fire and ice finale

? FIR£
& IC£❄️
(Two Worlds Apa-rt…)

CHAPTER 60(Finale)+Epilogue

By, Summer Gold R.


“Leviana??” Alice called

She suddenly came back to reality and exhaled

“Gosh,,why am I suddenly thinking about Leviana?” She asked herself and turn on the light.

She fell on the be-d with a loud sigh,,

‘I hope Jupiter remember me soon,it’s sad’ She thought and stood up.

She took off her clothes and went into the bathroom,she turn on the shower and a wide smile escape her li-ps as the water run throu-ghher bo-dy.

After taking her bath,she put on something light and left her room.

“Where’s mom? She’s not Home?” Alice asked when she got downstairs,Julian was setting dinner already.

“She won’t come home” Julian said

Alice sat down

“You said that guy is your boyfriend?” Julian asked and also sat down,,

Alice nodded and started eating

“Since when? I never heard you talking about a guy,,and recently you told me you’re just thinking of trying,,,”

“You won’t un-derstand even if I tell you,okay?” Alice smiled

“He’s my boss” Julian said and Alice coughed out

She took a gl@$$ of water and gulped down everything

“He’s your what?!”

“I’m serious” Julian sighed chewing her food slowly

“Wow,,,” Alice smiled

“I’m sure he doesn’t know about you being my sister either” She said and Julian nodded

They continue eating in silence



“Julian??” Alice called as she came downstairs but got no response

“I guess she left already” Alice muttered and walked into the dining room,,Julian cooked before leaving

“I love you” Alice smiled and immediately sat down to eat.

Her phone started ringing and she answered immediately

“Alice” Kingston called

“Yes loli-pop?” Alice answered and Kingston chuckled

“Should I call you sweet then?” Kingston teased

“I missed you all night” Alice pouted
“Me too,,,when will your cl@$$es end? I’m going to pick you up” Kingston said

“2PM” Alice replied

“I will be there” Kingston said

“I will be waiting” Alice smiled and hanged up

She immediately eat up and ran out of the house.



“Jupiter!!” Alice called and hu-gged Jupiter as usual

Jupiter smiled at her

“You’re almost late” She said and Alice checked the time

“I’m kind of lucky” she smiled

Almost immediately,the lecturer came in and the students all settled down. Ryder joined Alice and Jupiter


“Did you guys find anything yet?” Alice asked Ryder and Jupiter

“Not yet,,and what kind of @$$ignment doesn’t have an answer in our textbooks?” Jupiter scoffed and sat down,the libr@ry was so silent

“I guess we will have to search online” Ryder said and brou-ght out his laptop from the bag

“I can’t believe you right now,,why didn’t you suggest this earlier? I’m so tired of searching already” Alice Gr0-ned

Ryder smiled

“Do you want ice cream?” He asked

“What do you take me for? A foodie?” Alice scoffed

“That’s what you are,,are you trying to deny it?” Ryder teased and Alice hit his back pla-yfully

There was total silence after that as Ryder worked on the laptop

“Got it” He announced

Jupiter and Alice rushed to him immediately

“Finally!” Jupiter screamed

“We are in the libr@ry,stop shouting” Ryder muttered

“Shut up or I shut it up for you” Jupiter snapped

“Then let’s forget this” Ryder stood up

Alice and Jupiter pulled him back

“I can’t believe this” Ryder mumbled

After doing the @$$ignment,they left the libr@ry.

“I’m so sleepy” Jupiter yawned

“You mean to say you’re hungry? Foodie” Ryder smi-rked and ran off

“Hey!!” Jupiter ran after him

Alice chuckled

“Are they serious right now?” She muttered and followed them


“Goodnight guys” Alice waved at Jupiter and Ryder

“See you tomorrow” Jupiter smiled

Alice entered Kingston’s car and left

“It’s confusing” Ryder muttered and sighed

“You should mind your own business” Jupiter snapped

“Gosh,,you’re scary” Ryder shook his head and opened his car

“Are you coming or not,” He asked

“My driver should be here soon,,” Before she could finish,Ryder pulled her into the car

“Don’t worry,,your boyfriend won’t find out” Ryder said and Jupiter scoffed


“My birthday is coming in two weeks” Alice said happily and Kingston nodded

“I’ve got a big surprise for you on your birthday” Kingston said

“Really? What is it about?” Alice asked

“I said it’s a surprise,you don’t expect me to tell you” Kingston said and Alice smiled

“I trust you so,,,I will be patient,but still I can’t wait” Alice said



“Do we really have to do this?” Alice asked as she held Kingston’s hand ti-ghtly,she was blindfolded and it’s ha-rd to walk

“Just hold on to me ti-ghtly like always,,” Kingston said

“It better be something good or you’re dead” Alice said and Kingston smiled

They continue walking,going down the stairs and finally got to the living room.

“We are here” Kingston whispers into her ear and slowly removed the blindfold.

“Happy Birthday!!!!!”

