forevermore episode 39

❤️???? FOREVERMORE ❤️❤️????
(I love you
Purple Gwen)


EuGwens POV
I slammed the door on her face before she could say anything.
How dare she come here? What the hell does she want I could strangle her right here and no one will have to know, I couldn’t help how my blood boiled , I still stood there facing the door clenching my fist .

What does she want? After separating i and marion , and now that we are back together,she appeared again, who the hell does she think she is?
” Babe” I heard Marion’s voice as I turned to look at him.
” Who’s at the door?” He asked.
” No one important” I said walking towards him,he frowned.
“Let me check ” he said going closer to the door I stepped Infront of him.
” I told you is no one important, you don’t have to ……

Marion looked at me.
” Gwen someone is at the door I need to see who “he said brushing past me , I was so angry when he opened the door I could see how his jaw dropped.
“Oh Marion ” Ava flung herself on him hugging him tightly as she cried, I stood there with wide eyes, why did he let her hug him what’s happening here ?

She kept crying and hugging him , Marion stood frozen to his spot, how dare this bitch hug my fiancee, am so going to rip her neck off, just as I was about to pull her away from Marion, and maybe give her a dirty slap for hugging my man,

Marion pulled her away from him, and that was when I noticed her stomach was big, she’s pregnant? And not only that ,her face is filled with lots of bruises even her arms , she looks sick I must say , am sure Marion noticed too with the way he stared at her .
” Ava….wha…… what’s this ?” Marion asked she cried .
” I need your help please Marion,i didn’t come back for trouble, I just need your help please help me , Gwen please you guys have to help me ” she cried as she placed her hand on her big stomach maybe it’s 7 months or 8.

I and marion exchange looks.
” What happened?” Marion asked .
” It’s Harris, …Harris wants to kill me and my baby , he ….he beat me up , I had to run away from him , he will come looking for me I need to hide from him please” she cried .

I felt so bad listening to what she was saying, I
thought she and Harris broke up like 5 years ago , so what’s happening,who is she pregnant for and why is Harris chasing her, I don’t know but I really don’t hate Ava , maybe I did just some few minutes ago but right now , this woman is in pain and she need help , all her
faces was bruised, her eyes swollen which shows she’s been crying maybe for some days.

Am so emotional so I went closer to her .
“Come have a seat ” I pulled her as she sat down , I went to the kitchen to bring her water which she finished immediately.
” Thank you so much , I’ve been so tasty ” she cried wiping her tears , Marion still stood looking at her , I don’t really know what’s going on In his mind , maybe his shocked or something.

I stood up from Ava and went closer to him, I touched him and his face turned to me .
“Seat down , let’s ask her some questions” I said he sighed .
“Yeah ” he whispered and sat down, I went back to Ava.
“Ava , I want you to tell us , what really happened to you , didn’t you and Harris broke up already?” I Asked seating beside her.
She nodded .
” Yes, we broke up ….but after 3 year’s we met again,he asked for my forgiveness that he was sorry for cheating on me , and that he loves me and will take care of me, that I should come back to him, ” she cried.
“I don’t know, but I ended up forgiving and giving him another chance, our Relationship was going on well, Harris began to behave weird, I didn’t know what was happening to him again, when I discovered i was pregnant with his child , I told him about it, but he got so furious and told me to abort it” she cried
and I gasped.

How could Harris ask her to abort a life that’s
terrible, his child for that matter .
” I refused, I didn’t want to , he beat me up and called me a prostitute, that the baby doesn’t belong to him, I try to make him understand that it’s really his , he knocked me off , I fell of the stairs but thank goodness I made it and my baby too ” she said as my eyes widen .
” Oh my gosh” I said as i looked at Marion who has been quite just staring at Ava.
“3 months later I was discharged from the hospital and back home , Harris became so sweet and loving towards me and I was so surprised that he has different sides to show all the time, but I really liked it, but as weeks go by Harris started changing again and started bringing women home , i confronted him and he shouted at me , I will be home there and
listening as he se-x other women , I ran away because i couldn’t take it anymore, I didn’t even know where to go because my family disowned me when I got pregnant for him,they don’t even like Harris and they’ve been against us right from time , I can’t go back to my family ” she wiped her tears .

