Flower Girl – episode 5

Flower Girl – Episode 5
© Samuel Oyebamiji
Leonard’s POV
Miranda and I related yesterday as though we had known each other for very long time , first she helped me , then I helped her
I’m happy that I finally have a female friend ,in the past , I had tried to f0rç£ myself on ladies but they always ignore and treat me with contempt . I do not have much respect from ladies of our clas-s because I was not brilliant , I was dull , even throu-gh I c@m£ from a rich family , there are many richer people there in the school
I dressed and my driver drove me to school , my dad has not yet allow me to start driving by myself , he was always claiming that I was still to young
We got to school and I stepped down , I put on my schoool bag and waved to the driver to bade him goodbye and he left .
I was thinking if I should go to Miranda’s clas-s first to greet her or go straight too my clas-s.
I oppted for the first ooption , I went to Miranda’s clas-s and saw her unpacking some stufs in her scchoool bag
I walked towards her and greeted her , she replied and smiled
“ I was asked to give you this letter from the principal a student said as he approached where I was standing too greet Ari
The letter looked very offiiciial, I was scared because I was not expecting that kind of letter at that moment from the principal
“ what could be inside this letter “ I thought as I lowered my head
Miranda watched me without saying a word
“ the world will not crumble if I open this letter now “ I thought
I to-re the sealed p@rt of the letter and opened it gently, so cared and anticipating at the same time to see what was in it
I closed my eye and breathed in, I opened my eye and I re-ad it with the little courage I had summoned
“If I may ask, what is in the letter “ Miranda asked just as I finished re-ading it
its a message from the principal telling me to show up by 12pm before the school panel
“ school panel !” Miranda exclaimed
“ yeah, I do not know why ?”
“ what if it is the work of Dalton ?”
“you mean Dalton can do this ?” I asked
“ you know what , let’s see Jan , he might help us “ Miranda said and looked at me expecting me to say Yes
“ yeah , let us go “ I replied
We went out of the clas-s room and went straight to the Flower boys clas-s room
They were all sitting down in their separate sits ; Dalton , Jan , Gus and Jack and the flower girls ;Stephanie , Erlone and Peggy too were sitting down in order
The clas-s was in order
Mirnda and I stood at the entrance , we looked at ourselves confusingly on what we should do
“ Leonard, I think you should stay , let me go in and call Jan out “ Miranda said
“ It’s alright “ I watched as Miranda walked inside the clas-s
I didn’t know what she told Jan, but I know Jan stood up and followed her outside
“ Hey Leonard Jan greeted
“ I’m not fine , a letter was s£nt to me by the principal that I’m gonna face the panel by 12 pm today “ I said looking very worried
“ and is that why you are panicking ?” Jan asked
“ I think Jan is gonna help us , Jan , what are you gonna do?” Miranda asked facing Jan
“I’m not gonna do anything, I’m in the same shoe with you “ Jan said
“ what do you mean?” I asked
“ The same letter you received was s£nt to me this morning , I’m also gonna face the school panel by 12pm” Jan said and smiled
“ but you aren’t scared, did you have a plan ?” I asked Jan
“If I have one , I’m not gonna tell you” Jan said
“ why ?” I asked
“ you guys treat me like I’m not one of you , I wanna be your friends “ Jan said
“ That is not possible , how can you be friend with we commoners “ I said
“ No! I chose to be friend with you, just accept me “
“ and what about your friends?” I asked
“ you mean my brothers ?”
“ yes, the flower boys , are you gonna leave them and come to us “ I asked
Jan smiled and said ” I’m not gonna leave my friends , but at the same time , I’m gonna know how to manage it”
“ alright , you welcome ,I met Miranda yesterdy as well, we are just getting to knnow each other , you met her too yesterday , Miranda is not gonna reject you “ I said and faced Miranda
“ of course not , I’m not , Jan you welcome , I like you guys “ Miranda said
“thanks “ I replied while Jan smiled
“ Jan , what are we gonna do now?”
“ do not worry yourself , I’m gonna handled it
“, what did you mean ?”
“ do not worry , just come by 12pm , keep quiet and allow me do the talking “ Jan said and turned to leave
“ okay ..alright “ I said sluggishly and shook my head like I was trying to gr-ab what he meant
“ lets go to our clas-ses , the teachings will commence soon “ Miranda said
“ yeah , sure . I said and we walked from the flower boys clas-s to the point in the school hallway where we dep@rted to our various clas-ses
Miranda’s POV
This is gonna be interesting , being friends wiith one of the h0ttest boy on campus, he c@m£ to my clas-s yesterday to give me some ti-ps of advise about the dos and don’t of the school and I really appreciated it .
Leonard , myy fantastic friennd , I do not want anything evil to happenn to my Leonardd, whoever set up this letter of a thing , I hope he looses .
The teacher c@m£ inside and I brou-ght out my notepad to write
“12 pm” ⌚
Jan’s POV
Leonard and I had being invited to the school panel, it is ha-rd to suspect my brother because he had never done that before
I nee-d to know what this is all about before I know what to do
“You welcome, John Leonard and Robert Jan, the school panel had invited you over some accusations you were given by people that are close to you. We will like to ask you few questions, can I go ahead and re-ad the question ” The school secretary said , it was obvious he was re-ading it from a pamphlet given to him
“Very well sir” I replied
“Good, Are you aware of the school rules ?”
“Do you know that d@t!ngis prohibited in the school?”
“You were accused of d@t!ng, is that true?’
” No”
‘Tell us more ”
“More about what, I said No”
“Mr Leonard, what would you say”
“Whatever Jan said , I say, we are one voice” Leonard said confidently
“Alright , we have a video record of the two of you flir-ting with a lady”
“Bring it out, pl@yit” I said cinfidently
“are you saying the accusations are false”
“I think we nee-d to call the accuser here to give us concrete proove sir(s)” The secretary said and went sit
“We can’t just sit here and let one of this young boys pl@ywith our br@in, let us invite the accuser here” A woman amidst the panel said
“Oh no!” The principal said
“What are we gonna do now” the same woman asked
“We gonna keep eye on them” The principal said, stood up painfully and walked out
I watched as he left the hall where we were being questioned and I followed him without he noticing
I ti-ptoed gently as he went to a corner of a corner of the school
I wondered what he wants to do there
I had dismissed Leonard to his clas-s alre-ady after the successful school panel’s battle and told him that I have an urgent as-signment which is to trace the principal
I placed my ear on the door gently and I knew at once that two people were there
I peeped a little and I saw Dalton waiting for the principal with his hand inside his pocket
He was conversing gently with the principal, but I didn’t hear were they were saying
I nee-d to let them know that I caught them red handed
it is obvious now that Dalton was the one that reported Leonard and I to the principal
“Fantastic” i said and cl@pped as I entered the room Dalton and the principal was
Even though I didn’t hear what they were saying, I still had to pl@yalong
“So this was a set up all along” I said and walked pas-sed them a little, I c@m£ back to my brother and spoke to his ear
“Betrayer, when did u become like this?” I asked Dalton softly
“You are a fool Jan, and I’m gonna ensure you leave this school” Dalton replied angrily
“Not even this slim tall principal has the right to expelled me from this school , this is the school that is owned by government ” I said and sm-irked
“Jan, You are becoming a threat to me alre-ady, why would u trace me here, is this how u had being doing all this days , I could frame u up for different things against you , If you like yourself , st©p all this ” The principal said to me with a serious look
“The two of you are the one that is supposed to be sacked by the government ” I said and turned to leave
I heard a loud ban-g on my head, It was like my head was hit, I fell to the floor and loosed consciousness
To be continued