Flabby Patty episode 13 & 14

💔 Flabby Patty 💔
( She’s too fat )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 13
For some reason my feet felt like they had a weight of a million bricks on them.
“What the fv¢k are you doing?” I growled walking towards him. Picking up all the scattered pages, I pretended to ignore his cheeky grin.
“Calm down Flabby Patty,” he laughed pu-lling my arm. “I just wanted to see you.”
“You could have seen me at school,” I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah but Mac probably wouldn’t like me seeing you,” he looked at me with his eyes so intense. “I wanted to tell you something.”
For a moment, I was drowning into his pres£nce. He pu-ll-ed me towards him like a magnet. I shook my head thinking about Mac. What the hell was I doing?
“No you listen,” I shoved his hand away. “You lied about Avery. You broke up with her three days ago. I don’t know what game you’re pla-ying Hunter but plea-se get the hell out of my room!”
He stared at me with his mouth dropped open, stunned. “Wow.”
I scoffed picking up the pages and placing them on the study table.
“I don’t know what I did to make you hate me so much,” Hunter sighed getting to his feet. He dug his hands into his jeans pocket and walked up behind me.
I could feel his breath on my n£¢k, that’s how close he was. “Patty, why do you hate me?”
My b©dy started to shake because I was raging. I was bloody mad at him. With a sudden j£rk, I turned to face him.
“Okay lets see,” I spoke with my fists clenched on my sides. “You spent all of middle school bullying me, ma-king me miserable and hating myself for my weight.
You made fun of me, hurt me, and made me feel like a worthless trash for my entire life.
Called me names like Flabby, Fatso, Fatas-s and what not. So Hunter, why don’t you remind me again WHY I hate you so much.”
I took a de-ep breath finishing my rant.
“That’s..” his expression was ha-rd to re-ad. He was speechless and seemed a little hurt by my sudden venting. But to be honest, I didn’t care. “I didn’t know you took it so seriously.”
Folding my arms across my che-st, I shook my head. “Just leave Hunter.”
He gr@bb£d me by my arms and pu-ll-ed me to him holding my b©dy close to his. I almost screamed but I was so shocked and surprised by his move that I couldn’t say anything or even move at all.
“I don’t get you at all Patty,” he said angrily. “One moment you complain that i have been avoiding you, another minute you tell me to leave!”
My jaw dropped open but no words c@m£ out. My heart was throbbing insanely.
“When you look at me like that,” he sighed. “It makes me think Patty.” His f!ngerstrailed down my sides ma-king me shiver.
Tears welled up in my eyes. What the hell was he doing to me? My b©dy started to shake and my face turned red.
He suddenly let go of me and placed a hand on my head. “I am sorry. I crossed the line.”
He turned around and walked out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door.

“Mac?” I said timidly. He was standing with a bunch of older guys during lunch break at school the next day. His eyes turned towards me and he sighed.
“I’ll catch you guys later,” he told the other guys. Putting his hand on my back, he led to me the side. “What is it?”
“I am sorry for yesterday,” I bit my lowerl-ip. It was the blue varsity jacket he wore that made me just want to k!sshim. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“Its okay,” he shrugged showing no sign of forgiveness on his face. “You can’t help liking someone.”
“What?” I half yelled. “I was not even thinking about Hunter! I was missing my Dad.”
Hisl-ips p@rted and fluttered his eyelids. “I-I didn’t know I am sorry.”
Letting out a hvge sigh, I took his hand into my palm. “You’re the only guy I ever think about. Just you Mac.”
His beautiful eyes softened and he nodded. My heart couldn’t help but skip a beat with joy by the way he made me feel.
“I am sorry for overreacting,” he whispered leaning in close to my mouth.
I filled the gap between us by placing myl-ips on his. Mac’s strong arms wra-pped around my b©dy as he k!$$£d me back. There was nothing in the world that tasted better than his k!ss.
He was my knight in shining armour. Those words Hunter had re-ad, they were for Mackenize. My Mackenzie.
Mackenzie. Mac. Mackenzie.
The only name that spinned around in my mind as I k!$$£d him again. This moment, was where we both belonged. Together.
