First love again episode 20 – 22





💙Tristan Robertson💙

It was time, and I was way over my head. I was nervous and the only thing that I could hear was the sound of the beating of my heart. My palms were Sweating and my head was spinning. I didn’t know if I could do it, do the plan!

Suddenly, the door bur-sted open starling me. Calvin strolled in. He had the biggest grin ever. I didn’t know if I should be angry at him or terrified. By the way he was acting, he looked like a creep re-ady to attack him. Calvin slowly walked towards him and started chuckling.

“Are you re-ady, lover boy?” He asked in amusement. I just glared at him not even caring one but of what he was saying.

“Ignoring me, eh?” He noticed raising an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do the right decision tonight.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked trying to sound oblivious. I didn’t want him to know that I knew what he was planning. I just couldn’t ruin the plan and risks the lives of my loved ones.

“How’bout I show it to you.” He suggested fishing his phone out of his pocket. Then he showed me a video of my sister, Bella, and my beloved, Rosalie, into two separate rooms.

They were tied up like him and they were waiting for something to happen. I could see Bella trying to struggle and fight the rope but it didn’t do anything. No matter what she does, it was just damn too ha-rd to untie.

“Why is Rosalie here?” I asked trying to sound like I didn’t know anything about his precious plan.

“Let’s just say that tonight, one of them may die and it’s going to be all because of you.” He said laughing in amusement.

“You make me sick!” I spat s£nding him daggers throu-gh my eyes.

“I really don’t care, lover boy!” He chuckled as his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller I.D. and his grin faded away.

“I’ll give you a minute to make your decision. And remember, choose wisely.” He smiled like a sick bastard he was and slam the door closed.

I’m scre-wed and I know it!

☠️Calvin Domingo☠️

I frowned at my phone and glared at it wishing that the person on the other line would just die throu-gh the daggers I was s£nding him. The phone continued to ring irritating the $h!t out of me. I gro-an ed and answered the phone.

“Why are you calling?” I annoyingly asked.

“fv¢k you, Domingo!” He growled from the other line causing me to pu-ll the phone away from my ears.

“I suggest that you bring my daughter back here, in this instance!” He demanded. I could picture his red, angry face right now which made me grin. I laughed at him and let out a sigh.

“Why should I do that? I’m not stupid, know! I have br@ins. You just didn’t know who you were facing!” I said smiling in triumph. you

“You better not hurt her, Domingo! Bring her back or-”

“Or what?!” I asked cutting him off. “You’re going to kill me? Put me in prison? Murder me?” I chuckled again. This man was seriously ridiculous and stupid. “You can’t threaten me anymore. I have more evidence to put you down. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t record everything you say?” I snickered and I could imagine the horror on his face. “Guess I out smarted you, didn’t I? Ahh.” I sighed. “If you just didn’t kill my sister then this shouldn’t have happen, my king!” I said the last words in a teasing manner.

“What are you talking about?” He asked sounding oblivious.

“Oh don’t act as if you don’t really know what had happen. You killed my sister, Casey Domingo. Does that ringa bell?”

“Casey Domingo?” He repeated. “I don’t-”

“I really don’t want your explanation. All I know is that your daughter is my pay back. I will make you feel sorry. I don’t care if you’re the freaking King of England .Because to me, you’re just one of the as-s-holes in this country.” I said full of anger and hanged up the phone.

I was re-ady for this. For my sister’s freedom and justice. I will do whatever it takes.

💙Tristan Robertson💙

Calvin c@m£ back with a very pissed expression on his face. He looked like he had been yelling.I’m guessing he didn’t really liked talking to whomever was on the phone.When he noticed me watching his every move, he started grinning like a creep again and brou-ght out a sort of remote controller from his pockets .

I eyes it suspiciously and he started chuckling like a crazy maniac.

“I hope that was enough time for you to choose, lover boy?” He asked me as he walked in circle around me.

“What you have to do is very easy. You just have to choose between the two. Your lovely sister on your left, and your girlfriend on your right.
I don’t care which one you choose, because either way, I’m still a winner because one of them will surely die. You got exactly 2 minutes to untie and save one of them before the bomb goes off.” He said then he leaned closer to my ears.

” But the other one, explodes like a dynamite.” He said letting out his evil, disgusting laugh.

” Boss.” Dave said bur-sting throu-gh the door. He was p@n-ting heavily, I’m guessing from running.

” What ?! “Calvin said in a low dangerous voice.

“The police is here! We gotta get going!” He said panicky and Calvin started to grew anxious.

” Police ?! How did they find us ?!”He screamed.

“I don’t know, we gotta get out of here. I parked the car at the back.” He informed him and Calvin nodded.

Calvin checked his phone and I took that time to looked at Dave. He gave me the sign with his f!ngerson his side. He put out three f!ngerswhich means we were doing plan C. I nodded my head once telling him I un-derstand it.

“Untie him.” Calvin demanded as Dave walked up to me. He first untied my legs. I stood up and I almost fell back to the chair. It must have been weeks since I last walked so my legs felt like jelly. They were really wobbly. Dave helped me to steady myself, then he untied my hands.

“Let’s go!” Calvin screamed as he pressed the bu-tton. I knew then that my 2 minutes were going. Calvin sprinted to the back where I was as-suming his car was parked.

“Go!” Dave yelled as I sprinted towards the rooms.

plea-se, Lord, help me now!





💫 Rosalie Dela Cruz💫

I closed my eyes nearly drifting of to sleep. After Dave told me what the plan was, I didn’t know if he was really telling me the truth or if he was just messing with my head.

