Flabby Patty episode 9 & 10

💔 Flabby Patty 💔
( She’s too fat )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 9
“I haven’t heard from you all week,” Hunter bu-mped into me at Walmart the next day. It was the first time in years, Mom dragged me out to go shopping for unnecessary groceries with her.
I was strolling down the aisle with all the candy bars when I sp©tted Hunter.
“Well good for me,” I muttered and gr@bb£d a snickers bar from the shelf.
“Do you know how much calories that thing’s got?” He frowned snatching it from my hand.
“What the hell?” I growled and picked up another bar from the shelf. “See ya.”
I turned around to walk away when he spoke, “what? Now i am not good enough for you?”
“What on earth is that supposed to mean?” I faced him raising my left eyebrow. Honestly, the hell?
“Now that you’re d@t!ngMac,” he shook his head. “You think you’re so much better.”
I scoffed. “No. I think he is so much better than you.”
“Oh really?” it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. “Don’t forget Flabby, I introduced him to you.”
“Don’t call me that!” anger boiled inside me as I growled throu-gh my gritted teeth.
“Chill out,” he raised his hands in surrender. “What’s gotten into you?”
I sighed and shook my head. “Nothing.”
“You used to be fun,” he twitched his nose.
“Me?” I blinked twice. Hunter thought I was fun or was it fun to annoy me?
He shrugged in reply. “Wanna eat?”
“Uhh, I am actually here with my mom.”
Being the annoying person he was, Hunter followed me back to the cash counter where my mom was waiting for me. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw him probably thinking he was my, well the “b” word.
“Oh who’s this now?” She smiled kindly and shook hands with him. He flashed her a cheeky grin showing off his perfect white teeth. He was obviously trying to charm her.
“Hunter.” He grinned.
“He’s the guy who bullies me at school,” I rolled my eyes and my mom g@sp.
Hunter’s eyes wi-de-ned and he let out a fake laugh. “You’re so funny Flab..Patty.”
“Nice to meet you Hunter,” my mom ignored my gro-an s. “Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?”
Like eff me. Why was this happening?
“Actually mom,” I interrupted as she paid off to the cashier. “I have plans.”
“Nons-en-se,” mom smiled.
“I’d love to join you,” Hunter sm-irked and win-ked at me when Mom wasn’t looking.

“Just sit over there and don’t make yourself at home,” I pointed to the sofa in the living as we got home.
Before he could even reply, I ran off to the kitchen to help mom with the groceries.
“Go keep him company,” Mom shooed me away. “He’s cute.”
I almost gagged. Stomping, I went back to the living room to find him pla-ying with the remote. He swung it from one hand to the other.
I rolled my eyes and snatched it from him. “St©p tou-ching stuff that isn’t yours!”
His hand gr@bb£d my wrist and pu-ll-ed me down on the sofa next to him. “Am I still tou-ching something that isn’t mine?” His face was intense and he stared right into my eyes.
“What the hell?” I scoffed and pushed him away. “No.”
I scooted away from him. It was starting to get h0t.
“So you and Mac?” His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke. “Aren’t you a thing?”
“Why are you so interested in my personal life?” I sh0t back at him. Who did he think he was anyway?
“I am not,” he replied quic-kly his ears turning bright pink. I was guessing that happened when he lied or got nervous or maybe both. “I was just wondering.”
“Liar,” I chuckled.
“I am not lying!” He frowned and pinched my th!gh. “Fat as-s.”
Sl@pping his hand away, I growled, “You’re in my bloody house! You’re the fat as-s here!”
Hunter sm-irked and lifted his shi-t, revea-ling his flawless six pack. Ofcourse it was flawless, it doesn’t mean it was attrac-tive to me. “I don’t think I am fat.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh plea-se go home.”
“One day your eyes are going to permanently roll into the back of your head,” he shook his head.
“Just go home,” i said bluntly raising my eyebrows.
“Do you really want me to?” His minty breath was literally on my face and his warm hand t©uçhed my face.
My heart st©pped. My b©dy trembled. I choked. I was dying.
He brushed his f!nger against myl-ips, with his eyes looking into mine pas-sionately. Yes, pas-sionately!
Before I realized it myself, I had sl@pped him. His face looked stunned at my reaction.
His cheek was turning bright pink where I had sl@pped him and by the time i realized what i had done, tears burned into my eyes.
“Hunter.. I.. am.. sorry,” I sobbe-d. “I didn’t mean to.”
A darkness swept over his face and he no longer seemed like the hunter I knew. A crease formed between his eyebrows and without another word he got to his feet. I wanted to reach out to him, and tell him to st©p. Tell him that I was sorry, but my b©dy didn’t cooperate with me.
“I am sorry. Goodbye,” he mumbled gloomily and slammed the front door behind him.

