From k!ssTo Love 23 & 24

🥀💋 From k!ssTo Love 💋🥀
( I Love You )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 23
“Are you okay?” I asked Tori curiously. Since we c@m£ to maths clas-s, she hasn’t st©pped fidgeting with her f!ngersand continuously spacing out.
Luckily, our teacher wasn’t in the clas-s. She left work for us and stepped from the clas-sroom for a while.
Everyb©dy in the clas-sroom was busy doing the problems on the board or their own thing.
Tori turned to look at me and I instantly become worried.
Her eyes were clouded with fear and worry. “Tori, what’s wrong?” I prompt her.
She gave me a half smile, before looking down at her hands again.
“I’m going to come out to my parents tonight, but I’m afraid.” She whispered.
“That’s big. What do you think they will say?” I asked.
“I really don’t know, but I have to tell them.
I can’t keep lying to them about who I am.” She faced me again. “I love mis padres. What if they don’t look at me the same again? I don’t want that Emily.”
I nodded my head in un-derstanding. “Do you want me to come with you?” I suggested, hoping that would help.
Tori smiled at me, but shook her head. “Thanks, but that’s a bad idea. That’s going to make the situation way worse. This is something I have to do on my own.”
“Okay then. Just do it. Your parents are great and un-derstanding. I don’t think they’re going to judge you.” I advised.
Tori nodded. “I hope so.”
“I’ll call you later, okay?” I replied.
“Okay. Thanks Emily.” She replied.
“Sure, no problem.” I said, as I turned around and continued my work.
A few minutes later, the bell rings signalling the end of clas-s. Tori and I packed our books into our bag and walked from the clas-sroom.
She was quiet as we walked down the hall together. I knew she was still worried about coming out to her parents.
I wra-pped my arms around her shoulder. “Everything’s going to be okay you know.”
Tori nodded her head. “Yeah, I know.” She replied with a sigh. I re-moved my arm from her shoulder and interl@p it throu-gh her arm. She then smiled and added. “What are you and Tyler planning to do today?”
I gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?” I questioned, then reminded her.
“Remember that we are not really d@t!ng.”
Tori laughed a little. “I know, but you guys do spend a lot of time together.”
“We do not.” I denied.
Tori gave me a sideways look with her eyebrows raised. “You did go over to his house on Saturday and his Mom wasn’t home.” Tori reminded, daring me to deny it.
“Okay, I admit. I like spending time with him, but that doesn’t mean anything.” I pointed out.
Tori reached her locker and I re-moved my hand so that she can get her books. “I know, but you guys act like a real couple.” She turned to me slightly and grinned. “It’s actually really cute.”
“That’s a good thing. It means we’re really good at pretending.” I said. “And besides, it’s not cute. You know Tyler. The only thing he cares about is getting into a girl’s p@n-ts.”
“Okay.” Tori said, before closing her locker. “Well, I have to get to clas-s. See you at lunch.”
“Alright.” I replied as Tori and I turned in different directions to go to our next clas-s.
As I reached English clas-s, I saw that Tyler was alre-ady there sitting at the back of the clas-sroom.
He was talking with some of the other boys who were at the back. When I entered, he looked up and beckoned for me to come down there.
I sighed as I walked towards the back of the clas-sroom. I sat down beside him and turned to face him. “You just had to sit down here, didn’t you?”
Tyler laughed. “It’s my time to choose where we sit. Remember when I had to suffer at the front?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. I’m going to be distracted down here.” I stated. “I’m not used to sitting at the back.”
“Oh come on. Now, you are exaggerating. You won’t be distracted.” Tyler appealed.
I glared at him for a long time before giving in. “You won this time, Tyler.”
Tyler grinned. “Of course I did.” He said just as the teacher walked in.
“Shh be quiet.” I whispered, turning around to get my books re-ady for clas-s.
An hour later, clas-s ended with Mrs. Lodge, our English teacher giving us a pair homework as-signment to bring in tomorrow.