“But my hiding wasn’t long cause Harris found me, and took me back with him, he beat me up in my condition and i blacked out,i woke up later tied to the bed, when I asked him what he was doing he said it’s for me not to run away again ” she cried .
” It’s okay calm down ” i rubbed her back gently trying to calm her this is really bad,how could Harris do this to her .

“He hardly gives me food to eat and water , I just needed to be free from him, one day one of the women he brings home and have se-x with found me, she was shocked and I pleaded with her to release me, she didn’t what to at first afraid Harris will find out, but she pitied me and release me, that’s how I ran , I ran as fast as I could, I was so scared to come here ,
because of what I did 5 years ago ” she said and faced me holding my hand in her shaking ones .

“I didn’t know why I even drugged Marion ,maybe because I needed attention or something,i Just needed someone at that moment and marion was the one, maybe I had bad plans in my head then to get Marion from you, but seeing Harris again made me realize i
loved him and no longer Marion , I regretted it so much Gwen , and i was scared to come back and ask for forgiveness, and wanted help , but at this Moment, I have no where to go, you both are my only hope and I know Harris won’t stop till he finds me “she cried harder .

A tear dropped from my eyes as I pulled her and hugged .
” It’s okay Ava, your safe here , nothing will happen to you ” I said as she cried.

I looked at Marion who was so quiet, he seem to be in deep thought.
After some minutes later I took Ava to the other room in the penthouse and she Slept off.

I walked into Marion’s bedroom,he sat down quietly and I don’t know why his suddenly spacing out ,I walked to him and sat beside him and touched his arm he took a deep breath and rubbed his face .
” Marion , what’s wrong with you ?” I aksed
He turned to look at me .
” I……I really don’t want her here “he said and i gasped.
“How can you say that ,she needs our help Marion , we should forgive her and let go off the past let’s help her , Harris will kill her that man is psycho ” I said .
” I don’t know Gwen , but I don’t have a good feeling about this , i want to believe her okay , because there are lots of evidence in her badly,she’s badly bruised,but somewhere in my heart , I think she’s lying to us” he said and i shook my head .
“Common baby, why would she lie to us ,everything she told us sounds like nothing but the truth ,and didn’t you see her bugs , her wounds , common do you think that’s a pretends ?” I asked

He rubbed his face and took in a deep breath.
” I don’t know what to believe,but I can’t let her stay here” he said .
” So where will she stay ?”I asked confused,
why is he not trying to help her.
“I don’t want her to stay in the same house with us, so I’d give her one of my little houses here in new york” he said .

And I smiled at him,his so kind at least his Willing to help her .
” Oh Marion , that’s a good thing to do,am so happy you want to help her ,right now she needs us , she isn’t our enemy again,she needs our help for now , so let’s not let the past eat us up, everyone deserves a second chance” I said and he smiled and nodded .
” Of course babe” he pulled me to him and crushed his lips on mine before I could say a word .

We devoured each other’s mouth and his hand reached under his shirt am wearing and he caressed my Breast,i moaned .
He pushed me on the bed and got ontop me but I stopped him.
” We can’t do this” I said and he frowned.
“Why?” He asked .
” Ava is in the next room, and if she hears us,it will remind her of Harris and those women” I said and he groaned sitting up as i smiled at him
“F*ck , that’s the number one reason why I don’t want her here” he said and i laughed .
“F*ck I need a cold shower” he stood up with his hard on and glared at me as I burst out laughing, he went into the Bathroom and I heard the water running.
Oh my sweet fiancee , he didn’t get his candy
today .

T.b .c