“You’re one hell of a k!ss£r,” he chuckled placing his forehead against mine. I laughed and my cheeks turned a bright pink color. “Patty I wanted to ask you something.
“Anything,” I whispered ru-bbing my nose against his.
He backed away slightly digging his hand into his pocket.
His f!ngerspu-ll-ed out a small box with a red velvet covering.
My eyes grew big as my veins throbbe-d like hell.
He slowly opened the box and I saw a beautiful silver ring sitting inside the box. “Will you go to Prom with me?”
“M-Mac I-I…” I stammered and his soft hands took mine placing the ring on my f!nger.
“I really didn’t know what to get you,” he ru-bbe-d his n£¢k nervously. “Some friends suggested a ring so I got it.”
“I love it,” I flu-shed and my mouth started to hurt from smiling too much. “And ofcourse I’ll go to prom with you!”
“Good,” he win-ked at me and put the box back into his pocket. “I have a lot of plans for prom night.”
“You’re ma-king it sound like a wedding night,” I chuckled while rolling my eyes.
“Could be something like that,” he win-ked again ma-king my heart st©p. And ladies and gentleman, I died.
Episode 14
“Patty,” Hunter reached out to me in school the next day. Mac had skipped school that day for some reason I was unaware of. “I really nee-d to talk to you.”
He sat down next to me at the lunchtable. Wow, and I thought he was embarras-sed of being seen with me.
“What makes you think you can sit with me?” I snorted.
“Its just something really important,” he sighed stealing a french fry from my plate. What was with everyone stealing my food?
I swatted his hand away. “I don’t have time for your bull$h!t.”
He scoffed. “I am pretty sure Mac is the bull$h!t here.”
I felt so defensive about Mac. How dare he call him that!
“You have no right to say cra-p about him,” I said defensively.
“You don’t even know cra-p Flabby Patty,” he laughed.
“You’re so naive.”
Naive. That’s the same word Mac had used earlier.
“You think Mac is a piece of $h!t because he’s better looking than you,” I sm-irked and munched on my french fries.
“Pfft,” he rolled his eyes. “I think he is a piece of $h!t is because he is. Just google Matthew Rogers.”
“Why the hell would I google a random as-s?”
“Just do it.” He win-ked getting up from my table and walked away joining his as-s-hole mates.

Staring at the l@pt©p screen, I cracked my f!ngers. I was scared to google what Hunter had asked me to. Taking a de-ep breath I typed in ‘Matthew Rogers’ and cli-cked search.
The first link that showed up was ‘Matthew Rogers dies in a fire’. I cli-cked the link and an article opened up. There was a picture of a familiar looking man.
As I re-ad along the article, it had said that the man in the picture had burned and died in a mysterious fire that had started in the house. Although his son Mackenzie and wife Helen had survived.
Wait what the fv¢k? I was staring at a picture of Mac and his mom on my computer screen. He lied to me. He had said his mom and dad had gotten divorced. What on earth was all this cra-p?
gr-abbing my phone I dialled in Mac’s number and called him. It was time for some answers. Either Hunter was pla-ying some stupid practical joke or Mac was hiding something.
The number you have dialled is temporarily out of service.
What the hell?
Without a thought, I ended up messaging the link of the article to
Hunter. And as usual there was a sudden reply from him.
Hunter’s Reyes: Ha! So you listened
Patricia Smith: stfu and tell me what the hell is this
Hunter Reyes: The truth
Patricia Smith: How did you find out?
Hunter Reyes : The guy’s fake as fv¢k. Was not too ha-rd to figure it out
Patricia Smith: You’re fake as fv¢k
Hunter Reyes: trust me he’s not who he says he is
Patricia Smith: and why do you care
Hunter Reyes: i don’t
Patricia Smith: Then st©p trying to break things between Mac and me. I really like him.
Hunter Reyes : there’s something off about that guy. I just know it.
Patricia Smith: then why did you introduce him to me?
Hunter Reyes : Idk
Patricia Smith: See you’re full of $h!t!
Hunter Reyes: I am only trying to protect you for fv¢ks sake
My heart st©pped. Hunter? Protecting me? Joke of the century.
Patricia Smith: Dont make me laugh .
