Flower Girl – episode 12

Flower Girl – Episode 12
© Samuel Oyebamiji
Miranda’s POV
“Jan” Miranda called and Jan stared at Mr
“Stand up plea-se” I pleaded
Jan stood up and gazed at me
“Jan, I’m sorry, I know it’s my fault, I’m sorry, I was just a bit ti-psy” I said
“It’s alright, lets move” he said and held me by my arms as we walked out of the bathroom
“Flower boys, I have to start going” I said facing Jan, Jack and Gus
“It’s alright, but allow one of our drivers to drive you home ” Jack said and I nodded
Their driver drove me home.
My mum has not arrived yet, Just her workers are gonna be around including Charles
I walked into the living room
“Miranda” Charles called
I ignored and went straight to my room, I found a letter at the entrance of my room
I bent and picked it, I twisted the knob of the door and I walked inside
I sunk on the be-d and sighed heavily, I sat conveniently and opened the letter
It re-ads;
Hi Miranda, I know you are cold towards me and you see me as an ordinary servant , but I have my worth. Ever since I set my eye on you, I have this feeling of Love towards you. Miranda, I Love you, plea-se think about it very well
From Charles
I re-ad the letter and smile
“That must have being the reason why he was asking me who is he to me some days ago when we were inside the car” I smiled and shook my head
I stood up and went to the bathroom to take shower
I sat on the be-d and began to imagine all that happened in the Flower boy’s house
“What if Jan has k!$$£d me” I thought
“No, no no, I don’t like that , Jan is not worth it. Jan is truly handsome and he has a good heart. I like him but I know I did not have any feelings towards him
His handsomeness can drive any girl crazy
His smile is so se-duc-tive
I just did not love him. The person that my mind has always de-sired is Leonard.
Leonard had never confessed his love for me
I also didn’t know if he has a girlfriend or not
I sighed after a while of thinking and I sle-pt off
I woke up the following day and dressed up
I stepped down the staircase from my room to the living room
Charles is well dressed waiting for me
” let’s move ” I said and he went to the car to open the door for me
I stepped in and he went to the drivers sit and kicked off the car
The car started moving and I brou-ght a tiny mirror taking a look at the cream and powder I applied on my face
“I just wish Leonard will notice how beautiful my face and comment something nice, Oh my! I will be so happy” I thought and smiled and blu-shed
Imagine that I got to school and Leonard c@m£ to my clas-s and before I could even speak, he has hvgged me and pe-cked me on my forehead. Oh my!
I was enjoying the way I was thinking about Leonard , he looks so real in my thought
I kept smiling and I kept checking my pinafore uniform to see if it fit perfectly
“Miranda” Charles called as he drives
I raised my head and stare at his face on the front mirror
“You seems very happy today” Charles said
I sm-irked
“And how is that your business” I almost said but it got struck in my throat
I opened my mouth and close it
“You wanted to say something , say it” Charles said
I giggled and sm-irked
“If he only he knows how poisonous what I wanted to say will be to him, I just do not like this boy” I thought
“Miranda, you aren’t talking, did you see the letter I s£nt yesterday” Charles said and the smile in his face got broader
I sm-irked and finally spoke
“Yes” he said
“Aren’t you old enough to be my brother” I said
“Yeah, but I ain’t gonna marry my mate ” Charles said and giggled
“Well, Charles, I ain’t interested in the love s***” I said
“I didn’t expect you to give me a positive reply, but I know that in time, you gonna fall in Love with me” He said
“Fall in love… With you?” i said selectively
“Yeah, you see! miranda, I truly Love you, I ain’t one of those school boys that will d@t£ you for a while and break up with you, I ain’t that kind of person, I’m gonna take care of you…” He said and I interrupted
“Even as a driver ” I said
“Yeah, I may be a driver today, but I’m gonna be someb©dy big tomorrow, trust me” He said
“Trust me, the most important things is that I love you, Love is what matter the most” He said
“Okay” I said
We got to the school and he parked, stepped down to open the owners door for me, I stepped out and walked away without bade him good bye
“Miranda” Charles called , I st©pped abruptly but I did not look back
“Miranda, I love you, sorry for the conflict we had some days ago, I’m not gonna hurt you with the words of my mouth again” Charles said
I walked away without replying
Lecture had being cool so far, With the way the lecturers teach, it’s very easy for me to gr-ab all their lectures
The time for long break clock and I was thinking of where to go
I packed my stuffs on the locker and I felt a arm on my shoulder
I turned my head and noticed Leonard standing and smiling
