From k!ssTo Love episode from k!ssto love episode 19 & 20

🥀💋 From k!ssTo Love 💋🥀
( I Love You )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 19
The following Monday morning, I went downstairs to see my father in the dining room, drinking coffee with the newspaper in his hands.
“Good morning, Dad.” I greeted him as I head in the kitchen.
Dad re-moved the newspaper from his face. “Good morning, sweetheart.”
I continued towards the kitchen. When I entered, Sarah was at the stove. “Good morning.” I said as I walked over to the fridge and poured myself a glas-s of orange jui-ce.
“Good morning, dear.” Sarah said. I walked over to the breakfast bar and sat on a stool. “Do you want a ride to school?” She asked, placing a plate of eggs and toast in front of me.
“No, I’m going with Tyler.” I said.
Sarah lifted her eyebrows at me and smiled knowingly. “Oh, your b©yfri£nd.” She stated.
I haven’t told Dad or Sarah about Tyler being my b©yfri£nd, because I didn’t want to lie to them.
I don’t know about Tyler, but I couldn’t deceive my parent like that. However, I know they knew because Sarah has become such good friends with Tyler’s Mom and Rachel must have mentioned us.
Even though, I don’t want to lie, telling the truth now would ruin our whole plan. I returned Sarah’s smile and nodded my head in confirmation.
“He seems like such a nice boy.” Sarah acknowledged.
“A nice boy that I haven’t met yet.” Dad said as he c@m£ into the kitchen.
Sarah wiped her hands in a towel and shoot Dad a look. “Oh, come on Peter, he looks genuine enough.”
“Yeah, but I’d still like to meet him. I still remember what Logan did.” Dad reminded.
I turned to face my father and gave him a reas-suring smile. “Thanks Dad, but you don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll be fine.
” I said with conviction. Considering that Tyler and I were only faking, I knew without a doubt that I won’t get hurt.
“Well, that’s good, but I still want to meet him. You can invite him over for dinner one of these days.” Dad said seriously, leaving no room for argument.
“Okay Dad, I will.” I agreed. Just then a car horn sounded outside.
I got up from the stool I was sitting on and went to put my plate in the sink.
“That’s Tyler. I’ve got to go.” I took up my bag from the stool that I put it on and dashed from the kitchen. “Bye Dad, bye Sarah! See you later!” I left the house and went outside and into Tyler’s car.
Tyler was once again pla-ying a dumb ra-p song. I leaned over instantly and turned the knob to something that wasn’t ma-king my ears bleed. Tyler looked over at me and glared.
I stuck my ton-gue out at him in return. He didn’t say or do anything though. He was so used to me changing his station that it has become a norm with us.
“Oh by the way, my dad wants you to come over for dinner one day.” I told Tyler, before I forget.
“Okay great.” Tyler said, unaffected.
I gave him a serious look. “plea-se be on your best behaviour. I don’t want you to embarras-s me.” I warned.
Tyler placed a hand over his che-st in mock hurt. “Me? Why would I embarras-s you? Not to worry, I’m a good boy.”
I rolled my eyes at his act of innocence. This was Tyler here; he won’t give up a chance to humiliate me in front of my family. “I’m serious Tyler.”
“I’m serious too. Cross my heart.” He replied, but that mischievous grin never left hisl-ips. I gave him a look that says I wasn’t convinced. “Come on Emily, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
I nodded my head, but I was still not convinced. However, I decided to let it go. I focus my attention to the song that was now pla-ying on the radio. It was “I Know What You Did Last Summer” by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello.
It was one of my favourite songs and I started to move myl-ips to the words. Next thing I knew, I was singing aloud to the song.
I looked over at Tyler in surprise when he joined me when Shawn Mendes started to sing.
I was surprised that he was into these songs because all I’ve ever heard him listen to was ha-rd ra-p or heavy instrumental music.
We continued to sing the song together until the song ended. I have to admit, it was fun singing the song with Tyler.
