Get me married episode 6

💃 S͙h͙e͙’s͙ a͙ s͙h͙r͙e͙w͙…
A͙n͙d͙ h͙e͙ s͙t͙o͙l͙e͙ m͙y͙ h͙e͙a͙r͙t͙🕺
✍ Author Viola’s Novels ✍
🍭 e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅s̲̅o̲̅d̲̅e̲̅ 6: Taming The Shrew 🍭
“get off me” Miranda fussed
Andres scoffed “the p@rty isn’t yet over Princess.. Let’s go join the others” he got up and pu-ll-ed her to her feet
“I’m not going anywhere”
Andres arched a brow and hisl-ips curved in a sm-irk “do you prefer staying up here with me?”
Miranda scoffed and rolled her eyes “Staying with you isn’t my idea of a good time”
“Quit the acts alre-ady, you owe me an explanation”
“Explanation huh?” Miranda sighed and yanked away “I owe you only one thing?”
Andres laughed sardonically and moved closer to her “Your skills huh?”
“what skills? You’re crazy” Miranda yelled and pushed him but he merely laughed and didn’t move
“Why and how did you manage to leave the palace?”
“it’s none of your business”
“It’s all my business.. You gave out your pride, my honour to another man and you say it’s none of my business?”
For once, Miranda was quiet. He was right, she owed him an explanation. Someone else would’ve given her out to the public but he didn’t. He didn’t refuse her, didn’t tell her parents.. Her dad would’ve killed her, but Andres kept everything to himself. But it wouldn’t change anything. She alre-ady hated him and nothing would change it. She didn’t care if he gave her out to the public or not. She didn’t care about what people would think.
Miranda inhaled de-eply and broke the silence in a low tone that was both hurt and angry “so what are you going to do?”
Andres was silent
“throw me out the window?” Miranda asked “Or tell my parents? Your parents, the whole world.. I don’t even care”
“I have a better punishment” Andres gr@bb£d her hand “sp@ñking you”
“What?” Miranda pushed at him but he ti-ght£ñed his grip
“Let’s start from the water” he dragged her towards the bathroom and she struggled to wriggle from his grip
“What are you doing?” Miranda struggled “let me go”
Andres dragged her into the bathroom then took the hand shower.
“don’t do that” Miranda moved away
Andres turned on the shower and moved closer.
“Andres don’t—” Miranda was interrupted as the water splashed on her face and drenched her go-wn. She tried running but Andres st©pped her.
But Andres didn’t bulge. He didn’t st©p until she was completely soa-ked with water dripping from her hair down her b©dy.
“You’re scre-wed” Miranda cussed, breathing heavily
“we just got started Princess.. Now take off those clothes else you’ll catch a cold”
“What are you waiting for? Get out”
Andres scoffed “It’s not going to be wise getting a pneumonia” he said and leaned on the wall with his hands in his pockets.
“You don’t expect me to undress in front of you.. You’re not my….”
“husband?” he completed “I can help you if you’re too lazy to take off your clothes princess”
Miranda sighed resignedly “fine.. Get me another dress”
“are you kidding me?” Andres chuckled “am not the one getting the pneumonia anyway” he walked to the door then locked it and re-moved the key.
“Andres you can’t do this”
“I’m alre-ady doing it” he replied and dropped the key in his pocket
“This isn’t going to change anything” Miranda yelled as eyes darted around for any possible weapon
“easy girl” Andres was trying to act cool “I never wanted this marriage either”
Miranda calmed down “Then why did you go on with it?”
“why did you?
Just like you I was helpless”
“we can just avoid each other.. We didn’t ask for this. Just go on with your life and I’ll go on with mine…” Miranda was saying “you can find someone you love and get married”
“what about you? What are you going to do?” Andres was no longer concentrating. He was lost checking Miranda out. Her we-t hair and we-t skin made her look the opposite of what she was— h0t.
“I’ll be fine” Miranda said and waited for Andres to reply but he wasn’t saying anything. She followed his eyes and noticed he was staring at her brea-st. The we-tness of her go-wn made her pointed n!ppleto press on the we-t fabric.
