiona who was waiting downstairs with King Sebastien and Andres’ parents.
“Your father and I are leaving” Fiona said patting Miranda’s cheek. Then the Duke walked out with King Sebastien. “but I’ll call you as soon as we get to Brussel” Fiona went on
“Mother—” Miranda was going to tell Fiona that she eas starving but Andres st©pped her
“We have to go” he said and hvgged Fiona and Amalia “we’ll always visit”
“Mother where’s Taylor?” Miranda asked Fiona
“She left earlier with the other servants” Fiona replied
“You didn’t tell me you’re leaving alre-ady” Amira accused as she joined them
“I’m sorry” Andres apologized
Amira smiled and hvgged Miranda “bye sister in law.. And take care of my brother”
Miranda faked a smile and asked “where’s Paola”
“She alre-ady returned to br@bant” Amira replied
“And little Prince?” Miranda asked further, trying to keep the conversation going.
“He’s with his father, they’re waiting outside” Amira replied then hvgged Andres “bye brother” then Miranda “you too sister in law– hope to see you again with a baby bu-mp” Amira added in a whisper.
Miranda chuckled, to her that was totally impossible.
Amira bade the mothers goodbye and walked out.
“I’ll go check your father” Fiona said and walked out
“I guess this is goodbye mother” Andres said to Amalia
“I’m happy you’re leaving the palace for good”
Amalia said.
Andres just smiled then walked out with Miranda.
While in the car…..
“I didn’t take any clothes” Miranda suddenly said into the long silent drive
“I alre-ady made new orders.. You’ve got a whole closet to yourself in our new home” Andres replied and glanced at her with a smile.
Miranda rolled her eyes and looked away.
They arrived at a beautiful 2 sto-rey complex building. Miranda was wowed. It looked like a castle but she didn’t let it show.
“You’ll definitely love it here” Andres said when they alighted from the car then he added “just you and me” with a wi-nk.
It wasn’t until they got inside that she un-derstood what he meant.
“where are the maids?” c@m£ her first question
“what maids?” Andres laughed “it’s just the two of us baby.. We’re like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden”
“are you kidding me?” Miranda scoffed “who’s going to do the cooking?”
“who’s the wife here?” Andres replied with a question
“you have to get some maids to do the cooking” Miranda stated “call Taylor”
“You’ll do the cooking” Andres said
“you can’t cook?”
“of course I can”
Andres knew she was lying.
“but I can’t do the dishes, I’ve never done that my whole life. I can’t even sweep and scru-b the floor. Who’s going to do that?
Who’s going to do the laundry?”
“we just moved in wifey, let’s save the arguments.
If you can’t cook, we go hungry.
If you can’t wash the dishes, you don’t have to worry cause we won’t be eating.
If you can’t sweep then we leave the floor.
As for the laundry, you don’t have to worry. We’ll go n-ked– it’s just the two of us” he was sm-irking alre-ady.
Miranda noticed the way he stressed the last statement.
Andres was unbelievable. What made him think she would walk round the house with him n-ked.
“You’re dreaming” she just said and started looking around
“I heard that” Andres chuckled when her stomach grumbled “the kitchen is that way” he pointed to the door next to the dining room “fix something for yourself” he added and walked off.
“fix something” Miranda repeated, tou-ching her stomach “I can’t even cook” she sighed and walked to the fridge but there was no processed food she could eat.
No fruits.
No snacks.
Nothing to eat.
She sighed and entered the kitchen. The kitchen was stocked with lots of food stuffs but she couldn’t cook and there was no processed food either she could eat.
Miranda got furious and stormed out of the kitchen. She took the stairs and easily located the large be-droom on the second floor. Andres was about entering the bathroom when she stormed in.
“Sup wifey?” he laughed, noticing how furious she looked
“are you trying to starve me?” Miranda yelled
“the kitchen is stocked”
“there’s no cooked food.
No proceeded food.
No snacks.
No fruits.
Nothing to eat” she shouted
“go in there and cook” Andres stated and continued for the bathroom “wanna join me?” he asked when Miranda wasn’t leaving.
His smile was teasing. Forcing Miranda to heat inside. She sh0t him and walked out of the be-droom.
Andres freshened up and walked out shortly wearing a pair shorts and T-shi-t. He walked into the living room and met Miranda on a phone call. She quic-kly ended the call when he walked in and replaced the receiver.
“who was that?” Andres asked
“the j£rk sto-re called, they said they’re out of you” Miranda replied rudely
“Miranda I am your husband” Andres bellowed
Miranda scoffed “what are you going to do then?”
Andres took long strides towards her and f0rç£fully gr@bb£d her arm. He held her so ti-ght until she cried out in pain.
“Andres you’re hurting me”
He ignored her and dragged her up to the be-droom.
“you’ll stay up here until you learn to behave” Andres snarled and pushed her to the be-d
“what are you doing?” Miranda asked but Andres walked out of the room without saying anything.
“you can’t lock me in here” she cried “I’ll behave.. I promise”
Andres ignored her and slammed the door shut.
“plea-se!” She shouted as he locked the door from outside and walked out.
