f0rç£d episode 17 & 18

🌸🌼 f0rç£D 💔💝
(My pains!!😪)
By Damilola Faleke M 🌺
Chapter 17
✨ Fernando’s pov ✨
“Alicia plea-se forgive me and come back home. St©p doing this to me, you’re hurting me real bad” I pleaded to Alicia who was standing in front of me.
We were outside the h0tel she lodge into, and it seems she was heading somewhere. Am glad I c@m£ at the right time.
“Am not coming back home, I don’t even know how you found me here” she said angrily frowning. .
” I would do anything to make sure you’re safe Alicia, my only prior duty is to make sure you’re safe, plea-se Alicia come back home, it’s boring without you” I pleaded and she humped.
“I guess you didn’t know that when you sl@pped me” she said sarcastically…..
” I was overwhelmed by anger,I would never do that to you on any occasion” I said and she stared at me badly like I was one kind of trash.
“That’s your problem Fernando, anger, you nee-d to get rid of it, along with your revenge to revenge our parents death.” She said leaving me surprised
” I can’t Alicia, that’s my main purpose in Los Angeles and I would be a fool to misuse this opportunity. And you better stay very tar away from Mr Trevor, cause Investigation has alre-ady started and they are moving forward with it, I wouldn’t want them to find you in the same house with Trevor at such a crucial moment” I said and she gave no reply
” Am tired of nagging you around, you’re grown up and I’ve tried my best, what I only did was to protect you, when you gain some s-en-se, you come back home” I said at the verge of anger, entering my car and zooming away…..
Her stubbornness and reluctancy would only land her in grave problem which she wouldn’t be able to get out from, mum and dad, plea-se watch over your daughter, am trying all I could, but it seems she’s loosing her mind alre-ady……….
🍇 Tiana’s pov 🍇
I was sitting to myself all smiley, o don’t even know what’s wrong with me.
But the most thing I remember is that I was thinking about all the fun time I’ve had with Tristan, it’s so great and loving and for the first time I feel loved.
I can’t just wait to behold his cute face and smile where he talks to me with great concern for me, he makes sure a smile is plastered on my face either genuine or fake, at Least in the hands of someone for the first time in my life, I feel more than special…..
He’s not even the j£rk I judged him to be, I just realized he was only hunted by his heart break and how it’s ha-rd to judge a book by its cover…..
I just hope I don’t start developing feelings for him, that’s my greatest wish.
I can’t be moved by any guy acting all lovely to me.
Since birth I don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love,I was treated like a puppet, I definitely don’t know what that feeling is and how it is….
That’s the reason I just can’t figure out what wrong with me now, am getting weaker than the Tiana I know, I want to be the confident girl I’ve always been from the start….
The girl almost all guys wishes to have but can never have, I won’t make myself vulnerable to anyone…..
Gosh!! I nee-d great as-sistance…..
Still brooding de-eply, I heard the intercom ring, I went to check and it was Samantha, I quic-kly s£nt information to the gate keeper to let her in.
Not too long after, she c@m£ in, we ran to each other and hvgged really ti-ght and happily, I just love this girl right here, she is one of the person that keeps me moving and she’s the person I nee-d to talk to about this unknown feeling in me……
🎗️ Alicia’s pov 🎗️
“Tell me everything, tell me everything in fool details” he said almost strangling me after I told him the NBI were alre-ady finding information about him.
He re-leased my n£¢k and I coughed really loud……
“Talk to me Alicia, or are you betraying me?” He asked
” No Mr Trevor, I can never do such evil to you while you still live, I swear your secret is safe with me. I haven’t even tell anyone I know you, talk more of working with you or even your transaction” I said raising my hands up in a form of surrender. .
I’ve never seen this p@rt of him before, but he badly got angry by this information I gave to him, well I only told him because he was my business p@rtner, if not who even cares…….
But right now, I think what he’s all about, is that I betrayed him to tell the NBI information about him
“So now what did the NBI say?” He asked calming down after putting a stick of cigarette in his mouth
” They didn’t really say anything,all they were about is that they were excited about finding out about one of your transaction you took before your little break, I guess one of your guys were careless in their operation” I said and he looked at me with dark eyeba-lls…….
