First love again episode 16






“The mall? Are you sure you gave me the right address?” Fred asked looking between the address I gave him and the mall. “Yeah, I just neel to get.. um .. something ..” I lied smiling at him as l got out of the Car. He got out as well and locked his car.

“Look, why don’t you just go around and shop or something while I buy the stuff I nee-d to buy” I suggested as we entered the mall.

“Can l just go with you? Besides, I don’t want you to encounter those gang people again.”

“Its not like I’m going to get hurt. We’re in the mall which means there are a lot of bystanders here.” I explained trying Ia persuade him to leave me.

“Besides, I nee-d to buy Some un-derwear.” I whispered the last p@rt to him.

“Alright, fine. Call me when something happens, okay?”

“Of course, I’ll call you as soon as I fnish shopping.” I informed him with a smile as I walked to the other direction.

When I was sure that he wasn’t following me, I made my way out af the mall and cross the road. I walked to the police station which was a block away from the mall.

There was an officer behind the counters.He was talking to the phone so I decided to wait for him.

“How may I help you? “He asked softly

” Um I’m looking for uh. I’m” I stuttered. Why an I nervous? If this plan worked, I’ll be able to get Tristan back without any of my friends getting hurt.

“| don’t have all day, ma’am. “He said impatienly”

“I’m sorry. Iisten, I’m just trying to find this person but l don’t know who he is. Although, I do remember his face. Is it akay if i look throu-gh your Wanted list” I asked him pleadingly. He eyed me suspiciously then he answered,

“Na!” He declared going back to work,

“plea-se! Youre the only one who can help me. Just help me find him. If you don’t, he will surely kill me and my friends.” I informed him and he quic-kly snap his head in my direction.

“This is not a joke, missy.” He said seriously.

“I’m not joking. If I were, then you could put me in prison now!” I said with determination. I wasn’t joking or lying. I know I was telling the truth. Although, I’m scared to go to jail. “But plea-se don’t.” I added. He sighed.

“I’m sorry, but everything’s confidential.”

“plea-se!” I pleaded showing him my puppy eyes. He sighed again and I knew he was having second thoughts but I knew he was giving in.

“Follow me.” He led me to a room full of filing cabinets. He sat on the edge of table in the middle of the room.

“Do you know anything about the person you are talking about? Anything specific?” He asked.

“I think he’s a member of a gang. He had tons of piercings on his face.” I tried explaining as he looked at me weirdly. “Well, we’d been trying to prison this gang.” He went to a filing cabinet and took out a hvge binder.

“All the members are in here. There are more gangs in the city though, but we’d been looking for them for ages.” He handed me the file as I accepted in. I opened the binder and the first person was the person I was looking for. He had the same aura of a bad boy.

“This is him.” I told the officer pointing at the picture. He looked at the picture and a scowl entered his face.

“Calvin Domingo. The leader of the gang. Are you sure this the guy?” He asked me.

“Yeah. Listen, I nee-d your help. I have a plan.”

“I can’t just help you. I don’t even know what the case is.” “This guy had been threatening me that he will kill my friends . He even raid our ap@rtment.” I explained to him desperate for his help.

“You were the one that they attacked?!”

“Yes, now will you help me or not? You’re my only hope, plea-se?” I begged as he nodded hesitantly.


I told Officer Hillbert about my plan and he wasn’t really agreeing with me. He didn’t like my plan because he thought that it might put me and Tristan in a lot more trouble.

“So what am I going to do?”

“Look. just let us do the work, okay? We’ll figure something out. Your plan is a little dangerous. If it doesn’t work, there’s a lot of chances that Tristan could be killed. Not only him but you and your friends as well. We know Calvin Domingo, he’s a clever man. He can manipulate people and wra-p them around his f!nger without them even knowing it”.

“Okay. I’ll wait until you figure Something out plea-se call me as soon as possible.” I informed him and he nodded.

“I’ll tell the rest today so we can start planing.”

“Thanks.” I walked out of the police station and thanked Officer Hilbert again. He gave me his emergency number in casc something happen to me or my friends.

I was on my way back to the mall after an hour in the police station. Suddenly, my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D. and Fred’s name flashes throu-gh the screen.

“Hello?” I answercd reluctantly

“Where are you? I searched the whole mall alre-ady but I can’t find you anywherc?” He asked worriedly.

“I’m just- uh-I-um.” I rushed inside and entered the first sto-re I could see.

“I’m at the Drug sto-re”

“Alright, I’ll go there now.”

I pretended to be shopping taking a few ch!ps and chocolate and paid for it. I saw Fred entering the sto-re and approachcd me.

“Hey, I thought you went shopping?” He asked eyeing me suspiciously.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Then where are all the bags?”

“I- uh I just went window shopping. I didn’t really like anything. Why don’t we go gr-ab something for lunch and take it home so we can eat with the rest?” I suggested.

“Alright.” He agreed as we made our way to the food court.

“Where have you guys been?” That was the first thing Logan said rushing towards us and pu-lling me into a bone-crushing hvg.

“We just went to the mall and went shopping. Well, according to Bella,” Window’shopping. “Fred said quoting the word’window.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have went with you instead.” He asked looking at down at me.

“It’s fine. And you were slee-ping I didn’t want to wake you up”.

“Next time, tell me. I’ve been worried about you and you didn’t even answer your phone. ”

“Sorry, I put it on vibr@te.” I lied.

“Alright.” He said as we plopped down the couch as Fred prepared the table for lunch.”

“Where’s Rosalie?” I asked looking around.

” Oh, she’s in her room. She wasn’t really feeling well. She has an headache”

“Okay, I’ll check up on her later.”