Finally, after a long day I la-id down. My back felt like I hadn’t rested in a 100 years. It had been an extremely weird day and for some reason I couldn’t st©p thinking about what had happened with Hunter. I didn’t have his number so I couldn’t even text him.
” Hello?” Mac’s calm voice made me feel a lot better when he answered my call.
“Hey Mac,” I sighed. “How are you?”
“Hi baby,” he called me the B Word! “I am good. Been waiting for your call.”
I flu-shed clutching the phone ha-rder. “Really? I missed you today.”
“You could have come see me. ”
“Oh.. I just.. it was a weird day,” I stammered.
” That’s okay,” I felt him smile his amazing dimple grin on the other end. ” We can see each other tonight if you want?”
“I’ll come over.”
Episode 10
I was feeling so freaking nervous that I was sweating throu-gh my pajamas. All I had to do was open the window for Mackenzie to sneak into my room.
My bloody room! You can’t even imagine the stuff going on in my had in that instance. Well, maybe you can.
As much as I wanted him to be there, at the same time I didn’t.
We were moving too fast, but mostly I was worried about the way I looked. My frizzy hair was a mess, I probably stank worse than a skunk and not to mention I looked like a freaking avacado in my pajamas.
I paced back and forth in my room, ma-king sure ten times I had locked the door to it.
A sudden knock on my window made me jump. My heart pounded loud and my temples throbbe-d. quic-kly, I opened the window to see Mac’s beautiful eyes looking at me. In that moment, I forgot all about my nervousness.
I forgot all about my insecurities as I saw his gorgeous face sm-irking at me with a hoodie over his head.
“Hi Patricia,” his cute as hell dimples formed across both his cheeks. I loved when he called my whole name instead of Patty, and I hated my name.
I was blu-shing, ” Hey Mackenize.”
He majestically climbe-d off the window and into my room. Maybe I am exaggerating but he made my heart race. No other way to describe why he did.
Without even speaking anything else, he literally crashed hisl-ips onto mine. I was completely stunned but I k!$$£d him back. I couldn’t st©p no matter how many times my mind told me to. My heart told me to never st©p.
The room started spinning as he trailed his f!ngersover my w@!st and pu-ll-ed me closer, ma-king me practically melt into his strong arms.
He tasted like fresh minty toothpaste. Mac had prepared for this, brushing his teeth and $h!t while I had paced around a fat pig being nervous.
He pu-ll-ed away for a breath and he smiled at me, “I missed you.”
“Really?” I smiled back b!tt!g my lowerl-ip. My heart leaped with joy whenever he was around. He made me feel special, like i was wanted.
He nodded and pressed hisl-ips to my temple. They were soft and warm, as were his hands. He trailed his f!ngersdown my back and I shivered.
“You okay?” he asked holding me.
“Yes,” I lied. I was so not okay. “Can we just sit down?”
“Or we could l@ydown,” he suggested, as hisl-ips curved up into a cheeky grin. Curse him for being so cute.
We both got into my be-d, with Mac’s arm over me as he la-id behind me. I could feel his h0t breath of the back of my n£¢k. My temples continued to throb and his breaths got heavier by each minute. It felt great but so dangerous for some reason.
His f!ngersmoved away my hair and he planted a k!sson the back of my n£¢k. Literally, my hair stood on its end as I felt hisl-ips come into contact with my skin. Ugh, I was sweating like a freaking pig!
“Patty,” he whispered slowly interwining his f!ngersinto mine. “I know its only been a week.”
“But?” my voice c@m£ out as shaky and nervous which made me wish I hadn’t spoke.
“You still haven’t told me how you feel about me.”
There was a dead silence for a moment besides his heavy breathing.
My mind flashed back to morning. Back to Hunter.
What would he think? Was Mac really just pretending to be nice to me? I still hadn’t apologised properly for sl@pping him. His face flashed into my mind.
“Patty,” I heard Mac whisper into my ear. “I really like you.” Hisl-ips brushed my ear as he spoke.
My b©dy started to tremble. Mac had expressed his feelings for me so clearly but I hadn’t. I should have by now but i dont know what was holding me back. Why the hell did I care so much about what Hunter thought?
“Why is it so ha-rd for you to tell me for once how you feel?” he let go of my hand and sat up.
“No that’s not it,” I got up gr-abbing him arm. “I feel the same way about you. Its just.. this is all so new to me.”
His eyes sparkled in the dark and he sighed. “I just worry that you might be into Hunter.”
I almost gagged. “Are you even serious? We hate each other.”
Mac chuckled. “Did you ever see the way he looks at you?”
“He’s d@t!ngAvery,” I shrugged.
“But he is clearly in love with you.”
“He’s a bully!”
“Because he loves you.”
I clenched my wrists. This was getting annoying. “That makes absolutely no s-en-se! I like you, not him!”
“I believe you,” his melodious voice whispered and he k!$$£d me again. To me, it felt like heaven. Like we were meant to be. Slowly, he la-id me back down on the be-d and got on t©p of me.
By then, I was freaking out. For a minute I thought we were going to do it!
Hisl-ips trailed to my n£¢k and he pu-ll-ed down my shi-t’s collar revea-ling my collarbone. He k!$$£d it and goosebu-mps formed all over my b©dy.
The feeling was so intense but so weird. My heart was about to explode as he moved his warm up my tummy, beneath my shi-t.
I quic-kly moved his hand away. “Mac no..”
“I am not,” he whispered, hisl-ips tou-ching my n£¢k. “I promise I am not going to do anything.”
His words made me relieved. I believed everything he said because every single word in his voice sounded so true.
So then he k!$$£d me once more. We k!$$£d like we hadn’t before. My soul wra-pped itself with his, bounding us as one. It was then i realized why girls were crazy about boys. I was crazy about Mackenzie.
He was like a prince on a white horse who had come to save me from myself. Maybe fairytales did come true.
TBC 😭🖤😭🖤