Hunter Reyes: I get it i made a mistake. I am sorry for calling you names all these years, I am sorry for everything.
You can post this online if you want, just plea-se patty stay away from Mac!
Patricia Smith: No Hunter, you stay away from me.
Hunter Reyes: I am afraid I can’t do that Flabby
Rolling my eyes, I slammed the lid of the l@pt©p shut. He definitely knew how to get on my nerves.
Mackenzie would definitely have a valid or reasonable explanation for what I had just re-ad. All I had to do was ask him.

“Avery? How did you know about Mackenzie?” I asked her the next day.
She shrugged in reply. “I met him at this p@rty Hunter took me to and well he told me that they were friends.”
“Well I just showed him a picture of you telling him you’re one of my best friends,” she smiled warmly at me. Gosh, she was beautiful. “And he was smittened.”
A lump formed in my throat. A day ago I was blinded by Mac’s charm and now only because of a simple thing that Hunter had said, I was doubting him.
I felt guilty for believeing he could be lying to me.
“Why are you asking?” she asked curiously.
“No reason,” I replied shaking my head.
A strong pair of hands covered my eyes from behind me. His t©uçh made me recognise his pres£nce.
“Mac I know it’s you,” I laughed turning to see Hunter staring at me with a poker face. “Oh Hunter..”
He faked a smile. “Hey Ave. Was-sup?”
“Patty was just asking me questions about Mac,” she sm-irked and I glared at her for telling him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that he had me worried.
“Speaking of which, where is he?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “His phone is off.”
Hunter tried to contain a laugh. “He is a liar,” he coughed and I punched his gut. “OOF!”
“St©p saying $h!t about him!” I almost yelled.
“Yeah,” Avery tea-sed. “She’s his lover!”
“No I am not!”
“Yeah she isn’t,” Hunter win-ked at me with his usual cheeky grin on his smug face.
“Well I’ll see you guys later,” Avery said k!ss!ngmy cheek and waved goodbye to us. She had a number of friends to hang out with unlike me.
“How come it isn’t awkward for you guys even after scre-wing each other?” I asked.
“Because it was a mutual decision to end it,” he raised his eyebrows. After that, Hunter squinted his eyes like he did when he studied my face. “What bothering you Flabby?”
“You,” i said bluntly texting Mac for the 50th time that day. “Where is he? I am worried.”
“Probably scre-wing someone else,” Hunter started but shut up after I sh0t him an angry look.
“Gosh lighten up will you,” he pinched my nose. “Let me teach you how to have fun.”
“I don’t have time to have fun. I have to work on my personal statement for college.”
“We’ll get that done too,” he said gr-abbing my hand. “Just come.”
I had no choice but to follow him.
He led me to his car in the parking lot.
“Get in,” he said firmly climbing behind the steering wheel.
“Are you gonna make me skip clas-s?” I crossed my arms refusing to get into his car.
“Its your last year,” he said opening the door from inside. “Live a little.”
“I would have if you didn’t make my life so miserable,” I sh0t at him getting into the car.
“Shut up for a while and just have fun,” he frowned at me as he started the engine to his car. It smelled really refreshing and minty just like he always did.
Or did Mac smell minty? I don’t know I was confused! Mac could have been in trouble and nee-ded me and here I was doing something he was afraid of all along!
Hunter turned on the radio blasting the music on. “This is called Muuuusic.”
“I know what it is loser,” I sl@pped him arm.
“That’s domestic violence,”he pouted.
“St©p being so lame,” I laughed at his pouty face.
“plea-se keep your seat belt on at all times,” He spoke into an invisible walkie talkie as he pu-ll-ed the car out of the school parking lot.
“Where are we going to have fun?”
“My room,” he glanced at me with a wi-nk. I flu-shed.
“per-vert!” I yelled.
“Hushhh,” Hunter placed his hand over my mouth shutting me up. I li-cked it ma-king him pu-ll it away with a j£rk. “You’re an animal!”
Laughing hysterically, I cl@pped my hands together while he wiped his against his jeans.
“What?” He said. “Did it taste that good?”
Rest of the drive was silent besides the music pla-ying on the radio. Hunter concentrated on the road and I took a gander at him. He was extremely good looking with a perfectly chiseled jawline.