Miranda huffed loudly and kicked the door angrily.
“you’ll always be a j£rk Hereditary Grand Duke Andres of j£rkingdom” she shouted loud enough to his hearing “I hate you.. You hear that? I hate you so much” she fell on her knees and broke down in tears.
Andres unlocked the be-droom door and walked in carrying a tray of food. Miranda was looking out the window with her hair all messy and her dress dirty.
“Did your jump out throu-gh the window?” Andres asked, placing the tray on the table and moved closer to her.
Miranda slowly turned to face him “How do I look?”
Andres sm-irked “smoking h0t”
Miranda scoffed. She knew she was dirty case she had used her dress to clean the entire floor then put it on again.
“Honestly wifey, you look good in dirt” Andres tea-sed and sn-ked his hands around her small w@!st.
“let me go” Miranda hurled “you’re crazy”
“still haven’t learnt to behave” Andres glanced at the food on the table then back to her.
Miranda un-derstood what he meant. He was going to deny her dinner is she didn’t behave and she couldn’t risk her last meal else she would go to be-d hungry.
“let’s eat” Andres took her hand and led her to the table.
Miranda behaved. She followed obe-diently and did exactly what he asked her to do. Immediately the meal was over, Miranda picked up her attitude again.
“now who’s gonna do the dishes?” she asked Andres
“these are the only dishes we have here so no dishes, no breakfast tomorrow” Andres replied
Miranda scoffed “then get a maid”
“still finding at difficult to behave h-uh?” Andres inhaled de-eply then said “go shower, we’re going to the club”
“I’m not clubbing”
“yes you are” Andres yelled then pointed to the bathroom door “now go in there and shower”
“I’m not going” Miranda stated adamantly and didn’t move
Andres sm-irked and leaned closer to her then said “is this your way of ma-king me t©uçh you cause you know what my next action would be”
“Gosh! What makes you think I want you to t©uçh me?”
Andres chuckled de-eply and pushed the table aside so there was nothing between them.
“Get up” he ordered
Miranda didn’t move.
Andres gazed at her then bur-st into an outrageous laughter.
“what’s funny?” Miranda asked
“get up wifey.. I wouldn’t want to help you take those clothes off else we’re clubbing in here”
“Andres I don’t want to go to the club”
“but that’s what you always do at night– go clubbing”
“but not with you. You bore me Andres, can’t you see it?”
Andres’ countenance changed “Did I really bore you last night?”
Miranda felt tingles down her b©dy when he mention ‘last night’
“do you have to say that?” she asked
“Answer me Miranda. Did I?”
“of course you did”
Andres lifted her into his arms in a flash and before she un-derstood what was going on, they were both on the be-d.
“Andres I’m sorry” Miranda found herself apologizing “I’ll shower then we’ll go to the club together..
I’ll behave– I promise”
Her heart was racing and they were so closer that she feared he would hear her beating heart.
“don’t keep me waiting” he warned
“I won’t” she replied obe-diently and walked into the bathroom.
5 minutes ⌚
10 minutes ⌚
20 minutes ⌚
30 minutes ⌚
45 minutes ⌚
1 hour ⌚
1 hr 30 mins ⌚
2 hours ⌚
3 hours 45 mins ⌚
“Miranda?!” Andres ban-ged on the bathroom door “did you drown in the bathtub? Miranda?!”
No reply
“if you don’t open the door then I’m coming in with the door” Andres threatened using Amira’s words.
Still no reply.
“Miranda?! Open the door or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll b!ow your house in” Andres joked and he heard her chuckled from inside “open the door Miranda” he added seriously.
The door knob turned and the door creaked open. Then Miranda appeared at the doorway tying a towel.
“it’s too late to club right?” she said
Andres appraised her from head to toe. The towel was clinging to her che-st ti-ghtly that it made her blo-ssom sag out. “obviously but not too late to club in here isn’t it?” hisl-ips curved in a smirm
Miranda scoffed and brou-ght out a hair dryer she was hiding behind her. “step back”
“what are you doing?” Andres reached for her
“Don’t t©uçh me” she warned and aimed at him with the dryer
“what are you going to do with that?”
“t©uçh me and you’ll see”
“Must you always be crazy Miranda?” Andres face palmed himself
“marrying you was never my choice so I’ll frustrate you until you return me to Brussels”
“I’ll never return you wifey” Andres said and took a step forward “not when you’re looking like that” he pinned her to the wall and eased the dryer from her clenched fist.
“good girl”
“let’s go clubbing” Miranda stuttered when he brou-ght his face down to hers
“I changed my mind alre-ady” Andres’ voice was soft as he titled her chin up with his f!ngersto peer into her eyes.
Miranda swallowed ha-rd . She was re-ady for a fight but not tying a short towel.
“I’ll behave Andres.. Let’s go to the club” her voice was shaking. She nee-ded to get away so she could find something to wear and his eyes were alre-ady fixed on her brea-st. Miranda suddenly regretted her decision to come out tying a towel.
“hush now!” Andres ca-ressed her cheek “it’s too late to go to the club”
What to do.. Think Miranda think.