“How do you seem to know this much, who told you about this. Who are you Alicia” he said moving closer to me with me moving back at the same time….
Gosh!!, I definitely can’t tell him it’s my brother, Fernando would be in grave trouble if I tell Mr Trevor Fernando is working for the NBI. I can’t loose my brother to this hagged man. I really nee-d to execute my plan, before this man here is executed, I definitely don’t want to go to prison.
“Calm down okay, my friend work there and she was just telling me as a normal friendly gist,and like I said I, am just telling you as my business p@rtner” I said
And he angrily smashed the vase in front of him, I stared at him terrified, this man is dangerous…..
“We nee-d to do something right now. Sydney” he yelled
I just hope you’re safe brother,am just doing this to have Tristan back, after then we would go back to live our normal fun life without stress, my life would be really plea-sing……
🌸🌼 f0rç£D 💔💝
( My pains!! 😪)
By Damilola Faleke M 🧡
Chapter 18
🍧 Tiana’s pov 🍧
“Wow, I thought you forgot me” I sad to Samantha after we exchanged hvgs, abd did some fun stuff together we the settled down to talk, I really missed my bestie, it’s like this marriage really distance me from her, and right now, she’s just the right person I have to talk to….
“I can’t T” she said
“I know so” I replied
“So how has everything been?” She asked
“Well just normal, at least less stressful, Tristan is finally off my back, he’s now kinda friendly” I said kinda happy
” Really? ” She asked sm-irking at me
” What?” I asked and she win-ked at me, I ended up laughing uncontrollably…..
“It’s not that Samantha, am not the love type, you know that” I said and she chuckled
“But you were smiling whole talking about him” she said
“And so, nothing is bad about that, or is it? ” I asked
” No Tiana, just that is kinda different from you. And guess what” she said
” St©p telling me to guess bit-ch, you know am bad at that” I replied and she rolled her eyes at me
‘I missed that’
“Since you know nothing about love I’ll tell you. Smiling when talking about a person, is related to the first is related to developing an interest at that p@rticular person. And the last time I checked, talking about Tristan really pisses you off, I wonder where the changes are from” she said adjusting herself on the couch. I just rolled my eyes at her…..
“Am not falling for Tristan, he’s a j£rk” I said but that wasn’t really from within
” j£rk?? It’s weird to hear that from you, who just said he’s really friendly to you” she said smiling
” Let’s just change the t©pic Sam” I urged
“Another sign” she said sm-irking and I eyed her
“Hey chill, when you discover it yourself, don’t hesitate to gist me up” she said
‘gosh!! Samantha’
” Well, I really want to ask, do you feel anything for Archie?” She asked
Kinda weird …
” Yes of course, as a friend, we are the trio, remember” I said and she looked less convinced
” What’s that look Samantha, what’s the problem?” I asked moving closer to her.
” Well it’s nothing, I was just asking” she said
“Really?, You Know am someone you easily can’t lie to” I said and she sighed heavily…
” Well I discovered I like Archie but he likes you instead” she said with a sad look
” Hun??” I exclaimed
NBI office 📍📍📍
🕶️ Fernando’s pov 🕶️
Gosh!! What the fv¢k!!!
” What’s going on” Archie asked probably noticing my expression.
We were still on this investigation stuff together and now when it seems we are progressing, something comes up, and now I have to pl@yalong with Archie, so I can fight Mr Trevor legally, that’s why I want the NBI to be the ones to catch him in his evil deeds
“You know what Archie. I think someone is tracking our movement, cause last night, I was able to hack into their system, and was able to find out about their last transaction, but right now, it seems that account has been disabled by the owner” I said and Archie ru-bbe-d his temple in frustration
” Gosh!! This criminal are really something else” he said
“Yh I agree” I replied
” So where able to find out anything about them, even if it’s a little about them” he said desperately….
” Well the information won’t be that useful, cause the only thing I found was that the last transaction they made was between them and a client in Canada, which worth 17 million dollars, but I couldn’t find the name of the dealers nor the client,those guys are just do skilled” I said and he sighed
” Gosh that’s really a hvge amount of money…. By the time I get my hands on those guys, I’ll make sure they pay dearly” he said….