I didn’t want to think about it so I tried to clear my mind from all this ridiculous events. I let sleep take over me but the door suddenly opened as it hit the wall ma-king a cracking sound.

At first, I thought it was Calvin but when I saw his face, my heart pounded and l just wanted to hvg and k!sshim over and over again.

“Tristan.” I whispered my voice croaking a little. He sh0t me a soft smile and quic-kly untied my hands and feet. When I was freed, I pu-ll-ed him into a big hvg. He stiffened for a moment but hvgged me back anyway.

“Let’s get you out of here”, he whispered softly in my ears as he carried me in bridal style. I suddenly heard a beeping sound.

“What is that?”l asked Tristan as all his muscles sliffened. I knew he knew what it was it sounded like “A bomb!” I screamed panicky. Then I remembered the plan.

“Bella ?! Why didn’t you save her?!” I said as l struggled in his arm.

“We have to go, Rosalie.” He demanded as he sprinted far away as possible from the rooms. I looked at the room across from mine and tears rolled down my cheeks.

“We gotta save Bella!” I screamed as he put me down on the gras-s far away from the huildings. “We have to go back.” I cried as I fought with him and tried to run back to save Bella but Tristan firmly held me by the w@!st.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine”, He told me and I couldn’t help but think if he was Crazy.
“Are you damn stupid! Your sister is in there re-ady to explode and you woldn’t even save her! We have to go back!” I yelled as tears continually flowed.

“Shhh Shhh .. It’s going to be alright.” Tristan said pu-lling me into a hvg as I sobbe-d loudly.

Then suddenly, the explosive sound c@m£ and I screamed in fright “BELLA” I yelled hoping she was okay.

The buildings were torn ap@rt into millions of pieces and fire occu-pied the place. I cried even Iouder and Tristan comforted me. I then heard the sounds of sirens from behind as Tristan carried me in bridal style again and placed me down on the strecher by the ambulance.

“We’ll handle her, sir.” The nurse said as Tristan nodded and about to leave when i gr@bb£d his arm softly.

“plea-se don’t leave me.” I whispered ba-rely audible I was surprised he heard me. He nodded his head and pu-ll-ed me into a hvg as I let the heat of his b©dy comfort me. I sobbe-d once again as he said soothing words in my ears and k!$$£d the t©p of my head.

“Woah what’s with all the crying?” A hoarse voice said causing me to wh!pmy head on their direction. My blood flowed once again and relieve washes over me.

“Bellal” I pu-ll-ed away from Tristan and made my way to Bella even if I knew that my legs won’t be able to stand for a very long time.I hvgged her ti-ghtly as she wra-pped her arms around me.

“I am so glad you’re okay! You have no idea how worried I was!” I told her as she ru-bbe-d my back and pu-ll-ed away.

“Of course I’m okay, my own Prince Charming c@m£ and rescued me.” She genuinely smile as Logan wra-pped his arm around her w@!st and brou-ght her closer to his side k!ss!ngthe side of her forehead. “And I bet yours saved your life as well.” She said c0cking her head to Tristan’s direction.

I I looked over my shoulder seeing Tristan standing there with a sm-irked on his face. “About that.” I said walking slowly towards him, “Thank you.” I gratefully said k!ss!nghim on the cheeks as he pu-ll-ed me closer towards hirm.


I was now sitting on the back of the ambulance as the nurse aided my wounds. There were small wounds that Cut throu-gh my skin when the explosive happened and my wrists were turning purple from the rope. The nurse put the final bandage around my wrist and when he was done, he nodded and Smiled at me as he left,

“You okay, Bel?” Logan suddenly asked staring at me. I nodded my head and sh0t him a reas-suring smile. “Thanks. for saving me.” I told him wholeheartedly as he sat beside me wra-pping his arm around my shoulder.

“I would never again let anything hurt you” He whispered softly in my ears. “I’m so glad you’re okay” I l@ymy head on his shoulder taking in his sweet, intoxicated smell that made me want to just pu-ll him to me and k!sshim again and again. “I love you. Logan.” I declared as I lifted my head and he looked down at me. “I love you too, Bella.” He said as he Captured my mouth in his. A set of blazing electricity went off and I felt my stomach did a double fli-p.

“Sorry to interrupt.” A husky voice said ma-king me pu-ll away from Logan. I blu-shed to the fullest as Logan let out a chuckle. I looked up to the man seeing it was Dave.

“Dave?” I said shockingly. “You’re still here? They didn’t arrest you?”

“You want them to arrest me?” He asked pla-yfully.

“No, I mean, didn’t they charge you of kidnapping or something?” He snickered then he took something out of his pockets from his leather jacket. He opened his wallet and there was a badge. “I was un-dercover. We had been trying to defeat Domingo for years and we finally did it. Thanks to you and your friends.” He stated as my jaw dropped to the floor.

“So you actually knew about his plans?”

“Yup, I’ve been watching Domingo for years now. And when I found out he was doing negotiating with the King, I knew something bad was about to happen. I knew the King was pla-ying tricks. And now, we know that he wouldn’t care if he put his own daughter in danger. I’m so glad that we found out sooner than later.” He explained.

“I just want to thank you for everything, Dave. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here in safe and sound condition.” I thanked him offering him a grin. “Don’t mention it. Besides, it was my duty to save you.” He smiled back.

“Dave” a police officer called signalling him to come over.

“Well I guess I’ll see you guys later”, he said and jogged to where the other police man was.

“So where were we?” Logan said and k!$$£d me again.

I hope we can stay like this forever.

I want a prince charming too🥺🥺😌