“hey!” she snapped
Andres blinked and shifted his gaze to her face.
“look I want to know why you did what you did”
“I didn’t like the idea of marrying someone I didn’t know”
“That’s not it”
“being locked inside for years because of one man.. I just hated it”
“that’s not all”
“believe whatever you want” Miranda raised her voice
Andres took two steps closer “Tell me more”
“Unlock the door”
“are you cold?”
Miranda was going to say yes then she un-derstood what he meant when hisl-ips curved in a lopsided sm-irk.
“I’m just not comfortable wearing a we-t dress?”
Andres chuckled “so you’re we-t”
“just open the door”
Andres sm-irked then looked down at his pocket “take their key”
“Andres st©p this”
“then we’re going to remain here until you take off those we-t clothes”
“fine” Miranda raised her go-wn half way and quic-kly brou-ght down her undies. Andres’ jaws dropped. He wasn’t expecting her to agree. She kicked off the un-derwear and packed up her we-t hair in a bun then reached for a towel but Andres got the towel first with her f!ngersba-rely tou-ching the hem.
“first take off the go-wn” he dared
“what do you want?”
“to help you prevent pneumonia”
“give me the towel”
“Come on princess don’t be lazy”
“Andres I’m cold” Miranda confessed
Andres smiled “let me help you” he reached for her and slowly pinning her to the wall, he covered herl-ips with his. Andres wasn’t certain of what her reaction would be. At first, they just l!plocked. He was afraid to k!ssher.
What if she had a weapon and re-ady to kill him?
He waited for seconds then he k!$$£d her, slowly at first. Miranda didn’t respond, she was frozen. Andres had taken her unaware.
He slowly raised his hand but afraid to t©uçh her.
What followed next shocked him. Miranda slowly responded and raised her hands to his broad che-st. She slide her hands slowly down to his trou-sers and pu-ll-ed him closer.
Andres de-epened the k!sswith so much pas-sion until he felt something leave his pocket.
The keys.
“Thank you” she broke from the k!ssand raised the key to his face.
“Hey! We were having fun” Andres said as she dashed for the door and quic-kly unlocked it.
He t©uçhed hisl-ips and smiled as she ran out of the bathroom.
“that was sweet”
“Princess?!” Andres called Miranda who had been pacing up and down the room not wanting to join him in be-d.
She paused and looked at him “it’s Miranda”
“can we talk?”
“no” she replied and continued pacing
“Let’s just talk then I’ll leave the room so you can sleep”
“you can’t fool me”
“I’m not trying to fool you” Andres stated “I cross my heart”
Miranda st©pped to look at him then asked “what do you want to talk about?”
“come closer.. I hate shouting”
Miranda heaved a sigh and walked to the be-d.
She moved closer until her toes were tou-ching the be-d.
“now sit”
Andres dragged her to the be-d and shut her with a k!ss. He k!$$£d her until he calmed her.
“I’m trying to take it easy on you” his voice was soft as he ni-bbled on her ear “I’m trying to be a nice husband Miranda.. You owe me and explanation and an apology”
“you don’t have to be nice.. I hate you”
Though those words hurt coming from his own wife, Andres acted cool. He simply smiled and said “okay” then he lowered his mouth to hers and found he was right, there was fire there, and heat, and they poured into him, seared throu-gh him.
Miranda lost her mind, gave it up willingly. She tried to fight him but her own b©dy was betraying her.
Andres devoured her mouth and found her as hungry for himself as he was for her. Unreserved fire and pas-sion met him, incredibly. His ton-gue plunged between herl-ips, tasted her, found her ton-gue twined around his. His hands drove into all of that lush black hair, gr@bb£d handfuls of it and crushed her mouth to his as her strong f!ngersslid into his hair to pu-ll his mouth down against hers.
Her b©dy seemed to melt against his.
But she couldn’t keep up. Miranda didn’t care if her b©dy wanted him then, but she didn’t want Andres.
She pushed him away gathering all her strength and Andres c@m£ rolling over on the other side of the be-d.