After telling Tyler that I’ll be over later to complete it, I gathered my books and left the clas-sroom.
At about 6 o’clock, I finished everything that I had to do and now I was going over to Tyler’s to get our as-signment done. However, before I left my house, I decided to call Tori.
She answered on the second ring. “Hi Em!” She chirped.
“Hi Victoria. How did it go?” I questioned.
“It went better than I expected. At first, they were shocked and quiet and it took a while for it to sunk in but in the end, they hvgged me and said that they were okay with it.”
I smiled as I heard the great news. “That’s great Tori! I knew they wouldn’t let you down.”
“Yeah, Mom even said that she had a feeling.” Tori said.
“How come?” I asked.
“She said that she picked up on small things that I’ve said and done ever since I was small.” Tori answered. “We had a long talk after. They said that they’ll love me no matter what.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” I replied genuinely happy for her.
“Thanks. I was worried for nothing.” Tori laughed a little.
I laughed too. “Yeah. Anyway I’ll talk to you later. I’m going over to Tyler’s now.”
“Spending more time with him I see.” I can imagine the teasing grin on Tori’s face when she said that.
I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see me. “We have an as-signment to do together, Victoria.”
She laughed loudly. “I was only teasing you. Have fun.”
“Bye.” I said as I hang up my phone and shoved it into my pocket.
I left my room and st©pped at the t©p of the stairs. “Sarah!” I called to Sarah, who was in her room.
Dad was working late tonight and wasn’t home as yet. “I’m going over to Tyler’s to do an as-signment. I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay Emily.” I heard her called back as I head downstairs and throu-gh the door.
🥀💋 From k!ssTo Love 💋🥀
,( I Love You )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 24
After ringing the doorbell at Tyler’s for the third time, I turned around to go back home when I saw Tyler’s car turning into the driveway. I stood watching as he parked his car and he and Seth got out.
I crossed my arms as he walked over to where I was. “Have you forgotten that we have an as-signment to do?” I asked. “It looks like you too were busy on a night out on the town.”
Tyler chuckled. “I didn’t forget. That is why I am here so we can get this as-signment over with.” He win-ked at me. “And it looks like I’m right on time too.”
Seth walked up to us sporting a teasing grin directed towards me. “Hey Emily. Coming over to see Tyler? Don’t worry, I won’t disturb your d@t£ night. I’m just going to crash here for the night.”
He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. “You’re free to do anything you want, just pretend like I’m not here.”
I shoved him. “Cut it out. I’m only here to do an as-signment with Tyler.”
Seth chuckled and tutted. “Don’t use as-signment as an excuse.”
“Shut up. Why are you so annoying?” I asked.
Seth shrugged. “I don’t know. Being just regular Seth isn’t much fun.” He grinned
“Whatever. I don’t have time for you. Come on Tyler, let’s get started on our as-signment.”
The as-signment wasn’t ha-rd , so within thirty minutes, Tyler and I were done. I got up from the floor and stretched my so-re limb.
“Okay, I’m going home now. You guys are free to do whatever you guys do best. Doing something illegal I’d presume.”
Seth, who was sitting on the couch on his phone the whole time Tyler and I did our as-signment, looked up at me.
“What’s the hurry? Watch a movie with us before you go.” Seth said as he took up a DVD from the coffee table.
“Yeah.” Tyler put in. “Seth bought this horror movie on our way over and I know how much you love horror movies.”
I perked up. “Which movie is it?”
“It’s called ‘The Ring’.” Seth responds to my question.
I’ve never seen that movie before, but I’ve heard it’s really good. I didn’t want to give up the opportunity to see it now.
“It’s really scary.” Tyler said, before turning to me and sm-irked.
I raised my eyebrows at him challengingly.
“If you think that you’re going to scare me and tease me, you are so wrong. Horror movies don’t scare me.” I said with pride.
“Ohh, that’s too bad. I would have enjoyed scaring you.” Tyler said.
“Of course you would.”