Logan and I were lying down the be-d chatting. I was lying down his che-st as he stro-ked my hair.

“When is this all going to end?” I asked him tiredly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get Tristan back.” He said unsurely.

“How? When? When he’s dead?!” I couldn’t help but think negatively. It’s been almosta week but nothing seems to be working out for us.

“Shh” Logan shushed me k!ss!ngthe t©p of my head. “Don’t think that. We’ll find your brother. There’s a time for everything.”

“I just don’t know what to do anymore. I want my brother back, but at the same time, I want my friends safe . What should I do? I’m so out of choices here.” I asked desperately.

“It’s okay. Everything’s going to be alright. I promise.” He said leaning down and k!$$£d me on thel-ips with so much pas-sion and love. I wra-pped my arms around his n£¢k and k!$$£d him back with the same pas-sion and love.

The next morning, I woke up by someone k!ss!ngme everywhere. My eyes, nosel-ips. I stirred in my sleep and opened the lids of my eyes seeing Logan staring back at me with those sparkling. dashing blue eyes.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” He smiled sheepishly ru-bbing the nape of his n£¢k.

“It’s alright.” I smiled back puling him in a k!ss. When we run out of air, we pu-ll-ed away as he rested his head against mine.

“Why don’t we go somewhere today? Just the two of us.” He suggested pla-ying with my f!ngers.

“What if someone sees us and ask why youre guing out wich me and nut your fiance? We are in England after all.” I reasoned

“With some glas-ses and fake wig, I think Ican pu-ll it off” He shrugged grinning at me,

“You’re gonna wear a wig for me?” I beamed at him and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yes, which do you prefer. blonde or auburn?” He asked pla-yfuly.

“How’bout pink?” I tea-sed. “Anything for you.” He chuckled stealing a k!sson thel-ips but pu-lling back right away.

“Alright. Then it’s consider a d@t£.” I nodded bidng my bu-ttoml-ip. Logan stared at myl-ips and k!$$£d me again.

We were both reluctant to let go but we had to get re-ady for our first official d@t£, “Logan brou-ght me to the Big Ben Clock Tower and we ate lunch together. We were walking hand in hand without any care in the world. When he said he was going to wear the glas-ses and wig, he wasn’t kidcling, He was wearing some ray-bans sungas-ses and a blonde wig. I gota say. I dig his new look No matter what. he still looked handsome and good to k!ssall day. He managed to attra-ct all the ladies we pas-s by. even the elderly. He is one creepy, but h0t man.

“So, how you liking our first official d@t£? “He asked as we walked around.”

“It’s lovely. I love the Big Ben Clock Tower. I should totally build one right across my ap@rtment so I don’t have to buy a clock anymore, “I kidded

“So your liking the d@t£?”

“Yes. I’m amuse that you still attra-ct ladies whether you’re blonde, or not.” I tea-sed causing him to chuckle.

“Jealous?” He raise an eyebrow with a sm-irk plastered on his face.

“No, I said ‘amuse’ not ‘jealous.’Dream on big boy!” I kidded pushing his che-st pla-yfully walking a little fas-ter than him.

“Hey, wait up!” He shouted but I sprinted and let my legs bring me anywhere. We were both laughing because I could hear his laugh even a few inches away.

“Bella !!!” He yelled. “I’m gonna catch you!”

“You wish!” I yelled back. I ran towards some alley and I couldn’t hear Logan’s footsteps anymore. I started to feel anxious and frighten. The smile on my face quic-kly faded and my heart thumped panicky in my che-st.

“Logan ?!” I said quietly looking around me. I had a feeling that someone was watching over me. I felt like a prey getting hunted by it’s predator just waiting for it to attra-ct at the right time.

“Logan?” I said a little louder. I made my way out of the alley slowly, but before I could fully get out, someone pu-ll-ed me back placing a handkerchief on my nose. My mind couldn’t register what was happening. The next thing I know I was seeing sp©ts of dark circles and I faded into the man’s arms.

? Tristan Robertson ?

I struggled trying to unknot the tie on my hands behind my back. I couldn’t really do anything since they tied my hand into the chair ma-king it less possible.

When I get out of here, I’ll make sure to kill Calvin! The door suddenly open startling me. Calvin walked in with a handkerchief in his hand. Speaking of the devil! I eyed him suspiciously then he walked right in front of me. He bent down to my level as I s£nt him daggers throu-gh my eyes hoping he would die, but he just sm-irked at me then laugh.

“I gotta a surprise for you.” He whispered grinning evilly at me. I furrowed my eyebrows together. What did he mean by surprise? Was he gonna kill me or show me who his boss was?

“Bring her in, Dave!” He commanded as Dave walked in with a girl in his arms. She has a handkerchief in her mouth to prevent her from shouting, I guess, and they tied her hands behind her and her feet as well. She was unconscious lying in his arms with her eyes close.

“Who is she?” I asked studying the girl more. I couldn’t really see her face but I knew she look familiar. Calvin answered me with a laugh and placed a chair across from me leaving a great distance between.

“Just think of this as a” He trailed off thinking of a word to describe it. “Family reunion.” He finished then laughed evilly again. Family reunion ?

“Dave, put her here.” Calvin ordered as Dave placed her on the chair. I still couldn’t see her face since Calvin was blocking her with his hvge, muscled b©dy.

“Tie her to the chair.” He commanded handing Dave the rope. When they were done, Calvin stared at her and bent to her level.

“I told you not to mess with me” he said and walked away. He laughed leaving me and the girl alone.

I looked back at the girl. She was still unconscious and her head tilted to the other side. ‘Family reunion?’ then it Dawn on me.

“Bella?” I whispered.

So the two siblings finally met??