I looked over at him again and he looked back at me for a second before he turned his attention back to the road.
As soon as he turned back around, we both started laughing.
Yes, that was fun indeed.
“You’re looking great today.” I heard a voice say behind me while I was at my locker at the end of the school day. I didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. I took a de-ep sigh to calm my irritation.
“What do you want, Logan?” I asked in an annoyed tone. My back was still to him as I took my books from my locker.
“There’s only one thing I want and that’s you.” He replied.
“We’ve alre-ady been throu-gh this and honestly, I’m not in the mood right now.” I replied as I closed my locker.
“I don’t un-derstand why you won’t forgive me? It was one mistake.” He stressed, sounding frustrated.
I felt the anger boiling up in me and I spun around to face him. “You don’t know why I won’t forgive you?!” I shouted exasperatedly. “Let me remind you, if you forget; you cheated on me.
Not for a day, but for fli-pping three months! Are you trying to tell me that during those months, you didn’t think of me once? You didn’t think how I would feel by your actions? No, you went ahead and did it continuous as if my feelings didn’t matter.
As if you didn’t care about me at all.” I lamented, voicing thoughts that I had since the whole debacle.
“That’s not true.” Logan said. “I do care, but I have nee-ds and I didn’t think.”
“Unbelievable!” I threw my hand up in the air in disbelief. So now he was trying to tell me that I was boring and was not fulfilling his S-xual nee-ds?
“Is there a problem here?” I heard Tyler asked as he walked up to us.
“This is none of your business.” Logan responded in an icy tone.
“If it concerns my girl, it damn well is my business.” Tyler responded in the same tone.
“She is not your girl, so st©p saying that.” Logan replied, throu-gh gritted teeth.
“I’m only going to tell you one thing and one thing only.” Tyler said, his tone still ha-rd . “I don’t want to see you around my girl anymore. She has moved on with me and you better accept it.”
Logan looked Tyler up and down with distain. “Not for long. She’ll soon get over whatever it is that she has for you.”
I cut back into the conversation because this was going on for far too long. “Get over yourself, Logan.”
I then took Tyler’s hand. “Come on, Tyler.” I added as we walk away from Logan, who was seething with anger as he watched us go.

Episode 20


“So you’re telling me that Logan was cheating on you because you weren’t having S-x with him?”
Tori asked in a disgusted tone of voice.
It was the following day and I was relaying the events that took place after school yesterday to Tori.
She wasn’t there when it happened or after as she had left school right after her final clas-s because she had to get something done for her mom.
Now, we were currently hanging out in the parking lot, waiting for the first bell to ring. “Yes.” I said, shaking my head still in disbelief.
Tori made up her face in anger. “That pig!” She went on adding some other selective words for Logan in Spanish that I didn’t un-derstand.
“You got that right.” I agreed then sighed heavily.
“I can’t believe I d@t£d him. What did I ever see in him? I was so blind.” I added grudgingly.
Tori gave me a cheerful smile. “Don’t beat yourself up. He was the one using and manipulating you.”
I nodded. “I know.”
The bell rang for school to begin and Tori took up her bag and stood up. “Come on, let’s get to clas-s.”
On the evening of the Halloween p@rty, I walk over to Tyler’s house and knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door.
Since we were supposed to be a couple, naturally, it would make s-en-se to go to the costume p@rty together.
When Tyler opened the door, he st©pped and looked at me from head to toe. “Wow. Who would have thought that you’d go for the S-xy look.”
I rolled my eyes. “I have to look the p@rt you know.”
Tyler and I had decided to couple our Halloween costume. He was going as Batman and I was Catwoman. It was my idea and surprisingly, he went along with it.
I went all out with my costume by dressing in skin ti-ght black leather suit and black high heels. It’s completed with cats ears and eye mask. I even drew on whiskers for added effect.
I look at him too and grin at how he looked in a batman costume. I would never admit it to him, but he looks good. Tyler lifted his eyebrows in question. “What is it?”