“Miranda what now?” his ha-rd breeches were pressing on the Zi-p of his p@n-ts.
“I’m not giving in” she jumped out of the be-d
“st©p being stubborn” Andres said as he went after her
“Let me go” Miranda screamed but Andres raised her on his shoulders and carried her back to the be-d.
He could feel her, the fullness of her, the supple length of her against him.
Blindly, he dropped her on the be-d and covered her with his full length. He nee-ded that limber b©dy ha-rd against his, nee-ded to feel the press of those firm, full brea-sts against his che-st as he wedged a th!gh between hers. The nee-d to t©uçh, be t©uçhed, to take and give, nearly overwhelmed him.
Hunger surged inside him. A demand.
“Miranda?!” Andres sighed, she wasn’t giving him the plea-sure he nee-ded. She wasn’t k!ss!ngback, wasn’t responding to his t©uçh. Though he could feel she wanted him, she was just trying to keep to her promise.
Andres k!$$£d her more with so much pas-sion that demanded her response.
Miranda ached. It had been so long since she’d been t©uçhed. So long since she’d wanted to be.
But not from Andres.
Not from a man whose existence brou-ght so much pain to her life.
Miranda pushed again but Andres held her firm.
She could no longer deny the feelings.
It felt as if she couldn’t get close enough to him, that she strained against his b©dy, against the press of his broad che-st, the muscles solid beneath his shi-t as she was driven up against the wall and all of him pressed ha-rd against her.
The t©uçh of his hands so warm on her ba-re skin s£nt another bur-st of heat straight to Miranda’s core and made it ache as a small sound escaped her.
Andres had nee-ded to feel her warm skin beneath his hands. It had been so long since he’d felt anything like it. Tugging at her dress, he found the Zi-p and quic-kly unZi-pped it. He drew it up just enough to slide his hands beneath it. He closed his hands around her w@!st, her skin soft and silky to the t©uçh and sought out the curve of her w@!st, the arch of her ribs. He ti-ght£ñed his hands, pu-ll-ed her closer as her mouth moved beneath his, ni-bbled, su-cked. It was delicious torment. He gro-an ed as her skin heated at his t©uçh.
Against her will, Miranda stro-ked her hands over him to spre-ad them across the muscles of his che-st.
Andres moved to her ear and whispered softly “tell me to st©p and I will”
Miranda shuddered, she didn’t want him to st©p. She pu-ll-ed hisl-ips back to hers. Even though she wasn’t going to ask him not to st©p, her b©dy would do the talking.
She tugged his shi-t up as a m0@n escaped herl-ip.
Andres woke up first and found Miranda still fast asleep beside him. The previous night had gone easier than he thought. She didn’t fight much neither did she pas-s a spear throu-gh his throat.
Andres chuckled at the thought.
He k!$$£d her forehead and walked to the bathroom. Andres brushed his teeth then showered and went out to get breakfast.
He had planned to serve his new wife breakfast in be-d for the first few months of their marriage.
When Andres returned, she was no longer on be-d.
“Miranda?!” he called dropping the tray on the table.
Miranda didn’t reply.
He walked to the bathroom door and knocked softly “Miranda?! Are you in there?”
The bathroom door opened and she walked out wearing a bathrobe with her hair tied in a towel. The strong scent of her soap told Andres that she just showered. He was disappointed, he wanted to join her even though he knew she would kill him for it.
“Forget what happened last night” Miranda said as she sat in front of the dressing mirror “I was carried away and I regret everything that happened but I still don’t see you as my husband”
Andres sighed “seriously Miranda?”
“I’m still going to frustrate you”
Andres chuckled “Are you hungry?” he asked
“okay” he said and carried the tray from the be-d then started for the door
“where are you going with that?”
“you’re not hungry right?”
She rolled her eyes and said nothing.
Andres sighed and walked out with the tray then shut the door behind him followed by the sound of the door locking.
“Andres?!” Miranda rushed to the door and tried the door knobbe-d but it was locked from outside “what are you doing?”
“teaching you some manners” Andres replied as he walked out