Alice opened her eyes and a loud gasp escape her li-ps seeing the people in front of her

Starting from Odette,Persephone,Seraphina,Linus,Jove,br@n,Jupiter and Ryder too!!!

“Oh my God,,,” Alice covered her li-ps with her palm and faced Kingston

She immediately hu-gged him

“I know you want to see them badly,,” Kingston muttered hu-gging her too

Alice broke the hu-g and rushed to Odette first,hu-gging her ti-ghtly

“I’ve missed you so much” Alice said almost in tears

“I missed you too Ice,,so much” Odette said

After some minutes,they dise-ngaged and Alice hu-gged Seraphina and Persephone too before hu-gging others.

“you guys really don’t have to do this,,seeing you all alone,,I’m so damn happy” Alice said as they gave her gifts

“So,,I’m the only one who’s a stranger here?” Ryder spoke up

“Yes but you’re cute,who are you?” Seraphina asked

“How can you call another guy cute when your boyfriend is right here?” Jove asked and they laughed

“Oh sorry,,I totally forgot you’re here” Seraphina said

“What?!” Jove shouted

“Don’t worry I’m not taking your girlfriend from you “Ryder smiled

“Of course you can’t,,you’re not even as handsome as I am” Jove scoffed

“Never knew Jove is as jealous as this” Alice laughed

“Don’t you dare laugh at myself brother,he have to protect his property” Jupiter said

“Does that mean,you’re my property too?” Linus asked

“We nee-d more wine,let’s get drunk!” Odette shouted and br@n pec-ked her cheek,she blus-hed

“I will do that,,” Persephone stood up

“Let me help” Ryder also stood up and followed her

Jupiter cleared her throat

“Does that kid have an eye for Persephone?” She asked

“I will be glad if that happens” Alice laughed

“I guess the three of you are close” Jove said

“We are best friends” Jupiter said

“But Jupiter and Ryder never get along,,they always fight like cat and rat. It’s always fun to watch tho” Alice laughed and Jupiter scoffed

“I’m somehow jealous,,” Linus muttered beside Jupiter and she faced him

“Really?” She asked

Linus nodded,staring at her li-ps

“No,,not here” Kingston spoke up as Linus was about to ki-ss Jupiter

Linus bite his li-ps and Jupiter giggles


“How about this?” Persephone asked showing Ryder one of the expensive wines

“Cool,,” Ryder smiled

Persephone took it

“Give me that,,I will hold it” Ryder took it from her

“It’s nothing” Persephone smiled

“So,,where do you stay?” Ryder asked

“Why? You want to come visit?” Persephone asked and Ryder smiled

“I’m just wondering,,” He said

“What kept you two for so long?” Jupiter asked

“How long? I don’t think it’s even up to five minutes” Ryder said dropping the wine

“And are you supposed to spend five minutes just to pick up wine?” Jupiter asked and Ryder Gr0-ned

“I won,,I just pissed you off” Jupiter said

“I didn’t know we are doing that here,,that’s cheating” Ryder said and Jupiter stuck her tongue out at him

“So you guys are betting on who get pissed off?” br@n asked

“Yes and this dummy always win me,,,I’m taking back everything today” Jupiter said

“Who cares? Once we get to school,you know what I am made of right?” Ryder smi-rked

“You two!” Linus snapped and looked at Ryder

“What” Ryder asked and Linus shook his head

“Nothing” he smiled

“Let’s dance,,who’s in?” Jupiter asked

“Me!!!” The girls screamed and immediately stood up

“Come here” Alice pulled Kingston up immediately



“I wish today never ends” Alice muttered moving into Kingston more on the be-d,she rest her head on his che-st

“Why??” Kingston asked

“I want to spend the night with you,,everyday. I want to be here beside you” Alice pouted and Kingston pec-ked her li-ps

“I will talk to your mom,,,I’m sure she won’t disagree” He said and Alice smiled

“Thanks for bringing them back,,I missed them so much. And it hurts more seeing Jupiter everyday without her knowing me as Alice” Alice said

“I know it’s ha-rd,that’s why I asked mother for help” Kingston said

“She’s not that bad after all” Alice said

Kingston got on top of her and care-ss her li-ps

“I love you” He said

“I love you too Tiger” Alice replied as Kingston ki-ssed her slowly

Alice immediately responded to the ki-ss.

Kingston broke the ki-ss and took off her night wear,,he stared at her bo-obs and smiled

“I missed them” Kingston said

“I’m sure they miss you too” Alice said in a se-ductive voice

Kingston took one into his mouth immediately and Alice gasped

“fuc-k,,” She mo-aned

Kingston s**ked her slowly and sweetly while she stro-ke his hair p-ulling him more into herself.

Kingston raised his head up and went for her li-ps again before taking off his shirt,,

“I’m going to make love to you,,notfu-ck this time” He whispers into her ear

“Can’t wait” Alice muttered and Kingston smiled and immediately their li-ps collided with each other,it was followed with loud mo-ans.