I almost shook, my heart beat. i arched my brow and stood up and imagined myself hvgging him
“Let’s go to the empty room beside the libr@ry to have some fun” Leonard said
“Oh really” I said and he nodded
I finished what I was doing hurriedly on my locker and I followed him to the room
“I just want us to have some fun here” Leonard said
“Alright” I said shylishly,
“I’m sorry for the way I behaved the last time you c@m£ to my clas-s, I have left the X girls place, they are lesbians, I’m sorry for not trusting you, It’s obvious they lied on you” I said
“I’m happy you are free from their shell, the X girls are one of a kind in this school, they do not have b©yfri£nds , they are known in this school for bullying students, they take pride in their wealth, as-sociating with them will be very bad” Leonard said
“I trusted them at first because of how they helped you when you were about to expel from school, If not for them, you would have being expelled from school” I said
“I un-derstand too, thanks to them, but they probably did it so you can trust them easily and then , they can use you for what they wanna use you for
I sighed lightly
I looked at his smooth and handsome face and he looked at me and smiled
We kept looking at ourselves and the whole atmosphere was quiet
I imagined him bringing his head towards me and k!ss!ngme
He didn’t know what I was thinking, I just kept smiling
He lowered his head
” you are beautiful Miranda” He said and I blu-shed
“Thanks” I replied
He looked towards my hair and I lowered my head
“He is looking at my hair, I think he likes it” I said and lowered my head and blu-shed
I raised my head and looked at his face
“Leonard, did you have a girlfriend?” i asked
“No” he replied
“Erm… Are you in love with anyone?” I asked
“No” He said bluntly
“Not even me” I thought
“Are you crushing on anyone?” I asked
“No” He replied and his reply struck my heart like a knife
I remembered the question that Charles asked me when we were inside the car some days ago and I asked him
“Who am I to you?” I asked
He smiled
He lowered his head
After some seconds
He raised his head
He kept smiling and moved closer to me
“You are my friend” He said
“A friend?” I asked
“Yeah” he said
“Erm… Did you ..love me” I said in my heart
He couldn’t perceive what I was thinking
I was scared to ask him if he loves me
“What if he says no, that will be bad” I thought
I do not want that
I think I should profess my love for him
Oh no! Not yet, It will be too early
What if he has fallen in love with another person before I was able to confess my Love for him
I’m really confused right now ” I thought as I looked at him
“Miranda, what are you thinking about?” He asked
“Nothing” I said and I smiled
“Let’s go the game room and pl@ysome games ” He said and I nodded
We went out of the room and walked to the game room , we had a lot of fun there before we dispersed to our clas-ses
Weeks pas-sed by and It was time for our first semester examination
We wrote the examination
The result was announced the following week, we all went to the school board where our results were pasted
I was the best student in my dep@rtment
Jan was the best student in the flower boys and X girls clas-s
Leonard was among the last ten students in his clas-s
“He must have checked his result” I thought and felt bad for Leonard.
I Love him even though he is not brilliant academically, I know that he must be good in one thing or the other , all l know is that I love him” I thought as I stayed behind the school board
Many students were checking their results and reacting differently
I felt a arm tap me from the back
I turned my head and by b©dy
It was Jan
I arched my brow
He smiled
“I was told you led your clas-s” Jan said
“Yeah” I replied
“I led my clas-s too” Jan said and smiled
“Did you know the prize the school is giving us?” He said
“What?” I asked
“We will be sponso-red
to Billionaires Island, just the two of us to have fun
” oh really?” I said
“Yeah, everyb©dy has always wanted to visit the place. For me, I cant’t wait and I’m happy that we will be going together” Jan said and smiled
“See you there Miranda” He said and smiled and walked away
“What!” I thought
After three days that the result had being posted, the ‘first semester end’ programme of the school was held and I was called out as the best student in my clas-s
Jan was also called out as the best student in his clas-s
Just as Jan as said
The principal said the school is sponsoring the two of is to the Billionaire’s Island as a prize for our ha-rd work
While we stood before the crowds of student , I watched Leonard buried his head on his palm amidst the crowd
I know he is not happy
The principal congratulated us and signaled for us to go to our sit
“Should I follow Jan to Billionaires Island?
” How will Leonard feel?
To be continued