I watched as Seth placed the DVD into the DVD pla-yer. He then went back to the couch and sat down. “Okay, I’ll watch it.”
I went over to a love seat that was beside the couch and sat down.
When the movie started, I was instantly pu-ll-ed in.
The Ring is on my horror movies ‘to watch’ list, but I never got the change to watch it as yet. It was so interesting, I wished I’d watched it sooner.
When the movie was finished, I turned around to see that Seth was fast asleep on the couch he was on and Tyler was busy on his phone.
Seeing Seth slee-ping, I sm-irked as an idea c@m£ to my mind. You know, one of those ideas that’s too good to pas-s up.
I got up from the love seat and searched the small shoulder bag that I always have with me. I was hoping that I’ll find what I was looking for, because I don’t normally walk with these things. I smiled as I saw that I actually had them.
I took out my face powder, mascara andl-ipstick. I rest my bag on the floor, before walking over to Seth who was still sound asleep.
Tyler was watching my every move curiously.
“What are you doing?” He asked, sitting up.
I turned to him and grinned. “I’m going to give Seth a make over.” I then gave him a warning glare. “And do not try to st©p me or wake him up.”
Tyler raised his hand in defence. “I’m not going to st©p you. In fact, I really want to see this.” He grinned.
I turned back around and stooped in front of the couch where Seth lay. I took out my mascara and began to apply it to his eyelash. I held my breath while I was doing it, afraid he might wake up.
To my luck, he didn’t. Boy, was he a heavy sleeper! He could probably sleep throu-gh a storm or tornado.
I quic-kly applied face powder and blus-h. His face twitched when I was applying the powder, but he still didn’t wake up. Lastly, I took up my pinkl-ipstick and slowly place it on hisl-ips.
When I was done, I stood and looked at my work. I bit my l!pto prevent myself from laughing.
Tyler c@m£ over my shoulder and started to laugh instantly. I spun around quic-kly and sl@p my hand over his mouth.
“Shhh.” I said.
Just then, a loud music blast from somewhere on the couch. I realized that it was Seth’s phone. Seth sh0t up from the couch and took out his phone from his pockets.
He placed it to his ear and answered. I didn’t focus on his conversation because I was distracted by his face.
He looks too funny with makeup on. I couldn’t control it anymore, so I bur-st out laughing.
Seth hang up his phone and looked up. He gave me a quizzical look. Tyler started to laugh again and Seth bec@m£ instantly confused. “What is so funny?”
I can imagine his confusion, seeing as both of us were now laughing uncontrollably. Holding onto my belly and trying to st©p laughing, I look up at Seth. “No-nothing,” I f0rç£d throu-gh my laughter.
“Everything is just great….Sethina!” As I got the words out, I bur-st into another fit of laughter.
Seth’s face looked more confused than ever. “What are you talking about?”
Tyler controlling his laughter spoke up. “Look in a mirror, dude.”
“What?” As he said this, he walked over to the wall mirror in the living room.
“What the hell?” He turned back around and glared at me. “What did you do to my face?!” He shouted.
I grinned at him tea-singly. “Don’t you just look cute?”
He pointed to his face. “This is not cute. I’m wearing makeup for crying out loud!”
“It serves you right for teasing me.” I said smugly still giggling at Seth’s made up face.
Tyler chuckled. “I must admit, it is hilarious.”
Seth glared at us, while using his hands to wipe at hisl-ips and face.
When that didn’t work, he walked away to the bathroom downstairs to wash off the makeup.
When he c@m£ back, I was still smiling.
“Haha. You’ve had your laugh. I hope you didn’t take any pictures.” Seth said.
“Oh cra-p!” I said in fake despair, face palming. “I should have gotten a picture.”
“Good thing you didn’t.” Seth said shooting me daggers.
“That would’ve been so good. Your face was priceless!” I replied. Tyler and I bur-st into laughter again.
“That was a good one!” Tyler said raising his hands palm up for a high five.
“Oh yes!” I said, hitting my palm against his.
TBC 💋💋🥀💋