Kingston and Alice got married just two years ago after Alice graduated from College,,Jupiter and Linus also got married a year after.

Odette and br@n are still preparing for theirs,,Seraphina had to follow Jove out of the country and they are doing fine too.

Ryder and Persephone started dating two years ago and their love is out of the world,,Julian also left the country.


Alice was busy consuming Apples hungrily as she chat with her mom,,she’s heavily pregnant and once again her cravings for apples are so damn much that she can die for the love of apples.

She suddenly stopped and dropped the one she just picked from the fruit bowl

“Are you okay?” Mrs Johnson asked

“Argh!” Alice screamed out in pain and held her back

Mrs Johnson spranged up immediately and rushed to her side



Mrs Johnson saw her water and gasped

“Hospital!! I’m going to call the guards” Mrs Johnson ran out immediately

Alice screamed again as the pain gripped her

“Kingston!!” She shouted but she couldn’t scream loudly,the pain only worse-ned

Mrs Johnson ran in with three guards

“Call Kingston,,” Alice said as the guards tried carrying her

“I will,,but we nee-d to take you to the hospital first,,,”

“No!! Don’t touch me,,I want Kingston!” Alice snapped

Mrs Johnson immediately dialed Kingston’s number

Almost immediately Kingston ran in,,he actually used his power for the first time in many years but he have to save his wife.

“Baby!” He screamed rushing to Alice

“King,,,,arrgh!” Alice screamed

Kingston immediately carried Alice in his arms and rushed out

Mrs Johnson and the guards followed



“Calm down son,,she will be fine” Vesta said to Kingston who wouldn’t stop pacing around,he was looking so restless

Mrs Johnson was praying inwardly too

Jupiter rushed in

“Where’s Alice? Is she okay?” She asked worriedly

“She will be fine” Mrs Johnson said

“Agggh!!!!” They heard Alice’s scream and Kingston almost rushed into the ward but his mom stopped him

“Let me go in,,,she’s in pain,,I can’t bear it anymore” He said

“You should know it’s going to be ha-rd,,she’s giving birth to a devil’s son,a little devil” Vesta said and Kingston sighed

His whole bo-dy was heating up already,it was as if he should go into the ward and see Alice

“Kingston!!!!” Alice screamed again and this time Kingston didn’t wait,,he banged into the ward and rushed to Alice on the be-d

The Doctors looked up in confusion

“I will stay with her” Kingston said and held Alice’s hand

“Tiger” Alice called and slowly opened her eyes

“I’m here,,I won’t let go of your hand” Kingston said

Tears rolled down her eyes

“I’m in pain,,” She muttered

“You can do this,,okay? I trust you” Kingston said and ki-ssed her head

He turned to the doctors telling them to continue

“Arrghh!!” Alice screamed again

Kingston bite his li-ps ha-rdly as if to take the pain away

“One more time,,one more time” The Doctor urged

Kingston held her hand more ti-ghtly

Alice Gr0-ned inwardly pushing the baby out with all the strength left inside her.

And finally the cry of a baby filled the air.

Alice exhaled and dropped her back on the be-d

Kingston sighed out too as the Doctor carried the child still covered with blood

“Wow,,congratulations Mr Kingston,,it’s a boy” The Doctors said and Kingston smiled but immediately turned to Alice who already closed her eyes

“I love you,,” He said in a whisper and ki-ssed her hand

Alice smiled in her sleep


The hospital ward was filled up,,Alice’s friends and Kingston’s friend who heard the news couldn’t contain their happiness that they ran all the way to the hospital.

Alice was still fast asleep and the baby was in the crib

“He’s so handsome,,,” Odette said

“Wow,,just look at that blue eyes” Jupiter said as the baby opened his eyes

“Wow,,so cute” Linus smiled

“He look exactly like my son” Vesta said excitedly

Linus walked to Kingston who sat down beside Alice,ki-ssing her hand every second even though she’s not awake

“Congrats bro” Linus said and Kingston smiled

“I can’t wait for Jupiter to,,,,”

“Jupiter to what?” Jupiter interrupted

“To carry our child too” Linus faced her

“Now that Alice is first,,I’m no longer scared” Jupiter shook her head and Linus ki-ssed her head



“What do you think his blue eyes means?” Alice asked Kingston as they watched the slee-ping baby

“Mom said he’s going to possess both powers,,yours and mine together” Kingston said and Alice gasped

“So,I think his blue eyes represe-nts Ice.” Kingston added

“Wow,,” Alice smiled

“Do you know why I want his name to be Ace?” Kingston asked

“The meaning of Ace?” Alice asked and Kingston nodded

“Ace means,,Number one,And that’s exactly what our son is. Number one” Kingston smiled and faced Alice

“I love you Alice,,My woman” Kingston said

“I love you too Tiger,,My man” Alice said and Kingston pec-ked her li-ps.


Finally,,this is the end.

What’s your happiest scene?
Saddest scene?

Say something lovely to me?

Stay Tune,,our next story will be introduced soon

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