“Oh nothing.” I took his hand and pu-ll-ed him throu-gh the door. “Come on Bruce Wayne. We have a p@rty to get to.”
Jason Forrester’s house was hvge and it was for the best too because almost the entire school’s population showed up. I looked around me and everyone was dressed in a costume.
Some scary, some of them characters from movies and others random outfits put together to create a costume.
I looked around the room and I sp©tted Victoria. Myl-ips pu-ll-ed into a smile when I saw that she went with the S-xy fire woman’s costume. Tyler and I walked over to her.
“I see you chose to be a fire woman.” I replied.
Tori grinned. “Yeah. I saw this outfit and I knew it was the one.” Her eyes then focus on me and then on Tyler. She then looked back to me. “You guys look cute.
Batman and Catwoman. You both are smashing. By the way, we have to take some pictures later.”
“Sounds good.” I nodded.
Tori looked over at Tyler again. “Hey Tyler where’s your p@rtner in crime?”
“Never fear because Zorro is here.” Seth said as he walk up to us and true to his words he was dressed like Zorro.
“Zorro.” I said as I looked at Seth. “To be honest, it suits you.”
Seth struck a Zorro pose and said in a de-ep Spanish accent. “I know. Now, if you don’t mind, Zorro must be off to flir-t with the ladies.”
We all laughed as Seth walked away swishing his cape behind him. As I watched Seth go, my eyes caught Logan as he just entered the house.
He was dressed as a pirate. Of course he’d be here. Logan was never one to turn down a p@rty.
“Look who’s here.” I heard Tori say as she sp©tted him too.
I turned away from Logan’s direction and faced Tori. “I don’t care about him.
I c@m£ here to have a good time and that I shall do.” I take Tyler’s hand. “Come on Tyler. Let’s dance.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Tyler said and win-ked at me.
Three hours later, I was sitting on a couch in the living room with Tori and a can of diet coke in my hand.
I wanted to leave now, but I was waiting on Tyler who was over the pool table area with Seth watching the pool game. He told me that he would leave as soon as the game was finished.
Suddenly, Logan c@m£ into my line of sight. I watched as he walked across the room to his friends. Looking at him now, he seems different somehow.
Like a stranger. It was ha-rd to believe that it was just a few weeks ago we were a couple. I can’t really see it because of what I now know.
Back when we d@t£d, he was kind and caring. Well, at least I thought he was. Now that I know who he really is, it’s like I’m seeing him for the first time with fresh eyes. I turned my eyes away from him as he walked over to the bar area.
I focused my attention back to the area where Tyler and Seth were and saw them walking towards us.
“It’s about time you guys are re-ady.” I said as they both stood in front of us.
“Hey that game was intense. We had to see it throu-gh.” Seth said defensively.
I stood up from the couch and turned to Tori. “Come on, Tori. We’re leaving now.”
“I’m going to stay here for a while. You guys can go ahead.” Tori said.
“Are you sure? What are you going to do about a ride?” I asked.
Tori nodded her head. “I’ll be fine. I’ll get a ride with Sean and Stephanie.” Sean and Stephanie were two of Tori’s clas-smates in one of her clas-ses. They were pretty cool people.
“Okay sounds good. Have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow for our horror movie marathon.” I said.
“See you tomorrow.” Tori called after us as we walked to the front door.
When we got outside, Seth walked over to his car and Tyler and I walked over to his.
Twenty minutes later, we got to our house. Tyler parked his car in his driveway and we both got out of the car.
“We can sit out here for a while. It’s still quite early.” Tyler suggested. I looked at him hesitantly. “Come on, I know you want to.”
I sighed in defeat. “Okay fine. Just for a few minutes and only because the air feels good.”
Tyler grinned tea-singly. “I know you couldn’t resist me.” He said as he sat down on his doorstep.
I rolled my eyes at his banter. “Shut up.” I replied as I walked over and sat beside him. He just laughed at my response.
We didn’t say anything else after that. We just sat there in silence enjoying the cool night air.
TBC 💋💋💋