” Am really trying my best” I said and he c@m£ to me and patted my back…
” You’re great Fernando,you brou-ght hope back to me, at Least with you,we know those criminals are close to us” he said and I swallowed in fear for my sister…
Oh God, I just pray Alicia listens to me, she must not be caught with Mr Trevor….
For now I can’t tell him the person I suspect behind it, cause for now I don’t have any solid evidence against Mr Trevor, both against the murder of my parents and his involvement in drug trafficking….
I just have to pl@yalong….
Mr Trevor must be executed for his crime against me and many others…..
🌀 Tristan’s pov 🌀
“Well dad am sorry for my actual behavior to you, I was only pissed on why you just couldn’t let go, despite on how much I thought you hate revenge” I said leaning on the table in his office
“Son you wouldn’t un-derstand, except you were in my shoes, it pains to loose a soul, especially for the fact that I could actually save her, but that useless Israel just couldn’t let it happen” he said in anger
” Dad plea-se just let go, for mum’s sake” I said and he gazed at me in anger….
” Do what I told you to do in that marriage, am giving you just 1 month, or am gonna do it violently” dad said surprising me…..
” Violently?, Dad, are you kidding me” I said and he chuckled bitterly…..
” If I knew this is how useless you would be to me, in getting my revenge, I wouldn’t have let you marry that useless girl Tiana” he said red with anger..
” Dad you shouldn’t address her that way” I defended
“That shouldn’t be your business, cause I wouldn’t take it lightly, if I find out you are developing feelings for my enemy’s daughter” he said
” Dad, am not developing feelings for her, am just telling you how innocent she is to be involved in such ill treatment” I said and he moved closer to me
” When do you start to care Tristan, I thought, you were the same guy who swore to break every girl that comes your way, this is your greatest opportunity son, just kill two be-d with one stone” he said in a persuasive tone
” I won’t do that dad, revenge solves nothing” I said and he hit the table with his palms..
” First thing tomorrow son, we will process your divorce letter with Tiana”he said and my heart skipped
” No Dad, am not in that also, if am to divorce Tiana, it’ll be on both our will to path ways peacefully” I said and dad sighed in anger
” Leave Tristan, leave” he said
“I was just doing that dad” I said walking out slamming the door in pains…..
Pains that my dad is something else……
As I was walking out, I received an incoming call from my sister, Melissa… Just the person I nee-d to talk to
📲 Melissa to cut everything short, you really nee-d to come back home 📲 I said
📞Why? Is anything the problem 📞 she replied
📲Dad is really a acting weird, and since he only listen to you, you really nee-d to come over📲 I said
📞 Anything the problem Tristan 📞 she asked sounding really weird….
📲I guess you have no movie to attend to over there, so you just have to talk now, come talk to Dad…
📞 Okay Tristan, just take care of yourself, I’ll be back soon……..
I hanged up the call, if I can’t change dad’s mind Melissa will, I can’t just watch see Dad do something crazy, especially when he mentioned violence today, something must really be up with him…..
🍒 Samantha’s pov 🍒
“Archie we really nee-d to talk” I said kinda anxious, we were in my house and I’ve decided to tell him about my feelings like Tiana advised…….
“About what best” he said still focussing on the TV
“Look at me” I said and he stared at me looking worried
“Are you okay Sam, you look tensed” he said and I took a de-ep breath..
I don’t think I can do this, this is really weird….
“Samantha, talk to me” he said
“plea-se Archie don’t let anything I say, cause enmity between us” I said and he nodded looking at me worriedly
” I like you” I said and he chuckled
“You scared me Samantha, I know that, you tell me that often, and love you too best” he said smiling
” Not that Archie, I mean I’m developing feelings for you” I said and he stared at me like I just said something stupid, increasing my nervousness
“Archie say something” I said and he stood up
“I have to go now, it’s late” he said standing up taking his bag pack…
” Archie” I called standing up with him
“Bye Sam” he said walking out silently…..
I really felt like crying, not even our normal goodbye hvg….
Jeez!! I shouldn’t have said this…
My life is ruined….