I had never even st©pped to consider how h0t he was. Maybe because he was too busy saying cra-p to make me hate him?
Was it all an act Hunter? Beneath that per-verted as-s-hole was there a guy i didn’t know? Maybe someone who was worth knowing.
As he glanced at me I quic-kly turned away hoping he wouldn’t have seen me staring at him.
The car st©pped in front of a clothing shop.
“What the heck are you doing?” I spoke annoyingly.
“Shopping,” he flashed me his credit card. “Come on.”
He got out of the car and I followed. It was a dress shop.
“Why are we here?” I asked again.
“So many questions,” he rolled his eyes and flashed me his credit card again. “Shopping.”
“I am not much of a shopper,” I bit my l!pas we both walked to the door of the shop.
“What’s that?” he suddenly spoke gr-abbing my hand.
“Mac gave me that ring,” I said nervously. Mac, oh God. I had forgotten all about him.
“Did he now?” Hunter frowned and without a warning pu-ll-ed the ring off my f!nger tossing it to the other side of the road.
“HUNTER WHAT THE fv¢k??!” I screamed with tears welling up in my eyes as I started to run towards the road. His big hands pu-ll-ed me back and I pushed him off.
“Get off!” I cried shoving him away. “You crossed the line!”
His eyes were dark and intense. “No. He did.”
I was so surprised by his reply that I forgot all about going after the ring.
“Probably was a cheap as-s ring anyway,” he shook his head and opened the door to the sto-re.
“The price of the gift does not make it special Hunter,” I said softly. “Its the person who gives it you, makes it special.”
We both walked into a fairy land with beautiful dressed hanging in every corner of the sto-re.
“Hunter!” A petite woman wearing a short dress and tons of make up walked up to Hunter hvgging him. “Nice to see you!”
“Hey Aunt Marlene,” he hvgged her back. “This is my friend Patty. She nee-ds a dress for prom.”
“What no..” i raised my hands but she quic-kly pu-ll-ed me with her to the changing room.
“Lets get you something to match your skintone,” she eyed me and tossed me a bunch of dresses. “You try these on.”
Sighing to myself, I closed the curtain to the changing room and tried on the first dress which showed too much of my skin. Ugh.
“Shall i come in?” I heard Hunter’s mischievous voice from the other side of the curtain.
“I swear I will rip your eyes out if you do,” my heart raced.
He laughed like a freaking hyena. But a cute hyena. “I am kidding Flabby.”
Trying on another dress, I liked what I saw in the mirror. A stra-pless blue dress which went down till my knees.
“Is she your aunt?” I called out posing in front of the mirror.
“Yeah,” I heard him say. “She’s my Dad’s sister. She owns this sto-re.”
“Have you tried a dress on?”
“Yeah I think I like the one I am wearing at the moment,” I replied and the curtains suddenly flung open ma-king my jump.
Hunter sl@pped his hand against my mouth from preventing me from screaming. Angrily, I shoved him off.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” My face was as bright as a tomato.
Hunter’s eyes traveled down to my feet and back to my knees with hisl-ips slightly p@rted. He looked at me right into my eyes.
We both stared awkwardly at each till he opened his mouth. “Nice legs.”
“GET OUT!” I pushed him out of the changing room and pu-ll-ed the curtains. Resting my back against the wall, I closed my eyes thinking about what had just happened. What was I doing here? With Hunter!
“Patty just choose a dress,” I heard him say.
“You’ll look good in any.”
Hunter thought I’d look good. I snorted to myself and chose the blue dress I was wearing.
I walked out of the changing room with him waiting for me. “This one.” I placed my hands on my h!ps and a hvge smile formed across hisl-ips.
Hunter paid for it. Something about ma-king it up to me for ma-king my life miserable or something.
We pu-ll-ed back into the school parking lot. Both of us, had missed two periods.
“Thankyou for that Hunter,” I said warmly getting out of the car. “You didn’t have to though.”
“But I wanted to,” he followed smiling back at me.
At at that moment, the worst thing happened to me. I saw Mac staring right us both standing in the parking lot.
His face was red, raging with anger with his fists clenched.
“Caught you both red-handed,” he growled angrily.